![]() The Anime InterviewerA Story by Malex![]() The story talks about a person that interviews some of the famous anime characters and ask them questions the fans has probably always wondered about.![]() The Anime Interviewer
Narrator: “After so many years of
working hard and trying to reach his goal and fought the greatest obstacles in
his life and made it through, even though he was humiliated and ashamed of his
ideas, work, and of himself”.
The narrator was talking in a
sarcasm way about this person and making fun of him. Then a person was
listening to the narrator and cut him off by saying.
Person: “Hey you. Are you talking
about me?”.
The person was angered from the
narrator and questioned him with an aggressive way.
Narrator: “No. I am talking about
someone else don’t worry.”
The narrator replied while trying to
calm the unknown person.
Person: “Is that so? Then be careful
of what you say. It can be misunderstood.”
Narrator: “I understand. Back to the
point, this person has finally been able to achieve his goal. That goal is to
become an anime character interviewer, which is basically its nothing of big
deal and it just like any other interviewer in the real world but this one is
in the anime world and it’s kind of lame.”
-The same person stopped the
narrator again and spoke.
Person: “You said you weren’t
talking about me?”
With more frustrated look on him
than before.
Narrator: “Yeah, I am not talking
about you. Why do you think I am talking about you?!”
Person: “I don’t know. Isn’t it
because I am the only guy here that works as an interviewer and the guy that
came up with the idea?”
This person replied to the narrator getting
even more frustrated and the narrator was not able to find an excuse for himself,
and thought he was hiding the truth that he was actually talking about this
Narrator: “OK. Calm down Jez. I
admit I was talking about you. I am sorry I won’t repeat it again.”
Person: “Apology accepted this time
and stop talking s**t about me. You know that I am sitting right next you and
can hear what you’re saying. I am not sure how you didn’t notice that.”
The interviewer gave the narrator a
warning and started to calm down.
Narrator felt ashamed and continued.
Narrator: “Let’s go back to where we
left of. **Ahem**, but he finally
reached his goal, and we really don’t care either way, but this should tell you
that you can achieve whatever goal you have in mind no matter how stupid it is,
and don’t be a lazy like sloth and shut-in like bat in the cave. They are not
really the best metaphor, but I wanted to say them.”
The narrator tried to even put even
more sarcasm about the interviewer and to give a metaphor to him looks cool.
Interviewer: “Why did I recommend
this narrator to do my introduction? He is pissing me off from the get-go.”
The interviewer questioned himself
with a confused expression and frustration on him.
-The narrator continues and spoke
Narrator: “and so, our story of this
lame anime interviewer starts.”
The narrator left.
Interviewer: “Guys I am very sorry
about this narrator and let the show begin for my anime.”
-With this the show was about to
begin but from a far the narrator talks back to the interviewer and said:
Narrator: “You are still as childish
as ever”.
Then the interviewer turned his head
behind him where the narrator was walking away from the studio and looked at him
and went sprinting to him to kick his a*s, but his feet slipped on a banana
fell to the ground with loud **thud** that can be heard in the studio. The
interviewer spoke with a lowered voice while in pain “It hurts”.
The narrator started laughing and
asked the interviewer if he is fine.
He answered “Yes, I am ok. I will
try to be more clam so that my a*s doesn’t get kicked, I forgot that when I get
angry something always bad happen to me to stop me.”
While the interviewer is in
frustration, a disappointment on his face can be seen that he was not able to
get his revenge on the narrator. The other staff members in the studio said:
“Let the anime start”. While they are all laughing at the interviewer, but this
laugh is not like the laugh of bully, it is the laugh that you have when you
and your friends make fun of each other.
Interviewer: “The show still didn’t be…”.
To his surprise it has just began.
Then instantly pops back to the anime without letting the interviewer finish
the sentence. Episode 1:
-In some unknown place around the
world there is mysterious building where interviews happen. These interviews
they are not like any other interviews. These interviews they are made with
some of the popular anime characters or probably popular, it doesn’t matter,
but the important thing is these interviews are made with anime characters that
might be one of your favorite characters who knows. There, lies a mysterious
person, this person is the first interviewer that was able to come to the anime
world and invites these characters.
*Spotlights turned on*. They pointed to a place where you can hear the steps of a person
coming out from the darkness of the hallway.
The announcer of the studio started
introducing this mysterious person.
Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen
welcome to our studio and thank you for joining us today. Today we have brought
someone very interesting and it’s the first person in the anime world to
achieve this, even though his personality all over the place and thinks that he
made something useful, but I am not sure if he did. Well, either way he is the
person that we have hired, and we might come to regret it later. Everybody
please welcome the not popular anime interviewer his name is MALEX.”
This person slowly became visible
from the hall until he reached the lights. What was visible in the light is a
young man with formal dressing where his whole appearance appeared colored in
sky blue, or you can say the cyan color.
-The interviewer
named Malex finally became visible on the spotlights.
**CRACKLING, WHISTLE** The fireworks started shooting.
His uniform was reflecting the lights and shining. His posture it can be describe as someone who has a great confidence in
himself and as someone who has complete mental stability. His physical body can
be described as your average person from a far, but if you get closer you will
notice his muscles looks firm like an iron. His hair is cleanly cropped with
swept back style, and its color can be described as dark chestnut. His thick
eyebrow was an issue for him, but later he came to love it and his eyebrow now
gets scary when he is in bad mood. His nose was broken in accident but now it
looks as if nothing had happened to it. He has the fresh faced look on him. On
his left hand there is burn scar that looks more than a decade old. His face looks
cleanly shaved as if he went to a very professional barber and styled as circle
beard style.
He waves to the viewers whom they started clapping their hands on
his arrival.
The interviewer whispered in low
tone “What’s up with these announcer and narrator they don’t know how to do a
proper introduction for god’s sake”. **sigh** with deep sigh.
Then says:
Malex: “Thank you so much for having
me today at your studio, even though your introduction about me was bad but its
ok. My name is Malex and from the real world. Today let’s talk about our guest
for our first episode in this program. Our program is also going to have
different sessions and some entertainment activity. You might want to buckle up
and take your seat. Before we talk about our guest today, I need to clarify for
our dear viewers about the interviews, they will be done in a separate session
and for each session we grouped some of the characters that have connection
together and split them to different session but don’t worry later after the
interview they will be able to meet each other at the party if they want to.
Now we got that out of the way, the anime characters that we are going to meet
today they are from an old anime that we have watched back in the day in 2002.
It was released on 3rd of October 2002 and finished on 13th
of March 2017. This anime got even more popular in the whole world over the
period of 15 years. IT IS CALLED Naruto Shippuden. Everyone please welcome
our guests for the first interview session. They are Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata
Hyūga, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Legendary Sennin
Jiraiya and finally Tsunade”
-The interviewer introduced the
anime characters guests with an excitement and the viewers were clapping with
enthusiasm. They all came out together from the entrance of the studio and with
a loud cheering from the fans.
The Interviewer welcomed them and invited them to sit on the chairs.
Malex: “Welcome everyone to our
studio and thank you very much for coming all the way here. We really
appreciate it.”
Naruto: “No problem, you know.”
Hinata: “Thank you for having us
Sakura: “Your welcome. Thank you for
inviting us.”
Sasuke: “Thanks for the invite.”
Kakashi: “We appreciate your invite”
Jiraiya: “Thanks”
Tsunade: “Yeah, yeah.”
Tsunade was not that excited about
the interview.
Might Guy: “Thanks for the invite”.
Malex: “Let’s start our interview.
Are you ready guys?”
Everyone: “Yes.”
Malex: “For the opening question. How
do you guys feel about the long journey of the series Naruto Shippuden was it
Naruto: “I feel like it was a really
long and good ending, and I had a lot of fun with the other characters, you
-Naruto said with an excited smile on
his face.
Hinata: “I loved the journey it has its hardship and
its fun times. It was a beautiful ending and the
last episode in the marriage was very funny and a lot of funny things happened.
** giggles** one of them is Naruto being shy and screwing the scene and
being drunk every time.”
Hinata teased Naruto while talking
about his screw up in the marriage.
Naruto: “Oi, Hinata please don’t embarrass
Naruto got embarrassed while
remembering what he did in the marriage party.
Sakura: “It was really an amazing
and fun journey. We had a lot of fun during the making of series and of course
not everything was fun there were some hardships along the way. It is also
thanks to everyone that supported us during the journey that we were able to
finish the series. We are thankful for all of you.”
Sasuke: “It was great journey that
taught us a lot.”
Jiraiya: “I
died early in the series, but I think it was a fun journey for all of us.”
“Yeah just as they said the journey was fun.”
Jiraiya: “That hurt.”
Tsunade punched Jiraiya for staring at her
chest. While Jiraiya screaming in pain.
Tsuande: “I
told you to stop staring at my chest.”
“You never said it, it’s the first time I am hearing it.”
while his cheek is swollen from the punch.
Tsuande: “Well
now you heard it.”
frustrated of the unfairness, but he knows he deserved this punch. So, he
stopped looking for the time being.
Might Guy:
“The journey was full of youthful people and people with ambitions. I was
having fun teaching people taijutsu so yes that’s it for me.”
As usual Guy
is doing his posture while smiling and doing the thumbs up posture while his
teeth are shining.
answers were with happy faces and beautiful smiles on their face.
Malex: “Next
up the question is about suicides, the mental state of the people and shut-in
cases in the real world. Nowadays a lot of people especially teenagers are being
obsessed with some of the characters on TV shows such as anime, movies, and a
lot of other stuff. And there are a lot of people don’t have self-confidence
and a lot of suicides are happening. So, what advice do you have for the people
about that?”
The narrator
in a matter of seconds changed the interviews question to serious questions
converted the whole mood in the interview and the interviewer facial expression
changed swiftly to an expression of a poker face.
Naruto: “Jeez
man you instantly changed the mood in the interview to seriousness. Well, have
fun watching it and doing cosplay but don’t overdo it though, for example don’t
be a shut-in or start being obsessed with your favorite character or any person
that you admire that’s a big mistake that you do, because your life will be
controlled by this thing that you are obsessed with. You might start hurting
your family and other people, but most importantly than that you will hurt
yourself at the end. Don’t forget that most of it is fiction and even if it is
not fiction, you should always be aware of what you were doing. Everyone just
don’t be too harsh on yourself and have a confidence in yourself and try to
find what you want to do with your life in a good way of course, you know. Try
to understand yourself more and eventually you will find what you like to do. Don’t
give up as my usual advice you know. Take care of yourself that’s what matters
first. You don’t know maybe your weak point can be your strongest point. That’s
how me and Kurama came best friends with knowing what our past is, because I
don’t remember ever resenting Kurama about something or hate him. So, I would
always try and understand him since he is already inside of me, and he is one
of the most important parts in my life that made me achieve my goal and be able
to always standup and never gave up. So, each one of us has something similar
to Kurama inside of them. This hate emotion that comes from you, to get over it
you should always try and talk with it and understand its feeling and talk with
respect with it and show your Kurama that you care about it, and you
will never betray it. If you do that you might become stronger than me isn’t
that so Kurama?”
Talking in
very bright, energetic handsome smile on his face that can make you feel happy
instantly and give you hope.
“Shut up Naruto you are embarrassing me in front of the people.”
Kurama got
embarrassed from Naruto comment about him and at the same time he was happy
about it and shy that’s just how much of tsundere he is.
Naruto: “**laugh**
Don’t worry nobody can see you I think.”
Naruto spoke
while laughing at Kurama reassuring him that nobody can see his foxy blushed face.
Sasuke: “First
is don’t be obsessed with anything in your life you can see what the results
are from the anime and what happened with me when I was obsessed with looking
for sources to get stronger and get my revenge for my family. You could see how
bad it was if you watched the anime. So don’t make bad choices as I did in my
young age, and don’t danger yourself or go with dangerous people. Try and hear advice
from the people that you respect and trust and help your family when they need
it and take care of yourself and your family. Another advise would be do some
physical or any type of training you prefer, to give you more confidence in
yourself and if you don’t have any friends or family to talk with just try do
some meditation to relax yourself and accept the situation you have and try to
adapt to it , and improve yourself for the better, so that you will become more
stronger than the you from yesterday that’s my advice for you.”
Sasuke spoke
with serious expression on him.
Sakura: “Being
obsessed with something is very harmful for the person it doesn’t matter how
much you feel happy from the inside because deep in your heart its hurting you
at the same time. Like me when I was so obsessed with Sasuke leaving and
wanting him to come back because of my love for him **blush** and used
my selfish reasons to make Naruto bring Sasuke back while he was getting hurt,
and it really hurts when you have feeling for someone that you are obsessed
with and they reject you, which is why I am trying to sort out this issue
inside of myself and I am already better than before. This can be one of the ways
to learn to love yourself and have more confidence in yourself, but this is the
harsh way. Try to always find more gentle way not like me. Another advise would
be you should spend some time with your family and friends if you have them and
go out, check-out the world and the people around you. You can of course have
fun watching anime don’t be addicted to it and get dragged around by any ideas
you see around the world. First you should think it over and analyze it in your
brain and then think if it is bad idea or not or is it going to hurt someone or
not. Just be open minded and conscious about what you are doing. That’s all”
Finished her
advice with a lovable smile facing the viewers and hoping her advice would help
someone in need.
Hinata: “I
have the same opinion as Ms. Sakura about the obsession please try to take care
of yourself more. Try your best to overcome any fear you have if they are
getting in the way of your goal and be able to express your thoughts and
feeling if there is need to do so. Don’t try to do something you don’t want to
do. You should take care of your health and don’t overdo it with watching anime
and any other bad habit you have. Try to be balanced in your life and love
yourself more.”
Ended it
with an innocent cute smile that brings happiness to the people around her.
Kakashi: “I
don’t have anything to say honestly. Everybody said what’s need to be said.
Just take care of yourselves and try not to make too many wrong choices in your
life that’s what I would really suggest you do and if you already did wrong
choices try to correct them you don’t have any excuses.”
Tsunade: “I
have nothing to say. Just Don’t do gambling its addicting even though I do it
and I lose every time as frustrating as it sounds. Also have faith in yourself
and what you can accomplish that’s all.”
She talked
while getting frustrated at her bad habit and tried her best to give a
reasonable advice.
Jiraiya: “Don't
get discouraged when you get hurt or some bad things happen to you. This means
that you will need to overcome this hurdle to make you stronger later in life.
Pain can be taken to either make you do better in life or bad things, it
depends on you on how you translate it. Never go back on your word and never
give up on life there will always be opportunity that will come for you. Don't
whine about the bad things that are happening to you, just think of a solution
for the problem instead of wasting energy on talking about it and whining. Try
your best to be a strong person. Life is for the strong people not the weak-willed
people. The weak-willed people will always get bad things happen to them
because they are bringing it to themselves. Playing the culprit will always
give you excuses not to do anything which is only the weak people will try and
use this method. That's how I was and that's how everyone was at first, but
some people get stronger later in life and some of them stay weak for their
whole life. So, choose wisely which one you want to become. This is my general
advice, but yeah also don't be obsessed with something in your life always try
to be balanced and don't be super pervert like me because you can see how much
I get beat up by the ladies.”
spoke with his eyebrow lowered as if he is angered from something and his
expression went to happy smiley face at the end while making fun of himself.
Might Guy: “For
those who don’t believe in themselves, hard work is useless for them. I used to
be a loser as you know, but because of that now I am confident in myself to be
able to beat my best friend Kakashi and every elite ninja. I proved to them
that even without ninjutsu and genjutsu I can become a great ninja because
that’s my ninja way. You should never give up on life and you should face the
fear of not having self-confidence which by having faith in yourself and every
failure that you make in your life will make you stronger later. Don’t be
discouraged you should live a youthful life with happy memory and training your
body is one of the options that you can give you more self-confidence in
yourself. You don’t have to be like everyone else around you. Do what you can
and accept the result whatever it is and learn from it.”
He was
talking in excitement and energetic voice while walking on his hands because of
his injured leg and the wheelchair was stuck to him so he started spinning
around with wheelchair then calmed down for the next question.
The serious
vibe in the air stopped and went back to normal and happy mood. The narrator
face changed to his normal facial expression with small smile on him.
“Thank you very much everyone for your answers. My next question is for the
legendary Sennin Mr. Jiraiya. what do you think about you
dying early in the series before the war Arc?”
“That was really annoying for me at first. I died early not earlier than Asuma
of course.”
Then the camera
pans to Asuma waving his hand from the audience.
Jiraiya: “But
you know I was not able to be part of the rest of series only as memorial for
them. That pissed me off and wanted to kick the creator a*s if I saw him. I
wanted to take part in the War Arc, but you know my death has influenced my
student and my friends to become stronger in their life so I accepted the
result since if I was alive, I might not be able to do much. At the end of the
day the creator wanted that, and I am fine with that after consulting myself.
Thanks for killing me early in the Series Mr. Masashi Kishimoto.”
Jiraiya was
frustrated as he died in the episode 133, but he accepted it since it was one
of the steps to influence Naruto and other people to change for the better and
ending his sentence with sarcasm thanks and sort of wicked grin on his face.
“Thanks for expressing to us your opinion Mr. Jiraiya. The next question is
directed to Might Guy Strongest Taijutu ever in the Naruto university yet. So,
Mr. Guy the match between you and Madara before Naruto’s awakening as the sage
of the six path, a lot of people have become your fans and they admired you and
I am one of them actually because everyone was surprised about your capability.
You were the only person to be able to damage Madara that much at that time and
almost killed him. What is your opinion about this?”
Might Guy:
“ah….hmm… You are flattering me too much. I actually don’t have much to say
about this matter other than thank you everyone for your support. It was one of
those moments where you have to give it your all and also other things like the
desire to protect the people I care about gave me strong will power to pour
everything that I have in that last shot. My leg is fine it’s no problem for me.
I am even stronger now, so guys don’t worry I am still as youthful as ever.”
“Thank you very much Mr. Guy. That was exciting to hear because a lot of fans
wanted to hear your opinion about this matter.”
Might Guy:
“No problem my young friend.”
Malex: “For
next question. I am going to show you your voice actor and if you would like to
say something to your voice actor that worked with you during the series.
Starting with Sakura. Your voice actor name is Chie Nakamura and this is a
picture of her. What things you would like to say to her?”
interviewer gave a picture of the voice actor to Sakura.
Sakura: “She
looks so cute, beautiful, and young. I mean she is the one that gave me this
voice and made me popular. I really appreciate that and thankful for her. Thank
you very much Ms. Chie Nakamura. I am curious is she married right now?”
She asked
with excitement and complemented her voice actor.
Malex: “Yes
she is married but no children.”
Sakura: “I
know its late but congratulations on your marriage”
holding the photo with both of her hands because its little bit of big portrait
and thanked her voice actor with an appreciation that can be seen from her face.
Malex: “What
about you Naruto? Your voice actor name is Junko Takeuchi. This is her
Naruto: “…huh…?
What my voice actor is female? That gave me a little bit of shock and
embarrassed about it. I never thought my voice is coming from a female. She is very
professionally good at her job, and I am very impressed.”
Hinata and
Sakura came to check out the photo out of curiosity.
“Yeah that’s really impressive and also feels kind of weird and funny to me
that Naruto’s actual voice is a woman.”
She had
little laugh while putting her hand on her mouth.
Sakura: “I
think it’s hard to change your voice to a male in my opinion. Not a lot of
people have this talent. Well done girl.”
Hinata: “I
think so too. Out of curiosity what is her age if I may ask?”
Malex: “50
years old right now.”
Hinata and
Sakura: “Wow”
Sakura: “She
is looking healthy and young. Keep the good work Ms. Takeuchi”
“Well as Ms. Sakura said thank you for your hard work Ms. Takeuchi and we have
been together for a long time now. It was nice to see who is doing my voice.
Thank you, you know.”
thanked the voice actor for her hard work.
Malex: “Next
up is Hinata. Your voice actor name is Nana Mizuki. This is a photo of her. Do
you have anything to say to her?”
Hinata: “You’re
putting me on the spot now **blushing**. She is also beautiful and cute girl.
I am sorry if I caused you hard time doing my lines but thank you very much for
your hard work. I hope you will have a good and healthy life.”
Hinata bowed
her head as gesture for appreciating the help of her voice actor.
“Thank you Hinata. Next up is Sasuke. Your voice actor’s name is Noriaki
Sugiyama. This is a photo of him. Is there something that you would like to say
to your voice actor?”
Sasuke: “I
don’t really have anything to say to Mr. Sugiyama other than thank you very
much for your hard work and for helping me out during this series and apologies
for any trouble that I have caused you.”
With an
apologetic tone and respecting his voice actor.
“Thank you Sasuke for your opinion. Next up is Tsunade. Your voice actor name
is Masako Katsuki and this is her photo. Do you have something to say to her?”
Tsunade: “I
would like to say thank you Ms. Katsuki for your hard work and nice to be
working with you. Take care of yourself.”
She thanked
her with an appreciative smile that the viewers can see that she is proud to be
working with her.
“Thank you Ms. Tsunade. Next up is Mr. Jiraiya. Your voice actor’s name is
Hôchû "tsuka this is his picture. Anything to say to him?”
“Oh.. He looks handsome somewhat. Thank you for your hard work Mr. Otsuka and
it was fun working with you during this journey.”
thanked his voice actor with simple smile on his face. Malex:
“Thank you Mr. Jiraiya for your opinion. Lastly, we have Mr. Guy your voice
actor name is Masashi Ebara. This is his photo. Anything to say to him?”
Might Guy:
“Ah.. man, I really don’t have much to say but it was really fun working with
you. Preserve your youthfulness and keep training your body. Thanks”
He thanked
his voice actor while being as motivated as ever.
“Thank you very much Mr. Guy. The next question is what are your hobbies
starting with Mr. Sasuke?”
Sasuke: “Me?
Hm.. my hobbies are training and walking.”
“Pulling pranks but this was only as kid now I don’t do it. Second is watering
“Playing trivia games and memorizing new material for medical ninjutsu.”
Hinata: “My
hobby is pressing flowers.”
“Reading Icha Icha series”
“You are still reading it Kakashi? Even after my death!”
“Yeah of course I am still reading it. It’s very exciting to read and a lot of
fun. I was waiting for the next volume to come out before your death but now it’s
not happening so yeah. Thank you for making this book.”
“Well, you’re welcome.”
exchanged gratitude with each other while conversing about the book. Then the
camera pans to Jiraiya to hear his hobby.
Jiraiya: “Oh
right. My hobby is sneaking onto Woman Bathing House.”
spoke with such a proud voice that it disgusts the females around him.
“Just how much of pervert are you?!”
Sakura spoke
with long sigh.
“There is no helping it.”
Tsuande did
the same.
“What about you Tsunade? Your hobby is not better than my hobby in my opinion.”
Tsunade: “Me?
My hobby is gambling. It is better than your pervert hobby you. At least I am
not looking at naked men or sneaking glances at them. I just put all my money
on gambling never won in any of them.”
Jiraiya: “I
disagree with you. I don’t profusion all my money on some useless games. I only
peep at naked women while hiding.”
“Stop it you too. Both of your hobbies are stupid. Peeping on naked women is
crime more than gambling so just accept that and let us hear Mr. Guy’s hobby.”
They both
didn’t have a reply to Sakura and stopped arguing.
Might Guy:
“My hobbies are doing side-steps and focus mitts.” He started
imitating side steps with his hand instead of his feet and did the same with
focus mitts.
“Thanks everyone for your replies. Now for our next questions it’s going to be
what is your greatest strength and weakness? Starting with Might Guy.”
Might Guy: “I
can’t handle ships and sea. As you know I have seasickness. My strength I
believe it would be commitment and will power.”
He spoke
with an honesty look on his face without wavering as if he already accepted his
Sasuke: “My
Strength would be I can become adaptable to the situation better and analyze
it. My weakness was ego. In the old days my ego gave me insecurity about myself
and caused a lot of trouble, because of it and not hearing the other person
opinion. Right now, I am trying to balance that.”
Sasuke spoke
with a little frowned expression on his face and frustrated at his weakness. He
had the face of person with commitment to overcome whatever weakness he had in
the past.
Kakashi: “My
strength is I think it would be copying technique of my opponent and use them
against them and fast learner. My weakness would be I don’t have much of
stamina when fighting so I try my best to reserve my chakra as much as possible
and don’t use Jutsu that requires a lot of chakras when possible.”
Naruto: “My
strength would be that I never give up and my friends also are also part of my strength.
They all helped me come this far. My weakness I think it would be that I am not
really that genius guy when it comes to studying and stuff like that.”
Tsunade: “My
weakness is my phobia from blood, gambling by taking high risks, and I don’t go
easy on my students. My strength I believe it would be courage to fight back,
to protect, and I don’t let my emotion get the better of me usually and I never
go back on my principle.”
Jiraiya: “My
Strength would be I am s good teacher based on my experience. My weakness would
be my lust distracts me from my job.”
spoke with humble voice and smiling proudly by himself while everyone is
looking at him with frowned face.
Sakura: “My
strength would be that I can analyze situation very well not as good as Shikamaru.
My weakness is that I usually let my emotion get the better of me, which is not
a good thing, so I am trying to control that.”
Hinata: “I
am not really sure but if I want to say it would be my strength is my will
power to protect the people I love no matter the cost. My weakness is sometimes
I can’t express myself easily and I am little more shy than other people.”
spoke with an honesty even though for some of them it was embarrassing but they
all have the look of having fun and who has the commitment to be stronger.
“Again thank you all for the replies. Our next question is going to be a little
more serious question. What do you think about faith in God does it influence
the person mentality or behavior? For me I have faith in God, and I believe
that it is one of the reasons that helped me accomplish my goals and overcome
the difficulties in my life and be able to do this anime that we are doing
right now.”
Naruto: “I
am not really the type to have faith in such things like God, but I can say for
sure that if you believe in something you will be stronger person in general
that’s my opinion on the matter you know.”
Sasuke: “I
think believing in God can have an effect on your general mental health. It
could give you safety and increase your security about yourself. I am not
saying that I faith in God, but I am just saying that believing in God or
anything else can sometimes be helpful for you because for me I only have faith
in myself and in my friends that has saved me from the darkness of my revenge
and joined them in the bright road ahead.”
“Ah.. I don’t believe in God, but I have something to say. The people that
overexert themselves by helping other people when they don’t want to or when
they are doing it just for humanity, after doing it a lot this will become a
burden on this person and eventually leads to depression, because this person
he/she don’t like himself/herself. They love the people more than themselves
that’s why they are helping people, because they are asking the people to love
them when they don’t love themselves which is unreasonable. Everyone, try to take
care of yourselves, and you can try out to have faith in God it never hurts.
For me I have faith in my friends and the people that I trust. Your faith can
be anything you want. To let you know every person must have something to have
faith in or else you will get the feeling of emptiness from time to time inside
of yourself.”
Malex: “You
know having faith in God is better than having face in a rock or statue or
devil or anything else in the world, because all of these things they can be
taken away at any moment they won’t stay with you forever. On the other hand, God
is inside your heart, is the closest to you, and provided humanity with chakra
from the beginning. That’s my opinion.”
Jiaraya: “I
feel like I am not the correct person to talk about this, but I do have
something to say. What you said about having faith in God is better than
anything else, I kinda agree with you on that. Since I have met different type
of people that have faith in God and the ones that doesn’t. What I concluded
from my research is having faith in God can increase your self-confidence and
your fear of death most of the time. Your life would be easier and for the
better if you truly believe in God. I have met some people in a country where
they believe in God from their heart and when I stayed with them and lived with
them for some time to do research, it felt the whole house was safe even though
it was a poor family and everything around them was pretty average, but I
always felt safe around them and they don’t even know what chakra is let alone how
to use ninjutsu. They were very peaceful people and always positive people despite
their poorness. It’s just their faith was very strong that someone like me who
doesn’t have faith in God was able to notice it and their chakra flow was even
more clean and pure. They were always smiling and having fun. Also, I learned
something which is to have faith in God is something that can help you mentally
more than physically, because at one time one of the family member the son was
sick while I was at their house, and I was not able to heal him and didn’t know
what his sickness was. The family tried their best to heal him but not any of
the doctor there was able to identify the disease. At one time I saw the mother
and father at night praying in their language without making a noise and their
son physical body was continuously deteriorating. They were out of option. There
was nothing they could do except to pray to God. So, after their praying the son
for some mysterious reason I noticed that his chakra started to stabilize, and
his health started coming back day after day and the family was very happy and
thankful to God. That’s the story. I am not saying that I believe in God, but I
have to say what is right and wrong that’s what I discovered during my journey.”
spoke those words with an expression that can be described as a confused person
who didn’t know what had transpired and spoke the truth without thinking twice
about it while he is not a believer of such thing called God.
Sakura: “I
think it really depends on the person if they need to have faith in God or not.
I think you have the freedom to choose whichever way you want as long as you’re
not hurting yourself or other people, I think you are fine. For me I faith that
whatever happens its always going to be good thing for me.”
She spoke
with elegance followed by pure smile directed to the viewers.
Hinata: “Ah…
I really don’t know what to say other than what Sakura and the other said. As
long as you are good person, and you are working on yourself and being happy
with your life I think that’s all that matters, and the rest is to increase
your fun like going out with friends or partying or other stuff like that.”
She spoke
with an innocent like tone in her voice and trying to express her inner
thoughts about faith in God.
Tsunade: “I
think to have faith in something is a plus to you and it’s also to make you
stronger in life in general, and not a weak-willed person. I don’t believe in God
specifically, but I always have faith that whatever happens, it’s for the best
for all of us and it’s to make us notice something in our personality and try
to fix it. You should always understand something that all misfortunes that
happen to you they are coming from you, or they are there to help guide you to
achieve something, or to stop you from what you are doing. That’s the true
meaning behind them, and the people around you reflect your inner self. There
must be something between you and them that you both have inside of yourselves
that feel the same about a specific thing to have you meet each other, even if
it’s a bad person or your family or any other person in your life. As an example,
if you are lazy, you’re going to attract lazy people if you feel that you are
happy you will attract the happy people that’s the reality. And when you
attract a bad person, you should look inside of yourself and be honest with
yourself and think on why I attracted this person. That’s all.”
Tsunade was
speaking with harsh tone to the viewers that’s her way of advising people.
Malex: “I
respect all of your opinions and they were interesting for me to hear. For this
question is directed to Mr. Jiraiya again. So, Mr. Jiraiya what are those red
lines on your face how did they came to be can you please explain it to us?”
“They are birth mark. Nothing special about them specifically.”
Spoke with a
surprised expression on his face as if the question was very trivial to him.
Malex: “But
we saw you, you used them when fighting against Pain to draw a shape on your
face is that necessary to do?”
“Not really you can see Naruto and other people that uses Sage mode they don’t
have these birth mark. For me I just use them for a style nothing important.”
interviewer a little disappointed from Jiraiya answer but he continued to the
next question.
Malex: “Oh. Well,
ok. For this question it is from the fans of the Naruto Shippuden series they
are asking you Mr. Sasuke. A lot of fans throwing hate on the Boruto series
because of the difference in your strength from the Naruto Shippuden series comparing
it to the Boruto Series. Do you have something to say to them?”
Sasuke: “I
respect their opinion, but I don’t care what they say. They were thinking that
I am still the same bad person. Some of the Jutsu that I used when fighting
against Madara, Naruto and Kaguya I am not using them now because they take a
lot of the chakra that’s why I don’t use them. When I feel like using them, I
will use them depending on the situation and my chakra was a huge at that time because
when the Rinnegan awoken it gave me a huge amount of chakra from the sage of
the six path that it was enough to control the Tailed beast and be able to use
it constantly. After that fight with Naruto my chakra returned to normal, and
it is still great now but not as much as before. Throwing hate at the staff is
not good thing to do and you should respect their work either watch it or don’t
watch it. That’s all.”
Sasuke spoke
with a confidence in his words emphasizing that he was not specifically
weakened it just the amount of chakra in his body decreased during the time of
the awakening of the Rinnegan. He looked with a sharp glare at the viewers as
if giving them chills with threating voice to respect the staff member work.
Malex: “Now
that’s been cleared up because I was also wondering on how you got weaker in
the Boruto series. Thank you, Mr. Sasuke, for clarifying it to the fans.”
interviewer was happy to hear Sasuke’s opinion on the matter and went to the
next question.
Malex: “This
question is from me Mr. Kakashi. Can you please show us your mouth without
hiding behind the camera or disguised as a different person? Just this time and
I will be able to continue with the last question.”
Kakashi: “Oh
man. You guys really focus on the most trivial thing, don’t you?”
Naruto: “I
mean we already saw your mouth but never like this way. Show us your mouth Mr.
“Yeah show us your mouth. You only showed it to the viewers in that episode. I
know we saw it while you were disguised in a different person, but it doesn’t
count.” Sasuke: “I
am not really that interested in seeing your mouth, but I don’t mind if you
uncover your mask.”
“Even you Sasuke!”
Might Guy: “YEAH!
finally this question came. Kakashi show us your mouth right now!”
Kakashi: “Ok
ok jeez. I will show it to you.”
Might Guy:
“Without any tricks you are going to show us. We will forcefully take your mask
off if you don’t abide by the rules.”
Kakashi: “I won’t do any tricks I promise. Are
you ready? Because I won’t do it again.”
started moving his hand very slowly like snail sliding on the ground and
everyone was looking at him very stressed with excitement on their face even Sasuke
was looking at him with his Rinnegan and Activated his Sharingan to record
hands finally reached his mask and…
his mouth mask**
All of them
were in shock with the shape of his mouth because it looked like your normal
mouth but with a gentle lips and shaved beard that he has been taking care of
for a long time.
“Are you happy now? Told you no tricks.”
Naruto: “So it’s
like any other mouth huh. Kind of little disappointed you know, but thanks for
showing. I thought it would be like rabbit mouth or something.”
“Why would my mouth be like rabbit!!?”
He lowered
his eyebrow in confusion of Naruto’s respond.
Sasuke: “**sigh**
There was no need to activate my Sharingan and use my Reningan. I thought it
would be massively huge lips coming out of the mask.”
sighed in disappointment in his discovery and deactivated his Sharingan and
covered his Rinnegan.
“You too Sasuke. What is going on here?!”
Sakura: “I
am a little disappointment also. I thought your mouth would be very small with
lip stick on it like a woman trying to kiss you.”
Sakura spoke
with a disappointment in her voice like Sasuke and Naruto.
“Hey why would I put lipstick on my lips?! You guys have some crazy imagination.”
Then Guy was
glaring at Kakashi’s mouth and asked him a weird question.
Might Guy:
Might Guy:
“Why your mouth looks so soft and sexy have you been kissing a lot of women
question made Kakashi flustered and blushed. So, he replied.
“Wha… What are you saying Guy?! You are crazier than them. Jeez I am putting the
mask on again.”
Kakashi felt
very embarrassed during this moment, and he swore he would never uncover his
mask again in his whole life.
Hinata, Jiraiya,
and Tsunade were also surprised about his mouth that it looked normal. They
didn’t say anything because they don’t want to hurt Kakashi’s feeling.
Malex: “Next,
this question is for Naruto. So, Naruto the question is why do you always save
the people that has killed your friend and hurt you the most? As example when
Obito killed Neiji you didn’t try to kill him but tried to bring him to your
side. How did this come to be?”
Naruto: “Ah
man. It’s a little hard to explain but I think it’s because of my childhood and
because of what Iruka sensei taught me and had a huge impact on me at that
specific time. I started to understand how other people feel that had a rough
time like me born without seeing my mother or father and being hated in the
village all of this was an important aspect for me to become who I am today. I have
sympathy for the people that had a rough life like this, and I try to help them
if I can. Killing each other wouldn’t solve any problem at the end of the day. It
will just bring more hate and revenge in the future.”
Naruto was
little flustered from the question at first but then he started to remember his
days in the village and the hardships that he went through and gave his answer
to the question. His own feeling was mixed in the answer that gave you the impression
of the hardships that he went through while his smile never left his face.
Malex: “What
a fascinating answer. I totally agree to this. Now to conclude our session. Thank
you for coming all the way to here. For the last question do you have anything
that you would like to say to the viewers that are watching right now?”
“Guys go watch the series Naruto Shippuden and Naruto and watch the Boruto:
Naruto Next Generation it’s not as interesting as my series yet, but it will be
later and also watch the movies, we have done a ton of them. I would like also
to direct my thank to our creator of course which is Mr. Masashi Kishimoto. I
am thankful that you gave us this opportunity to tell a fictional story and at
the same time entertain people for a long period thank you very much you know. To
our dear fans we appreciate your help for us thank you very much.”
Hinata: “Go
watch us on how we became to how we are today if you haven’t already and see
for yourselves and enjoy the journey. I know there are 500 episodes only for
Naruto Shippuden series. We also have some other spin-off like NARUTO
Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals where Rock Lee is the main
character it was very funny. We have other stuff that you can enjoy go watch
them. Thank you Mr. Masashi Kishimoto for everything that you have done for us
I really appreciate it and of course to all the staff member that helped
developing the series. Thanks to all our fans for supporting us during the
series I am very thankful.”
Sasuke: “Thank
you for everyone that had supported us in the series and hopefully you learned
something useful if you have watched series and if you are interested you can
also watch the movies and other stuff we did. Thank you very much Mr. Masashi
Kishimoto for creating us and to all the staff members that helped in the
process. Thanks to our fans that we have come this far. Thank you everyone.”
Sasuke spoke
with sincere gratitude as if the series has made a change in his life for the
better which it did.
Sakura: “You
lot go watch the series or you’re gonna feel my wrath. Just kidding, please go
watch it and we appreciate your assistance. Thank you Mr. Masashi Kishimoto for
giving me this opportunity to enjoy this creation and to all the staff and
fans. Have fun.”
Sakura spoke
with an aggressive tone and threating the viewers. Then immediately changed it
to soft voice and innocent smile as if she didn’t say anything and hiding her
aggressive personality.
Kakashi: “Thanks
for watching our series and supporting us. You can
check out our movies and other spin-off like the one Hinata mentioned. There
are some movies were I really shined go check them out. And yes, thank you Mr.
Masashi Kishimoto it was fun journey thanks to you and everyone that helped you
during the production.”
Kakashi had
a smirk on his face that can’t be seen because of the mask.
Might Guy:
“I don’t like to say this goodbye stuff they make me cry. All of the youthful
people go watch me in the series and see how I shine during these episodes and
thank you very much Mr. Masashi Kishimoto for creating me and thanks to the
production member and all our fans. Have good and youthful healthy life.”
Guy eyes
came pouring falls of water and trying his best to say goodbye.
Jiraiya: “Toad
Sage is only a disguise! As matter of fact, North and South and East and West.
I am the white maned toad charmer and one of the legendary Sannin whom even
celestial beings can’t defeat. Such a stud. That he strikes fear in the hearts
of people. I am no other than “Master Jiraiya”! Yes, I am talking about me. So,
with introduction of me please go do the stuff that others had told you to do
and watch especially my episode to see how amazing I am.” **PUNCH** “Ow. Lastly,
I want to thank our creator Masashi Kishimoto and I am happy that you made me
this way that’s how I wanted to be thank you.”
Jiraiya Suddenly
stands up and started to do his introduction as usual. While speaking proudly as
he is doing his ridiculous long introduction. Then gets punched on top of his
head by Tsunade to calm him down and stop this ridiculous introduction.
Tsunade: “Thank
you for everyone that supported us in the series and thanks to the production
for working very hard on the series. Thanks to Mr. Masashi Kishimoto we all are
thankful for you by expressing your ideas and turning them into us.”
bowed her head while giving her thanks to everyone and with an appreciative
smile on her cheek.
Malex: “For
the last thing can you guys come together and take pictures with your voice
actors please. For a memorial of this day. Are you ready?! 3. 2. 1. Smile **click**.
Thank you so much guys for coming all the way to this interview we will see you
at the end of the episode at the party.
smiled at the camera while holding their own voice actress portrait between
their hands.
Naruto: “See
you all, you know”. Sakura: “See
ya guys.” Sasuke: “Bye
everyone” Hinata:
“Take care everyone” Kakashi: “Bye
bye everyone.”
Might Guy: “Goo..
Goodbye… Goodbye guys.”
While still
Tsunade: “See
you all”
“Goodbye guys.”
All of them
waved one of their hands to the viewers while holding the portrait of their
voice actors with the other hand and said their goodbyes to the viewers with
happiness covering all their faces except for Guy he was being carried by
Kakashi and dragged from the studio.
Malex: “And Now
to our next guests but first we will take break and wait for us you will be
surprised on who are we going to meet next.”
Session End. © 2023 MalexAuthor's Note
Added on January 23, 2023 Last Updated on February 2, 2023 Tags: Anime, Fiction, Psychological, comedy Author