

A Poem by Charley

A poem about when a girl is testing whether or not she has a "gift".

I watch his pen swoop
Gracefully around the page.
Following the new lines,
I see a girl trapped in a cage.

Ryan finishes and sits back
against his chair,
Waiting patiently
While I twiddle my hair.

After a bit, he says,
“You know you don’t have to.”
I nod and take a deep breath.
“It’s something I have to do.”

I shift my position on the desk
and hold the picture.
I want to have a special gift,
but Ryan can tell I’m not sure.

My fingers slide across the paper
And slowly come to a stop.
They rest above the first curve,
Right on top.

I take another deep breath and close my eyes.
Ryan scoots his chair back,
My breath is coming in short gasps.
I realize how much strength I lack.

When i open my eyes,
I see a whole new world.
Ryan is not here; I’m in a lab.
Just to my right, wings are unfurled.

I find myself the girl in the cage.
Shocked, I think, “I have been gifted!”
I puzzle over whether to be happy or not
When into the air the cage is lifted.

© 2011 Charley

Author's Note

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I like it. You should continue in a series

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 31, 2011
Last Updated on March 31, 2011



Lafayette, CO

I love writing stories. I often have ideas, but they don't all get onto paper. Most of my stories remain unfinished, but I'm hoping to change that. *update* November 2015 I wrote a whole novel.. more..

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