A Book by Eric Yang
On his 16th birthday, Gin Zolcs is blessed with a power that gives him all the powers he wanted. When Gin is banished to the wastelands, he realizes this power is actually a curse. Darkness comes...
© 2015 Eric Yang
Author's Note
Dear all who may read my story: This story is a part of a project I am working on. As I do not have much experience with writing, I do view this as a learning process. This is the longest story I have written, and has had the most effort put into it. The reality concept focuses on the corruption in people's hearts.
Please comment on any changes (major or minor) in which I can improve the quality of this story and my future writing!
Eric Yang
I'm Eric Yang, a new student writer currently studying in Hong Kong. My current stories are a part of a project I'm working on, and I hope to develop my skills as a writer during this period! more..