Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Hannah E. M.

Mitchell's forehead beaded with sweat as he struggled to make the final drum roll last. He stared at Mr. Forrest praying that he would just end the song already. Finally he gave the cut off and right as Mitchell went to hit the drum one last time his drumstick flew out his hand...
...and right into Mr. Forrest.
Mitchell eyes grew wide and he quickly ducked behind a timpani out of embarrassment. A couple of guys in the tuba section started snickering but they shut up as soon as Mr. Forrest glanced their direction.
"We'll need to work on that ending," he said. "Class dismissed."
Everyone went to pack up their instruments and when the crowd began to head out Mitchell attempted to slip out with them without getting noticed.
"Mr. Benjamin."
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face his teacher. "Yes Mr. Forrest?"
"I believe this belongs to you," he said as he held out the drumstick.
"Sure does, thanks Mr. F." Mitchell started to walk away but was stopped when he called his name again. Sighing, he trudged back over to him. "Yes sir?"
"Have you been practicing as much as I asked you to?"
"Absolutely sir." Of course he'd been practicing. His mother made sure of it.
Mr. Forrest raised his eyebrow. "Well be sure to get in extra this week. We wouldn't want any incidents  like today happening in the middle of a concert now, would we?"
"No sir."
"Good. Now run along, you don't need to be late for your next class."
Mitchell nodded in agreement before darting out the door. He didn't get very far down the hallway though before he ran into a girl as she came out of a classroom, sending her papers flying.
"Sorry," Mitchell said instantly. "I didn't see you there."
"No, no, it was my fault, I mustn't have been paying attention," she replied.
"Don't be ridiculous. Here, let me help you." Mitchell knelt down to help gather her things. As he went to hand them to her he got his first good look at her. She had delicate features, with a tiny nose and slender lips. She had on red rimmed glasses and her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail but she still had a strand of hair hanging down on both sides of her face.
"I-I don't think I've seen you around before," he stammered. "My name's Mitchell."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lori, today's my first day here."
"Well welcome to Joplin," he said as he shook her hand.
"Thanks," she replied giving him a shy smile. "Um, I should probably get going. Hopefully I'll see you around though."  She waved goodbye to him and walked off. He watched her go, somewhat in a trance. He snapped out of it though when the class bell rang, and after realizing that he was late he dashed off to class.
Mitchell sat in his math class with his headphones in and drumming his pencils on his desk along with his favorite song. He was lost in his own world, until someone came up behind him and pulled his earbuds out.
"Mitchell, you know you're not supposed to listen to music in class."
He sighed and looked up at Clara Clarkson, who was currently sitting on top of his desk and dangling the cord in front of him. She was the poster girl for Joplin's marching band, with her perfect blonde hair and position as head of the flute section. The year before his friends had forced him to ask her to the Freshman dance, and ever since then she seemed to have made up her mind that they were meant to be together.
"Oh come on Clara, Ms. Dorsey's late as usual, I'll put them away before she gets here, just give 'em back." 
Clara pulled them away from him as he tried to grab them. "I'll give them to you after school," she said while pocketing the headphones.
"Alright class, let's get started," Ms. Dorsey said as she walked through the door, taking away any chance Mitchell had for arguing. Upon sight of their teacher Clara hopped from Mitchell's desk and slid into the one behind him. Mitchell slumped down in his desk and began tapping his pencils again, not really interested in what Ms. Dorsey had to say, until he happened to glance up and see none other than the girl he'd run into early.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Lori Anderson. She's new in town. I expect you all to give her a warm welcome."
Lori forced a smile, but it was still obvious she felt uncomfortable being in front everyone. He smiled at her, hoping to ease her nerves, but his gesture was cancelled out by Clara faking a cough as a poor attempt to cover her saying "nerd". 
Angered, Mitchell turned and confronted her, "Be nice Clara. You don't even know her."
"Oh, and you do?" Clara responded, clearly taken aback.
"No, but I know better than to judge someone I just met."
Clara huffed at him, but otherwise remained silent.
Satisfied, Mitchell turned back to face Lori who looked graciously at him.
"Thank you, Mr. Benjamin," Ms. Dorsey said. "Anyway, Miss Anderson you may sit where ever you'd like."
Mitchell held his breath half hoping she might choose the empty seat next to him, but his hopes were dashed when instead she went over to Courtney Burgess and Jeffrey Alvin. They were known as Joplin's leading violinists, having been co-concertmasters with each other since middle school. Mitchell's heart sank. Even though he'd only known her for a brief time it was still disappointing to find out she was an orchestra girl.
"Told you," Clara whispered in his ear. He could practically hear the smirk in her voice.
After his last class of the day Mitchell headed out to his locker to gather his things. When he shut it again he found his best friend Travis leaning up against the wall next to him.
"Dude, what's this I hear about you flirting with the new chick?"
Mitchell sighed. "I was not flirting with her. I was just being nice."
"Yeah, whatever," Travis said. "You gotta control yourself man. I get that she's got major hottie potential, but she's one of them. If more people see you 'being nice' to her, words gonna get around, and that could cause major trouble for you dude, especially if Mr. Forrest hears, or worse, your parents."
"Travis, relax. You hit on at least ten girls a day. Why is it suddenly a big deal when I'm simply friendly to one?"
"Because all the chicks I hit on are band girls through and through. Listen dude, you know I'll back you all the way if you do decide to pursue this girl, I get it, the heart wants what the heart wants. I just thought I'd try to reason with you first."
"Don't worry about it man," Mitchell said trying to be reassuring. The two of them eventually headed outside to the front of the school where Mitchell began to search for his ride. He had gotten his license last month, but since he still didn't have the money for a car of his own he was forced to rely on his mother for rides to and from school. When he spotted the car, he was angered to find Clara already there leaning in the window. He said a quick goodbye to Travis before rushing over there.
"Hey, what's going on?" He asked when he arrived next to the vehicle.
"I just came over to return your headphones and ended up talking to your mom about that new girl at school today. What was her name again? Lindsay? Dory?"
"Oh that's right," Clara said giving him a seemingly innocent smile. "Anyway, it was nice talking to you Mrs. Benjamin. Bye Mitchell."
Once she walked off Mitchell hopped in the passengers seat of the car.
"So, Clara told me it seemed like you had a little crush on this girl Lori. Is that true?"
"I was just being nice."
"Hm," his mom responded. "How come it never worked out between you and Clara? She seems like such a nice girl."
"I just simply don't like her."
"That's too bad."
Mitchell sighed. He'd had this conversation with his mom a thousand times over. His parents were both big supporters of the band, having both been in it themselves when they went to Joplin. They had pushed both him and his sister into it, starting as soon as they were old enough to hold an instrument. Mitchell had loved playing the drums from the very start, but the thought of playing in the band had never been his thing. He didn't have a choice, however, and now that his sister had graduated and it was his turn to go to Joplin his mom especially was determined to make him just as popular as she had been, and to her if that meant dating Clara Clarkson, than that was what he had to do.
"So I got an email from Mr. Forrest this morning."
Mitchell banged his head against the headrest of the seat and prepared for a lecture. But as his mom droned on about how he needed to practice, he found his mind slipping to thoughts of red glasses and orchestra nerds.

© 2013 Hannah E. M.

Author's Note

Hannah E. M.
Let me know if you think this is a good way to start it.

My Review

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A good start.It made an interesting read, especially the enchantments of student life.Hope you carry on well.All the best!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Hannah E. M.

11 Years Ago

Thank you:)

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1 Review
Added on May 4, 2013
Last Updated on May 5, 2013
Tags: teen, romance, music
Previous Versions