When up is up and down is down
are straight, circles round
The lost are those who are not
And silence is the lack of sound
With so many rules
to derive and follow
The world's too complex to be hollow
to whom does the time we borrow
Belong to, to start
Could it be the mighty Apollo
That created man, next
to the swallow
Who gave us pain, love and sorrow
And land to
plough and let lie harrow?
Many turn to Gods or thereof
And believe we were sent to below from
But how can they truly believe in love
When all we do is
kick and shove?
Millions starve face first in sand
beg for us to share our land
To offer them a helping hand
they needed to be planned
Meanwhile our richest and most
Simply sit, grow and expand
They hide behind their
corrupted brands
And ignore the dying people's demands
Governments feed the wars
cripple nations, leave them torn
Do not care when people
The children of fathers that won't be born
friendly family names
Like Coca Cola, even betray
Because if a
farm is in the way
They'll treat it like a piece of clay
When the evil saw their prey
They came and drained the water
Thousands of farmers left in dismay
So we can have our
coke today
But what if life is just a test
To see who
turns out to be best
To rise above those who detest
Or maybe
it's just all a mess