The final project

The final project

A Chapter by MusicLover

this is the final project and final preporations Brookes pic


*Brookes POV*

               Normally horror films do not creep me out but man the Saw series scared me so much I had to sleep in Pennys room. I feel a cold hand on my sholder and I squeak and shiver, even though it is 75° in here.I turn my neck too quickly and find out it was  Autumn who  was behind me.

                “Are you ok?” she asks with compassion in her voice.

                “You know now I really don’t know.” I say, with my voice rasping at the end.

                She has no idea.

                We are in our pshychology class, working our final project. We take a lesion we did in our class, find a song, and add pictures to make a "music video"

                "So what do you guys think we should do?" Maria ponders while taking a sip of her French vanilla capachino.

                "I have no idea." Penny retorts whilie pushing her thin black reading classes up the bridge of her nose.

                "How about human emotions. More specificly pain and its effects." I suggest to the group.

               "Sounds good to me." Autumn says, but she was unfocase and talking to Seth. She looks at us with a resentfull look, having knowledge on whats coming up.

                "Spill." Maria says with  power in her voice.

                "Well I was talking to Seth, and he mentioned Austins party on Saturday, and well I did some begging, and well I got all of us invited." she says.

                "Oh, good because  I have my cousins graduation." I say, worried it may have an affect on my plans, thank goodness she gave us assurance.

                Maria is about to contradict but the bell stops her.

                "Projects are due on Wednesday." the teacher calls out.







*Dillions POV*

                Its already 2:15, where is everybody. I asked them to get here early so we can discuss who does what. I slouch in the seat of my red Camery and pull out my jet black iPod my sister got me two years ago.

               I scroll through the songs passing familier artists: The Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Kraftwork ,Metallica,Rammstein, and Linkin Park. I select Linkin Park, and skim thorough the songs. I find "One step closer", and blast it through my ears. I get in a bliss of music, lost in my thoughts. A few minutes I see a black Ford, and see 3 men step out. Joey, James and Blake are ready for the plan.

                "What took you guys so long?" I say, in an agivated tone.

                "Traffic." James says.

                "Whatever, anyway we don’t have that much time. So we have to assinge different tasks for each day. I will watch today and go shopping on Thursday. James you go watch on Tuesday and shop on Wednesday. Joey shop on Tuesday and watch on Wednesday. Blake go shopping today and watch on Thursday. Now here is some cash for the stuff, and here is your list. We meet back here Thursday evening to discuss the next step of the paln. Now Blake, go shopping." I say.

                Man i feel like a general. I guess I inherted it from my father, I wonder how he is doing.







James 9 yards of rope, Video camera, a 9mm gun

Blake 4 roles of paking tape, 4 swiss army knifes, 4 rounds for a 9mm

Joey School stuff for 4 teen boys, 4 pairs of converse, 3 monthes of food

Dillion Teen clothes (boy/girl) 4 Fake ID's 3 iPods for the guys

© 2012 MusicLover

Author's Note

sorry that he chapter sucks

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it does suck that badly

Posted 12 Years Ago

♥ Kinnixk

12 Years Ago

M, don't do that to yourself *shakes pointer finger at you* you know better!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Some grammer issues can be easily fixed but i really like this. :) ****hint: do the interesting chapter next!!!!! please :) ****

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 28, 2012
Last Updated on June 12, 2012



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Liar Liar

A Poem by MusicLover