PSR J1921+2153A Poem by someone else
You look at me like a lighthouse lighting up the sea pitching up the wounds from old don’t shove me in the ground I prefer it in the sky I prefer to be free loose it loose my body and join you light heat gas
I've grown tired of this living living in a body so small when I feel so big it seems so minute I want to forget people and laugh at the continents Asia Africa Europe the Americas I want to mock them all I was to pity the earth for the dwarf it is
but yet I want to be such as you tiny minuscule but with such internal force that my puny entity could obliterate the soul known land of living
I know you must think of me as well the creature I am and I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t shine like a lighthouse like you my syntax is appalling and Ethnographers would succumbed to suicide just to figure us out
but I want to shine like you like a lighthouse us lovers love so pulsar into night and into space. © 2014 someone else |
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