That Morning Of July.A Poem by manishSeemingly never ending and deep that is the way I usually sleep. The morning air was notoriously cold and provoking, I lay flat lazy and I thought and kept on thinking how much I to sleep and how painful in the process of wakening. “Can I afford a couple more hours?” the lazy in me was very keen. I didn’t know till that moment then, I was also a statistician somewhere within. Charts and graphs made remarks favoring the cons, scaring the pros. I coaxed myself somehow, “Come on, there will be a morning for this one day of course.” The rain on my roof sang a possessing lullaby almost trapping me in its spell, “If you’re wise awake and arise” yelled in desperation my only wise brain cell. In the tussle of the body and the brain my bed was no more a place I could dwell. I finally part from bed, the brain wins and the body derails. My lazy feet dragged me to the window. The orchestra of the rain had muffled by then their notes now low and slow. The air so light and pure it blew my past skin caressing my soul. The distant mountain distinctly blue, the waterfall hitting its sharp edges created a silvery mist. A magical blurring clarity, beautifully weird, something never seen before. The silence of the green, the moisture of the sky Filled my blood with positives creating a surge of high. Thoughtless and frozen was my mind as my eyes kept on gazing. With a rolling of thunder the trance was broken. I returned to attend the pile of my pending work. Everything was same again or perhaps not. The laptop was on so were my hands and mind. Work was no more scary and monotonous concept, A little bit of heart is all it takes Sometimes universe has its own of setting things straight. That July morning perhaps was one of those things. © 2012 manish |
3 Reviews Added on July 29, 2012 Last Updated on July 31, 2012 Author