The Black in the RainbowA Poem by makaylarayne10Okay this may seem weird to anyone who doesn't know. But to all those who understand; you're not alone. Just remember to open your eyes.
As I walk the halls,
i see color. Not on skin, but in soul, There's the preppy pink The happy yellow The wild orange The lustful red. But I find myself lost... The black one, A dark spot among these colorful people. They call me emo, just because I wear black skinny jeans and converse. But they judge by appearance. What are my scars to them? And so I take the instrument of death and whisper death's true name, known only in last breath and join the rainbow never to be seen again... © 2010 makaylarayne10Author's Note
Added on October 9, 2010 Last Updated on October 9, 2010 Authormakaylarayne10Middleville, MIAboutHey, I'm Makayla. I love to write stories and have been reading novels since the first grade, starting with Harry Potter. I love the Twilight series, Harry Potter series, Mortal Intrument series and P.. more..Writing