Lipstick & High Heels

Lipstick & High Heels

A Poem by Marshal Gebbie

Dripping sex, she stood there, completely unaware
That every man about her had turned around to stare.
For in her nubile innocence and when her red lips smiled
She was causing utter mayhem as distracted drivers piled.
The Postmen stopped delivering, Policemen stood agape,
Conductors missed their trolleybus and Superman his cape!
…And as she sashayed down the street leaving bedlam in her wake
And all the while her red high heels were causing earth to shake,
Perambulating gracefully, impossibly demure,
She sauntered down the causeway, with a loveliness so pure.
Whilst just behind and following, a ravenous hot mob
Of nature’s gift to manhood, all slavering at the gob.
Quite suddenly with a swish of skirt she swirled about and laughed
At the frozen apparition there immobile and aghast.
Acutely frozen with embarrassment at having looked so damned absurd
They all dispersed their different ways without a single word.
“Bye boys” she chortled, with a devilment in play
With flick of skirt and toss of hair she turned and walked away.

Laughing to myself at the silly old mating game we play.
Pukehana Paradise
14 April 2013

© 2013 Marshal Gebbie

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Very nice description. Allow me to have some good vision. A beautiful woman can control our thoughts and action if they desire. Thank you for the outstanding poetry.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Very cute & amusing !

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 13, 2013
Last Updated on April 13, 2013


Marshal Gebbie
Marshal Gebbie

Auckland, New Zealand

Poem writer for the average Joe. Take tremendous satisfaction in creatively writing about everyday things and everyday people. Australian native who has adopted New Zealand and New Zealanders. Marvel.. more..
