![]() The OneA Chapter by Mariah![]() Well, I have a normal story, except the fact that I was murdered, and my killer remained unknown for... And driven by who knows what, to kill innocent, little me. What could I have done to deserve my fate that day? No, it wasn't my wrongdoing, they played![]() My eyes opened excitedly in the bright morning. I gazed around my warm room and sat up from my bed. I felt a rush of excitement and happiness spark through me. That day was going to be special. I leaped off of my bed, practically falling (my head wasn't ready for the suddenly fast motion), and skipped to the bathroom. I always had to go in the morning, it was routine. I looked in the mirror at my knotted hair and chuckled a little. It was pathetic how uneasily I slept at night. I had to roll over every part of the bed at least twice before I woke up. Not only did I roll, I had heard rumors abut me talking and laughing in my sleep. Well, my sister claimed she heard me almost every day, I never believed her. I wanted a recording as proof before I admitted I was a maniac when I slept. I always blushed and denied it every time she brought it up to anyone. I looked at my clock next to my bed and smiled slightly, I had enough time before Chris got there. I had almost an hour. I woke up a little later than I had wished, but at least I woke up. I could hear my brother and sister wrestling downstairs as I walked back to the bathroom to get a quick shower. Which, I took to heart to make myself as clean and tasty-smelling as I could, and it was done in my twenty-minute shower. I wrapped myself in my towel and stepped out of the bathroom quietly. My dad stepped out of his room and yelled when he saw me. "Ah!" he said jokingly and covered his face with his newspaper he was carrying. I laughed and ran to my room and closed the door tightly behind me. My wet hair slapped me back in my face from turning my head so fast. I let out a puff of air and clawed at my wooden drawers to open and reveal my undergarments. I slid them on my damp body (underwear is so hard to get on over your moist skin right out of the shower). Almost tripping, I jumped over to my closet and swung it open, letting my hair blow past my face from the wind it made. I was actually running out of time. I still had a lot to do. I got dressed in the most comfortable, best looking clothes I could and put them on. I did my hair and my makeup with just enough time before the doorbell rang. My heart leaped from my chest. I had to run after it and catch it before it escaped and ran away from me, along with my breath. After one last check in my tall mirror standing on my dresser, I walked out of my room and down the carpeted stairs. I touched my naked foot to the floor and turned the corner to my livingroom. Standing in the middle of the livingroom, was a tall man, looked only a few inches taller than me, with brown, silky hair. I looked down at his perfectly-shaped butt in his tight-enough jeans. My tung dangled onto the floor. His lovely shoulders rested above his muscular back. Well, muscular enough for me. I loved a guy with nice muscle lining his back. I smiled brightly and heard him speak to my dad, who looked at him with wide eyes. Dad cared for everyone and what everyone had to say. "How are you, sir? I hope I am not intruding, like I said." the man said politely. Alice sat on the floor with her dolls, she looked at me with wide eyes and flickered her eyes from me to him. "Not at all. You are always welcome here. Anna, are you ready to go?" Dad's eyes moved to mine. I watched the man turn and felt my heart try to escape the jail of my ribs. I couldn't help but to blush at him. His bright, brown eyes looked at me and showed all amusement. The skin around his eyes tightened also to show further signs of his happiness at the sight of me. "Hey, Chris." I said, fighting the urge to leap into his strong arms--surprising strong. He might not have been built, but he was strong. As long as he was strong enough to hold me I was happy. "Hello, Anna. Are you ready?" he asked me in his perfect voice. Sometimes I felt I didn't deserve him. God blessed me such a creature, but I didn't understand why. I nodded and walked to the door. I quickly slipped on my shoes the second I remembered I still needed to get them on. My mind wasn't with my body that moment. "Have fun," Ben said behind me next to Alice. I looked back and saw him pucker his lips to make a kissing face. I knew what he meant. My face hardened and I curled my lips as a warning. He gasped and covered his mouth. I smiled up at Chris and walked outside. "Bye, Dad." I yelled and caught a last glimpse of him before Chris closed the door. For a quick moment, I wondered where my mom was. But then, a memory popped into my head that she went grocery shopping that morning. I was excited to come home and snack on something, especially after a wonderful day like that, and think about what happened. "How are you?" I asked Chris as we started down the sidewalk. The bright, August sun beamed down on us and lit up his face. He looked down at me with such trustworthy eyes. "Wonderful now. How are you?" he asked. "Fine. Are you excited to start school tomorrow?" A light breeze blew my hair back and I dug my hands into my pockets. "Yeah, I hope we have some classes together," he said and wrapped his comforting hand around mine. I felt I shouldn't have asked. School always brought down my mood. I did well in school, don't get me wrong, I just wasn't fond of the mean people brushing past me all day. Chris knew I got nervous when school came around, but he had been there for me for the three years we had been together and start a new school year together. He stuck by me and protected me no matter what. I sighed and looked up at the trees we passed and the perfect houses lined on each side of the street. "Yeah, we probably will. Well, we will at least get homeroom together," I said and laughed. He laughed too and looked down at me. Since my last name was Coleman, and his was Benitte, we were always in the same homeroom. You see, the school put the students in each homeroom according to the order they are in in the alphabet. "Please save me, Chris. I don't wanna' go!" I whined and dug my face into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Now, now. You have to be a good girl and go to school," he teased. I squealed and whined some more. "You can do it, precious. One more year then we are done," he said and kissed my head again. He was right, I just didn't want to give up summer and go deal with people who didn't care about anyone else. I didn't care what anyone said, school was filled with hard-core sinners, not my type of people. Chris released me and we continued walking down the sidewalk. "I know..." I whispered and pouted. He smiled his brilliant smile. I looked around at the houses again and saw the park appear at the end of the street. I didn't know where we were going exactly, but I realized when I saw it. Chris and I continued to talk about school until we actually got to the park and sat on the swings. That was when we swayed from side to side of each other and talked about his parents. Chris was an only child, and his parents seemed to baby him sometimes, no, all the time. It really bothered him. He was eighteen, and they needed to let him go. It really frustrated me when he would bring me to his house and they would look at us like the cutest couple, and I mean as children. They talked to him like he was a child and bought anything he wanted them to. He never abused this power, he just wanted to live his own life and not have them help him every second. Some people would love to have that, he didn't. "It's alright, when you graduate things will change." I told him. He smiled and nodded. he traced his fingertips over the back of my hands as we looked at each other. I looked out of the corners of my eyes to see if anyone was around. Surprisingly, it was empty when we were there. I watched the little leaves of grass dance with the wind and wave like the ocean. The trees bowed at me and shook their green leaves. "I hope so. I can't wait to move out and start my life with you." he said. My eyes widened and I looked at him. "Chris, we've talked about this before. You know marriage is a big step for me--" he put his finger up to my lips. "I know. I was just saying, darling." he said sweetly. I looked into his eyes that looked back at me. He pulled his finger away and replaced it with his own warm lips. I kissed back and felt my head fly up to the clouds before he pulled away, which brought me falling straight back down to the ground. I looked up at him and smiled. We spent what felt liker forever sitting on the swings in the park. We decided to actually leave and get something to eat after hearing my stomach growl under my shirt. I didn't care where we went, as long as we were together. It crushed me to leave him later that day. I didn't want him to go, I wanted him to come inside and sleep in my bed with me. I just wanted to be around him. But, my parents wouldn't be happy about that, so I was forced after each day we were together to leave him, to send him back to his frustrating parents. Chris walked me to my door later that day (he always did). I wrapped my arms around his waist and press my face against his chest. I lifted my head to kiss his tempting lips for the last time that night. I pulled away and smiled. "See you tomorrow," I said and turned to my door. He grabbed my right hand and kissed the back of it. I looked at him, he smiled. Once again, his eyes showed such attention to me. I was pretty much used to that look, but part of me still went wild for it. The sun was setting out of the corner of my eye. I turned to doorknob and walked back into the house that separated us once again. I looked into the livingroom and saw Alice watching a movie. I slipped my shoes off and she poked her head up from the couch to look at me. "Hi!" she said and smiled. "Hey," I returned and listened. I couldn't hear any signs of anyone else around. I drug my feet along the carpet as I walked to the kitchen. Before I even walked through the doorway, I heard a plate scrape along another glass plate. I looked in and saw my mom washing dishes. "Hey," I said and she looked over her shoulder. She smiled. "Hi, how was your day?" "Fine, where's Dad?" "Upstairs in his room." she answered. I nodded and walked back out to where Alice was sitting on the couch. I looked in her arms at what she held. It was our grey cat, Kix. "You excited to start eight grade?" I asked her and sat down on the couch by her. I rubbed Kix's head and she purred. Alice scowled at me and looked back at the TV. "Yeah, I know how you feel." "Summer went by so fast!" she said and spun her head at me. Her brown hair flipped into her face. She pushed it away and coughed. "I know!" I moaned. I closed my eyes and let Kix rub her head under my chin. "I actually feel worse for you, you have five more years of school. I at least graduate this year." "Ugh! Don't remind me, Anna." she grumbled. I shrugged and got up from the couch. I walked lazily up the stairs and to my room. I plumped onto my bed and shut my face into my green pillows, ignoring my long hair that somehow ended up in my mouth. I flipped myself up, pulling my hair back, and got ready for bed. I sat at my computer, my wet hair dripping down the back of my shirt. I heard someone come upstairs and stop at my door. I swung my chair around and looked at it. The door opened slowly and my mom peeked her head in. "Hey, I'm waking you up tomorrow at five to get ready." she said. I nodded and shrugged, I hid my true feelings about getting up that early. My inside screamed and shook. Mom smiled and left. "Goodnight." she said. "Night." I yelled back before turning back to my computer. I had been texting Chris on my phone for the past hour and talked to my other friends on the computer. Just like me, everyone else was feeling the same way about going back. To my relief, I wasn't the only one. I looked out my black window and saw a dim light behind the tree. What now? The only thing left to do is sleep, I thought to myself. I said goodbye to everyone I was talking to and gave a special goodbye to Chris. My tomorrow was set up for me. I got off the computer and slid myself into my bed, thinking over my schedule I would go through the next day. I had to wake up, get ready to look nice in school, and be picked up by Chris. Go to school, come home, and accept that summer was over. I lied in my bed, staring at the wall. I tucked my hands under my pillow and curled upto get comfortable. Everyone else in the house was sleeping, and I was the last one to fall asleep like usual. I must have been lying there for almost an hour and a half. I remember looking up at the bright moon in my window. The silver clouds surrounded it to keep it company during that dark night. Th was the last thing I remember looking at. Soon after that, I was waking up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I slapped it on its head and opened my eyes slowly. I could smell pancakes. Great! I thought sarcastically at the new morning. School. I groaned and pushed myself up off of my bed. I got ready, half-asleep, with no objection. I had to do it. Just when I was almost done with my makeup, I heard my door open and Alice peeked her head into my room. I looked at her through my mirror. "Hmm?" I asked. She walked over to me. "Can you do my hair?" she asked. I nodded and smiled. I loved doing her hair, and plus, I had time to burn before Chris would be there. I curled her hair and made it look adorable. I was proud and excited to hear later on how many guys would stare at her. I smiled to myself at the thought and heard the doorbell ring. I jumped up, grabbed my stuff, and skipped out of my room. "Thank!" Alice yelled after me as she walked back to her room. I was surprised she even got up that early, she didn't have to leave for another hour. "No problem! Bye Mom!" I yelled into the kitchen and swung the front door open to see beautiful Chris standing on the step. I swung the door closed behind me and jumped into his arms. I pressed my cheek against his chest and listened to his heart. "Hello, darling. Ready to go to school?" he asked sweetly. He ran his hands around my waist and squeezed me. I nodded. "Now, this is the greeting I always look forward to," he whispered and I looked up at him. I kissed him and released him from my choking grasp. He held my hand as we walked to his black car he parked next to mine in my driveway. I slid into his engulfing, leather seats and relaxed. It was about that time of relaxation. I was with Chris, and in the most comfortable seats around in my opinion. Looked out of the window at the dim morning and shivered. I had a strange feeling. "How did you sleep?" he asked me as we drove away form my house. I looked over at his happy face. "Fine I guess. I had a little trouble falling asleep..." I said and sighed. "I'm sorry. I had a little trouble falling asleep too." he said, which made me feel a little better. "You look nice today," he smiled and looked at me through the corner of his eye. I blushed and squeezed my purse on my lap. "Thanks," I said and looked out the window at the houses passing. "I can't wait to see Ellen." I smiled. Chris chuckled and nodded. Ellen Grawslen was my best friend. Her and I were perfect for each other. We both got along great and always were laughing when we were together. Chris thought it was quite funny how we acted around each other, he got a kick out of listening to us. We had been friends for years and everyone knew it. She was such a funny person. And best of all, her boyfriend, Andrew Billy, got along with Chris very well. So, it wasn't a problem with all of us going places together, the boys kept themselves busy while Ellen and I gossiped and joked around. I didn't really see her a lot that summer. We hung out a few times, but we were both pretty busy. The week before school, I barely talked to her on the phone. I couldn't remember what she was doing, but she was busy that week. I was excited to see her and hug her. Chris pulled into the school's parkinglot and I looked curiously at the students walking down the sidewalk. My eyes widened at how different some people looked. Some people didn't changed at all, but others, I could barely recognize them. I felt my heart quicken as Chris pulled into a parking space. "Here we are." he said. I nodded and looked around the car. I didn't bother to move. Chris watched me. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded and we got out of the car. Chris grabbed y hand and walked with me onto the sidewalk and up to the school. Everyone around us was pretty much dead from getting up so early, some danced around and chased each other around. Yes, the highschooler's actually chased each other. Well, the guys anyway. I leaned closer to Chris and held his arm as we walked. "Chris! Buddy!" Some guy yelled behind us. Chris turned and greeted the guy walking up next to us. I looked at him and smiled. "Hey Rusty!" I said and smiled sweetly. "Anna! How are you, girl?" he asked. I nodded and he looked back to Chris. Chris talked nicely as Rusty asked a million questions. He finally told him they would catch up later since we were about to go into the school. Rusty agreed and walked away. He squeezed me tighter and kissed my head as we walked into the bright school. "Wow, it's weird being back." he told me. I agreed and looked around at the white walls. I said hello to a few friends I saw walking around me quietly. Loud boys who shook hands and jumped on each other kept my attention as I tried to talk to my friend Hannah as we walked up the stairs. Then, Chris pulled my into him and held me. Just at the same moment, one guy was pushed past me. I gasped and growled at them. I looked up at Chris and he smiled. "Sorry," he said. I pouted and dug my face into his chest. yes, I really was back in school. I felt the full force. I didn't even realize guys were fighting behind me. Everyone grew louder and louder and hugged their friends. Good thing Chris was next to me, the guy who flew past me could have hurt me. I sighed and kept close to Chris as we walked to our homeroom. I turned into our homeroom, Mrs. Tiddle. I had had her for a few classes, and she loved me. I was happy to have her. When she saw me, she smiled brightly at both Chris and I. "Hey, Anna! Hey, Chris!" she said and laughed. Chris smiled and I waved at her. "Hey, how was your summer?" "Short." she answered. I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it," I said and sat on a desk. Chris sat on the one in front of me and looked around. I kept my eyes in the hallway, I was waiting to see Ellen walk past so I could run after her and jump on her. I watched students pass by, but no Ellen. I saw practically everyone but her. "Hey, Anna!" Sarah yelled when she came into the classroom. "Hey, Chris!" Chris smiled and returned the greeting. Sarah sat with us and talked to us for a while. I asked her if she saw Ellen, but he hadn't. I sighed and my mind started wondering. By fourth period, I still hadn't seen her. She wasn't in my three classes and I hadn't seen her anywhere in the hallways. I was forced to separate from Chris right after second period, our schedules were different. He left me with a last kiss and I carried on more of that day by myself. I walked into Mr. Alenn's math class and sat quietly. I smiled at all my friends who came in and watched the door. Then, Ellen walked in. I screamed, jumped up from my seat, and jumped onto her. Class didn't start, so I let myself jump up. "Ellen! I'm so glad to see you!" I hugged her and we both laughed. "I know, Anna! How is your day so far?" she asked and I pulled my face out of her red hair. I looked into her blue eyes behind her glasses and smiled. "Fine, it's school. Hows Andrew?" "Good, how's Chris?" "Good," I said and walked with Ellen back to our seats. Mr. Allen stood up and picked up a piece of chalk. We had to continue our catching-up later, class started. "Oh, great, Mr. Boring." she whispered in my ear. I smiled and looked down at my desk. My smile faded after a few seconds and I turned my head slightly. "Did you see Jack?" I whispered so softly. I looked at the floor and waited for her soft answer. "Yes." she whispered. I nodded and looked back to the front of the room. She knew how sensitive I was about the situation. We both only whispered about it every once in a while. When class was over, Ellen walked with me to our next class together. I wondered where Andrew was, I thought he would have been with Chris or something. Ellen didn't seem to care too much. I only saw him at the end of the day when he waited outside for Ellen. We walked out the doors and saw him and Chris standing on the sidewalk waiting for us. I smiled brightly and hugged Chris. Ellen kissed Andrew. "I'll call you later, Anna!" Ellen said and we parted. I walked with Chris to his car and discussed our day of school. He seemed to have a good day. We talked about all our friends we saw and how different some of them looked. "Call me later," I said as I got out of the car. I gave Chris a light kiss and got out of the car. "I will. Don't worry." he smiled. I smiled back and closed the door and walked to my house. I looked at Kix sitting on the banister and rubbed her head as I walked to my door. I glanced behind me and saw Chris pull out of my driveway and start down the road. I took a breath and walked into my house. "Anna?" I heard my mom ask in the kitchen. "Yeah?" I said and walked back to meet her. I saw her setting plates of food onto the wooden table. I looked at the steaming food and licked my lips. I could feel them tickle to touch the tempting food. "How was school, honey?" she asked. I looked up at her and ignored my growling stomach. I didn't eat lunch at school, so I could feel the want. "Fine, when does Dad come home today?" "Around three... about an hour." "Okay, I'll be back to eat something, I have to change." She nodded and stirred something in the pot on the stove. I turned and trotted up to my room. I changed out of my clothes and into a more comfortable outfit. Then, I felt my eyes tire and my body slow a little. I was going to take a nap later, I really needed one. I had hardly gotten any sleep the night before and after a long day of school, my body was worn out. I blinked lazily and walked back downstairs to eat. "How does Chris like school? And did you see Ellen?" Mom asked as I scooped food onto my plate. "He likes it I guess. Yeah, I saw her. She's in some of my classes." "That's good. Are your teachers nice?" I laughed at how she was acting. I was eighteen and she talked to me like I was beginning kindergarten. It was okay, but I just laughed at what it made me think of. "Yeah, they are," I said and shoved a fork-full of brocoli. I felt my stomach ache as the food reached my stomach. It was happy. I felt great, but still tired. Mom sat in the livingroom and waited for the rest of the family to get home. "Mom, I'm gonna' take a nap for a while. I'm tired." I told her when I walked past her to go upstairs. Kix sat on the couch next to her head and she looked away from the TV and at me. She smiled and nodded. "Alright, but don't sleep too long, you won't want to go to sleep tonight for school tomorrow." she said. "Yeah, you're right. I probably won't." I walked past her and up the stairs. I checked my phone and lie don my bed. Ellen sent me a text:
Hey what's up?
I texted her back and put my phone next to my alarm clock. My fingers curled under the pillow beneath my head. I ignored my bright window and closed my eyes. I rubbed my tired face and skimmed through my memory of my day. I remember everyone's faces and what happened. I remembered the look Chris gave me when he saw me walk out of the doors to leave with him. I remembered talking to Ellen and laughing about a story I told her about Kix falling into the toilet. I sudden;y laughed in my pillow, I couldn't help it, and felt so stupid for laughing out loud for no reason it would seem like. But, I frowned when I thought of the person I really and secretly wanted to see. Chris didn't know about this person, and I made it my duty to make sure he never even found out. It was so long ago, it shouldn't have even effected me how it did. What if... What if... What if... That was all I could think about until my mind fell so deeply into the shadows I no longer controlled and I fell asleep. © 2009 MariahAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on January 18, 2009 Author![]() MariahNone of your business, PAAboutI'm 16 years old. I love writing, so you might see me switching from story to story a lot, my head just fills with ideas for new stories I usually end up pitching a lot and just starting new ones. I h.. more..Writing