Share thought, share home
A Poem by Margarita Akatova
A poem out loud: 
Gave all my love, Gave all of me,
Come home into an emptiness”
You come home into a full house of love and joy and beauty,
No one to share with?
Is that you? Are you the wondering thought?
Are you your mind? You are the soul.
The mind is powerful! Well, no.
The mind is rational; go outside, fall,
You’ll hurt but listen to your whole
That thing you call the intuition, that thing you call the spirit and the inner feeling.
Control your breathing.
Focus on the pain, breathe into it, breathe out, now let it go away.
I want to share it with
I want to share it with all of you -
You the human who connects
With my emptiness.
Such a nice thought.
To share yourself with someone
To share the love the joy the beauty
To share your vision of the world.
To mutual respect and understanding
We drink today a glass of pure
Pure energy,
Pure smile will rise and our cheers will be heard loud
To all the people, connect to every human
From the inside of our souls
To me to you to home to the outside
It will cover all the town
The whole country, continent
And all the oceans all the air
It will be heard and will be felt
By everyone on planet Earth
And will extend throughout the universe
And the next one and the next one
I want to share it with you.
I want to love the now with you.
Referring to the single one of you out there,
We’re people, we - one special group
Who can think deep, who can protect.
We are the pure
We are the energy
Each one and all -
Share thought, share home.
© 2020 Margarita Akatova
Author's Note
All feedback is wanted and welcome! :)
Margarita AkatovaLimassol, Cyprus
Greetings! I've started writing around March 2020, some of the words on the papers transitioned into poems, some into songs. I enjoy writing philosophical yet on-point texts that base around an emotio.. more..