![]() PassionA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]() Warning!!! X-Rated!
“I'm not in the mood to talk to you, Chris.” I said, getting up from my seat. I brushed past him and walked down the sidewalk. “Wait, Annie, just talk to me.” Chris said, grabbing my arm. I spun around and stared at him angrily. He snapped his hand back, realizing what he did. I growled deep in my throat at him. “Why can't you just leave me alone? You should, Kat will start to get jealous.” “Please, can you just talk to me? Give me five minutes.” He begged. I stared at him hard. “No.” “Please?” “No!” I yelled, spinning and walking away. He ran up next to me. “Chris, Jack is on his way here. I don't think he wants to hear about how you wouldn't leave me alone. You do not want to make me angry.” I said, staring at him behind my furrowed eyebrows. “Just listen to me. You can't say you just stopped loving me. I know there is some left. Just please, let me calmly explain what happened to us.” he said, looking into my eyes. I remembered staring into those eyes before falling to sleep. I frowned and nodded at him. “Alright,” he said, trying to hide his smile I used to love, “first, Anna, I thought you were dead. I felt that my life ended, you have no idea who crushed I was to hear you were kidnapped. Everyone thought you were dead, the witnesses said they carried your dead body away. I thought I lost you forever.” he whispered, putting his warm hand on my cheek. I caught myself and smacked it away. Chris sighed, but continued: “Kat comforted me, and after a couple weeks of no word about you, I couldn't help but to get closer to Kat. I was vulnerable. When I heard saw you were alive...” he paused and put his hand over his eyes, “I don't know how I felt. I felt dead, I felt alive, I felt relieved, I was sad, happy, and shocked. I still love you, Anna. Can't we at least be friends? Is there any hope of me getting back with you?” Chris looked down at me with those sad, puppy-dog eyes of his. I winced and looked away, my arm thumping with pain. I grabbed it and squeezed. “Are you alright, Anna?” I took a deep breath and held a hand up to him. “Yeah, I'm fine.” “And when I found out you were with that jerk, Jack--” “Don't you dare!” I snapped at him. He clamped his mouth shut and squinted at me. “He doesn't deserve you. How do you know he's not using you?” “He saved me life, more than you could do.” I growled. Then, a black car parked next to the sidewalk, right next to us, and Jack hopped out of it. “Anna, you ready?” Jack asked, glaring at Chris. I nodded and quickly passed them both, avoiding the glares they gave each other. “Leave her alone.” Jack growled at Chris. I quickly spun around and saw Chris in Jack's face. Jack was slightly bigger than Chris, and I knew Jack, he would kick Chris' butt in a second. “You leave her alone. She deserves better!” Chris yelled in Jack's face. I growled, tightening my hands into fists. “Stop1” I yelled and grabbed Jack's arm before he swung. He looked back at me, and all of a sudden, Chris's arm flew to smash Jack's face. I jumped up and grabbed Chris's fist just in time, twisting it behind his back and kicking the back of his knees so he would fall. He sat on his knees, the bright sun beaming on th back of his head below me. I twisted his arm in my grip, gritting my teeth and smiling slightly. “Don't... ever... do that again.” I breathed in his ear. “Ah! Let go, Anna!” Chris yelled under my. Suddenly, I squinted and felt the urge to rip into his neck. I parted my lips, licking my sharp teeth. “Anna!” Jack yelled, behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I frowned and let Chris go, whimpering in disappointment that I couldn't hurt him worse. I sighed and got into Jack's car, Chris staring at me with an angry face. I glared at him, then drew my attention back to Jack who drove away furiously. “I wish he would just leave you alone!” Jack yelled as the engine roared down the street. “I know, but he won't. Calm down, Jack.” I said, put my hand on his arm. He took a breath. “Do you know what you just did? I didn't know you could do that. You could have gotten hit, Anna, don't do it again.” Jack said. My eyes widened as I realized what I actually did. Oh... “I can't help it, it was the B.L.V. acting up again.” I told Jack everything about it. I explained what I might do sometimes, and everything that I had done. I was grateful he was still with me after finding out everything I did. “But it is still you, Anna. You are not really a whole new person... some things are just...tweaked.” He said. I realized he was right, I didn't change that much, I was just “tweaked” in some things. I was stronger, and faster, but it was still me. But... it's hard to control myself. I thought as well. I sighed and looked out the window. “Anyway, how is Ellen?” “You won't believe this... Ellen is pregnant.” Jack looked at me with wide eyes. “Are you serious?” I nodded. He looked out the windshield in awe. “I can't believe it. Is she happy?” “Yeah, Andrew is happy, her parents are 'okay'. Everything is fine... She said she had to call Kat and tell her the good news.” My voice faded. Jack looked down at me and brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “It's alright. Don't let anything get to you. You and Ellen are still best friends, Everything is great. You got me.” he smirked. I laughed and nodded. “You're right.” I smiled. “Where are we going?” “Back to my house. My mom misses you and hasn't stopped asking about you. Hope you're alright with that.” “Yeah, no problem. I'm glad she still likes me.” “Why wouldn't she? You're the daughter she never had.” Jack laughed. I shrugged and looked back out the window. I did destroy her son's life once, but that's not important now. I thought as we pulled into his driveway. “Hey, guys!” Jack's mom yelled as we got out of the car. She ran out and hugged me, gently, and hugged Jack. I smiled brightly at her as we all walked up the sidewalk and into Jack's lovely house. Jack always had the cleanest, spotless house I've ever seen. His mom always kept it tidy. I slipped off my shoes and sat on his couch next to him. “Are you feeling alright, Anna?” Tori asked me. “Yeah, I'm fine.” I was sick of people asking me that, but I smiled anyway. “Are you hungry? I can make some hamburgers, soup, salad--” “We're fine, Mom. We just ate.” Jack saved me. He smiled down at me as I curled my fingers over his hand. “Alright,” then, my ears filled with the ringing of the phone. “Oh1 I'll get that!” Tori jumped and left the room. I took a breath and buried my face in Jack's chest. “What's wrong, honey?” “Nothing, just tired.” Jack kissed my head as I curled my legs up next to him. I sniffed his warm body. I remembered when I would beg him to give me one of his shirts, any shirt, just so I could smell it whenever I wanted to. I looked out the window at the sun that was bright overhead just a while before, and was then setting. I brushed my hair back and closed my eyes. “Are you sure you're not hungry?” Jack asked. I could hear Tori talking on the phone in the kitchen, raving about how nobody does their paperwork. “I'm sure.” I whispered. “I'm so happy I've got you back.” he whispered to me. I opened my eyes slowly, feeling my stomach fall and my fingers tingled. “You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that.” I whispered back. “Guys,” Tori said, I jumped up out of Jack's arms and looked at her, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, Anna.” I blushed in embarrassment. I nodded at her and hid my face. “Anyway, I have to run back to the office. Food is in the fridge, I'll be back in a little bit.” Torie said, scooping up her purse and a couple folders. “Alright, bye.” “Bye.” I said as Jack and I watched her leave. I took a breath as Jack laughed at me. “Now that was funny.” he said. My head snapped to him and I growled. “What's funny?” “You freaked out when Mom came in. You thought she would yell that you were almost asleep on me.” Jack laughed. I squinted at him. “Did not!” I yelled. “Did so!” he yelled back. I curled my lips and sighed, defeated. “See!” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and got off the couch. “Where are you going?” “Away from you.” I said. Jack leaped up and grabbed my hand. “Please don't,” he said and pouted. I sighed and let him pull me back onto him. He kissed my head. “Don't be mad, honey.” “I'm not.” I really wasn't mad, I just felt like teasing him. I smiled to myself as I listened to his heartbeat. I listened to that heartbeat that I thought would never beat again, I cherished every thump of that muscle. “Why did you jump in front of those bullets for me?” I knew I asked that question before, but I almost couldn't make sense of it. It was hard to believe someone would do that for me. Jack let out and breath and wrapped his warm arms around me. I sank deeper into his chest and curled into his warmth. “Because I love you, and if I hadn't, you would be dead right now. Anna, please--” “I'm sorry, I understand,” I paused, thinking of something else to say. “Did I thank you yet?” “I don't think so.” I could feel Jack's smirk above my head. I pulled my cheek away from his chest and looked at him. I kissed him lightly, “Thank you,” I whispered and smiled. “Anytime,” he smirked. My smiled beamed and just before I was going to rest my head, Jack put his warm hand on my cheek. I looked into his eyes as his searched my pale face. Then, he leaned towards me and kissed me against, but this time, slower and more gently. My hand reached up and wrapped around his neck as his hands fell down and squeezed me around my waist. I pulled my small body up and bent my knees on each other of Jack, pulling his head against mine. I opened my mouth, inviting him in to bring his sweet taste with him. I let go of his lips and took a breath, my arm ached as I turned my head for Jack to kiss down my neck. I couldn't breath, my knees shook as my arms dropped and my body lost its energy. Jack stopped. He looked back up at me to see if I was okay. “Are you alright, Anna?” he breathed. I nodded and reached out for my lips to meet his. My legs tightened and I grabbed his head, pulling on it with a tight grip. Jack grabbed my waist, pulling it towards him, urging for more. His hands slid up my shirt, giving my a tingling sensation around my stomach that had fallen onto the floor a few seconds earlier. I lifted my arm and let him rip it off and throw it onto the floor behind me. I arched my back, holding around his neck for his mouth to remain on mine. His hands slid up, feeling my back up to my bra, and he pulled on it. I gasped in his mouth, so he pulled away, but I stuck my mouth back on his, showing him I wanted more. Then, he picked me up and carried me to the stairs. “Jack!” I yelped and laughed. He smiled as he carried me up the stairs and down the hallway to his room. I tightened my legs around him as he closed the door behind us and put me on his bed, lifting me up the bed and pressing his body on top of mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I sucked on his tung. Then, he moved down, kissing down my neck. Jack kissed my collarbone, then down my bare chest. I felt my oxygen slipping away. I breathed heavily and reached for Jack's shirt. Clutching it tightly, I pulled it up and over his head and threw it onto the floor. I peeked down at his bare chest, my mouth watered. My fingers curled in his hair and I moaned as he licked up my chest and kissed me again. My head clouded and my arm throbbed under Jack's touch. I could feel my body tighten, aching for him. His did the same, I could almost hear them both screaming for each other. Jack unbuttoned my jeans and zipped them down. I tightened my grip around his neck, pulling my body closer to his. My toes curled under him as he yanked my jeans down and freed my legs. I bent my knees up, pressing my hips against his. I could hardly take it, my heart racing and burning for me to go faster. My body was going crazy. I reached down and clawed at his pants. I pulled from his kiss to look down and rip them open. He watched me as I unzipped them and pulled them down. Jack helped, shaking them off of his own legs. He looked down at me, scanning my body that lay under his own. My body felt so small under his, though it screamed for more. I put my hand over his chest, tracing my claws down it. “Jack...” I whispered. He looked up into my eyes while grabbing my underwear. My put his mouth over mine and he yanked them down. I gasped in his mouth and clenched his shoulders. I was forced to pull away and breathe. My chest gasped, both for wanting air, and wanting Jack. I reached behind myself and unstrapped my bra. I threw it over the side of the bed and slid down under him. I reached for his boxers and pulled them down, revealing what my body ached for. Jack kicked them off and pulled me over him while turning onto his back. I fell over his hard chest, looked down at him. He gasped for air, just like I did. He looked down at my shoulder and traced his finger over the dark veins. I frowned and grabbed his wrist. I growled. “You are still beautiful, Anna.” he breathed. I lowered my head and kissed his chest. I traced my claws down his ribs while I sucked on his neck. Then, he picked me up and flipped me onto my back. I gasped as he violently grabbed my legs and licked the inside of my thighs. “Jack!” I cried out. My toes curled and I grabbed the pillow next to me, biting into it and ripping at it with my claws. I moaned and bent my knees up, I was dying inside. He grabbed my knees and pushed them apart. I screamed when he licked again and threw the pillow. “Jack! I can't take it!” I screamed and slid down the bed. I pulled him up and bit his neck. He yelped as I grabbed his waist and bit his collarbone with my sharp teeth. I bent my knees up on his side as he pushed. I screamed and tightened my grip in his hair. I had forgotten all of my rules I had set before myself. I had given in. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing