Ches's Affair.....?

Ches's Affair.....?

A Story by reading maniac

Letter of Ches's Lost Love


September 15, 2♥15

I was tempted by Ken for a kiss...I didn't kiss him but I did tempt him…we were s♥ cl♥se…♥ur lips centimeters apart…I c♥uldn't help myself…I knew it was wr♥ng, he has a girlfriend, I have t♥ st♥p…I didn't…I g♥t cl♥ser…cl♥ser…then I pulled away, b♥th ♥f us laughed…smiling…I did it again and again…the darken r♥♥m edging us ever cl♥ser…little by little…he held my waist, pulled me in…and I pulled back, teasing him…I’d g♥ in cl♥ser, l♥♥king at his lips, ♥nly t♥ pull away making him lean cl♥ser to me, smiling all the while…t♥gether…f♥rgetting ab♥ut the vide♥ we had t♥ watch f♥r the class we had just left…I tried t♥ pay attention but it was hard…this hands♥me b♥y…sitting next t♥ me…Wh♥ wanted me…s♥ cl♥se t♥ me…I barely heard what the vide♥ was talking about…I acted like I was watching the vide♥, but I wasn't…I c♥uldn't…I kept g♥ing back t♥ his face, tempting him…t♥uching him…my hand directly under his chin…pulling him in…tempting tempting tempting him…finally the vide♥ ended…Unf♥rtunately…we had lunch next but we c♥uldn't d♥ this ♥ut there, n♥t in public…after all he has a girlfriend…but he's just a friend…I keep telling myself that…but his v♥ice…♥h his v♥ice…that keeps asking f♥r a kiss, a secret kiss…a secret that I knew I c♥uldn't keep…but I wanted t♥ kiss him s♥ bad…s♥, s♥♥ badly…I'm falling f♥r him! I CANT I CANT I CANT…“Y♥u have a girlfriend” I said…but I still edge cl♥ser and cl♥ser, my face near his, breathing ♥n his lips…alm♥st t♥uching…and he tries cl♥sing that distance…I pulled away but I felt his s♥ft lips just barely t♥uch mine…I kn♥w it did…guilt hung but we repeated…my chest p♥king ♥ut every time because I keep pulling my head away…I asked him if he feels guilty, he has a girlfriend after all…he said yes…wtf???…we g♥t up carrying ♥ur backpacks and went t♥wards the d♥♥r but he st♥pped me…asking me ♥nce again for a kiss…"just ♥ne…you can keep a secret right?" I declined but I didn't push him away…“I will tell" I t♥ld him when he pulls me in…but I didn't push him away…I c♥uldn't…I liked it t♥♥ much…we've barely talked Bef♥re this, but at this m♥ment I felt like I knew him and he me…he pulled me t♥wards him…my b♥dy t♥uched his, I felt his gentleness against mine…I didn't pull away, I sh♥uld have…but I didn't…I liked it…“c♥me ♥n, just ♥ne kiss, y♥u kn♥w y♥u want t♥“…and I did and he knew it…s♥ I said "yes…I d♥," n♥ p♥int in denying it…"but I can't…y♥u have a girlfriend"…I kept walking away but he kept pulling me back…each pull harder, m♥re insistent than the previ♥us…I grabbed his arms t♥ push him away and felt his muscles…I l♥ved it…I m♥ved my hands t♥wards his st♥mach, an attempt t♥ pull away…I tried pushing him away…instead I felt his hard abs and st♥pped pushing…it felt g♥♥d…his abs…they were defined and I l♥ved it…and he knew he g♥t me...he guided my hands d♥wn…l♥wer and l♥wer…till I felt it in the waistband ♥f his pants…I quickly pulled away…I c♥uldn't…everything was wr♥ng…I liked it but he has girlfriend…we were at sch♥♥l!!! Everything was all wr♥ng…I tried giving him my mad face but he barely budge…and things g♥t heavier…we never kissed but he t♥uched me…places he sh♥uldn’t t♥uch…and I liked it…I felt like I was g♥ing t♥ melt in his arms…I kn♥w I m♥aned…and I’m pretty sure he heard it…

L♥ve, Ches

© 2017 reading maniac

Author's Note

reading maniac
♥ are o

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Added on January 30, 2017
Last Updated on January 30, 2017


reading maniac
reading maniac

Wausau, WI

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A Story by reading maniac