A Poem by
Not really a poem but an extract; an idea. Monologue.
A thought of the literal meaning of common expressions. We need them to explain things which are too complicated to explain. We understand.
I know what people mean when they say they feel
empty. Not really out of experience, but with the use of words one comes to
understand when each term is applicable to each scenario, even when you need
one that expresses the lacking of words to represent an accurate sense of
meaning. Feeling empty could not be possible, for the mere reason that we are
never actually empty. Maybe you are just hungry. I could imagine how a glass of
water would feel without its water, but again, I can't place myself in the glass'
shoes... Glasses don't have shoes. And yet we create these expressions that
carry meaning. They generate a constant awareness of life being not just words,
but raw empathy and unlucky misunderstandings. So we communicate though
expressions born from this sense of emotion we perceive in commonly still
pieces of our world. Just because we are human and can create the means to
meaning, because we explain beauty we want others to admire. Just like trying
to explain the stillness of the earth as you described the emptiness in your
chest. And I can feel the freezing nothingness of my lungs and the vacuuming of
my heart. And now there's just numbness. I can still see the world around me
but I don't feel I’m in it. There are a lot of people and they just pass by in
their own worlds and I’m a ghost present in all of them and in none. None of
them. It hurts, but at the same time it doesn’t. it’s not pain… it’s just
the acknowledgement of being a presence without a cause.
© 2015
Author's Note
I really don't think this can be called a poem, can it? but i really don't know where to put it. i right this type of thing, these thoughts, all the time. it weird, but tell me what you think!
thank you!
Amateur writer, too shy to make my friends read my stuff. still, i want someone to read it.
feel free to say what you really think.
thank you. more..