Sunshine, My Sunshine

Sunshine, My Sunshine

A Chapter by Charley

Star 61: Black

I really have no idea why that phrase about Iron Man kept bouncing around my head; I hadn’t thought  about Iron Man in a while. As I walk out of the gym, towards the flagpole, I notice that clouds have covered the sky. Darn it. I was hoping the good weather would hold out until after the pumpkin patch.

Star 62: Orange

I'm almost to the flagpole and I see Tanner standing there, people watching. The clouds have started to break up and there's sunshine streaming down upon her. What first comes to mind is, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," so I being singing it.

Star 63: Yellow

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you; please don't take my sunshine away."

Star 64: White

I finish right as I walk up to Tanner and tap her on the shoulder since she had turned around, evidently trying to find me without success.

"Hey, Tanner," I greet her with a smile. She returns it as she turns around, saying,

"Oh, hey! I didn't see you there!"

Star 65: Green

"So, today we will be riding with my friends Jackie and Jason, if that's ok," I say as we start walking towards Jackie's car.

"Actually, I have a car, and I'll need to bring it home somehow. Would you like to ride with me?" She stops and makes an adorable little face that I'm having trouble describing. It was a face that said 'if you want too, I mean we don't have to or anything' but also 'you should come with me', if that makes any sense.

Star 66: Pink

"Yeah, totally! Sorry, I forgot to ask if you needed a ride or not, I'm just used to assuming everyone needs a ride because of my friends," I manage, quite embarrassed at myself.

"It's alright," and we're off to Tanner's car. I quickly text Jackie so she’s not just waiting at her for us and then focus my attention back on Tanner.

Star 67: Red

She parks in the south west parking lot, but most everyone else parks in the north west lot due to its proximity to the school building. She explains that she doesn't like competing for a parking spot every morning, so she just uses the overflow parking instead. A lull in the conversation emerges and I try to think of something to say as we continue walking the parking lot, but I keep drawing a blank.

Star 68: Orange

"Carry on my wayward soooooon," I hear coming softly from Tanner.

"There'll be peace when you are doooone."

"Lay your weary head to reeeeest," I join in and she smiles. "Don't you cry no more."

Star 69: Black

Hah. the 69th star... hmm. As one can see, I am very mature. So mature. Wow. Wow, I’ve come a long way; but I have even longer to go. I want to make 1000 stars, but I know that’s going to take a while.

Star 70: Blue

We get to Tanner’s car, a regular small car- I’m no good with brands or models- that is, quite to my disappointment, not red. It’s purple, so it’s a start, but I kind of expected her to have everything in her life red. We throw our stuff in the back and clamber in the front seats.

“So, which pumpkin patch are we going to?” she asks as she backs out of the parking space.

“Uhm, I forget what it’s called, but it’s the one off of the nearby major highway? 287 and... Arapahoe? I know how to get there if-”

“Hah, it’s fine. I know which one that is. No clue what it’s called though,” she laughs, obviously noticing my floundering. She flips on the radio and we’re off.

© 2016 Charley

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Added on November 12, 2014
Last Updated on January 10, 2016
Tags: star, red, beautiful, sunshine



Lafayette, CO

I love writing stories. I often have ideas, but they don't all get onto paper. Most of my stories remain unfinished, but I'm hoping to change that. *update* November 2015 I wrote a whole novel.. more..

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