![]() PlanningA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
I opened my eyes slowly. Jack was sleeping on his stomach right next to me, his face stuffed in his pillow. I sat up, feeling a draft over my chest. I put my arms over my chest, my eyes wide. Oh no... what did I do? I looked over at Jack's bare back. My eyes traced his muscles, my mouth watered. Then, I smacked myself in my forehead. Just great. I sighed and got up from the bed. My body shivered in the new air away from my blanket as I walked out of Jack's room. He was snoring away on his bed, I didn't want to wake him up. I walked down the hallway and to the bathroom. Flicking on the light, I looked at myself in the bright mirror. My eyes widened in horror. My hair sprang out of my head like lightening bolts. My eyes were black, I saw no white in them. They glistened in the bright light. My lips were pale, almost matching my pale skin. The same hollowness in my cheeks remained, shadowed like the rings around my eyes. I looked scary. I stared, not knowing what to do or say. My veins on my shoulder spread out, now crawling up my neck to my jaw and the middle of my chest. I lowered my head, looking down at my silver claws that drew into sharp points. I had changed overnight. I couldn't taste that metallic taste in my mouth, but the rest of my body reacted to the B.L.V. I didn't know what to do. My heart raced in my chest, my stomach churned in suspense, and when I looked back up at the mirror, the evil image was gone. I looked at my crazy hair, still the same, but my eyes returned to their natural color. I looked down at my nails that were a moment before silver and deadly, were then red and not as long. My chest ached as I fell onto the floor. I laid there for a while, sobbing quietly to myself. Be strong! I scowled at my pathetic self and wiped my face dry. I had to be strong. I got up off the floor and wiped my eyes. The, I realized I was naked in Jack's bathroom. My heart stopped when I realized it was early in the morning and Jack's mom must have been home. I slowly peeked outside of the door and when the cost was clear, I ran back to Jack's dark room. Closing the door quietly behind me, I got back into Jack's bed and curled up next to his warm body. I was freezing. He must have felt my ice-cold feet on him because he woke up and turned to look at me. He smiled, so I smiled back. “Hey, beautiful.” he whispered. “Hey,” I whispered back and pulled the blankets closer to me. Jack flipped over to hold me against his chest. I dug my face in it, of course, and wrapped my leg around him. “Are you alright?” he asked. I nodded, fighting my sadness from earlier. Jack put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up to face him. I looked into his pretty eyes, but turned my face away. I couldn't look at him. “Anna, what's wrong?” he asked. “I'm a monster. I... don't know what to do. I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin this moment, but I can't help it. I woke up and I changed...” I shook my head, shaking away those horrible thoughts. Jack just watched me. “How?” “It acted up again... I looked like a monster! Jack! What do I do?” I looked up at him, my eyes watering. His face looked so sad, it broke my heart to make him that way, but I was falling apart. I looked down at my arm, discolored with spiderwebs of black. I winced. “Anna, everything is alright. Everything is fine. You are strong, you will be fine, honey.” He kissed my head, but I shook it. Those men! Those men did this to me! They did it! My head shot up, I looked around the room quickly. “Jack, I have to find those guys who did this to me!” I yelled frantically. I got up off the bed and got on my underwear and jeans. I quickly zipped them up and got on my bra that rested on the floor next to the bed. “Anna, stop! Calm down. Let the police handle this.” Jack said, getting up and holding my arm. I stared at him, my face blank as I thought of a plan. Then, my shoulder slumped and I fell onto the bed. “Jack, I have to find them. They have to be punished.” My head shook, encouraging my mind to think up a plan. Jack sat next to me, the blanket over his lap. His bare chest was so inviting, so I fell into it and wrapped my arms around him. He held me tightly as I listened to his lovely heart. Jack's heart was so soothing, it was like a lullaby. I could listen to it all day. Its even beat sang to me a song I would never forget, since it was so different from my irregular, echoing thumping. “The police will handle it, Anna. There is nothing you can do, you will never find them by yourself, and anyway, it's way too dangerous. You are fine, Anna, just be happy.” he whispered. I scowled. “But I'm a monster, Jack! Look at me!” I looked down at myself. My arm ached, so I pulled it against my chest. I could see most of my ribs. Jack sighed and kissed my head. “Why are you talking like this? We had such a great night--” “I'm sorry. I can't help it. You don't understand...” “There is nothing wrong with you.” he said. I rolled my eyes at him, but let him have the last word. I knew once I left his house I would be in the clear to do whatever I wanted, so I let it go for that moment. We ended up falling asleep again. We awoke early that morning, too early, so we fell asleep on each other. The next time I woke up, the bright sun was shining through the window. I squinted, blinking my eyes rapidly, and sat up. Jack was sleeping next to me still, he looked so peaceful. I took a few minutes out of silence as I watched him sleeping soundly. Why did I ever give you up? I asked myself. His skin was marvelous, the perfect tone: not too dark, not too light. It was much better than mine at least. Brushing my fingers over Jack's hair, I kissed his forehead lightly and left the room. I quickly walked downstairs, keeping an eye out for Jack's mom (who must have been sleeping) and put on my shirt I got off of the livingroom floor. I slid it over my sore body and walked out the door, closing it quietly behind me. I had decided to walk home. I felt I needed the fresh air, and walking a little more would build up the little strength I had left. The sun was bright, I hadn't checked what time it was, but I guessed almost noon. Surprising, there were a good number of people outside. Some were driving who knows where, some jogging, others having yard sales and such. We were on the fence of winter and spring, some days were warmer, the others colder or rainy. I was glad to finally feel the warm sun, my body had craved it for a while. Long days of cold and long nights of shivers, no matter what the weather was like, wore my body down. I was constantly shivering like a tiny chihuahua, so fragile and small any person could easily step on and crush. I hated being that way, but I was used to it I guessed. I was constantly worried about how my body wold react to certain conditions. You'd think having such a thing as the B.L.V. change you into a stronger person would be great. Wrong. That was another thing I worried about, how the B.L.V. would have me react to certain situations. I was lucky I didn't kill Jack the nigh before. I stopped in my tracks, my body frozen. I could have hurt him... I thought. My shoulders slouched as I tightened my jaw and fought back my sadness that began to build up again. A few feet ahead of me, a couple walked down the sidewalk, swing their hands wrapped around the other's. I looked up, staring at the couple that approached me. My mind yelled at me to move, but my heart was heavy. I could have hurt him... I looked up at the couple that moved to the side to slide past me. They looked my own age, the girl was beautiful, with wide, observant eyes. The boy, his hair short and spiked, looked at the girl with a genuine love I could see all over his face. His eyes seemed to look through her, straight to her heart. They passed me, both looking down at me like a crazy little creature so odd and mysterious, they couldn't help but to stare. I didn't follow their gaze, once they passed, I pushed myself forward and continued down the hard sidewalk. This is too much! I have to punish them! I have to make them feel how scared and broken I've felt for months! I have to find them! I yelled in my head. My fingers curled into tight fists against my palms as I crossed the street. Then, I felt my energy drain. I stopped again. My fingers tingled, the odd taste returning to my mouth. I took deep breathes, not wanting to change right there in front of the public and possibly hurt someone. I quickly walked over to a bench that was next to a sign. My hands shook on my lap, I kept my eyes off the old man sitting on the other end of the bench. I turned my back to him, taking slow breathes and fighting my tears. Look what they did to you! Look at yourself! No, Lord, please help me to be strong. Please! I shot up from my seat, almost falling over, and continued down the sidewalk. What in the world am I going to do now? I asked myself. My eyes rolled up, looking at the buildings and houses around me. The “real” Anna was slipping away. Meanwhile, I figured out which direction the police station was and followed it. It was far, it was really far. I growled under my breath, spinning and going back to the bench I sat on earlier, and waited for the bus. A crooked smile peeled across my face as I sat, listening to the old man mumble things under his breath. Another man, younger and a little cleaner, stood behind us texting on his cell as he waited. When the bus stopped, I got on quietly, looking around at anything and everything there was to notice on a bus before I took me seat in the middle. Surprisingly, the bus had barely anyone on it. The only sound was the coughing of the engine. I stared out the window at all the people, normal, in the sun mowing the lawn or playing games with their friends outside. I frowned. I am going to get those guys. My face turned hard, my eyes turned fierce. How could they do that to a human being? What did I do wrong? I've never seen those men in my life and they just decide to kill me? No, I fought back. Stupid! No, wait, there has to be something I am missing. The man said there was something else. What was his name? The bus squealed to a stop. I looked out the window at the buildings around me. Behind the bus, a few buildings down was the police station. I got up and slid between people and off of the bus. The bright sun was fading, hiding behind the dark clouds heading my way. I could feel my hearting picking up its uneven pace. My plotted plan was not the wises choice, but I felt I had to do everything I put together. I had thought everything through and found no other way to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. My mission: to kill the three men who destroyed my life. I stopped thinking before I thought up all the evil details on how it would be done and entered the station. Looking around, my heart skipped. It was relatively-packed. A few good people sat in their seats along the wall, waiting for an officer to call them. Policemen sat behind the desk right next to the door, typing on computers and talking with panicked-about-who-knows-what families. My eyes scanned the area, looking for a place to go, waiting for me to change my mind and walk out, but, I walked over to the counter to my right that looked almost empty and walked to it. “Yes?” the woman in uniform asked me. Her brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She had dark brown eyes that looked me over, wrinkling her nose. I could almost read her mind, reading how hideous I looked and asking herself what could have happened to me. But, she stayed quiet, waiting for my response. “I need to speak to Officer Byron, please. It's important.” I whispered, my hands curving over each other over my shivering chest. Scared little puppy, I thought about myself. I scoffed at myself as the woman turned and looked around in the back room. “One moment.” she told me as she walked into the back room. I nodded and looked around the station. I hadn't ever been inside, I had a few interviews with the police, but not inside the station. I could see why it was so feared. There were nothing joyous about it. The gray walls were lonely, holding absolutely no color or decorations, only posters of missing people or convicts. Hard, wooden chairs lined the walls of one room, where everyone sat to be helped. There were numerous doors around, wooden and dark holding signs for only officers to enter. “Yes?” I heard a man's voice behind me. I spun, I had to catch myself on the desk from almost falling, and saw Officer Byron standing on the other side of the desk. I pulled myself over the desk, hanging on tightly to both hold myself up and to look at him fully. I hunched slightly, making myself even shorter than I was. When Officer Byron saw me, his eyes opened wide and he ran around the counter. “Are you alright?” he asked, tightly touching my waist as an invitation to help me. I nodded and gained my balance. I stood my normal way and looked up at him. He was the Officer who questioned me after the restaurant situation. He took me to heart, I could tell he felt so bad for me and promised to help me anyway he could. So, I took advantage of that and came to him for help. “Can I talk to you?” I asked. He nodded vigorously and showed me into a room behind the counter. It was an office, I quiet, clean, scary office. I shivered I sat next tot he desk. He took his seat in his chair and looked at me with concerned eyes. “You look worse, Anna.” he said to me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. “That's no surprise. It's impossible for me to get better.” my voice faded. I could feel my heart ache. Byron just nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. He had short, black hair that stuck out the little it could in spikes out of his head. He was older, almost thirty I guess. He was one of those understanding cops you didn't come across too often. I trusted him, his kindness drew me in. I would have rather talked to him then any other cop. “What do you need?” he asked. My eyes shot up, then dropped to my lap I traced my fingers across. “Did they find anything on those three guys?” I asked him. He cocked his head and looked up at the ceiling. “Well, we only know their names are Dan, Dirk, and Russell. We do not have their last names, or any other personal information. I'm sorry, but we are still looking.” Officer Byron said. I sighed, tightening my grip around my thighs. I dug my claws into my legs. “Alright, that's all I needed.” I whispered, lowering my head. “We are still looking, Anna. Be patient. I want to find them just as much as you do--” “No you don't.” I growled, squinting at him. “I guess not. But I do want to catch them. They have serious time against them. If they are caught, they will never be released from jail again, and you will be safe.” he said. I nodded, just to kill the conversation. I grabbed the arms of my chair, ready to get up, when Officer Byron interrupted me. “Wait,” he said, holding a finger up, “what do the doctors say about your...” he pointed to his shoulder. I hid my anger at him for asking, then, sat back down as calmly as I could. “Nothing, there is nothing they can do.” I said simply. Then, I got up from my seat and-- “Well, maybe they will find something to help you soon. Are you still going for your monthly checkups?” “Yeah,” I said, smiling and nodding, “make sure you call me if you find anything else out.” I said and walked out the door after he nodded. I slipped out the the station quickly before anyone else could say something to me. The clouds overhead were coming together, their dark, heavy clouds were ready to let go of the water they had been carrying for who knows how long. I looked up, the sky that was once sunny was then dark and growling. Amazing. I guessed the clouds reflected my mood. I had hit a wall with my plan. With no information on Dan, Dirk, and Russell, it would be near impossible to find them, like I had planned. I was hoping the police would give me something to work with, some kind of information that would help me find them, but that failed. The police were near useless at times. Shoving my hands into my pockets, I growled as I walked down the street in the direction of my home. All of a sudden, my phone rang in my back pocket. I jumped, and when I realized what the annoying beeping was, I pulled it from my pants and answered. “Hello?” “Anna, where are you? Why did you leave?” Jack asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I had to go somewhere, sorry I didn't tell you goodbye.” “That's alright. Where are you now?” I looked up and around, looking where I really was. I was on Burnese Street walking home. “I'm sitting in my room. Is your mom up?” I asked him. I put y hand over the phone to dim the noises of the people inside the buildings I passed. I knew Jack would freak out and come get me if I told him I was walking home, so I lied. “Yeah, she was wondering where you were.” he said. “Oh, okay. Well, I'll call you in a little bit I have to eat.” “Alright, love you.” “Love you, too. Bye.” I said and hung up. I shoved the phone into my pocket at the second I felt little drips of rain. Great. Then, my phone rang again. I ripped it from my pocket, ready to see that Jack was calling, but instead, I saw an unknown number. I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked down at the little phone, reading th number over and over again, trying to figure out who it was. Finally, I pushed the button and answered. “Anna?” a sweet, woman's voice asked. I squinted, knowing no good could come from a voice like that. “Yes?” “Oh, hi! It's Kat! Can we talk for just a few minutes? I have something important to ask you.” My body froze as I listened to her disgusting voice. My nose wrinkled, the strange taste returned to my mouth as I listened carefully to her annoying, fake voice. © 2009 MariahAuthor's Note
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing