Gleaming through the pool of dim, dusky light,
Upon starry eyes played a pleasant sight
Of one that this gazing maiden so oft has dreamt…
The being upon whom her illusions lay spent.
They are ageless fantasies, descending drifting breezes of
Listless lady’s mind drenched with sips of thy love.
The pores of which have been rinsed and cleansed
Like thy rain trickling ‘neath her tingling skin.
Her intellect – now afloat atop thy tranquil ocean –
Was once saturated in life’s sick’ning motion –
A constant, endless and deadening horror of bile;
Herself destined for daily regurgitation, ‘til she died.
But, thou, her love, standest alone – crescent moon separated;
Thou – beaming sliver of salvation – her meaning has saved.
Where once damsel lay prostrate; buried in a rut
Of defiled matter, grunge, and encrusted, odious muck
- As none belong or deserve, yet so many choose to remain –
Thy strength reached forth, living existence bathing her, again.
May heaven forgive the sale of her contented soul,
When never before felt person’s so engulfed and whole.
Her’s the stars pricked in his curtained night;
His, the streaming oval droplets of her stormy sky.
Would their Maker glare, punish with swift condemnation
A fabric intricately woven – lace of Divinity’s own creation?
No, they dare not think that said Someone would do so,
But then, she's not contemplated much of Him for quite long…
Oh me, my…little lass, once indulged and indifferent, now stands
fearful - Having done naught but avoid the Judge’s swatting hands.
For, at last, has she unearthed a thrill of incandescent happiness –
Deity mustn’t curse a gift that, when given, He’d already blessed.