The Insanity

The Insanity

A Poem by Marshal Gebbie




Aberration’s child is born as foetus in a man
Thoughts of where and why and when corrupted in the plan,
These aberrations manifest behaviourally where
Normality’s parameters are stretched beyond the tear.
Stretched beyond acceptable, stretched beyond belief
Like when the golden Altar boy becomes a rabid thief!
Like how that fool in North Korea with militarists in synch
With postulated threats has brought us all to nuclear brink.
Like when that freak in Batman gear let loose with deadly aim
To shoot the kids at movie time then claimed he was insane.
Like when the Barons grow the coke to corrupt all our youth
And bribe and cheat and kill and bash, yet call our laws uncouth.
What makes my brothers lie and steal, what makes them want to hurt?
What aberration wields the knife to shred the nubile’s skirt?
Why are financiers predatory, what gearing in their mind
Enables them, with conscience clear, to plot to fleece us blind?
When does this change occur in growth, at what stage does it switch?
How do angelic six year olds at fifteen turn to b***h?
Amazing that the blue eyed boy who smiled with curly locks
With age became infatuated with a lust for c***s?
Indecent that good working men who slave to build a stake
Can lose it all to those who use legality to take.
And what of those who plan to kill, what trigger in the brain
Determines that they chose this path?

Viewed from my (relatively) safe hidey-hole, Down Under.
Pukehana. NZ
6 April 2013

Artwork by Colin Hoare. 

© 2013 Marshal Gebbie

My Review

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Riveting piece. I was impelled to earnestly read the work after reading the first line. I liked how you referred to an aberration as an entity whose nature is spawned in its subsequent spawn, nascent mania. Quite a daunting enigma though, ain't it?


Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 5, 2013
Last Updated on April 6, 2013


Marshal Gebbie
Marshal Gebbie

Auckland, New Zealand

Poem writer for the average Joe. Take tremendous satisfaction in creatively writing about everyday things and everyday people. Australian native who has adopted New Zealand and New Zealanders. Marvel.. more..
