A Poem by Mark

My tribute to one who is unquestionably the most prolific and most profound of all the writers here, upon having learned of his heart attack last week...




A Giant ‘pon the earth doth stride

His feet leave mighty prints

And we who’ve in his shadow stood

May play within their dents

The Northern and the Southern,

 ‘pon both hemispheres he’s stood

The Western and the Eastern, too

Have known that  Giant’s good!


‘pon mighty Pillars he does stand

Which give him a long view

Until the day he was bemanned

They showed him what to do

When from Brittania’s misty climes

He felt the need to stir

His greaves and gauntlets were taut-set;

The rest now seems a blur!


Onto Tasman’s  southern shores,

Unto Maori lands

The Giant now has set his prow,

His head, his heart, his hands.

One ocean, you will duly note

Our Giant’s step has spanned;

O’er others he shall soar soon hence,

Ere voyaging is banned.


He donned a suit of khaki, then,

And strode where he was bid.

The wings he’d donned placed him in bond--

(For but a  season  did!)

Yet though his body was oft bound,

His spirit never ceased to strive

For during that time he had found

A vaster vehicle to drive!


Then across another Gulf

Of Leyte and So’Chin

His eye betook a second look

To test his might and mien

To bring the tongue of Eng-ga-lun,

Her precepts and her creed

Were what that Giant did perceive

The ochre-men to need!


And the saffron damsels, too

(I hardly need to add!)

For though our Giant’s now a man,

He still was quite the lad!

And if a rickshaw was his ride,

His mind had larger wheels

He wrote until his fingers bled

And with undying zeal!


He shared his strengths and weaknesses

His sorrows and his joys,

The paths he’d laid, the times he’d strayed,

His tools, his t’oughts, his toys.

Back to Australia’s banks he walked

A time, or two or three

But ever back to Chine he strode

Once he’d charged his battery.



But now upon taMoon he’s parked

A wise old Giant, he

For ‘tis from thence he may dispense

His vast profundity.

But if you though him safe-ensconced

The breadth of his reach fettered

Think ye again! For from that den,

He’s writing more, and better!


Now, to those other oceans

That I told you he would span

I haven’t lied! He did bestride

If by ‘lectronic hand!

His disciples you will find

On every continent, save one

And I doubt not that he’ll have got

Some on Antarc’, ere done!


Though his Pillars have long fell

They did the stone and plan provide

To build a Vehicle that would take

Us all on one fantastic ride!

And if we’re forced to contemplate

The time when he them meets

I am proud to have been one

To study at his feet!


May it be many years anon

Ere that fell blow is dealt

For I am sure that more and purer

Blossoms are yet to be smelt!

From eastern shore of Pacifique

I to her western bound’ry gaze

With heart close attuned ta of the Man of La Moonta,

Casting prayers of thanks and praise.


And if that Giant’s footsteps

Have sunk tarns* where we might clean

The detritus of dysrhythmic verse

From off our poetry machine,

That’s but coincidental

To a greater lesson learned:

That Wisdom and Knowledge may e’er be found

Wherever our feet may be turned!


And so, thou Man of La Moonta

Accept this grateful cant

If sung, or in awe-struck silence

It’s  plaintive tone, my rant!

It’s been to me a privilege,

And yes, a pleasure, too

That I’ve been shown the foot of thy Throne

And welcomed there, by you!

*tarn: a small, deep lake



Mark Teague

September 15th, 2012

© 2012 Mark

Author's Note

In order to understand many of my allusions, you must first be aware that David lives in the town of Moonta, Southern Australia, and that his parents (the Pillars) were of Scotch and Welsh extraction, and both literarily minded. Written in typical Paget meter. God bless you, my brother!

My Review

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Featured Review

This had me in stitches, Mark! What a fantastic, crazy tribute and in perfect 'Paget metre' too. I shall have to keep this one, for sure, to show my friends. You'll have them falling about all over the place.
Just one correction here, I live in South Australia, not New South Wales.
Brilliant, my friend, brilliant!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Wow! I can think of no one more deserving of such a tribute than David. Without his even knowing it, I know that he has inspired many. Your poem is brilliantly penned, obviously guided by an enchanted muse.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Absolutely breathtaking and such a wonderful tribute, I love the gentle flow of your words of which have left me with such a powerful impact, I could feel your meter here and its something that I struggle with but I tries and feel I am learning some, any way that's another story in itself lol, brilliant word choices and I adored your imaginary here, such mastery and skill, an over all delightful read, thanks so much for sharing and it sure was a pleasure stopping by to read you again, bravo and very much so enjoyed xoxo

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

At thirteen eight-line stanzas, far and away the longest poem I've ever written...and can hardly ima.. read more
Reminds me of Banjo Paterson (especially the Man from Ironbark). Nice lively feel.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I don't know who Banjo Paterson is, but the name sounds like he might have been an Aussie; the poem.. read more
You had me at the title.

Little did I know that it was Mr. Paget's place of residence. A wonderful piece indeed.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

If you're a fan of DLP, you probably understood many of the allusions.It's been suggested that I app.. read more
enjoyed the style great read

Posted 12 Years Ago

Mark, this was a fun poem to read! I'll tell you the truth...the first time I read it through, I was utterly confused. Several times I had to open Google searches to look things up...eng-ga-lun and ochre-men, for example. You can imagine my frustration when search after search gave me no results. I removed the hyphens, and searched. I smashed the phonemes together to make the word engalun, and searched again. Nothing.

Now, after the third read, I think I got it. I should have read the author's note that you provided before I read the poem, lol. Once I realized this poem was a tribute to David Lewis Paget, I searched for HIM on google, and found a biography. I read that Mr. Paget had, until recently, been teaching English at Wenzhou Medical College, an arm of the Wenzhou University, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China. Click! He took the language and culture of England to the Chinese! Ha ha, I love it.
You are so talented, Mark. You've written reviews of my work in the past...and all of your comments have been so insightful and instructive. You inspire me to keep improving my writing skills.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Now, I'M confused! I certainly didn't think my stretching out the word "England" into three syllable.. read more
Mr. Paget is one of my favorites on here. Honestly I hadn't read any of your work until this was requested to me. Now you're one of my favorites too :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Well, what a fortunate lad am I! Are you one of David's friends in Australia?
Falling Leaf.

12 Years Ago

Nope. I only know him from on here

12 Years Ago

I shall get over to your page sometime this week and give you a look-see. Thanks for the nice word
Mark what a wonderful and fitting tribute to a gifted bard. David is a hard act to follow but he is a gem to enjoy even when he manages to scare the beegeebbers out of us. You have written a beautifully dedication.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm not a part of your history but I am grateful to glimps the "band of brothers and sisters" born into the beauty of artistic expression. I will learn and read and someday write a fitting epitaph for those who have cleared pathways for me.
You have honored your friend!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I absolutely adored this! It definitely brought out a few giggles from me. This is the most brilliant tribute to the most brilliant man I've ever known. Amazing job!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you, Katie.
Katie Lynn

12 Years Ago

You're welcome. :) You did a truly amazing job on this. I too found out he had a heart only about a .. read more

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31 Reviews
Added on September 16, 2012
Last Updated on September 19, 2012
Tags: giant, moonta, wings, throne



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