![]() TrappedA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
“So how is Jack?” Kat asked. I was surprised she asked that, but I answered: “He's fine.” “I see, Anna, if you want me to leave Chris--” “No, no. It's okay. I have Jack, I don't care about Chris you can do what you want with him.” I said. She nodded and looked past me. I turned and saw the man who in the uniform come back. He stopped at our table and pulled out a notepad and a pen. “So, ladies, have we decided what we are going to have?” he asked. I looked over at him and Kat answered. She gave him her order, specifically naming the certain things she wanted on her dish and drink. I looked up at the man, scanning his facial features. I felt my spine tingle, and the metallic taste return to my mouth. My eyes widened slightly as I stared at him. I knew I recognized him from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. “And you, miss?” he asked me. I blinked and saw him looked down at me. “Um, just the spaghetti, no meatballs.” “Red sauce?” “Yes.” I answered. When I looked back up at him, the familiar face shot back into my mind. I remembered looking at Dirk, aiming his gun at me back in the hospital. My eyes widened when I realized who he was. “I'll be back, ladies.” he said. Before he walked away, he gave me one last look, a large smile on his face. My heart dropped. I couldn't breathe as I watched him walked away. “Great, I'm starving.” Kat said in front of me. I slowly turned, my mind blank. “Um, I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom.” I whispered, my hands shaking. I stood up form my seat and looked around for the restroom signs. “Hurry up, we have stuff to talk about.” Kay said behind me. I saw the signs in a whole other room. I quickly walked through the dining area, through another room of counters and workers with computers, and into another room where the restroom doors were. I quickly walked into the restroom and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't breathe, tears were ready to jump out of my eyes as I looked under each stall for feet. I found none, so I let out a loud squeal and held my face in my hands. It has to be him! It was him! I can't be wrong! I gasped for air, feeling my chest and arm ache with pain. They are back! I looked up, hearing footsteps towards the bathroom door. I quickly got over to the door and stood against it with the little weight I had. The woman put her hand on the handle and tried to turned it, but I held it and wouldn't let it open. Then, the woman left, mumbling something. I stood against the door, lifting my head to the bright ceiling and closing my eyes. What now? I have to leave... I have to get out of here. Then, my eyes shot open. I listened to my crazy heart and my jaw tightened. My face grew fierce and I squinted. The metallic taste in my mouth became sour and my head lowered. I saw the room darken, and my teeth ache. I licked them eagerly, feeling their sharp points. Smiling, I walked over to the mirror and looked in it. Anna was gone, was I saw in that mirror would have terrified a lion. The creature smiled at me, its dark eyes filled with evil and vengeance. I looked down at my long claws as I turned towards the door. I knew what I was going to do. Before I grabbed the handle of the door, it opened, and a woman walked in. She gasped at the sight of me, but I grabbed her before she could run out. I pulled her inside the room, slamming the door behind her. She looked at me, too terrified to speak. I smiled as she fumbled in her purse and pulled out a small, square, plastic block. I watched with a cocked head as she pushed the button and a knife popped out. I was surprised an older woman like her kept such a thing. Her face was pale and wrinkled with age, her eyes bright blue and glossy. She waved the knife, which did nothing. I dodge it, and took it from her hand. I examined the shiny metal under the light, and had an idea. The woman screamed, holding her wrist that I scratched up and that dripped blood onto the floor. I swiped my finger along her bloody hand and left the room, sucking the blood from my finger. Luckily, nobody was in the room outside the restrooms. It was empty, the other room next to it was the one with the counters and workers, but I couldn't see them in the doorway from where I was at. I looked around for anybody, or any sign of the door I was really looking for. I walked through the room, shoving the pocketknife into my pocket. I walked through the next room and into the dining area. I saw Kat, whose back was turned to me. I looked around, and saw that a few people were staring at me. I squinted, hissing at them, then turned and walked out of the other door closer to me and walked into the lobby. I scanned the area, seeing that all the workers behind the counter stared at me. I rolled my dark eyes, the bright lobby was making them sting. I squinted, covered my eyes with my hand, and walked to the far side of the room, next to the elevators. I couldn't find the door I was looking for. Suddenly, I remembered that Dirk was in the dining area. My throat let out an angry, deep growl. A couple passed me, staring and quickly walking away. When I realized where the door I was looking for could be, my heart dropped. I looked over into the dining area and realized I had to go back in. I must get these lights off! I curled my fingers into fists and walked back into the room. I cautiously walked along the wall, keeping quiet. I walked along the back and looked over at Kat's table. Dirk was standing next to the table, talking to her. I stopped dead in my tracks. Kat, no! I screamed in my head. He's... Dirk turned to look around the room. His eyes stopped on me. Mine widened and I stared back. Then, I turned my body to face his across the room and I cocked my head at him, smiling devilishly. He squinted at me, but kept still. I growled, showing my teeth, then, I turned and ran to the back of the room, where the kitchen was. I burst through the swinging door, and looked around. A few chefs and waiters looked at me I shock. “Excuse me!” I said and ran to the back. Steam filled the room with sweet smells of delicious food. My mouth watered, and I grabbed a breadstick as I passed to the back. I saw a door, labeled “Do Not Enter”. I pushed through it, and my eyes widened in awe. It was a dark room, with breaker-boxes along the walls and pipes lining the walls as well. I ran to the back, popping the breakstick in my mouth, and ripped a breaker-box open. My claws tore into the metal, denting and scratching it. I threw the door that popped off behind me and looked at all the wires and switches. Then, I pulled the red lever and sounded the alarm. I could hear the people panicking outside the door. The chefs yelled, woman screamed in the dining area. After I was gone, I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle. I was about to walk out when I looked through the tiny window and saw a dark, bearded man running through the kitchen. My eyes widened. It was Dan. I gasped and jumped back away from the door. I looked around quickly, but the room was just a room with nowhere to go. Squinting, I leaned against the wall next to the door and jumped when it burst open. Dan ran into the room, the door slammed behind him. I held my breath as he looked around only about a foot away from me. I took a step quickly and kicked the backs of his knees out. When he fell, I put my hand over his scratchy mouth. He froze, kneeling as still as possible. I took my other hand and pushed my claws into his back. He yelped under my hand as I dug them into his shirt. “Hello, Dan.” I whispered against his ear. His breathing got heavy over my hand. I looked down and saw the gun in his hand. Smiling, I lifted my leg and knocked it from his hand. “Nice to see you here.” I bit his ear with my sharp teeth. “Ah!” he yelled under my hand. I tightened my grip around his mouth and dug my claws into his back further. “Now, what do you think? Will I let you go? Or just kill you now?” I whispered softly. His heart was beating hard against his chest, hearing it made my eyes widened and a smile peeled across my face. Clicking my tung, I sniffed the man's dirty hair. It smelled like motor oil and cigars. “Where are your buddies?” I asked and he mumbled something under my hand. “What?” I asked. He mumbled again. I slowly took my hand off of his mouth for him to speak. He took a breath and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. “They should be right behind you.” he said. My eyes shot open and I spun to look out of the window in the door. Standing in the kitchen was Dirk, aiming his gun at me. I ducked and the window in the door blew out. Dan hit the floor and covered his head. I quickly jumped onto him and pulled him up by his hair. I grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall to our right. He hit it and fell onto the floor, not moving. I quickly grabbed up his gun and moved against the wall next to the door, just like I did with Dan. Dirk burst the door open and I hit him on the back of his head with the handle of Dan's pistol. Dirk fell and didn't move. That was my chance to get out of the room, it wasn't a god place to be since there was only one way in and one way out. I swung the door open and ran through the kitchen. The kitchen was totally empty, not a soul remained after I turned off the power to everything. I listened to the alarm ringing outside the kitchen and followed it. I ran through the singing door and into the dining area, that was also empty. I looked around the empty room, Kat was gone. All of a sudden, something black flew up into my face and hit my in my cheek. I fell backwards against the wall and fell onto the floor. Hissing, I blinked rapidly and rubbed my cheek. When I looked up, I saw a dark figure standing over me. My vision was blurred, I saw his dark arm lift and point at me, then, a heard a gunshot and felt my body jerk. I yelped, my eyes clamping shut. When I opened them, my vision returned and I saw the third man, Russell, standing over me. I growled, feeling the great pain in my thigh. I looked down at the large hole in my leg that started to bleed. I gasped. “What did you do to Dan and Dirk?” Russell asked me. I looked up at him. My body filled with pain and anger. His gun was still pointing at me, so I sat still. Then, my mouth opened wide from the pain, but I said nothing. “Tell me!” he screamed. My eyes rolled up at him and his hard face faded into terror. Baring my teeth, I rolled across the carpeted-floor before the bullet he shot hit me. Then, I jumped onto him and tackled him to the floor. “What did I do?” I screeched like parrot. His eyes were wide with panic. The dark room darkened his face, but I could still see his glossy eyes. Then, he kicked me off of him. I rolled backwards onto my feet and dug into the floor. Before he could grab his gun, I pounced back onto him. I picked up the gun up from next to him and pointed it to his head., pulling the trigger. Blood splattered onto my face. I dropped the gun next to Russell's body and wiped the blood from my face with my shirt. I looked down at my bloody leg, it stung with amazing pain. I winced and gritted my teeth behind my pale lips. My body slumped, it all thumped in pain. My arm was bright with veins that even though it was dark, I could still see them. It's over. I turned slowly and walked back into the kitchen. I limped through it to a stove and lit it. II watched its blue flame dance around the burner. Then, I walked over to another stove and turned on the gas, not the flame. Its hiss filled my ears as I walked out of the room, awaiting the explosion. I took my seat at a table and watched the kitchen. It was over, with that explosion, everything would be over. I ripped the tablecloth from the table and tore it with my teeth. Then, I wrapped it tightly around my bleeding leg and tied it. “Anna!” I heard behind me. My head spun around and I saw Kat running through the dining area to me. I could hardly stand, so I didn't move she came over to me. “How are you still alive?” she screamed at me. My eyes widened. “What--” “How do you stay alive after all this time? Anna, three grown men couldn't bring you down. I'm sick of it!” she screamed, her freckled face was hard with a scowl. My face slowly grew fierce as I realized what she meant. My sharp teeth ground together and I hissed. “It was you!” I roared, jumping up form my seat. I winced at my leg and kept my weight off of it. Kat realized I was injured, and stared at my tied leg. “Amazing, I don't understand how three men have failed so many times to bring you down. It's not that hard, really!” Her eyes looked over at the body that lied next to the kitchen door. She nodded and squinted at me. “Where are the others?” she asked. I pointed behind me. I wanted the kitchen to explode at that time, but it didn't. I didn't know what was taking it so long. “I will just have to do it myself!” she yelled and pulled out a gun from her jacket. I eyed her sharply. “Why, Kat?” I asked, feeling my heart die. She smiled and shrugged. “You had something I wanted, you know I get everything I want. When I tried to get it, you made a fool out of me. So, I wet home that day and had my dad hire those men to kill you. He paid big bucks for them, and they failed miserably each time, but nothing is going to stop me form killing you now, nobody can save you, you have nothing left.” she sneered. I couldn't breathe. I heard the door of the kitchen swing open and turned to see Dan and Dirk yelling over Russell's dead body. “You idiots! You can't do anything right!” Kat screamed. “You--” Dan yelled, pulling his gun up at me. Dirk's cheeks were wet from tears, and he pointed his gun at me as well. I closed my eyes. No-- My eyes shot open when I heard the kitchen explode. I hit the floor, covering my head with my hands. The ground shook under me as I pulled myself under a table. I looked across the floor and saw Kat lying on her stomach. She saw me and pulled hr gun up to shoot, but I shot up and jumped onto the table. I couldn't see Dan or Dirk, but I see flames roaring as they curved above the doorway and up the wall. I saw nothing but flames in the doorway. A gunshot flew past my head. I ducked and leaped across the tables to the doorway into the lobby. I leaped off of the table and landed on the floor with a loud thud! I yelped when I landed on my shoulder. My body curled into a ball when the pain shot up to my neck and head. I lied there, screaming and holding my shoulder. I forced myself to keep quiet. I clamped my mouth shut and crawled out into the lobby. When I realized Kat would be on foot after me, I gather the little strength I had and limped to the lobby's doors. I grabbed the wooden door and yanked on it, but it didn't open. My eyes widened. I turned the doorknob and yanked on it, but it didn't budge. It felt like my breath was knocked from me. No! I spun around and looked around the room. The alarm suddenly stopped, leaving me in silence. I limped across the room, and stopped next tot he doorway of the dining area. It was lit with the huge fire crackling up the wall. After taking a breath, I jumped across the doorway to the other side. As I was in the air, ready to feel the hard floor breaking my fall, I saw Kat standing in the middle of the dining area, loading her gun. After I hit the floor, I rolled and sat against the wooden wall next to the doorway. What do I do? Lord, what do I do now? How am I going to survive this? Am I even going to survive? I hissed. That girl... Squinting, I stood up, ignoring the shooting pain in my leg and arm. My nostrils flared with anger. “I am not going to let her beat me!” I growled under my breath. I walked, not limped, across the room and walked through the doorway on the other side. My body was in so much pain it actually went numb, which allowed me to walk the little I could. “Anna! Come back!” Kat yelled in the dining area. I listened to her tip each table over as she drew closer and closer to the lobby. I stood against the wall two rooms over. It was the room that had the counters and computers, right before the room with the bathrooms. Then, I realized the whole bottom floor went in a circle. A light dawned upon my face. I looked around the doorway and into the lobby. Kat was standing next to the wall, looking around. I pulled myself back and saw a hand grab my neck. “Ah! Found you.” Dan sneered. I grabbed his wrists, gasping under his tight grip. “You... kill... Russell.” he said, tightening his grip with each word. I dug my claws into his wrists, making his yell and grab my neck with his other hand as well. I kicked my legs against the wall behind me as I felt my lungs shrink. Then, I remembered my knife. I pulled it from my pocket and pushed the little button. Before I passed out, I shoved it into Dan's stomach with all my might. His hands immediately fell from my neck. I gasped for air, almost falling to the floor. I looked up at Dan's blank face and watched him fall to the floor, his stomach bleeding through his shirt. “Anna!” Kat yelled next to me as she popped into the room out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head slowed and looked at her bright face. She smiled. “Now that we are alone...” she motioned for me to followed her. I walked slowly as we backed into the lobby. He pulled her gun up to my forehead and smiled. “What a nuisance you are! I am sick of you getting away with everything! You are going to die and I am going to do it and watch your body fall before my feet.” Her hand tightened around the gun stuck to my head. I stared at her, unable to move. Then, I heard a gunshot. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing