![]() Changing CourseA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
“What do you want?” I growled at her. The rain was falling faster then, so I quickly stood in the doorway of the building next to me, staying close to the door so no rain got on me. “Anna, I know we have never been the best of friends, but I really want to fix things. Can you please give me a chance?” I stood against the door, crossing my arms over my chest. Is she crazy? Of all the people to be friends with, why would she want to be friend with me now? Now! Why? After what she did, does she really expect me to be her friend? “No.” I said simply. “But, I'm really sorry for everything I did. I truly am, if you want Chris you can have him, just as long as we are friends.” Is she serious? What the heck is she doing? I was baffled, I couldn't believe what she was saying. She would give up Chris just to be my friend? What a load of crap! “Please, Anna, I'm really sorry. Can we have dinner over this, and talk about a few things? Please, you can make your decision when you are ready, just let me buy you dinner and tell you how I feel. Please?” I thought about it long and hard. My face scowled at myself for even considering it, but I guessed I could hear her out (and get free food). I was hungry. I listened to the rain pour onto the sidewalk a few feet in front of me. Its cold mist made me shiver, and I wasn't mad anymore. “Anna? Are you there?” I heard Kat's voice in my ear. My head snapped up. “Yeah, I guess that would be okay.” I said softly. “Great! How about we meet at Le Magnifique around six?” I looked around. Le Magnifique? Where is... “Alright.” “Good, see you then!” she said and hung up. I closed my phone and shoved it into my pocket again. I looked out onto the wet street, the rain was coming down hard. Great, now how am I getting home? I cocked my head and stood against the door again. I decided to wait until the rain lit up, I didn't feel like getting soaked. Then, someone knocked on the door I was leaning on, which made me jump. I turned around to see an old man pointing his finger at me and yelling something I couldn't understand. His forehead wrinkled, his eyebrow furrowed so far they almost touched his nose. An evil, angry scowl spread over his face at me. Squinting, I growled at him. The old man motioned for me to leave, pointing towards the street. Cocking my head, my fingers curled into fists and my jaw tightened. The old man wanted me to leave. Rolling my eyes, I turned and stepped off of the stoop and onto the wet sidewalk. I wasn't going to beat up an old man, that was a horrible thing to do. I knew he stood no chance against me, so I let it go and stomped down the sidewalk. The streets were almost vacant. Only a car every few minutes passed, and everyone seemed to shut themselves into their houses away from the cold, wet rain. Unfortunately, I was left. I was left to walk home in the rain. The gray sky hung over me, watching my every move, almost laughing at my pathetic self. My fluffy hair fell against my face, dripping wet. Kat is such a liar. I thought when I remembered what she said to me. She doesn't just call people to make up with them. I growled, shivering when a cold breeze blew past me. I wrapped my arms around me and continued home. My arm was beginning to ache. I spotted a silver car coming down the road. I watched it approach me, my eye flickering around it. The rain beat on its hood violently, and it stopped next me me. I stopped and watched as the window came down. “Anna! Get in it's pouring!” a man's vice yelled. I walked closer and saw my dad. I quickly swung the door open and fell into the passenger seat. Wiping the water off my face and pushing my hair back, I looked over at my dad who was staring out the windshield. “How did you know where I was?” I asked him. “I didn't, I was on my way to the church and saw you walking. Anna, it's dangerous to be walking home, especially in your state.” “I'm fine, Dad.” I snapped at him. He sighed. “Honey, you know how weak you get. Why didn't you just call me to pick you up if you didn't have a ride.” “Jack could have taken me home, but I decided to walk. Is that such a crime?” I turned and looked out the window. I watched the water drip down the window and rested my head against it. I was soaked. My jeans were dark with water, my shirt stuck to my chest, my socks holding a gallon of water themselves. I looked down at my veined arm, wet and shining in the dim light from all the streetlights we passed. “No, but I wished you would have called me. Are you hungry?” “No.” I said simply, still looking out the window. My stomach growled, but I ignored it. “Alright, well if you get hungry we just went to the store so we have some things you could cook up.” he said, but I wasn't really listening, I was thinking about what I was going to say to Kat, if I was even going to say anything. Then, I wondered what she was going to say to me. After all this time she wants to be friends? It's been months... I wonder if Chris knows about this. This rest of the car ride was silent. The only noise made was the pounding of the rain and the roar of the engine. “I'm gonna' drop you off, I have to get back to the church. I'll see you later.” Dad said when we pulled into the driveway, I quickly swung my door open and got out of the car. I looked over at my black Lexus sitting lonely next to us. I frowned, then walked up to the house and walked in. “Hi, Anna!” Alice yelled when I walked in. I smiled at her and saw my mom spin and run into the kitchen. I slipped off my shoes and within a few more seconds, Mom was back in the livingroom with towels. “Dry off, you're soaked!” I took a towel and shoved my face into it. “No, this will not do, you're gonna just have to go get a shower or something. Your clothes are drenched, honey.” Mom said. I took a few more towels. “Alright.” “Guess what, Anna! I beat level three of Ringmages!” Alice yelled. She skipped over to me with a huge smile. “That's awesome! Good job.” I said. She shrugged with a brightened ace and walked back to the couch. “Thanks.” I didn't feel like cheering, so I tried to act as happy as I could so I didn't hurt her feelings. I was happy for her, but I was tired and had a lot to do. I walked up the stairs and to the bathroom, dodging Kix that zig-zaged between each of my steps. My hair dripped everywhere as I quickly ripped my clothes off and ran the water to get a hot bath. My body trembled from my cold, wet clothes. I sniffled, waiting for my bathtub to fill up. My eyes, blinking lazily with exhaustion, burned from the bright light of the bathroom. I winced, rubbing my head. Then, I stood up and looked into the mirror above the sink. I looked down at my naked chest, covered in veins. I turned around and looked at my back that the veins were almost spreading over. Before I could think about it hard enough to get upset, I sat down on the edge of the bathtub and watched the water. It rippled from the pouring water, and I looked at my dark reflection. Dipping my finger into the steaming water, I watched the ripples spread over the water. Then, I dipped my feet into in and lowered my sore body. My body tingled everywhere from the magnificent feeling of the hot water, working its magic over my sore muscles. I relaxed, and lowered my body into it gently, little by little. “Ah!” I breathed. I turned off the water and sat in the tub in silence. I could hear my heart's irregular beating, and that was it. The rest of the room was silent, and I loved it. “Anna, are you okay?” I heard knocking on the bathroom door. My eyes shot open and I looked over at the door. “Anna!” Mom yelled. “What?” I yelled back, sitting up in the bathtub. “You've been in there for hours, are you okay?” she asked on the other side of the door. My eyes widened. Hours? “I'm fine, Mom.” I said, rubbing my head. She walked away from the door as I looked down at my hands. My fingers were prunes, and my water was cold. Sniffling, I got out of the bathtub and dried off. I checked the time when I got back to my room and saw I only had about an hour to get ready before I had to leave to meet Kat. I quickly dried my hair and flipped it out around my face. I did my makeup, but stalled when I realized I had nothing to wear, nor had any idea of what to wear. “What do you wear to Le Magnifique? Is it fancy?” I asked myself. Even if it was fancy, I probably wouldn't dress up. I was going to have dinner and listen to Kat say whatever she had to say. So, I slipped on a tight pair of jeans and a tight, black, T-shirt. After taking one last look in the mirror, I checked the time and saw it was time for me to leave if I wanted to get there on time. I grabbed my coat and walked downstairs. “Mom, I'm hungry.” Ben complained to my mom in the kitchen. “It will be done in a little bit, I'll call you. Go watch some TV,” Mom said and I saw Ben walk out of the livingroom. He sat on the couch, pouting, as I put on my shoes. “I'll be back later, Mom.” I called out to her. Then, she appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” she asked with wide eyes. Was it really that surprising that I was going to drive somewhere? “Out to dinner. I'll be back.” “I don't think you should be driving--” “I'm fine, Mom! Why does everyone keep thinking I can't do things? I can drive, Mom, okay?” It isn't far, I'll be back in a little.” My fingers tingled with my annoyance at everyone. Mom sighed and walked back into the kitchen, saying bye from in there. “Bye,” I yelled back and left. Luckily, it wasn't raining, but the sky was still dark and rumbling as a warning it wasn't finished. I looked up at it, the moon shone bright behind the dark clouds. I smiled as I got into my car I was absolutely itching to get to drive again, it had been too long. I couldn't hold back my smile as I turned on the engine and listened to its familiar purr. After sitting there for a few seconds, coming into reality, I pulled out of the driveway and drove in the direction of the city. “Hey, what's up?” I asked Jack after seeing he called my phone earlier. “Hey, babe. Nothing, do you want to hang out?” he asked. “Actually, I'm going out right now to have dinner with Kat. She called, and said she wanted to talk to me and be my friend or something, so I'm going just to hear her out.” There was a long pause on the phone. “Jack?” “I'm here, I thought you didn't like her.” “I don't, but she begged me just to hear her out, so I am. I doubt I'll be her friend again, but it gives me something to do. Anyway, she's buying dinner, so...” I waited for his response, and after about a minute, I was about to speak when he cut me off. “Alright, where are you guys going?” “Le Magnifique, I guess.” “That's cool, have fun honey. Will you call me as soon as you get out of there?” “Yeah.” “Love you.” he said. I smiled brightly. “Love you, too,” I returned and hung up. My eyes scanned the buildings on the sides of the streets. I didn't particularly like the city that much, and I wasn't exactly sure where everything was, but I had an idea where the restaurant was. Luckily, I found it quickly and parked next to the curb in front of the building. I opened my door and got out as a cold breeze blew over the city. I lifted my shoulders and locked my car. The sidewalk was for the most part empty, though the streets weren't so lucky. I looked up at the sign above the building that showed me I was in the right place and walked up to the door. The building was huge, it looked like a huge hotel, I guessed it was because when I walked in there was a small lobby, and elevators. Something was on the next floor. I felt a little strange being in the brilliant, bright lobby full of tons of couches and desks were workers stood and couples stood on the other side. A man walked over to me in a uniform and asked if he could help me. “Um, I'm meeting someone here for dinner.” “There name?” “Katherine Silensky.” The man smiled at me, his eyes bright and gleaming with cheerfulness. I didn't understand why, but I half-smiled back. “She is here already, waiting for you.” His smile dimmed as he kept his eye on my as he turned. His blonde eyebrows were bushy, and his eyes showed youth. A strange feeling filled me, making me curious about him. I cocked my head and watched him as he showed me into the dinning area. I looked around, scanning every head and face for Kat, and I spotted her as I continued to follow the man. He walked me to the table. Kat saw me, and smiled as I stopped next to the table. “Hi, Anna!” she squealed. She smiled at me eagerly, then flicked her eyes to the man who stood next to me. She smiled at him too. “I will be back to take your order,” the man said and walked away. “Please, sit.” Kat said. I slid into the chair across from her and let my jacket fall down my back. I hid my arms under the table, not realizing earlier that my T-shirt revealed my whole arms. I tucked my wrists between my knees and looked at Kat's sparkling face. Her eyes glistened in the dim light, her face filled with light freckles. Her makeup was flawless, her teeth perfectly straight. It made me disgusted to look at her. I could see the moneybags in her eyes, and I wrinkled my nose. Kat picked up the menu and scanned it. I picked mine up as well and read down the lists of dishes and desserts. “This place is really nice.” I whispered to her, raising my eyes at her. She smiled, but didn't lift hers to mine. She continued to read the menu. “It is. Do you know what you want?” she asked. I looked back down at the menu and decided to just get pasta. “Just some spaghetti, I'm not terribly hungry.” Kat dropped her menu and looked at me, a small smile deepening in her face. “Great. I guess you want to hear what I have to say?” she asked. I nodded, hiding my arms below the table again. “Oh, no! Anna, are you alright?” Kat said, reaching out to my arm. I lifted it, showing her what I had tried to hide. Her eyes widened, her mouth dropped as she looked at it. “I'm fine, it's been like that for a while. It's nothing.” I said, pulling my arm away and crossing them over my chest. I stared at her as she sighed. Her red hair bounced around her face as she nodded. “Ever since that whole situation with Chris, I've felt so terrible and guilty for what I did. I shouldn't have ever messed with him when you two were together. I couldn't help myself, I didn't know what came over me. I'm so sorry, Anna. I don't know why I did it, can you ever forgive me? I know it must be so hard, but I've changed. I only want to be your friend. I think we can be the best of friends.” Her eyes sympathized with me and I sighed. I didn't say a word, I only watched her, feeling my fingers tingle. My mind was falling into believing her, but my heart was aching to change my mind. I looked down at the table, the red napkin was folded perfectly next to my sparking plate. Kat continued to watch me. “I'm sorry, Anna. You have no idea how bad I've felt. Can't you find it in your heart to forgive me?” she said, her voice fading slightly. I nodded slowly and smiled. “Alright,” I whispered and smiled. Her face lit up and she beamed. “Great! We are going to be such close friends!” she laughed. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Last Updated on January 18, 2009 Previous Versions Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing