![]() ChrisA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]()
I watched Ellen drive away with Anna in the passenger seat. Andrew walked up next to me and waited for me to speak. I didn't, I had nothing to say. I realized Kat was still behind us on the ground probably crying, so I turned and walked over to her. “Kat, are you alright?” I asked her, bending down to help her up. Her two friends stepped back when I pushed in and grabbed Kat's arm. She sobbed and held her face. “Chris!” she wailed and dug her face into my chest. That was no time for me to push her away. She needed me and I wrapped my arms around her and held her up. Her sandy hair now ruffled blew up into my face and I held my hand over her head as she sobbed in my shirt. “Chris, I think my nose is broken!” she yelled. I looked at her two friends who stared, Andrew said nothing. “Go to class, I'll take care of her.” I told them. They looked at each other, then grabbed their things and walked back into the school. I heard the bell ring. “Katherine, I'm going to take you to the doctor--” I said and pulled her to walk with me. Her feet dragged and she continued to hold her face. “Andrew, your job is to go to Ellen's house and see if Anna is alright. I'm taking Kat to the hospital.” He nodded and walked ahead of us to his car. “No, take me home first.” her words mumbled in my shirt. She sniffled. “Alright,” I said and held her against me. That whole time I didn't see her face, she covered it with her hands. I guessed it was embarrassing. I carried her to my car and helped her into the passenger seat. I ran around the front and got in. Kat stared out the window, tears still running down her face. I could see her nose bruised from the side, I didn't want to see the whole thing. Anger built up in me and I remembered what Anna did. My jaw tightened and I drove off. “Kat I am very sorry again. Is there anything else I can do for you?” I asked her. She scoffed and crossed her arms. “No. I only want to go home, my dad will deal with everything else.” she said. “Kat, I'm really sorry Anna--” “Don't mention that name!” She yelled at me. I nodded and she directed me to where she lived. She guided me to a part of the city I hadn't been. On the outskirts was a longer road with beautiful houses lining it. She pointed to the house on the end and I pulled up in front of a large gate. Behind it, a beautiful mansion. The greenest grass I've ever seen lay on the ground with shrubs and flowers perfectly cut and bright in color. I pulled up to the gates and she typed in a number on the keypad on the side of the gate. They opened, and I drove down her driveway to her huge house. “Wow,” I said in awe. She got out and I jumped out after her. “Kat, are you sure you don't need me for anything else?” I asked her as she trotted up the steps. “No, thank you,” she said over her shoulder and walked through the door, slamming it behind her. “Dad! Look at me!” I heard her screamed inside her house. I rubbed my face in frustration and got back into my car and drove away. “How could you do such a thing, Anna?” I asked aloud to myself. I gripped the wheel tightly and sighed. “Kat could have a broken nose just because you think she was flirting with me.” I pulled u pin my driveway and looked at my phone I held in my hand. I knew Anna would most likely be at Ellen's house. I wondered if I should call and let her apologize. Did I scare her? I wonder if I scared her when I yelled at her. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help myself. Anna had no right doing that to Kat. After I thought about it, my body filled with anger and guilt. I was upset with her, but I knew I yelled and shouldn't have. I hoped she wasn't mad at me. But wait, I shouldn't apologize when I was only defending Kat who sat on the ground with a crushed nose. Anna is the one who needs to feel sorry. Or, am I overreacting? I dialed Anna's number and listened to it ring. I got her voice mail. I quickly called Ellen's cell. No answer. Then, I called Ellen's house. No answer. “Ugh!” I shoved my phone back into my pocket and walked into my house. “Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.” I said to them sitting on the couch watching TV. “What's wrong, honey?” Mom asked. I sighed and slipped my shoes off and put them by the door. “Nothing, rough day at school.” I let myself fall into the recliner and closed my eyes. “Are you and Anna alright?” she asked. I honestly didn't know. So, I shrugged. “It will be fine, son. Darla, how about some dinner?” Dad asked Mom. I ignored them both. “Yeah, I was just about to start it,” Mom said and left to go into the kitchen. “Chris, couples have trouble sometimes. I'm sure you'll work it out.” Dad whispered. I looked at him. “Okay,” was all I could come up with. My situation was totally different and I didn't feel like explaining it to him. “Thanks, Dad.” “No problem.” He smiled. I got up and walked upstairs to my room. I only watched TV. There was nothing else for me to do until dinner. So, I watched TV, but I wouldn't be able to tell you about the shows I watched because I was too busy thinking about what happened while they were on. During dinner, my parents and I talked about normal things. I knew my mom was satisfied that Anna and I were in a fight. She never really liked Anna. She didn't like anyone. It was hard for her to accept another girl in my life. I kept the situation on low and said as little as I could without lying about anything or giving away too much information that would lead to an interrogation. And after we were done eating, I cleaned my plate like any other day and walked back upstairs to my room. I walked across the blue rug of my room and fell onto my comfortable bed. I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead roughly to rub off my thoughts from it. It didn't work. I suddenly heard my phone ring and I grabbed it quickly, hoping it was Anna. I read the screen and groaned when I saw it was Ellen. “Hello?” Later hoping it would be Anna just using Ellen's phone. Or, at least Ellen telling me Anna wants to talk to me, or at least yell at me. No. She spoke in a panicked voice that made me worry. “Chris, is Anna with you?” Ellen asked frantically. “No, why?” I felt my heartbeat quicken and my chest panic. I held my breath. “We can't find her anywhere. She sneaked away from me with my car to go to the store and never came back.” “What do you mean? She is missing? Why didn't you stop her?” “I was sleeping! I thought she as too until I woke up. Do you know where she would be?” “Did you try her house?” “Yes! I tried everywhere! I've been calling and calling her but she won't answer her phone. If you don't know where she is, my parents are calling the police.” I felt my heart drop. Anna was missing. My hand started shaking as I held the phone and frantically searched my mind. “I have no clue, Ellen. I'm coming over! What store?” I asked, jumping up and running downstairs. I jumped into my shoes and ignored my parents asking me where I was going. “CargoMart.” “Alright, I'm going to check there and you have your parents call the police. Call me if you hear anything else.” I shut my phone before she could say anything else. I got into my car and drove off quickly in the direction of the CargoMart. I could feel my fingers cramp and my wrists shake with my hands as if to be greeting each other. Please be at CargoMart. God, please let Anna be safe and not hurt. Please let us find her, God. I took deep breathes and concentrated on getting to the store as fast as I could. I hoped, with all my heart, that she would be there and not lost somewhere else. I hoped, with all my heart, that she was alright and I would find her safe and have her in my arms again. The fight didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was finding Anna. © 2009 Mariah |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing