My Darling

My Darling

A Chapter by Mariah

Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played



Of course, with the start of a new week, drama stirred up between rivals. Nobody could help to hear abut everyone else's betrayal towards other people. Lucky, I wasn't apart of any of it, until a few weeks into school when I noticed a girl hanging around Chris a little too much. I kept an eye on them, making sure she didn't do anything stupid or get too close. I trusted Chris, he wouldn't ever cheat on me. He was a lovely Christian, he knew what was right and wrong. But the girl, Miss Stickyfingers, I didn't trust. Her name was Katherine Silensky, also known as Kat. I could see when I wasn't around, she would hang around Chris, flipping her hair and smiling at him with a look behind her eyes of want. It disgusted me. I tried to let it go, but every time I saw her it just built up inside me. This lasted a while, I was no person to judge or turn against someone. It took a while before I got jealous and started to get a little angry.

"Don't worry, Anna. You know me." Chris told me one day at lunch. I sighed and looked across the cafeteria at Kat.

"Yeah, I know. I trust you with everything. I just don't like how she is all over you. She knows we are together." I sighed again. I dug my hands between my knees and looked at him. He cocked his head at me.

"Please do not get angry. I don't want to be mean to her and yell at her for talking to me, so I just let it go. She will get the message sometime that I don't like her."

"That isn't quick enough," I whispered under my breath and looked away. "You need to remind her you are with me."

"Alright," he said. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I grabbed his arm and pressed my face against his chest. He held me.

"Don't worry," he reminded me. I nodded and listened to Ellen and Andrew arguing who has a bigger family. I laughed to myself.

"Alright, alright! You win!" Andrew yelled and threw his arms up. Ellen cheered and danced. Chris and I laughed.

"Gee, this girl should join the debate team," Andrew said. Ellen lifted her chin and raised her eyebrows so proudly. Andrew rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you love it," she said. Andrew shrugged and rested his arm on her shoulders. She leaned into him and smiled.

"So, Anna, what's up with the chick you guys keep talking about?" Ellen asked. I looked at Chris, then back at her.

"Eh, Kat is just keeps flirting with him. It's no big deal anymore."

"You mean Kat Silensky?" she asked. I nodded. Her eyes widened and she looked between Chris and I. I watched her with a confused look.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothin', I just can't stand her. You better tell her to leave you alone, if you don't, I don't think she'll give up until she has you, Chris. You know how she is, a rich and spoiled brat." I looked up at Chris and he looked at me. I squinted at him.

"And you were the one who said she'll stop eventually." I rolled my eyes. He shrugged.

"I think she will."

"Of course you think she will. Guys have no idea about girls' strategy. She will not stop, Chris. Anna, you better tell her--"

"But I don't wanna' start up problems. I've been avoiding drama this long, I don't wanna' get into any anytime soon." I breathed and felt my body slump. Ellen shook her head.

"Well, you and me both know she is a brat who never stops until she gets what she wants--"

"Ellen, don't worry. I will never leave Anna for anyone, I love her too much. You both do not need to worry. Trust me, I have no feelings for Kat and she doesn't get to me in any way. Just don't worry," Chris said. Ellen shrugged and looked at me. I shrugged as well and the bell rang.

"Good luck," Ellen whispered to me. What should I do? I walked with Chris to my locker and we separated again with a kiss as a goodbye. I watched him walk away and relaxed my shoulders. I had no idea how I was going to fix the situation. I trusted Chris with everything, but like I said, I didn't trust her. I knew a girl's strategy. I knew what it took to catch a guy. I actually couldn't imagine the lengths she would go to get Chris. I clenched my fingers tightly together in fists as I walked to my next class. He was so important to me, I felt I couldn't give him away to some other girl. It almost drove me crazy. I knew it was the wrong way to feel, God wouldn't be too happy with me. I tried to so hard to forget it and prayed for Him to forgive me when I would think about hitting her. I am not giving him up to her! How dare she draw him in!

I realized my class was assigned problems in the book and saw everyone was almost done with them when I came back from my thoughts. I hurried and finished them just in time to turn them in. I took a deep breath and calmed myself the best I could. I relaxed my body and stopped myself from telling my other friends about what was happening. I had learned long before to never talk to other people about people. I couldn't only talk to Ellen about it. I couldn't even tell Chris, he thought of it as nothing (general male response). People told people, and those people always told the person I talked about. Word spread faster than a virus in my school. The safest thing to do was to keep your problems to yourself, plus, there was enough problems to go around. There was no need to start my own.

"Hey, Chris." I said as I walked up to his locker one Friday. He smiled and kissed my passionately. I went along with it, and pulled away with a dizzy head. We smiled at each other.

"Wow, what was that for?"

"For just being you, darling." he smiled. I blushed and squeezed him around his waist. He shut his locker and held me against him as we walked to leave the school.

"Are you coming over today?" I asked him and looked around at the crowd of people walking around us. I sucked in a breath of his scent I loved so much and felt my fingers tingle with satisfaction.

"Hey!" I heard someone familiar scream behind us. Of course, everyone turned to see who the person was yelling for. I ducked under Chris's arm and saw Ellen running up to us. I laughed at her. "What are you guys doing tonight?" she asked. I looked up at Chris, who was already looking down at me, reading my face.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked her. A smiled stretched from ear to ear.

"Tonight. Drive-in!" She screeched. I felt it. It was a great plan.

"Wonderful," Chris said. I looked at him to make sure, yes, he wasn't being sarcastic. I squeezed him tighter.

"Great! We all meet at Carson's at eight!" Ellen screamed quickly as we walked down the steps. I nodded and walked closer to Chris to keep away from the hyper students running by to their buses.

"Anyway, can you come over and hang out today?" I brought it up again. I looked at our feet that walked together: same foot, same speed. Of course, i had to make my steps a little bigger to keep up with his, but I was used to it. He slowly a little anyway to help me with keeping up. Then, I saw a huge bug. I screamed and jumped onto Chris. He--almost falling over--grabbed me and spun me to stop us from falling. I clung onto him and looked at the bug now a few feet away.

"My gosh, you scared me!" Chris said and laughed. I pouted and let my laugh go. I couldn't help it, the bug was huge and surprised me.

"I'm sorry, but look at that thing! It's huge!" I whined and shivered its image out of my head. I turned and continued walking down the sidewalk. Chris just laughed at me. "Alright, I get it, Chris," I said and continued to stomp away. He didn't stop. "Alright I get it!" I yelled and heard him suddenly stop and felt my body be pulled back against a hard body. I turned and looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry. And if you want me to come over, I certainly will." he whispered. Suddenly, I couldn't remember what I was mad about. I nodded helplessly and scanned his brown eyes. He pushed my hair from my face and rested his arm over my shoulder. Then, we were walking again: same foot, same speed.

I got out of his car at my house and looked at mine sitting in the driveway lonely. I frowned. I missed driving my car.

"Chris, you've got to let me drive us to the movie. I miss my car," I pouted. He sighed and stood next to me, matching my gaze at the sleek, black Lexus. He didn't like me driving, he felt safer and felt I was safer with him driving, which wasn't true. I took it as an insult. I was a good river and I missed my car. I couldn't let him have all the fun.

"Alright," he said, curling his lips together and cocking his head. I smiled and quickly hid my happiness. I looked at him, nodded, and walked with my chin high to my door. When I turned, I let out a soft scream and secretly made my hand into a fist and shook it with victory. "Saw that, Anna." I heard behind me. I couldn't help but laughing.

"Mom, I'm home." I yelled when I walked into my house. A wave of a scent of delicious food swirled under my nose. I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen with Chris.

"Oh! Hello, Chris, how are you?" Mom asked, smiling when she saw us.

"I'm great," he answered, smiling back. I grabbed a plate and looked over everything on the table.

"Hope you guys are hungry." Mom said. She urged for Chris to grab a plate and eat. She always did that. Your stomach could be full of food, ready to explode, and she would still order you to eat more. Mom loved to make food and have us enjoy it.

Chris watched me eat as he ate, which made me very self-conscious. Mom left and went upstairs for some reason, and Chris watched me. For a few minutes, I pretended not to notice. I turned away when I ate and faked that I was looking out of the kitchen window at something interesting. I gave him a chance to stop, and when he didn't, I spun my head around and stared at him.

"What?" I asked, annoyed. He only smiled at me, I couldn't help but to laugh. "You've been staring at me for the past hour, gosh!" I laughed. He laughed at me.

"I know. I just think you are gorgeous, no need to freak out." he said. My face fell and I looked at him. My heart melted. It always did when he said the littlest, sweetest things. I loved when he called me pretty or beautiful.

"Thanks," I said and all of a sudden felt terribly guilty. He put his hand on my leg and patted it. I sighed and continued eating. He always did funny stuff like that. On days like that particular one, when he was in a great mood from school, he always did.

"You wanna' watch TV?" I asked him when we were done. He smiled and nodded. We sat on the couch, watching TV, and waited for someone else to come home.

After a while of numerous shows, I heard the buss stop outside my house. I leaned away from Chris and Kix sitting on his lap purring and listened to the small footsteps that pranced up to my door. It opened.

"Hey, Alice. Hey Ben," I said and smiled over the back of the couch at them. Alice smiled, but they both looked at the brown head of hair next to me. He turned around, revealing the face that was connected to the front of that head of hair.

"Hi, Chris!" Alice yelled and ran over and jumped on him. They both laughed.

"Hey Chris," Ben said and walked up the stairs, zippers clinging from his backpack. I looked back at Alice who was lead to the kitchen by the wonderful smell. Chris was all smiles. Alice always loved Chris. They were buddies. It happened to everyone, you have a boyfriend and a younger sister who thinks he's cute, and your boyfriend made jokes to your sister about how cute she is and she might even be his little girlfriend. I didn't mind it, Alice was fourteen. She was still a little kid to us. The little Alice still in elementary school the day before. Or so it seemed.

Chris brushed y hair back behind my ear as Kix meowed to be noticed sitting on his lap. Then, I heard a car pull up in the driveway.

"Dad." I said. Chris looked at me and listened. We listened to Alice yelling at Alice who walked into the kitchen and probably was trying to eat her food. Then, the door opened. Chris shot up and stood next to the couch to greet my dad. Strangely, he always did. He never let himself get too comfortable in my house. He made sure to make a good impression on my parents at all times. You'd think, after three years, he'd cut it out. No. He had the dearest respect for them and was always polite, to everyone in my family. Even if Chris was the meanest person in the world, they would still love him. My parents more than my brother and sister. Being a Christian family, we were brought up to love everyone. Chris knew that, but in his sea of thoughts, he felt he needed to love them just as much as they loved him. It almost got annoying at first how he acted. Not the fact that he was nice all the time, but I could see behind his face he was always a little nervous to talk to one of my parents. I assured him more than a million times, but his feelings didn't change, and he would assure me that that was just the way he was suppose to act. I accepted that, and eventually got used to it and accepted that was just how he was.

"Oh! Hello, Chris. How are you?" Dad asked, smiling at the both of us.

"I'm fine, sir." Chris said. Dad walked over to me and kissed my head.

"How was your day at school?" he asked us both. We looked at each other, then shrugged.

"Normal," I sad and Chris nodded in agreement. Then, Mom came downstairs and walked with Dad into the kitchen where Alice was still warning Kix to stop bothering her. I sat back down next to Chris and texted Ellen. We had a lot of time until the movie. I had to do something to kill time. So, he watched TV, and I talked to Ellen about things that happened in school. More importantly: Kat.

Ellen told me she saw, that day, Kat show up at Chris's locker and leaned against it as he walked up to it, forcing him to acknowledge her. Turns out, she was dying for his attention. Ellen said they talked a little, and Kat flipped her hair a few times. Chris didn't seem fazed, thank goodness.

"Is the movie still on?" Chris asked, looking down at my screen. I snapped it shut and looked at him.

"Yeah," I said and smiled. He looked down at my phone, then back at me and smirked.

"You are hiding something, Anna." he said.

"No I'm not, Chris." I returned.

"Come on. Tell me." he begged. He reached for the phone I tucked behind me and I squealed.

"No! Chris stop!" I laughed as he tickled me to let the phone go. I hung onto it with all my might and rolled and slipped out of his grasp. Alice ran into the living room with wide eyes.

"Catch!" Screamed and tossed my phone to her. Kix hissed at us and ran out of the way of Alice leaping up to catch the phone. She caught it and Chris's head snapped up. I watched, almost in slow motion, him jump up and Alice take off upstairs. I leaped up and chased after Chris who chased after Alice. Alice screamed her head off, and Chris and I laughed the whole way up the stairs. I could hardly breathe from Chris tickling me and then running after them both.

At the top of the stairs Alice dove onto the floor and Chris tickled her. Ben came out of his room and at the sight of us, shut himself back in. She screamed and laughed and I caught the sight of my phone tightly in her hand. I fell down, grabbed it form her hand, and ran to my room. Alice ran into her room and shut the door. I slammed the door behind me and leaned against my wall next to it. Then, it swung open and he walked in. He looked around the room for me as I stood behind him. A waited a few seconds, and jerked my body to slam my door shut and pounce onto his back. Chris ran jumped and laughed sat me. I wasn't letting go. I clung myself to his warm body as he pulled and pulled, and eventually I ended up on his front. He fell with me onto the bed. Thankfully, he didn't crush me. He held himself up and let me hand onto him over the bed. I wasn't letting go, it was all too much fun.

He ran out of energy and let us fall the extra few inches onto my mattress. We both laughed and tried to catch our breath. I gasped for air and realized my legs were wrapped around him. Not only that, he was on top of me as well. Our breathing slowed and we looked at each other. My hand lifted from my side and shook the phone tightly clenched inside of it. Chris smiled and shook his head.

"I guess I can't beat you two." he whispered. I shook my head. I looked into his bright, brown eyes as they watched me. They glistened with all the care they always showed when they saw me. Those eyes loved me. I watched them draw closer and closer to me, almost wanting to touch me themselves. I watched them close as mine followed and another pair of lips found mine. Chris's soft lips always drew me into him. I could feel the want all of him had for me, and the want my body ached just to remind me every time I saw him how much I really loved him.

I tightened my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. He grabbed my waist and held my tightly. His lips pulled form our intertwining motions and moved down to touch each part of my neck.

"Wait--" I breathed, tightening my grip in his hair. He slowed, then looked down at me. My eyes lazily met his. I felt my head cloud and my energy drain. "Chris..." I whispered.

"I know, Anna," he said and the edges of his mouth curved downwards slightly.

"I'm sorry, we both know we can't." I whispered, disappointed in my own self, but it had to be done. We couldn't do it. It was against our religion. Not until marriage. Chris lightly kissed my lips again, making me feel even more guilty, and softly got off of me. I sat up, legs crossed and twirled my fingers.

"Even if we were going to, everyone is home. We couldn't even be able to do it now if we wanted to." I said. We both laughed.

"You're right," he smiled. "I'm sorry, darling." he said.

"I'm sorry too," I whispered and fell into his chest. I squeezed him around his waist and dug my face into his shirt. "I love you." I muffled in his chest. He kissed my head and brushed my hair behind my shoulders.

"I love you too, Anna." he whispered.

Chris stayed with me until it was time to leave for the movies. We hung out with my parents a little and explained to them why we all were screaming earlier. Alice had to join in and say Chris was chasing her, which made him blush and feel a little foolish in front of my dad. But Dad didn't care, he thought it was funny. We all got a good laugh out of the story.

"Alright, we'll meet you there." I told Ellen when I talked to her. I stood up from the couch and Chris followed.

"Bye, guys." I told everyone as we left. We walked down the sidewalk and I walked over to my car. Chris rolled his eyes and got in the passenger side. I smiled and raised my chin up high. "Hope you didn't think I'd forget." I said.

"No, I just hoped you would." he said. I squinted at him and smiled. I was excited to get my baby in motion. I shifted into reverse and pulled cleanly out of the driveway. Yay! I screamed on my insides. I shifted into drive and drove us to the drive-in.

We got to the lot and both Chris and I were looking around each window in search of Ellen's car. "Call her and ask her where she is." I told Chris. He quickly dialed her number and asked her where she was on the lot.

"No I see her!" I yelled and pulled up next to her car. I took a breath, my stress was over. I got out and met with Ellen between our cars. The boys stayed in them.

"Gee, I couldn't find you!" I laughed. She laughed at me and waved to Chris through the window. "I am going to die if Kat shows up here. I will seriously freak out,' I said and looked around.

"I know. Dang, we'll talk more after the movie. It's about to start." she said. I check my phone and nodded. We walked back to our cars and sat with our boyfriends. Chris pulled my into the back seat with him and I leaned against him. I pulled the blanket out that I kept in the back and covered us with it. I looked over at Ellen who was already curled up with Andrew in the back seat. I smiled and listened to Chris's heartbeat until the movie started.

I sat in the same position for two hours. The movie was about some kids who get kidnapped by these psychos and come up with all these plans to escape. But, one by one each kids dies. I didn't like that part, and the fact that the movie had tons of gore. And to my disappointment, nobody survives. In such a desperate attempt to be free from those maniacs, they all die. It was sad. I often jumped and hid my face from the awful scenes of the movie. I decided, it was terrible.

"Wow, that was... interesting." Chris said when the movie credits came on. I frowned and yawned.

"It was horrible," yawned and looked out the dark window. I jumped and screamed when I heard a tap on the window. The door opened and I saw Ellen.

"My gosh!" I said and held my chest. Ellen shrugged and looked at Chris.

"That was scary!" she said with her eyes wide. I nodded.

"Are you guys tired? Because Andrew and I are probably going to my house for the night, we are tired." I looked at Chris who shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said. She nodded and we said goodbye to each other. I pulled myself into the driver's seat and waited for Chris.

"Anna, you look tired. Why don't I--"

"Oh no! I am driving, mister! Are you sitting up next to me or not?" I put the car in reverse and looked at Chris. He climbed into the seat next to me and turned on the radio station.

As we drove home, we didn't really speak a lot. We were both thinking and both very tired. I pulled into my driveway smoothly and turned off the car. Chris didn't move. I looked at him, waiting for him to say something. Nothing. I put my hand to his arm and watched him. He finally looked over at me and half-smiled.

"Anna, do you know how much I love you?" he asked. I cocked my head at him in confusion.

"Well, I think so." I whispered. His lovely faced watched me.

"And I know how much you love me. Now, I know you are upset about Kat. I just want to tell you not to worry. Really. She is not my type."

"I know--" he put his finger to my lips and looked at me. My shoulders slumped and I waited for him to continue.

"I love you and only you. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. We are meant to be. I have no interest in getting to know anyone else. No point." he whispered.

"Okay," I whispered back and kissed him lightly. I felt so lucky to have him it gave me chills. My heart melted for him. I loved him more than anything. He was mine, I was his. It would take more than Kat to separate us. It was so hard to believe how lucky I was. Nothing could separate us. Chris loved me, that was all I needed since I already knew I loved him. I felt like sleeping in the backseat with him, just to be with him. I never wanted to leave him, I believed God meant for us to be together. Well... at first.

It's amazing how fast your life can change, and how fast Chris was swept out from under my feet. That night, I felt invincible, I felt nothing could stop us. I was wrong.

© 2009 Mariah

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"I was a good river and I missed my car." - driver

Teehee. Onto the 3rd chapter!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 18, 2009



None of your business, PA

I'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..

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