Now sitting at this pc listening to music wondering what to do. Where do i head from here. The answer then hits me. Simple you make the direction, you are the flow. I am now doing what i want to do live, breath, eat, smile. The joy a rapture of euphoria that crashes into my body like a thousand tides have on the ocean shores. Expanding my mind broadening my horizons. I have new destinations new places to go yet it does not matter which route i take. For i know i shall get to them all. They are all linked all have a purpose and i alone can make them happen. It just will happen if i can think of it i can do it. If i want the world to exist it will exist if it does not exist then it does not exist for it is all in the power of my mind. A rhyme a design a great grand height. Something to scale something to sail it is all just one massive ride. This thing called life what a great time. I now want to take a pause a breath reflection. Now is the time for great introspection. To dive into my soul headfirst glancing at how my beat gets into my heart. How it all came about to be the start. The start is here, at the beginning and at the end. The start is where you want it to be once you can come to terms and accept this you are there. Welcome my friends for this is paradise.