My teeth feel like they're made out of cocaine.
I can't shake the cold out of my bones.
The constrant drip of my nose has my sleeve raw.
Everytime im home i can't block out the whispers in the walls.
I can't still hear his " i might always love you" and her " you're a f*****g b***h."
i spent an hour with a boy who had no idea how dangerous i am.
(i still have his cigarette smoke on my dress)
The hous is littered with memories minus me.
There are four seat cars in the garage.
And conversations filled with references i don't know.
the cats are sketchy around me.
i have pink ink on my hand.
"just a tall drink of water
just a 'pourin' on down the sink." & it seems to fit.
i wish i felt sad about leaving.
i'm keepin in mind the trails he said i leave.
so i'm boxing up everything and leaving it with my parents
till i'm ready to confront it.
b e c a u s e i a m n o t.
i just want to work.
turn those well placed commas into dollar signs.
lace up my boots and put more holes in my face.
(caulk and seal the ones under the surface.)
I look so f*****g normal on paper.
"I have a Great Credit Score, wanna get married?"
someone please come and impregnate my bank account.
(pun intended.)