The Golden Tricycle

The Golden Tricycle

A Story by Jeanie

Wishes Do Come True


The Golden Tricycle


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a precious little boy named Gerard. Now Gerard was a very lucky little boy, because his family loved him very very much... and on his birthday, they gave him a wonderful golden tricycle! There was no other tricycle like it, anywhere! Gerard was so happy when he was out riding that golden tricycle up and down the walkways of the kingdom. He would zoom here, zip there, pedaling all around...just having a wonderful time!
Did I mention that Gerard was a prince? Well... he was!


So everywhere he went, the people would wave a friendly hello and smile at the precocious little prince Gerard on his golden tricycle.  Even all the creatures and crittters in the kingdom loved Gerard!  They would all chirp and chatter happily when he was nearby. One creature in particular loved to watch Gerard every day as he sped back and forth on that tricycle of his. It was a little bird, high up in a sycamore tree. A little blue bird, with beautiful silver tipped wings. What that little bird wanted, more than anything in the world, was to be able to ride on the wonderful golden tricycle with Gerard. But the bird was too shy and timid to even think of asking!

Well.. one day, Gerard was pedaling along thoughtfully, when he heard a sound. And oh!, what a lovely sound it was!  Warbling and lilting.. it was unlike any sound he had ever heard before. And it was coming from up in that sycamore tree.  Yes.. you guessed it! It was that little blue bird, offering in song his greeting to the  prince.
Gerard peddaled over to the tree, and looked up.  "Hello bird!" he said.  The bird replied timidly: "Hello, Gerard.".  Gerard looked surprised. He had never seen a talking bird before! And the bird looked just as surprised, because he had never spoken to a real prince before. But the two of them, in that one moment, knew that they were destined to become the best of friends.

Gerard asked the bird: "Would you like to come ride with me on my golden tricycle?".  The bird could scarcely believe his ears!  "Oh yes, Gerard! I have always wished that I could ride with you!".
"Well, hop aboard!", said Gerard.  And with that, the bird floated gracefully down from the tree, landing lightly right in the middle of the handlebars. "Hang on tight!", said Gerard. So the little bird grasped the bars with both feet and readied himself for the ride. Gerard began to pedal, very gently so as not to make the bird lose his balance. As they started to roll along the walkway, the bird began to smile.  This was just as he always dreamed it would be! The wind in his face, the sun at his back, the trees and flowers whirring by.. it was wonderful!

Gerard carted the little bird around the neighborhood, and all the people waved and laughed gaily to see the happy little bird perched upon the handlebars enjoying his ride.  When they got back to the sycamore tree, the little bird said to Gerard: "You have made me so happy today! What is there that I can give you in return?".
Gerard thought for a minute, then his face lit up with inspiration:
I have always wondered what it would feel like to be able to fly.", said Gerard.  The little bird smiled a very mysterious smile. 
" I guess I forgot to mention to you that I am a magical bird.", he replied.  Gerard just looked at him, not understanding.  "Come with me.", said the bird, pointing to a lush meadow just beyond the sycamore tree.  "Pedal us over there to that clearing, and I will show you what I mean.".

So Gerard did just that. With the bird still perched on his handlebars, he guided them to the spot the bird had pointed out.
Coming to a stop in the clearing, Gerard looked all around him. What a beautiful meadow it was! Fragrant green grasses, colorful blossoms of every kind, and a happy little babbling brook running its course down the middle of the glen.

Gerard lookd at the bird.  "Now what?", he asked. 
"Now, you just hold on tight!", said the bird. And with that, he began to flap his little wings with all his might. Gerard chuckled, but he held on tight as the bird had instructed.  After a moment of flapping, Gerard's amusement turned to amazement... because he, and the bird, and the tricycle were all lifting up off of the ground!!  Gerard gasped with delight!  The bird contintued to flap his wings, and soon they were floating with ease high above the lovely green meadow. With the bird at the helm, they flew easily in and out of the trees, up through the clouds, and swooped past the brook. Gerard gave out a gleeful shout,  "This is wonderful!" The bird just smiled, and kept on flying. Gerard could feel the coolness of the wind in his face, the warmth of the sun at this back, and a most satisfying feeling of giddiness. They spent that whole afternoon just floating on the breeze, the bird and the boy.


Then finally, after what seemed like forever, yet not nearly long enough... the bird gently landed them, tricycle and all, nice and neat right next to the sycamore tree.

Gerard was so happy, he thought he might burst. "Thank you, little bird!", he said with a smile. "That was so wonderful!"
The little bird chirped back, "You are so very welcome. T'was the least I could do in return for you taking me on a tricycle ride."
With that, the bird flew back up to his perch in the tree and began warbling again his happy little tune. Gerard smiled, and began to pedal away into the sunset, turning once to wave goodbye to his new found friend.  The little blue bird, still singing, waved back at Gerard, knowing that he would return to fly yet another day.

The End

© 2013 Jeanie

My Review

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what a lovely little story. your descriptions are really nice and the characters are really lovable. i felt like i was being told the story at the start which is good, i am just not a fan of some of the random comments like 'yes... you guessed it' an stuff like that. nothing bad, just personal opinion. overall nice little story and i would love to have a little bluebird to fly me around, lucky little gerard :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thank you so much! am glad you enjoyed the story. and i totally agree, in some places it is a little.. read more

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1 Review
Added on January 4, 2013
Last Updated on January 4, 2013