![]() The ChaseA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
I drew in my tablet as the rain poured outside. The bands on my wrists and ankles had been removed, thank goodness. The security guard sat in his usual seat next to the windows, watching me. I glanced over at him, still watching, and drew my attention back to my drawing. It was what I did in my spare time, which was all day every day. It had been a few weeks since I entered, and I seemed to be doing fine—no outbreaks. Dr. McGuire was happy with my condition and didn't seem as worried about me as she had been before. I heard Jack was alright, his surgery was a success and he was making a full recovery. It killed me thinking about him, his face as I looked at it above me. I shook my head and drew my attention to the drawing again. “Alright?” the guard asked. My eyes flickered over to him and I nodded. He didn't talk much, and it was a little awkward having him around all the time, but it was alright I guessed. Then, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't pay any attention because I knew it would probably be a nurse, but the person walking in was not dressed in white. My head snapped to the door and I saw a very familiar face, a too familiar face. “Hey, Anna.” the familiar face said to me. My heart leaped and I squinted at the face. My heart raced to take off and jump onto the person, but my mind growled at it to stay. “How are you feeling?” the soft lips of the face whispered. Don't be mad, stay calm. You want to get out of here don't you? “I'm fine, Chris. Nice of you to stop by and see me this time.” I said without emotion. He pulled flowers out form behind his back and put them on the table next to my bed. The guard only watched Chris closely. He pointed to his visitor's sticker on his jacket and the guard nodded. “Your family actually told me you were in the hospital (alive) this time. You're so far away, it's hard to come out here.” Chris said. He looked down at me, his eyes scanned my body. “Wow.” “I know I look worse, no need to remind me.” I snapped at him. I looked down at my body and looked at my arms that then matched in color and quality of veins. It had spread throughout my body, first my limbs, then my hips and shoulders, then my chest. The only part where the B.L.V. had not affected my veins enough to bulge out was around my stomach. My body was pretty much very gray and darkened in my hollow cheeks and eye sockets, not to mention everywhere else the skin was thin and there was no enough fat to fill it out. I was wasting away, I was already dead in my head. “I'm sorry.” Chris whispered. He sat down on my bed next to my legs and looked down at me. I rolled my eyes over to him said asked, “Where's Kat?” He sighed at me and looked at the floor. Then, he cocked his head at me with a disappointed face. “She's at her house. She really wished she could be here, but she had a lot to do, and plus, she didn't think you would want her to come anyway. Anna, you know I still love you, right?” Chris asked, his eyes flickered to the guard for a moment, then back at me within a second. “Don't give me that, Chris. You actually think after all of this I will believe you?” I asked him, he didn't say anything. “I have better things to worry about besides if you still love me or not.” “Darling--” “Don't you dare!” I snapped at him. I saw pain in his face, his eyes glistened in the bright light above us and were hollow as he only stared. “I'm sorry, Anna. I'm sorry for everything.” “I accept, but that doesn't mean we will be friends--” “Ana! I thought you were dead! We both did! Nobody told us!” “Yeah right, you jumped on the opportunity to get with her!” I screamed. The security guard got up. My head snapped to him and he shook his at me. I lowered my head and looked down at my hands over my stomach. “I'm calm.” I told the guard. He sat slowly and continued to watch. “Am I missing something?” Chris asked. I fought with myself not to tel him what was wrong with me, I didn't want him knowing and worrying, or stopping by the hospital every day, though it would probably make me happy (which I didn't want to admit). I was in my weakest state, there wasn't much I had left to hide, I thought I should have told him. At least he would know my story and feel bad for leaving me. “There is something wrong with my body. That is all, don't worry about it.” I managed to quickly glance up at the guard who hadn't moved or shifted his expression. Chris looked between us, trying to figure out what it was. “Are you alright?” “No, but I said don't worry. So don't, I don't need your pity.” I growled. He sighed and looked down at the floor between his knees. “Is Jack alright?” he asked. My heart skipped a beat. My breathing chopped and my shoulders shook. Jack. “How did you know?” Chris looked down at me with his head cocked. He shrugged slightly, “Everyone knows. It's all over the news.” “The news?” I couldn't believe it. I just imagined the witnesses describing me and how the robbers let out their clips on Jack; not the mention the horrified faces of all who were there, watching the robbers pick on me like a helpless animal they had the power over to kill at any moment (which was basically true). “Yeah, all over. All the police...” Chris glanced at the security guard for a moment, “are looking for the three men.” he said. I tapped my nails nervously on my sketchpad on my lap. My breathing remained uneven, and the faces of the three men popped into my head. “Oh.” That was all I could get out. The guard continued to stare at me while I tapped the ends of my nails on my book. “Did--” I was going to say something, but I snapped my words back to me when all of a sudden, the power went out, and my ears filled with shrieks of the patients and staff. The guard next to me jumped up and ran out of the room. As he opened the door, I saw in the hallway people running. “Emergency, emergency! Staff please report to the lobby immediately!” a woman yelled in panic. I jumped up. “Anna! Stay here I'll be right back!” Chris yelled and ran out the door, and I was all by myself as people screamed and ran outside my room. It felt like the hospital was falling from all the running feet along the tile floors. “Oh, no!” I whispered to myself as I quickly got up and looked outside the dark window. It was pouring rain outside. I could feel my heart racing and my stomach cramping. Outside on the street, things were normal, and people walked past the panicked hospital as if nothing was happening. I quickly spun around and got to the door as quickly as I could. Slowly, I opened it and peeked my head out, which was almost taken off by a guy running past me. Everyone in their rooms were screaming, let alone the parents running back and forth between rooms. “Help! Someone help my daughter! What's going on?” a woman screamed. I quickly looked around for Dr. McGuire and when I was clear, I stepped out from my room and walked the little I could down the hallway. I tried to hard to keep away from the people running back and forth, all the staff was gone and left the patients upstairs with their shrieking visitors. Nobody seemed to have any answers, so I didn't even bother to stop and ask. Chris was nowhere in sight, I guess he had made it to the elevator in time to get downstairs. Jerk. Then, I tasted that metallic taste in my mouth again. I licked my lips, making sure I was right, and wiped my mouth over my arm. I stood against the wall, hanging onto the railing, and stood on the tips of my toes to see down the black hallway. My heart pounded loudly as tall figures pushed past me. I winced, then, I saw him. Standing in the middle of the hallway, looking right at me, I saw a tall, dark man with a beard. How I could see him out of everyone, I wasn't sure. My eyes began to burn as I stared at him—his face illuminating in my sight. I growled and squinted at him as he smiled brightly. Then, I spun and pulled myself down the hallway by the railing. Run, Anna! Run! I screamed in my head. I doubted I was able to run, I hadn't in such a long time. The cold tile was freezing on the bottoms of my feet, and my body started cramping with fear and pain. I closed my eyes and fell against the wall, barely up on my feet. The metallic taste was stronger then. “Great, my friends are back!” I whispered and smiled. I stood up straight and looked down the hallway for the bearded man whom was gone. “What a shame, I thought we could play.” I said to myself under the yelling of the people around me. I smiled and continued walking down the hallway. As I walked, I stuck my hand out and ran my nail along the wall, scratching through the paint and leaving a fine line through the wall itself. “It's okay, honey. I'll help you!” I young woman said to me, grabbing my arm. I had no clue who she was, but I had no interest in talking to her. My eyes flickered to my arm where she held it, and my other hand swung up to grab her face. She gasped and held her breath. “Don't need help.” I growled at her. I squinted and scrapped my long, silver nails down her cheek. Then, I walked away as she screamed down the hallway in the other direction. Now is my time to escape! Hurry, Anna! I thought. I ran to the stairs and busted through the door, speeding down the stairs. I leaped over the railing a few times and finally hit the bottom. Boom! I heard under my feet. My knees bent and my claws flared out. I ran to the door and swung that open as well. But, the moment I stepped my foot outside the door a hand grabbed my throat and pulled my backwards. I fell immediately on my butt. My head snapped up and I growled, baring my teeth at the dark figure. Then, I whimpered for a half-second when I realized who it was. “Anna, precious. I finally found you!” the bearded man said. He held his gun in my face and stood over me as I sat on the hard floor next to the stairwell. “No running this time, I will kill you this time and collect my reward.” he said. I growled again and threw my leg up, knocking the gun from his hand. I leaped from the floor onto his hard body; we both fell onto the stone stairs. “Ah!” he yelled. I grabbed his shoulders and dug my silver nails into them. “Ah! Dirk!” the man screamed, looking up behind me. Then, something came crashing onto my back. I fell onto the man, who threw me off and quickly got up. “Fiery today aren't we?” the bearded man said between deep breathes. “Keep the gun, Dirk, but turn around. I want this moment to myself.” “Sure, Dan, you got it.” Dirk snickered at us. My head snapped to Dan's, who only smiled at me. He grabbed my hair and drug me behind the stairwell. He slammed my against the wall and grabbed the waist of my pants, pulling on them. I screamed behind his lips he roughly kissed me with. I couldn't breath. I panicked too much to even think. He grabbed my throat, pushing me against the brick wall behind us. I couldn't see anymore, the black fear got a hold of me. I squealed as I felt his wet mouth on mine. Then, he threw me to the hard, cold floor. I tried to crawl, but he grabbed my ankle and flipped me onto my back. “No!” I yelped, but I was cut off my his sweaty hand. I couldn't breath, my jumped stomach went crazy for air as Dan grabbed my pants with one hand and yanked on them to go down the whole few inches it did. I clawed at him, but he was a stone figure that seemed to fell nothing. The metallic taste in my mouth was gone, and I was terrified. “Don't fight, brat, I'll kill you quickly after this.” Dan whispered softly in my ear. My body froze as I felt his hot, nasty breath in my ear. I opened my mouth wide open and bit down in his hand as hard as I could. He snapped his hand back and smacked me across my face. “Ugh! Dirk get over here and shoot out her leg or something! She's struggling!” Dan yelled. Then, my eyes turned to fire and my fingers cracked. My vision returned in the black and I felt my energy fill back up. No! I lifted half my body up to grab Dan's face and slam it against the wall next to us. He fell to the floor, screaming about his head. I yanked my pants up as Dirk came around the back of the stairs. “Comin'!,” Dirk (the blonde one) said. I felt my anger explode. I spun to a stand and leaped onto the body with the gun. It shot,but missed my shoulder by a slim measure. I dug my claws into his shoulders and bit his ear with my sharp teeth. “Ah!” Dirk screamed and shoved me off of him. I landed on my feet and ran as fast as I could to the door. It swung open and a man doctor walked through it. I skidded to a stop as his facial expression switched to terror. Bang! I heard and the doctor's chest jerked. Blood skirted from his chest as he fell. I screamed at the top of my lungs; I didn't even bother to turn around. I knew I had to run and run as fast as I could. I leaped over the doctor's body and broke through the heavy door. I hit the hard floor with a loud thud and picked myself back up to slip and sprint down the hall. “Whoa--” a doctor said, but I shifted past them. The bullets were still flying past me as I made it to the lobby. I skidded to a stop at the sight. The lobby was full of doctors and personnel standing around and yelling at each other. I thought quickly, my eyes scanning the area for a closer exit. I spun and looked down the hallway to my left. I had no choice, I jumped up and ran down that hallway in search for an exit. My bare feet smacked against the tile. I listened to its rhythm, my eyes searching for a red sign. Then, I stopped. I stopped dead in my tracks as my mind raced. How am I going to leave? I have no car! I stood there for a few moments, thinking up something as quick as I could. Then, I heard the bullets again. My body shifted into “panic mode” and I bolted down the hallway again. I had a plan. Luckily, I found an exit door in the back of the hallway and I pushed through it. A rush of cool air blew against me. The freezing rain poured over me as my eyes flicked around for the car garage. I spotted it, and I ran through the freezing rain across the sidewalk, street, and back to the front of the hospital. People stared, but I didn't care. I had to get away fast. I ran through the parkinglot, my eyes quickly scanning the vehicles. It must have taken me a few minutes before I found Chris's car still there. I knew it was his, I knew that car like the back of my veined hand. I shoved my long nail into the keyhole and turned and poked in it. Click! I heard and smiled. I unlocked the door and slid into the black seat. I was soaked, but I didn't care. I ripped out the wiring in his car and rewired them, turning on the engine. “Yes!” I sneered and pulled out of the parkinglot. I couldn't remember the last time I drove. I curled my bloody fingers over the steering wheel and made my way to Callson's Hospital. I pulled into the parkinglot. The rain still poured on the windshield, smacking it as if it was trying to punish me for something. I leaned over the seat and put on a sweatshirt Chris had sitting on his backseat. I pulled my body through it and got out. My body was weak again, my head thumped and my eyes stung as I walked the quickest I could without falling in the flooded parkinglot. Callson's Hospital was bright and calm inside, the complete opposite from Pilling hospital. As soon as I walked in I had to squint to protect my sensitive eyes. I held my hand over them and walked to the front desk. “May I help you, ma'am?” the woman asked. I hid my bloody fingers in my pockets and spoke as kindly and calmly as I could. Yes, ma'am, I am here to visit a Mr. Jack Andrisco.” I said sweetly. She stared at me for a moment, her eyes flickering around my pale face. I only smiled, hiding the growl deep in my throat. “Oh, sure, sure. Do you know what room he is in?” “No, I'm sorry. I do not know the room or the floor. Is there any way you could find it for me?” “Sure, I have it up right now. Just fill this out.” the woman handed me a clipboard that I took under the counter and wrote on so she couldn't see my bloody fingers. I handed it to her and she gave me a sticker to stick on my sweatshirt. “Floor 10, room 430, Ms. Coleman.” the woman said, still staring at me. She flashed a smile that I returned quickly. “Thank you, ma'am,” I said quickly and calmly walked to the elevator. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew it was obviously sometime in visiting hours for Pilling Hospital. I poked the elevator button with the tip of my dirty finger and saw the doors slide open. When I finally got to the tenth floor my heart was jumping violently against my ribs. My hands shook in my pocket of the sweatshirt as I walked down the bright hallway. Then, I realize I didn't have shoes on. I froze, realizing how cold and wet my feet were. Then, I choked when I thought of how the lady didn't even notice I was in my bare feet. Nobody behind the counter did. I looked around at anyone staring and continued down the hallway. I read each room off, and when I got to room 430, I fell into the door and swung it open. Sitting in the white hospital bed, a sleeping angel dreamed. I held my filthy hand over my mouth and slowly walked over to Jack. A single light was lit above his bed. He was connected to an IV and a machine that beeped every few seconds. His black hair shone in the light; I reached my hand out to stroke it once again. “Jack.” I whispered softly, my voice cracking a bit. He opened his eyes and stared at me. “Hey, baby.” I said as tears strolled down my cheeks. “Anna!” he yelled and sat up. He winced, but kept his eyes on mine. I cried happily, my smile was the brightest it had been for a little over a month as I looked down at his perfect face. “How are you, Jack? I hope they are taking care of you here.” I whispered. He grabbed my hand and went to kiss it, but stopped and looked at it. “Anna, what happened?” he said,tracing his finger along the dried blood stained over my veins. “The robbers, Jack, they came back for me again. We had a little fight, don't worry about it.” I whispered. His face turned worried and he held my hand against his cheek. “Again?” his dry voice cracked. I nodded and pushed his hair from his face. He shook his head and looked out the dark window. “It's alright, they will be caught. I will protect you, Anna.” he said. “No, Jack, you have already been hurt. Please, I can handle--” “No! I will protect you. I've lived so long without you, I'm not letting them take you from me.” I shook my head. I didn't agree, but I wasn't going to argue with him. “Jack, please, just let me die.” I said, loosing my voice and shoving my tears back from pouring at my last word. He stared at me, his eyes burning through mine and making me shudder. “Don't talk like that.” “Look at me. Honestly, can you tell me I have a chance? If they don't kill me, the B.L.V. will.” “What are you talking about. What's the B.L.V?” Jack asked. “The chemical the robbers gave to me. Its spreading, and nobody knows what it will do to me. Jack, it is messing with me! It changes me. I can run, leap, it makes me so strong and powerful. It could alter my whole DNA and end up killing me.” I struggled to say. I was hyperventilating. I held my chest and tried to calm myself before I had another outbreak. Jack yanked on my arm and pulled me into his bad next to him. He held my bruised head next to his and brushed back my hair. “You will be fine, Anna. You are strong enough. I won't let anything happen to you, alright?” Jack whispered. I nodded and stuffed my face in his warm neck. I was freezing. I shivered violently and Jack held me closer and wrapped his blanket around us both. “Are you alright now, Jack?” I barely whispered. He nodded. “They got everything out, I'm just gonna' be sore for a while. Don't worry about me, honey. I'll be fine.” “Why did you do that for me?” I growled. I tightened my grip around his neck and clamped my eyes shut, holding back anymore of my crying. “Hmm?” “You risked your life for mine. Jack, why would you do that for me?” “Becuase I love you.” he whispered. He kissed my thumping forehead lightly and traced his fingers along my cheek. “Jack, you should have let me die. You could have died instead of me, why waste your life on mine that is going to end anyway?” “Anna stop talking like that!” Jack yelled. I winced and tightened my grip around him. I curled my sore body around his and pressed it as closely against his warmth as I could. I continued to shiver. “Your life is worth everything to me.” “But look at me!” I yelled and lifted my face to face him. I stared into his dark eyes. “I'm a walking corpse!” I tightened my lips together and continued to stare at him. He smiled and brushed my hair back again. “Corpse or no corpse, you are still mine, and as long as you live, I will risk everything for you.” he whispered. I couldn't argue, I wasn't going to win. “We will find these guys, Anna. We will, and then we can live happily ever after.” I half-smiled as he closed his pretty eyes and kissed my pale lips softly. It felt like I was kissing a heater. I pressed mine harder against his and let them dance with his. They danced the same ballet they used to do years ago, the ballet they had long missed and desired for so long. My fingers tingled and my chest ached. It was what I had longed for. I finally had Jack back in my life. No matter what, I was never letting him go. I knew if it came to it, I would die for him. For his heart to continue to beat, I promised if I had to, I'd stop mine. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing