![]() CrushedA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
The waitress sat us at a table and gave us our menus. She promised to be back in a few minutes and left us alone. I looked around the small room that was packed full of people. The restaurant was made up of several rooms, from what I saw when I walked in, they all were pretty packed. I looked over at Jack whose eyes followed mine, and copied mine so that our eyes met. “So... how are you lately?” I asked him, breaking the awkward silence. I leaned on my arms that I folded over the edge of the table. I pulled on the ends of my long sleeves to have them cover my wrists generously. “I'm fine. Thank you for coming with me.” he said sweetly. I smiled (I couldn't help it) and nodded at him. His dark hair shone in the dim light above us, giving us a romantic setting. My feet curled around my ankles under the table. “Thanks for bringing me.” I whispered. I totally forgot about the menus sitting in front of us, neither one of us looked at them, so I scooped mine up and looked through it. “Uh, has Chris bothered you any more?” Jack asked cautiously. My eyes stared, then slowly looked up at him. I sighed. “No, thanks again for saving me, though. I wouldn't have got him off my back if it wasn't for you.” It was true, Jack was a lifesaver. He always was, it seemed he showed up at the perfect times to get me out of trouble. He was used to it, though. He had a sixth sense about those things I always said. He had gotten so prone to shoveling me out of my hole all the time. I was surprised he even took action since he hadn't talked for a while. “If it's okay for me to ask, is he with Kat now? I've seen them together all the time and I was wondering--” “Yes.” I said coldly. Jack's eyes widened for a moment, then he looked back down at his menu. “I'm sorry. I'm still touchy about the situation. I... He betrayed me.” I tried to suck the words back into my mouth just after they slipped out. The word, “betrayed”, was the curse of our relationship. The syllables used together to make that depressing word burned into the code of my mind. Ever time I used that word, Jack's face came into my head and darkened my heart. And when I said it, Jack's facial expression seemed to change and his eyes sadly looked up at mine away from his menu. Man it's hot in here! I felt my fingers tingle and I nervously pushed up the sleeves of my arms to help cool me off, but I had forgotten Jack hadn't seen my arm yet, and when he looked down at the creepy thing, his eyes widened and he put his menu down to look at it more. “Anna, what happened?” Jack asked. I looked down and noticed my bare forearm. I gasped and hid it under the table. “Anna, what happened? Are you okay?” Jack leaned over the table to peek at my arm, but I shoved half of my body under it it seemed like. My heart raced. “I'm fine, Jack. Something just happened a while back. It's no big deal.” I felt my cheeks get hot. Jack gently held my arm and pulled it above the table. He looked at it closely, following the little veins that burst across my arm like cobwebs. They looked a lot brighter under the dim light above us, which also made them look a lot worse than they actually were. “Anna, what happened to you?” His eyes frantically searched mine, looking for the answer. I felt my eyes moisten and my arm ache. I pulled it away from him and held it against me. My eyes stared at his, reluctant to see his face when I would tell him what happened. I wasn't even quite sure, I only knew one thing for sure, and I dreaded saying the words. “I died,” I whispered softly and felt the tears break and roll down my cheeks. Jack's eyes widened and his mouth dropped slightly as he stared at me. “What?” he asked and shook his hand, as if to push a lie from his ears. Then, the waitress came back and slowly as she saw my wet cheeks. “Can you give us a minute?” Jack asked the waitress, she nodded generously and walked away, glancing back at me over her shoulder. “I died.” I whispered again, feeling my arm throb. “Anna, that doesn't make sense. If you died you wouldn't be here. Explain, please, because I am about to...” his mind trailed off and he looked up at the ceiling. Then, his frightened face came back down to mine and he tightened his jaw. “There was a robbery, and the robber killed me with some chemical. But I came back, and the chemical that kills humans was absorbed into my body, somehow. Gosh! I don't know the whole story, I wasn't conscious! That was what the doctors told me!” I wiped my tears quickly and violently, as if to punish myself for my ignorance. “And now my arm is all stupid!” Jack stared at me in shock. I looked down at my arm and watched my tears drip onto it. “Who was the robber? Anna, this better not be a lie, because I'm freaked out right now.” Jack said without his eyes leaving mine. “So that's why you were gone from school so long?” I nodded shamefully. “I guess they never found them.” I whispered. His breathing thickened and he grabbed my other hand that was still on the table. “My precious Anna, I don't know what I'd do if you wouldn't have come back. I don't even know how that is possible, but I'm glad God saved you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.” he whispered. A shock wave of pain shot through my arm and I winced, sucking the air through my gritting teeth. “What's wrong? Are you okay?” Jack asked and jumped up from his seat. My head fell to my chest and I pulled him back down to sit. I flipped my hair from my face and blinked lazily at him. “Jack, none of this is your fault. Please don't blame yourself.” I ignored the other eyes that I knew were staring at us. I tried to keep my voice low. “I'm so sorry for what I did to you, Jack.” I choked out. My tears reached the corners of my mouth and I licked them, tasting their sweet taste. I wiped them again and sniffled. “No, no, Anna, don't talk about this now, let's go somewhere else and talk about it.” Jack said, holding my hand between his gently. “I'm so sorry, Jack. I'm so sorry for cheating on you with Chris. He's a jerk and left me while I was in the hospital. He left me while I desperately fought to get better. I regret with all my heart for what I have done to you, Jack. Please, please forgive me.” My face shook as I fought so hard not to ball my eyes out. I managed to only let the tears fall, while my insides cramped to scream out and sob. “Anna, it's okay. It really is, I forgive you,” Jack said and sat next to me in my seat. He wiped my tears off my cheeks and pushed my hair out of my face. He held my hot cheeks in his soft hand and looked into my wet eyes. “It's okay, Anna. Don't cry, darling.” he said. But with his last word, I felt my face wrinkle and I held my hand over my mouth. I hid my face from the people only a few meters away from us. Surprisingly, none of them stared. I guessed we had been quiet enough to keep to ourselves with our conversation, which I was thankful for. “I regretted what I did ever since we separated. I left someone so great to me. Chris was not who I thought he was. I'm so stupid!” I squealed and tightened my fingers into a fist. “Shhh, no you aren't, Anna. It's okay, really. Calm down.” Jack whispered in my ear. My arm tingled and I held it tighter against my side. “I still love you.” My eyes shot open and my chest ached tremendously. My body went crazy under the touch of Jack. His words sent my nerves over the edge. Jack's eyes searched my face as I blinked lazily and winced at my arm. “I still love you.” I returned in a weak whisper. He smiled and kissed my head. I sniffled and quickly wiped my face off of its tears and tucked my hands between my knees. “Does it hurt?” Jack asked me. My eyes lowered to the table of empty plates and glasses. “Sometimes.” I whispered reluctantly. “I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. I've tried so hard over these many years to not love you I really have. I have tried to hate you, but I couldn't. My heart couldn't bare not loving you, Anna.” I looked over at his perfect face I had for so many years longed for. “Table for three,” I heard a man in a deep voice say to the clerk at the front desk. My head snapped in the direction and I looked at the three men standing in front of the woman at the desk. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. I jump up and climbing over the table, leaping onto the floor, grabbing Jack's wrist, and dragging him with me. I fell, of course, Jack partly caught me as my legs collapsed and I hit the floor hard. A rush of pain filled the rest of my body, but I didn't care. “Anna, what are you--” I got up and dragged Jack with me to the very back of the room. I didn't know what happened in the front room, but I heard screams a few seconds after and knew the men must have had weapons. “Anna, stop! What's wrong?” Jack yelled behind me as I pushed him against the back wall and pressed my body up next to him. Around the corner was the room I was in, and probably the robbers. “Nobody move!” I heard a man yell. “Jack, that's them! That's them!” I squealed out as I began to hyperventilate. My knees felt like jell-o as my mind recalled what happened that day at the CargoMarket. I puled my hands up to my head and pulled on my hair to possibly stop my wondering mind. “Who?” Jack turned to look, but I yanked on his arm and pulled him closer to me behind the wall. “That's them! The robbers, Jack!” I held my hand up to my mouth and cried silently as Jack stared at me in horror. “Are you sure?” he whispered. I nodded and hung onto him. His eyes filled in sadness and terror. My right arm felt like it was slowly being burned off. Gasps filled the restaurant and seemed to flow into the room Jack and I were in, but we couldn't see since we hid behind the back wall that lead to another room. “I am looking for a young girl, has anyone seen her?” I recognized that voice and felt my stomach smash fall and smash my toes. Jack stood against the wall in front of me, hiding me behind him as we listened to the men who seemed to be a few feet from us. “Aw, I know she is here. I guess I will have to kill the ones who don't talk, eh?” one man said. Then, I heard a woman scream and a gun click to load. My eyes widened and I hid my face on Jack's shoulder. God, please help me! Please! Then, all of a sudden, an arm swung out and grabbed Jack by the chest of his shirt and whipped him out of our hiding spot. Jack was out of my sight. I still stood against the wall and held my breath. They hadn't seen me behind him. “Oh! Who is this? Why do you hide, boy? I am not looking for you, I am looking for a young woman. Have you seen her?” the main man sneered at Jack in an evil voice. I heard no sound out of him. I tried with all of my strength to continue to stand, though my body was dying under me. Then, a face peeked behind the corner and looked at me. It was the guy with the blonde hair. His face lit up and he grabbed my arm and swung me out form behind the corner. I screamed as loud as I could from the pain the tight grip sent through my bad arm. The man held me against him and laughed with the others as my head lowered and tears dropped onto my shoes. I couldn't breathe, the air cracked through my tight throat. “Ah, so the rumors are true. You really have survived the B.L.V. That's incredible on your part, bad on ours.” the main man said. I rolled my head up lazily and looked at them. Jack sat in a seat with the other robber pointing a gun at him. The main man with the full beard stood in front of me, looked me up and down. I had no energy, I couldn't even speak. I could feel my heart suffering, beating unevenly and painfully. The bearded man reach over and pull the collar of my shirt below my shoulder. He looked at the healed hole he made only a few months ago. His eyebrow arched and I realized he was confused about the sight of my arm. He laughed crazily. “Tut! What a shame you have survived that, how unfortunate! How was it? Painful?” the man's face lit up, as if the very thought of my suffering brought him joy. My hands shook at my sides. He was crazier than I remembered. Tears strolled down my cheeks as I looked over at Jack, who stared at me. The man looked back and forth between us. “Oh!” he said, pointing to Jack sitting with the gun at his head, “Is this you man, now? Wow, you are a lucky one, my friend. But, you are not the original I remember. I remember you,” he pointed back at me with his gun, “being involved in another. Let me think, brown hair, tall, handsome of course. What happened, did he leave you for another woman?” he asked. My eyes widened. How did he know that? “Ah, I can tell by your reaction that is a yes.” he leaped up to my face and held my chin with his two fingers tightly. I could taste his odor in my mouth. “Guys are dogs, remember that, girlie. Maybe you should... I don't know, move on and build your career, because we all here know that is what you need most--” “Leave her alone!” a large, dark woman behind him yelled. My eyes shot behind him and looked at the woman who stood her ground next to the doorway into the room. The man turned his head awkwardly and looked at her. Everyone's eyes were on the woman who stood ruthlessly. “Don't you know it is impolite to interrupt someone's conversation?” he asked. Then, he lifted his gun and shot the woman. I yelped and the blonde guy laughed next to me. Jack held his mouth and stared at the woman fall to the dark carpet. Women who huddled in the corner held each other and cried at the sight. A few men stood on the side, completely still, and made no sound. My eyes left the lifeless body and looked at the evil face staring at me. “Now, where was I?” he said and rubbed his head with the end of his gun. Lord, please help me! Please, Lord, please! Suddenly, my knees gave out and I fell to the dark carpet next to the feet of the two evil men. “Anna!” Jack squeaked, but was shoved down by the third man. The blonde guy next to me yanked on my arm for my to stand as the pain rushed again. “Aw, can't stand, precious? Can't you bare it all? Don't worry, you won't have to much longer. But there is a question I must ask you.” The crazy man kneeled in front of me and brought his face next to my lowered one. My hair fell over my whole face that stared at the carpet so close to me I could almost lick it. “Do you have any idea why I tried to kill you in the first place, my sweetness?” he whispered. I didn't move. “Too bad, but I will give you a hint you have a few seconds to figure out before I kill you. Don't be mad at the messenger, Anna. When you didn't die, I was punished for it. That is why I am making sure I kill you this time with bullets. Good luck avoiding death with these babies.” he snickered. Then, I was pulled up to stand again. I rolled my head back to look once more upon Jack's teared face. The rest of the people in the room stared and cried, there was nothing they could do as the man pressed the end of his gun against my forehead. “You will die, girlie,” he said, smiled crookedly, “I will make sure of it this time.” I looked into the black hole, awaiting the blazing bullet to meet me. I was too weak to object to it. My body and mind didn't work right, they clouded with pain and my unwillingness to live. “Ow!” the blonde man next to me yelled. He let my arm go to look down at his foot. “Dirk!” the bearded man yelled at the moment I sprang up and ran towards Jack. In slow motion, I ran, fell at him, he caught me, and swung me under him onto the floor. My numb body lay under his, like a protective shell. Bodies moved behind us, but I couldn't hear, nor did my eyes wonder away from Jack's. “Freeze!” I heard over the screamed and bangs. I finally looked past Jack to see the robbers running out the back of the room and the police running into the room after them. My body jerked to look over Jack, but stopped at his face. His eyes were wide and blank, staring motionless in mine. I knew something was wrong. All of a sudden, Jack choked, and down poured blood onto my forehead from his mouth. “Jack!” I screamed and grabbed his arms. He coughed again with no signs of him responding to me laying under him. “Jack!” I screamed again and he fell onto the floor beside me. A few bodies rushed over to us as I sat next to Jack screaming in terror. My body died, and only my numb face of screams kept me conscious. Jack's bank face froze in its position, staring at me as blood dripped down my forehead and off of my nose. I couldn't hear anyone, people screamed around me, but I could only hear distant, muffled voices as I screamed at my dying love. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing