![]() ShockerA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
I sat in my lawyer's office. His large, wooden desk sat in front of me and him behind it, reading his papers. I traced my long nails over the arm of my chair, waiting for Mr. Cusher to speak. My parents had hired a lawyer to help defend me when it came to the hospital. Mr. Cusher said they weren't allowed to keep me just on suspicion that I might hurt someone. He said it was in human to keep me tied to my bed just because they thought I was going to go crazy. I hadn't had any mental problems my whole life, and the B.L.V. was never proven to even effect the brain. The doctors and scientists at the hospital could not prove it effected my brain, but just thought it would since it was effecting the rest of my organs. “But the brain is up in her head, who knows the B.L.V. only effects some of her organs in her torso?” Mr. Cusher argued with Dr. McGuire. “The B.L.V. is in her blood, is circles throughout her body.” she said. “But you cannot predict it will effect her brain, beings nobody has ever survived. The B.L.V. stops the heart right? I understand it will effect the organs around the heart, but you cannot really think it will effect her thoughts in her brain. I am no doctor, but I doubt the B.L.V. can effect her thoughts and reactions. You have never witnessed her outbreaks, so you have no proof.” he argued. “No, we have not see her outbreaks... in a sense--” “You have nothing, Dr. McGuire. You do not want to lose when I sue you, it will certainly put your hospital in a deal of trouble. I am signing her out of your hospital and taking her home,” he would say, and that would be it. Dr. McGuire had nothing else to argue. She had kept me in the hospital, thinking I will do something, but never did. I kept my mouth shut about my outbreaks, I kept out of that field and let everyone know I wasn't even having any, though I did. So, Mr. Cusher got the hospital off of my back for a while, that was about a month ago, but he warned they would probably be back to argue some more. “Now, I do not think they have any hard evidence against you, so you will be alright for a while. If they give you any problems, call me.” he said. I got up and shook his firm hand. “Alright, thanks.” I left and walked out of the huge courthouse. I had gotten used to my walking slower than everyone else. I didn't even notice how slow I walked, though everyone complained about it. I hadn't had an outbreak in a while, which was relieving. I was free of the hospital, free to be as normal as I could. I walked down the sidewalk to Jack's car that sat, waiting for me. I slid into the seat and smiled at him, who was already smiling at me. “How'd it go?” he asked. I shrugged. “Pretty good, I'm safe for a while.” “That's good. Are you hungry?” “No, let's just go back to your house. I missed you.” I said, curling my arm around his. He kissed my head and drove away. “Well, I hope you don't mind me stopping by The Grindhouse, I'm starving.” “That's fine. I'm not hungry, though.” I really wasn't. After the hospital my appetite had slipped away. I was barely ever hungry, I mainly munched on things just to know that I was really eating sometime, and to keep everyone off my back about eating. Mom and Dad were always worrying about me. They always bothered me to either eat or relax for a while. It bothered me, so I was hanging out more at Jack's house. His parents still bothered me to eat, but not as much as my own. Alice was constantly around me. Is I wasn't with Jack, she was always around me, making me laugh at stupid things, or just complaining about people or something. It didn't bother me that much, though, I loved her. I could tell she was worried about me, I guessed that was why she was always around me. Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly took it out and flipped it open. “Hello?” “Anna, you've got to come over right now! It's important!” Ellen screamed into the phone. “What's wrong?” “Just get over here now! Please!” she screamed. I winced at the high pitch of her voice and looked over at Jack who looked down at me in concern. “Jack, can you take me to Ellen's? It's important.” “Oh, sure.” he said and turned. “Alright, I'm coming,” I said and hung up. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked out of the window. “What's wrong?” Jack asked. I shook my head and shrugged. “I have no idea, but it's important I guess.” Jack licked his lips and watched the road. “I hope she's alright.” “I know.” “I'm gonna' call the police later and see if they found anything on those guys.” “Alright, can we still hang out later?” “Sure,” he said and smiled. I smiled back, but quickly dropped it and looked out the window. “What's wrong?” he asked. I shrugged and grabbed his hand. “What are we going to do?” “About what?” “They are taking too long on finding those guys.” I rested my head on Jack's shoulder as he sighed. I curled my arm around his and closed my eyes. “Be patient, honey.” “I can't.” I whispered. He kissed my head and pushed my short hair out of my face. “Everything will be fine.” I didn't believe him. Those guys were still around, still hiding in the shadows for the right time to come after me again. I could taste that metallic taste in my mouth again, so I quickly pushed the thought from my mind. We pulled up to Ellen's house and I saw her sitting on her porch. I kissed Jack goodbye and got out. “I'll call you,” I yelled behind me as I walked up the porch steps and walked over to Ellen. She looked horrible, almost as bad as me. Her eyes were bloodshot and he looked as stressed as stressed could come. I knew immediately she had been crying her eyes out, so I cocked my head at her, waiting for her explanation. “Anna, I have something to tell you.” she whispered. I sat next to her on her swing and put my arm around her. “Yeah?” I asked. She looked down at her lap and sniffled. “Promise me, after I tell you, you won't tell anyone.” “Of course.” She was worrying me. My heart began to pick up speed as I waited for her to speak. “Anna, I'm pregnant.” My heart dropped. She turned her head to me and dug it into my chest. I held her against me and stared into space. “Ellen... are you sure?” I whispered. She nodded and sobbed against me. I couldn't breath. “Oh, no. Are you sure, Ellen? Did you take the test? Are you sure?” I started yelled frantically. Her head snapped up and she put her hand over my mouth. “Please, my parents are inside. Be quiet. Yes, I took the test.” she pulled a pregnancy test from her pocket and showed it to me. I held it on my fingers and read it. My stomach turned and twisted inside of me. “Ellen... I don't know what to say.” I whispered. I put my hand over my mouth and handed the test back to her. Her lips quivered and she let her face fall into her hands. “Did you tell Andrew?” “No, I don't want to just yet. I wanted to tell you first, Anna. Please help me, what do I do?” My mind went blank, I had no idea how to handle the situation. I shook my head slowly. “I have no idea, Ellen.” I whispered slowly. She sniffled and smacked the seat of the swing we sat on. I was shocked, I was almost too shocked to even have a sound slip my lips. I looked down at her stomach as she rubbed her forehead and could almost see the little life inside of her. “When are you planning on telling Andrew? Or your parents?” “I don't know, I'm too scared. What if Andrew stops talking to me? What if he leaves me? What if my parents disown me?” She yelled. I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at me. “Listen to me. Andrew will not leave you. Your parents,” I lowered my voice, “will not disown you. You are going to be fine. Your parents love you, Andrew loves you, and I love you. Everything is going to be okay. This isn't a terrible thing, Ellen, you are going to have a beautiful baby who will love you and Andrew. You are going to have a beautiful baby that will grow up filled with love and health. Everything will be fine,” I smiled and hugged her tightly. She sobbed on my shoulder as I patted her back, shocked at what I just said. I was being strong for once. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. “I am going to buy you cute little baby-booties. I'm going to throw you an awesome baby-shower. This will be great, see? Everything will be fine.” I assured her. She stopped crying, but she was hyperventilating. “Ellen, breathe. You are fine.” I whispered. I squeezed her tight and held her out ot look at me. I wiped her tears and smiled at her. “See?” “Will you stay with me?” she said between breathes. I nodded greatly. “Of course.” “I have to call Andrew and tell him to come over,” she said and frantically pulled out her phone and dialed the number with shaking fingers. “I'll call him,” I took the phone from her and dialed his number. Ellen worried about calming her breathing as Andrew answered. “Andrew, can you come over Ellen's? It's really important, she really needs you right now.” I said. “What happened? Is she alright?” “Yeah, she just needs you here. Hurry,” I said and hung up. Andrew didn't live far, so I expected him to show up within the next fifteen minutes. I handed Ellen's phone back to her and she smiled lightly at me. “I'm a little better now, I just hope Andrew will understand.” she whispered. I put my pale hand on her shoulder. “He will, don't worry. Everything will be fine. I'm happy for you, Ellen, you are going to have a gorgeous baby. I'm gonna' be an aunt.” I teased. She smiled and I hugged her again. “We're going to tell your parents after Andrew gets here. It will all be fine, you'll see.” I leaned back in the swing and closed my eyes. My shoulder began to ache, so I held it tightly and calmed myself. “Are you okay, Anna?” she asked. I looked over at her and nodded. “Yeah, I just need to rest for a few minutes.” I whispered and closed my eyes again. Rubbing my sore arm, I listened, waiting to hear Andrew's car pull up. He was quicker than I thought, what felt like a few minutes of Ellen and I discussing how we were going to tell her parents, I heard a car pull up next to the sidewalk and stop. I looked down at the sidewalk and saw Andrew walking up, shoving his keys into his pocket. “Ellen, are you okay? What's wrong?” He said as he walked over to Ellen and stood in front of her. His eyes flicked from mine to hers, waiting for an answer. Ellen held back her tears and took a deep breath. I gave her an encouraging smile as she looked up at him. “Andrew... I'm pregnant.” she whispered. I watched Andrew carefully whose head snapped to me in disbelief. I nodded and watched his reaction. His eyes grew wide and he looked her up and down. Then, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a tight hug. “Really? I'm shocked, honestly, Ellen.” He held her out in front of him and smiled, “I'm happy, though. This is wonderful!' he yelled and squeezed her again. She laughed and smile brightly in his arms. I smiled too in relief. “That's awesome! Do you parents know yet?” Ellen's face dropped and she stared at him. “I didn't tell them yet...” she whispered. He grabbed her hand. “Let's tell them.” She looked at me and I nodded with a smile. “Okay,” she said and swung the door open. “Anna, we'll be back.” Ellen said as they walked into the house and closed the door behind them. I knew it was a time for family, so I sat on the swing quietly and smiled to myself. Closing my eyes, I let out a breath and held my arm. It felt like I waited a century. I could hear raised voice from inside, but I couldn't tell what they were saying, nor could I tell if they were angry or happy. I sat impatiently, waiting for Ellen to return and tell me how her parents took the news. My heart picked up its pace and finally, the door opened and Ellen peeked her head out. “Well?” I asked her. I stood up and met her in the middle of the porch. Her eyes lifted slowly and she looked at me. Her blonde hair curled around her face beautifully, and I imagined her baby with the same blonde hair and blue eyes as her mother. “They took it well. They weren't jumping for joy, but they are happy. They said they only wished for me to get married first, but it was already done. But for the most part... they are happy.” she smiled. I hugged her. “That is great! Are you two getting married now?” I asked. She nodded and I smiled. “That's great, Ellen. I'm so happy for you.” “Thanks, I have to call Kat and tell her.” My body froze. My face dropped and I stared at her. “Kat?” I asked slowly. She nodded and beamed. “Yeah, Kat will just die!” she said, smiling brightly. She bounced lightly and hugged me again. “Yeah, I'm sure she will. You better hurry and call her.” My voice sounded suddenly not so amused. My happiness died, but I didn't want to show it. I smiled faintly as she hugged me and ran back into her house, promising to call me later over her shoulder. I nodded to myself and left the porch. The sun beamed down at me as I walked down the sidewalk and listened to the sounds of the birds and neighbors playing football. I dug my hand sin my pockets and suddenly felt exhausted. I stopped and took a breath, sighing and forcing myself to proceed. I was planning on walking home for the first time in almost a year. I was forcing myself to do it, both being sick of needing help with things, and to clear my head. Ellen is pregnant... can you believe that? She is friends with Kat, can you believe that either? I lowered my head and flipped my spiked hair. “No, I can't believe it.” I whispered softly as I passed a bakery. I could smell the sweet scent of their breads and rolls. My mouth watered, but I continued. My house wasn't far, I expected myself to make it home in the next twenty minutes... if I could hold off. I felt my arm ache and I rolled my shoulder to help it stop. My jaw tightened as I rolled my neck to crack it, followed by my jaw. Over the past month, my veins spread out. Instead of my dark, bulging veins on being on my arm, it spread around my shoulder and up part of my neck. It made it to about the bottom of my jawline on the right side, unfortunately. It disappointed me, no, more like depressed me. I had never thought of myself as a monster, slowly turning further and further to the ark side, but after the veins spreading up th side of my neck, it became a possibility. Suddenly, I felt no urge to walk anymore. I slowed to a stop and pulled out my cell. I didn't want to walk home, I didn't want to be around the many people driving past and walked down the sidewalk. Most of them stared, and right then I wanted to see Jack. I dialed his number and asked for him to pick me up by the carpet store. “I'll be there in a few minutes, honey,” he said and we hung up. I sat on the step of the carpet building and propped my head up, waiting. The carpet store was slow on business, so I wasn't worried about people brushing past me to get inside, I doubted they still would after seeing me, anyway. I sighed to myself and looked out over the road and other businesses across it. I looked up at the few people who passed, each looking me in my eyes. I ignored there stare, still waiting for Jack. When I looked up at a man who passed, my body froze and my heart sank so far it sank beneath the cement under my feet. It turned into pudding under me as I looked up at Chris who stopped dead in his tracks. I shot u, almost falling over, and stared at him. He smiled. “Anna, what are you doing here?” Chris asked. I rolled my eyes. Just great. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing