Rage is my Reason, Fury my Forte.
If everything has its season, today is wrath's day.
Slander is still slander, spoken aloud or not,
And lies are still lies, NEVER mere opinions of thought.
When you state an idea, in private or public,
It had better be true, for truth people will dub it.
Stutter, stammer, and excuse all you like,
But in the end, your opinion is also true in your mind.
Your venomous words poison the air, and those hateful lies,
They may keep your silence, but I see behind your eyes.
You've already decided what to think and see.
You want respect? Earn it. I already know what I'll be.
You exaggerate for your own desires and wants...
Contemptible wretch! Preconceived ideas and "truths" are your haunts.
Label me as you please, draw your own conclusion,
But you'd do that anyway, right? Still, I give my permission...
Take it; it's the last thing you'll ever get,
My natural, in-born love for you has had its last penny spent.
Boil my blood, curl my lip, and raise my ire.
Because, if I achieve nothing else, of this I will not tire:
Striving in every second, of every minute, of every day
To never resemble you in absolutely any way.
Cry your tears, spew your efforts, we both know they're fake.
Your only reality is to take, take, and take.
For the good of the world, just sail away, get lost in life's ocean.
I've got nothing left for you, you've annihilated every emotion.