![]() Fairy WorldA Story by reading maniac![]() I guess it was supposed to be a story but I left it hanging cause I had writers bock and forgot about it among my other work![]() Once upon a time, I was a young, handsome boy. I still am, but that’s besides the point. I was hot; I was the greatest person I have ever met, like seriously! I was a great football player; I had scholarship opportunities for colleges. Obviously! I was smart enough to even be able to PLAY. Who else can brag about this but me? But it all went down the drain when I REALLY began talking to Pyke. Well, maybe more like bullying. Being who I am, of course I just had to bully Pyke. He was small, scrawny, and-haha what do you know?-weak. Such a geek, right? Well, the thing that I didn't know was how weird he truly was. He was always hacking away at his computer, tablet, phone, any electronic he can get his hands on. Not knowing who he really was, I decided to play with him one day. I looked over at him, pointed and laughed with my friends. He hacked away as usual; his eyes scanned the screen he looked at. And his eyes were literally all over the place. I wondered, What the heck is he doing? What was so intriguing about this little piece of device. And the worst part was; he knew we were making fun of him. And you know what he did? Nothing, he didn't tense up or anything like the rest of the school did when we looked at them and point. No, he just sat there, doing what he was doing. You know what that is called? Ignoring us! ME! Ha! No one should be able to do that. There should be a law against it! Seriously, who doesn't want to look at me???? Or get my attention??? Well this here is the last straw! “He isn’t getting away from ignoring me anymore!” I yelled as I got up in his face. It was so loud, I was positive the next city over can hear me. “I am rich, what about you? I am the best! And what are you? Nothing, you're nothing at all!” I paused to see what the boy would do next. Nothing, he just tapped away on his device! “I am Bryce Welmmings and you are no one at all Pyke WhatEverYourLastNameIs.” I laughed with all of my friends; no one truly knew what his last name was-No one cares enough to ask, after all. I know this got his attention. “It’s not good to say my full name out loud, you know,” he said so quietly, I felt like it was hurting my eardrums from my strain to hear his meek little voice. I didn't see his lips move and my friends didn't seem to react to a single word he said. It was almost as if he didn’t say anything at all. “Oh, I didn't say anything, Bryce Welmmings…” he sneered my name. “And now that I know your full name...Ohh, I am going to have fun...” Before my very eyes, Pyke grew wings and turned a dark shade of blue. I looked around but all I could see was the blue of Pyke. Everything around me was shaking, changing, falling apart. In the mix of all the blue, I saw a blinding white light. What was that light? I thought to myself. It was a small and tiny square-shaped light. Then it got bigger and brighter until it all but consumed my entire being. It was eating me alive and I was enjoying the sensation of the light. What the frick...why am I...enjoying this...so...mu- In front of me was a lush green land of grass. I was standing at a beautifully paved road that ran further than my eyes can see. I looked behind me and saw stairs leading down. I turned and followed the stairs. After ten steps down it got harder and harder to go until I finally realized, I was going up! What is going on? I decided to keep going because if I stopped now, well it’s probably longer back than to keep going. And climbing stairs are harder than playing football. When I finally reached the top, I was breathing as hard as if I had finished playing a game of football with the Patriots! By myself! I can totally imagine myself doing it and winning. Obviously...but more to the point. When I reached the top of the stairs-or the bottom?- I saw a babe of 19 years. A body so hot, I won't ever forget it, even if I had Alzheimer. Walking up to her, I realized she was probably 7 foot 8. But she was totally proportional. I looked like an ant compared to her, what with my being 6 foot 2, but that didn't stop me. “Hey babe, my name is Bryce Welmmings. Can I get yours?” I inquired, looking her up and down. “Hello, I am Josephine and I will do my best to help you along. I am here to help you get back to your world but because of who you are I do not think it is possible. This being the only job suited for me, I will do my best. First things first, you will need to find a sword. When you have you shall come back to me and give it to me to store away in your treasure box.” Behind her appeared a box made of gold. “After that you shall look for a shield that matches the sword. If they do not match, you have to either throw away your old sword or the shield you have found and look for the corresponding weapon.” “I have one thing down that I will definitely do Jo and that is to come back and ‘give’ it to you. That is a for sure thing,” I proclaimed. “After you have found these two items, you would have to find one last thing before you can go back to our home and back to your life. The last item you have to find is to find yourself.” she continued to say as if I didn't say a thing to her. Man this chick is like a robot! Oh well, this should be easy. Looking at the lady for such a long time made my eyes hurt so bad it was as if this chick was disappearing, but such things aren't possible. Thinking back onto my past 10 minutes and seeing what Pyke just did, it just may be possible. I looked around me and saw a sword and remembered I was supposed to get a sword and shield like Jo told me. “See, Jo, I was listening to you!” I shouted towards the sky. I grabbed the sword; it was beautiful and made of gold. It had a long sharp-looking blade and the handle fit perfectly into my grasp. Three meters away, I saw a shiny golden shield with a design on the front of the shield. It looks exactly like the flying dragon design on the sword, I thought. I looked down, there was a dragon design that I haven't seen before. How did I know there was a dragon on this sword? Oh well it matches my search is almost over! So easy. Having finishing these two tasks in less than ten minutes, I was feeling pretty good about myself. The last item on the list was to find myself. Wait, what? What does that mean? To find myself? Well, first, I got to go give these to that hottie. Wait, how am I supposed to find her? I don't know where to go and I’m still really close to where I first saw her. Do I just go back there and look for her there? Or do I call her name? Thinking the second one was more useful-or because I didn't have to talk as much-I shouted her name out loud, “JO! Are you out there? I’m done! Wait a minute,” I whispered to myself. What was her real name? Maybe that will work instead. “Josie? Uh Jordan?! Joy, Jonnie, Jody, Joel?! Frick! What was her name, d****t?” Walking around, looking at the ground, I thought long and hard. She was a beautiful elegant looking lady. Nothing too plain; something creative, something elegant that will show who she is. Something...Jophine!” remembered her name. “I'm done with this task! Are you out there? Come grab the sword and shield! And I need help on the last item!” Looking around, trying to catch a glimpse of her before she could magically appear in front of me, I saw her materialize by the stairway. It was leading down again, weird… “Bryce Welmmings, give me the sword and shield. I shall do whatever is in my power to help you, I am sure you can pass this conquest!” she proclaimed. “Oh Jo, you surprise me so well. I know...” I grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, “... you are not Jo. Who are you?” The imposter turned around even in my death grip and kissed me on the cheek. I froze not because I’m a virgin but because something in me just didn't seem to function anymore. “How did you know I wasn't Jo?” she questioned. “Well, to begin, she is more negative and would never say I will definitely pass and secondly, she has bigger b***s. You have nice ones, better than most girls in my world and there are usually implanted, but not as well made and ‘healthy’ as Jo’s.” I could barely move my lips at this point, much less my body. “Well well, Josephine, you hear that? He says you have a better body than me! HA! You steal my looks and you look better? Yea right, I am not going to let you pass, boy. Not anymore, anyways.” Frozen stiff, she took my sword and shield and, automatically, I screamed out, “SWIPER, NO SWIPING!” from my little sister’s annoying Dora the Explorer show. How it would annoy me when she put it to MAX volume. “WHAT THE HELL?” she jumped. “You’re so stupid and you are never going to be able to go home!” she cackled as she flew away. Watching after her, I saw a white light in the distance and when I looked in that direction it was glowing, I saw the real Jo descending down from above. She’s an angel, that body, those small, rose-like lips, that long amber hair, her big, blue-wait, is that...PURPLE?-eyes. Everything about her is beautiful. And I hope she knows it. Realizing what I was thinking got me thinking some more. Why was I so mesmerized by her? Is it her body? Voice? Face? What is it? I know girls who are beautiful and much more. So why am I so stuck on this one girl? Who may not even be human...? Snapping out of my daze, I realized this is the first time in a long time, I was thinking in complete sentence and not just thinking about a girl’s looks, like I usually do. It feels good, great even! Why am I thinking such thing? Was it because I am in a different world? Has something changed in me? Was it what that witch did to me? When she kissed me? I started to panic when I notice that Jo was in front of me once again. “H-hi Jo...again” I stuttered. Wait, I STUTTERED? I don't stutter; that’s for stupid people! I don't stutter, I just don't! “Hi, how did you know it wasn't me before? You are better than what I originally thought of you. Well sorry to have to say this but you have to go look for another sword again.” “That’s fine with me. In all honesty I’m enjoying myself on this world, more than my old one. What happens if I do not accomplish my adventure?” Wait...this is not how I talk, especially to GIRLS! That witch really did do something to me! “You shall never be able to go home, that is the only consequence you will have. But let me warn you, this world has many dangers in it; monsters, demons, liars, ogres, giants, fairies, and witches,” she tried to scare me. “It’s okay; there should also be good things too right? Like princesses, princes, kings, queens, knights, and cute little furry animals that love to sing and dance,” I laughed, sounding more like myself. Gasping, the beautiful goddess said to me, “don’t ever mention those things ever again! They are the most evil of all! They kill the people, their own people in their own kingdoms! There may be one or two good kings or queens but they would eventually change over their leadership and in the end they will all be evil!” This was the angriest I ever saw her get. “Who are you? How can you say such things about your rulers? What have they done to you? I think you’re being a little too emotional on the topic...” I trailed seeing her eye stab daggers at me. At least I know she’s not a robot. “I am the princess of Verale, I know these things. My mother has changed ever since she married the king of Verale. She...” she sniffed, seeming to lose her breath, “she killed the king so that she can rule over the land, Verale,” Jo broke down weeping, clutching her sides and burying her head in her lap. Not knowing what to do, I wrapped my hands about her until she yelled, “Stop groping me you creep! What the hell do you think you are doing? What do people of your world say? Frick? Bloody hell? Bollocks? Damn? Ohh, I like that...bollocks!” I laughed out loud, she’s so cute, and did I just think that? Yea, but it’s true. She’s back to normal. Well better than before. In fact, she seems more human. “I like it better this way. Why do you act so robotic at time, so automatic, and so...emotionless?” “I don't like this side of me okay? I can’t do my job properly if they get scared of me and then I’ll lose my job for not doing my job and helping them get back home. I don't want them to be able to go back home, to a place where they have a place to belong, where they love...I want them to live a nice, peaceful life, one that is better than mine.” “I’ve decided to stay here with you. I will be your home Jo, if that’s okay with you. I really do like you and not just your body, although that is a bonus. If I become your home...I get to see it every day…awesome!” “Stop fooling around, what is wrong with you?” she yelled at me. “It sounds like he got you, Josephine,” said a voice behind me. I turned around but didn't see anyone there. “I’m not over there,” the voice came from above me this time and I looked up. Still no one I can see. “Pyke, stop fooling around, you’re confusing him,” Josephine said. Pyke, I thought, the one who brought me here? The Pyke from my world? Well, maybe not my world. Not from what I have experienced so far, I believe he was originally from this world. “Aww, you aren't any fun Josephine. Or should I call you Jo?” Pyke replied with quite a bit of oomph that I never knew he had. “Who are you Pyke?” I asked him. “A monster? Demon? What are you?” “Bryce Welmmings, you ask me who I am, to know that you must know who you are first. So let me ask you this question; Bryce Welmmings, who are you,” Pyke asked me with an emphasis on the “you”. “You know who I am, Pyke! I am me, no one else. I am the best quarterback player to play at Springfield High School. I am the one who you sent into another world. So answer me who are you? How is it possible to do such a thing?” “Oh young, young Bryce, you are not a football player from Springfield High School. In fact, your real name isn’t even Bryce Welmmings is it? Oh no, so then I ask again,” his eye turned a hard dark black, “who are you? only when you have found yourself along with the other two magical items are you allowed to go back to your peaceful days of nothingness and lies.” with that said, Pyke disappeared, leaving behind smoke to mask his ever being there. “Who the hell are you, Pyke? Jo, what does he mean I’m not Bryce Welmmings, you must know right?” I turned back to find that Jo had disappeared as well. “D****t!” frustrated, I scratched my head. I walked around in circles; “one step forward, two steps back” is what I felt was what happened. I’m back to the beginning, no sword or shield, but worse because now I don't even know who I am anymore. Tired, from what this world has brought me, I slumped down onto the soft, green ground and laid there. Closing my eyes felt great and the earth smelt sweet and enchanted. It would be wonderful to fall asleep right now... Bolting upright, I feared what may be in store for me. Why was I so tired all of a sudden? Because you have been through a lot in the past hour or so. No, it’s not that, it’s something else...what else is there? Yea, maybe I’m just tired. Yes, that’s it, you’re just tired. I began to lie down again until I realized, that wasn't me thinking. Someone was talking to me, reading my thoughts and swaying me back down. Jumping upright, I looked around me and saw no one. “Who’s there?” I yelled. Nothing moved, I looked around and didn't see a single sign of life. “I must be going crazy...” I bowed my head in pity of my insane self. That’s when I felt it, little, squirmy things crawling all over me. I could feel it all over my body. I tried to dust it off but it wouldn't stop. I looked at my hands carefully, expecting little bugs, but no, even worse, I saw little blobs that seemed to be crawling underneath my skin but, in reality, it was only the same shade of skin. That’s so creepy! This was the creature that was telling me to lie down before. But how was that possible? What is it? Is it a defective organism? Was it going to take over me? Will it change me like the witch did? Trying to kill them, someone grabbed my hand. Looking behind me I saw Jo holding my hand tightly. She gave me a hard stare and said, “What are you doing?” “I don't know, what is this thing?” I asked her. “That is an innocent creature that helps one to relax. To kill one means you will be the enemy, a monster in a sense.” “But this thing is so creepy looking, it looks exactly like something I once saw that will control one’s mind and start all kinds of war!” I reasoned. “Are you sure these aren't malicious organisms?” “I am quite sure. I used to play with them every evening before my mother got remarried and became queen of Verale.” “Okay, okay, just calm down. I should go find another sword and shield I guess. Want to go with me so I don't do anything bad? Like killing another organism?” I questioned. “I don't know...better than just waiting, I guess,” she agreed. And with that, off we went into the world before us. “Stop...stop...stop! Josephine, be careful, if you dare to help or give our dear hero hints, you shall be ban from your job and this world altogether,” came Pike’s voice from above. Looking up, there was nothing to neither see nor hear. Pyke was gone again. It was decided that I would lead because Josephine looked a little white from Pike’s threats. After a long walk, we finally came across another sword, whether it was the same one as before or not I couldn’t tell for sure. It didn't feel right in my hands, but it had the exact same shade of gold to it and the same design as before. It felt awkward in my hand, like it was too small or too big, which one I cannot pinpoint what flaw it had. “Here Josephine,” I gave the sword to Jo who only stared at it. “What’s wrong?” I asked her when she didn't take the sword. “Are you sure this is the sword that you want?” she asked me. “Of course, a sword is just a sword. It will give the same result in the end anyways, right?” I inquired. “This isn’t the one you want though,” she continued. “You don't like this one right? It feels wrong to you right?” “Well, it wasn't as good as the one before but it will do as long as I get home. It doesn't really matter does it?” I asked her, confused. “I believe that you truly won't know yourself if you do not choose the sword and shield that you truly want, but if you insist, I’ll put this in your box.” and with that, she raised her right hand and a golden light appeared above her, which gradually turned into my golden box I had seen before. After stuffing the sword inside, the box quickly flew into the sky and disappeared. “That is simply amazing, how do you do that?” I asked. “I just raise my hand and imagine what I want and it just appears. I've learned this through many years of training in a magic school. I don't think you can ever do such a thing though,” she commented when I raised my hand. “I wasn't trying to do that,” I protested. “I just wanted to touch your hand,” I jumped continuously as high as I can but no matter how hard I jumped, it was too high for me. “Fine, I’ll be nice,” she said as she began to shrink until eventually she was 5 feet 5. I grabbed her hand and looked at it for a while. Her abilities never ceased to amuse me. “What was that?” I asked mesmerized by her hand. “I can change my appearance anytime I want to. I don't have to look a certain way. It’s just easier to be in my original body, not that it drains my energy anyways but it just feels more comfortable,” she explained. That reminded me of what the witch had said. “Hey, what does it mean before? When the witch said something about you stealing her look. What was that? Did you really do it?” I questioned. It’ll be really weird if this isn't truly her original body. But I guess it’s no different from the women in my world. I guess this is equivalent to plastic surgery, just without the pain...I think. “She’s insane and jealous, nothing more to it. She tells everyone she meets that I stole her looks and made her ugly. But that’s my mother for you...” her words drifted off as she got a faraway look overcame her eyes a brilliant shade of purple. “What did she do to me? When she kissed me, I mean.” Thinking back to what she said about her parents, I inquired, “Did she poison me? Because, for a while there, I couldn't move at all. What was all of that?” “Her lips hold a certain kind of poison she got as a present from the former king. It was to ward off evil-intended beings from getting close to her. The king didn't want her to get caught up in a dangerous situation if he wasn't near her. Being the new queen held a high risk of danger, especially since she wasn’t royalty formerly. People tend to get jealous of another’s wealth and good luck, you see. I'm sure you understand and this must've happened at least once in your home land before right?” “I guess, but I never really paid attention,” I answered. This chick really gets me... “Would you mind telling me about your world? About your life in that world?” she asked me so earnestly, I couldn't refuse. “Well, I am an average high school boy of 18. I am graduating this coming spring. Or I was supposed to. I don't know anymore. Being here and not going to school.” “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It’s not your fault; it was Pyke who sent me here anyways right?” I soothed her. “You don't have to apologize…” I trailed off. We walked in silence after that… After what felt like forever in the deafeningly loud silence we came across a shield but this shield didn't look like the sword I found, in fact it was blue, so I left it there and we kept walking. I was beginning to get tired when I realized it wasn't dark out at all. I’m sure it’s been hours since I've got here. “Hey, Jo? What time is it?” I asked her confused. “We don't have time here, we’re not like earth. The sun comes and goes whenever it wants. It can be up for only a minute or it may be there for hours or days. It just does whatever it wants. We don't have a sense of time. Are you getting tired? We usually just go to sleep whenever we get tired.” “Yea, I’m getting tired and exhausted from this wild day. Can we rest and call it a day?” “That’s fine with me; after all I am just following you. I’m not going to make you do anything or give you hints...that'd be against my job regulations.” And with that, we looked for a flat land to set up camp so to say. after that we went to sleep, side by side, looking up at the shining sky...and turning around so that my face was halfway decently shielded from the sun. I should’ve kept that shield from before… When I awoke, it was dark out. Why does my neck hurt so badly? What time is it? I had the weirdest dream last night...what is this?! I looked at the girl lying next to me. Her eyes wide awake. It was the scariest thing I ever encountered. There were no pupils or color, it was all white. That was when I knew that it wasn't a dream...and I was clearly awake. “Are you okay?” Jo queried. I didn't notice her wake up. I was afraid to look at her, what are her eyes are still all-white?! “Yea I’m okay, don't worry,” I answered her still looking away. “It’s just that your eyes were open and I didn't see you pupil…” “Was it just that?” she laughed. “Sorry, it’s been scarred into our heads to keep our eyes open when we sleep, although I could never do it right. It’s supposed to look like we were awake but as you can see I can’t keep my pupils.” “Let’s keep going,” I said awkwardly and with that we were on our way with nothing but the reflection of the light of the moon. This brings me back my memories of long ago. My mother used to tuck me into bed and talk to me about the moon. I loved astronomy; she’d teach me so many things like the little and big dipper, dabih, and nashira. Dabih means slaughterer and nashira means she who brings good news. I always thought my mother’s name should've been nashira but after what she has done, I began to like dabih was a better fit for her name. I still can't believe she ran away from my father and left me all alone. He was always working; he never cared for me or her for that matter. I always knew he never loved me but my mother was different. I should've noticed something was going on when she brought that man into the house. I pretended I was sick one day and stayed home from school. Shortly after my mother called in sick for me, the doorbell ring. I heard my mother walk to the door and I ran to see what was going on. My father was already gone and I wondered what he could’ve forgotten. He never forgets, I thought at the time. I quietly snuck out because I didn't want to get lectured and sent to school. I was upstairs so I could see my mother open the door and on the other side was a man I saw before. He came home with my dad a couple times and they would talk about work and make plans on what to do with the business. I wondered what he was doing here so early in the morning when my dad isn't here. Then he pressed my mother against the door and attacked her. I didn't know what to do. I was planning on going downstairs and try to help her get away when she attacked him back ferociously. They closed the door behind them and came inside. I didn't know what was going on, I mean I was five at the time. I didn't understand why my mother didn't try to get away and call the cops. They went into the living room and my mother began to take of the man’s clothing off. The man allowed himself to be stripped naked; he even helped her with her clothes too. They got on the couch and that’s when I knew they weren't fighting each other like I originally thought. I ran to the bathroom in my room and puked my guts out. I was truly sick and my mom came running in shortly after. When I saw her, I hurled some more and I could never face her again with innocence. I think she knew that I knew and so shortly after, she ran away and my dad lost some business because of this incident. I was happy that b***h left… I noticed we had stopped moving for a while and I snapped out of my mind and paid more attention to my surrounding. Jo was looking at me and I noticed there were tears streaming down my face. “Are you okay?” she asked. “I'm here for you, you can tell me anything.” “I'm okay, don't worry babe,” I told her, “this is nothing; I think I’m just still tired from yesterday…” I tried to laugh it off but the tears kept coming. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug, “you don't have to act so tough in front of me, just tell me when you're ready.” “I’m really okay…” I looked away from her and something shiny caught my eye and I ran in the direction it was coming from. When I got there, it was a golden color in a round circle. It was the shield I had before. I can’t believe I found it. I grabbed it and held it in my hands and just stood there admiring it. That must mean that the sword is nearby as well. Jo materialized behind me. “WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST LEAVE ME BACK THERE? YOU RAN SO FAST I HAD TO TRANSPORT MYSELF! SINCE I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE YOU WERE GOING IT, WAS HARD TO CATCH UP!” she yelled at me. “Sorry, it’s just that I saw this and wondered if it was what I was looking for,” I apologized. “And I’ll definitely tell you when I’m ready, I swear Josephine,” I promised. “Okay...” she questioned more than said. “But anyways, that isn’t like the sword you have right now.” “I know, it’s the one I had before,” I declared. “Now, all I have to do is look for the same sword. You were right, I really did like the first one better.” And with that, she lifted her hand and the box holding my items appeared. We took out the sword I found earlier and dropped the shield into it. We set out to look for the original sword, which I quickly found about three meters away, secretly hidden in the long tall grass. I turned to Jo and beamed at her. We were nearly done with the search. Jo came up to me and raised her hand up to the air and the chest re-materialized. I took out the sword from earlier and I switched in the original sword I just found.© 2017 reading maniacAuthor's Note
Added on January 30, 2017 Last Updated on January 30, 2017 Author