The Unseen Ways

The Unseen Ways

A Story by Galldora King

           "The Deep Blue about it!!" I said. Laughing at the simple unoriginality of the title.

           "No no its good. You just have Make it original. Add something the reader wont expect. Something tastefull. Something thats sour and sweet at the same time. Something....yumm!!!", Lilia explained. This was too much. My silence finally broken I burst out laughing.

            "Oh my god! Your too much. And the way you make it sound so easy. Its fasicnating", I chuckeled as the words came out of my mouth. But secretly i was thankful. Thankful for her devotion on helping me. Jealous of it actually. It was a devotion that i wished i shared with my writting.

          Beep beep. The car honked interupting my thoughts. This was it. I wouldnt be seeing her for the whole summer. Both our familys would be going out of town...

          "By Leeeeso. Moms finally here. Lots of luv. Dont worry. Stay safe. And keep on writting. I want it finished." Lilia said in a teasing vocie.

          I laughed nervously. I knew that she wanted the story finished before break. But could i do it? It had taken me three months to finish the last story. And another story? That to in just a month.

"Okay bye stay safe and..."

"Surf on big waves?". That was the final straw. I burst out crying. I couldnt see her go. It seemed wrong. Everything seemed wrong about her going. About me going.

"Uhh. No. Not again. We talked about this. I have to go. And so do you. Dont give your parents a hard time. You know I'll miss you but we have to go. Its only the matter of... what like 3 weeks", she spoke in a matter of fact voice. But after looking at my face she had tears in her eyes too. This was the first summer that we wouldnt be togather. We had both grown up togather.

A memory flashed againist my mind. It was when we were growing up and it was Lilias birthday. She had just turned 5 and i was still 4. I had been crying because of the attention and recognition Lilia had gotten. It had gotten so bad that i ended up screaming and yelling. A four year olds trantrum really. It wasnt even my birthday but i was just being the annoying little brat that i was. Lilias parents had been very understanding about my little tantrum (little...i dont think sooo). They had gotten me presents and a cake, just for me.

            That year i had two birthdays. Every year after that we had done our birthdays togather. It seemed the right thing to do. It was a fun tradition. Except this year I wouldnt be doing my birthday with Lilia. I would be doing it alone.

"Bye". I didnt want too say anything else. I gave her another hug and she left.



           That was 7 years ago. Now in the present i wished i had said something to her. Something meaningful. Something that she would remember. But i think she does. Somewhere in her silent state i see her face and i get inspired to write more. To this day i celebrate both our birthdays. But when her birthday comes around the atmosphere changes and we remember her silence. The silence that screams. 



          Another memory greats me with open arms. It was 2 o clock in the morning. The eve of my birthday. My mother spoke softly to me. We were still on vacation and it was our final day there. I was excited. I would finally see Lilia after the 3 weeks that we had stayed apart.

          "Lisa wake up. We need to tell you something," Mother said. This concerened me. Mother had always had a strong empowering voice. But today her mouth was quivering and i could see that she had been crying .

          " We need to talk to you.'' This was bad. I wanted to say a million things right then and there but my mouth wouldnt open and i just stared at the room.

"What...what is it", I said. I was shocked and confused.

"Lilia...Lilia had a accident".

          I stayed silent. It was a dream. Everything was blurry. It must be a dream. Then i realized that the tears in my eyes had made everything so blurry. Wait this must be a wrong. Maybe it was just like the time where Lilia had wet her pants on my birthday sleep over. Mom had said it was a accident. Maybe this was something like that. But then i looked at my mom again. She wasnt the kind of person to be making a big deal out of something so small. This was different. It really was a accident. It wasnt a dream. Lilia really had a accident. Mother was crying. And I. I was lost.

            "What happened", my voice was shaky and i doubted  my mother could understand what i was saying. But to some extent she did understand for she told me to put on the jacket and to meet her outside. I did that but the whole time the tears didnt stop. I was in the middle of confusion and hysteria. A battle with myself that i had apperently lost.

             "Lilia and her parents got in a accident on the way here. The plane crashed. Her parents died on impact but Lilia and her brother are injured. Severely." Mother said.

              I breathed deeply. It was too much. Lilia's parents had always been so good to me. And her brother. He was the best. The sweetest, coolest person i knew but now...Everything had changed. I had hope. A big bursting volcano. But somehow i knew she wouldnt make it.

              Matt, Lilias brother had become consious and we my parents were so glad to see him alive that they forgot all about Lilia. I hadnt i asked the nurse but she said that it was impossible to tell if she could survive. Especially because of her condition. Condition? What condition?

              My heart stopped and i lost all sense. I now had a trememdous headache. I dont remember much. But i knew something was hidden from me. That hour Matt called me in. I went in hesitently.

              "Hey Lilly", he said. He wasnt in a stabel condition and i could see he was trying to hide his pain from us. But it wasnt working.

               "Whats wrong? How is she?", that was it. I started crying. Something that had become second nature for me in the last few days.

               "Shes dead".

               Two very simple words that I just couldnt believe. I hated Matt then. I wished that Lilia had survived instead of her brother. I didnt see anything good about him now. He was just a brother. A horrible brother who couldnt save his sister. Everything had happened so fast. I was sad. I was angry. I was confused.

              But it wasnt just a normal type of sadness that you feel on a rainy day. It was the type of saddness that you felt would never go away. Where you felt that you would never be happy.


                Since then I have always remembered her. On the day of her birthday we light a candle on her grave and gather around trying to be happy. That is what she would have wanted. But inbetween the noise and chatters i hear the emptyness in the voices that say they are happy. The silence that screams because of her absense. I see the anxious looks of my family and friends who look up at the door hopping that the next guest wont be anyone but Lilia. Such a hopeless hope, but hope nonetheless

                The story that she had told me to write never became a story. Instead it became a poem with no apparent meaning.


The Deap Blue Seas

Dedicated to Lilia Chattling


Once upon a rainy day

I came upon a secret cave

In that cave were seven oceans

That were so deep

That it could have been called

The bottomless pitt

But deep within

I saw what was there

A sad lonely face

Staring at me with cold dark eyes

I backed away in fear

But it was only fear of me

For me

For the bottomless pit

Was so deep

I couldnt see my face

Clearly enough

I never realized

What had scared me

in that bottomless pit

Of the deep blue seas






© 2010 Galldora King

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Added on November 21, 2009
Last Updated on April 14, 2010


Galldora King
Galldora King

I love reading books.I also write stories but never get to finish them. more..
