Chapter ONE

Chapter ONE

A Chapter by Annabelle Dreams

The people around me buzzed, driven with excitement. The crowd of students waited for their call from the Doctors that would emerge from one of the four parallel doors to the right which beckoned the willing victims. This day had been engraved in everyone's calendar; the same day every year in which data was expanded and renewed. It enabled our Streams to be better than ever before, granting us with more functions. Today was Upgrade Day.
Today was my dreaded day.
“Ivory Quinnston,” The girl two seats down shot out of her chair, eager and prepared for another addition to her Stream. Her face lit up as she pranced to the door.
The Stream was inserted into our brains right as a person was born. The small, gray surface of the famous engraved ‘S’ gleamed from its port in the center of the neck. Through the Stream, the TECH ran our lives, monitoring and protecting us. With every Upgrade Day, new data was uploaded to our Streams. It manipulated our sight in order to bring an envisage to life, which our fingers had the power to control. It was how we were able to use Projection Screens.
As the daughter of a TECH Leader, my Stream was very important.
However, there was a problem which no one could know.
“Evan Rave,” a man called out through the hushed voices. I watched the dark haired boy next to me stand up and leave. I knew that I was next. I brought my hands to my lap as they shook with nervousness. 
“Lorelai Ruse.” 
My eyes found  the third door where a lady stood, her eyes fixed on me. Immediately, her name and details retaining to her position showed up on my Projection Screen that sat on the table before me. I stood up and stole a nervous last look around the room as I made my way to the large door. I tried to conjure a persona; one of strength, of persistence, and of fearlessness, which were all that I wished I could portray at the moment. I was sure my face showed what I actually felt.
I knew what was to occur tonight. I felt nauseated, anticipating that my body would reject every unnatural substance connected to and in me, and that frightened me.
The worst Upgrade happened in second grade. We had spent the years leading up to that day studying, learning, and getting pumped up for the very first Upgrade. I had been very excited; I would finally be able to see what everyone else saw. The needle pressed to my neck for maybe ten seconds before the operation. It felt like an everlasting sting that got worse as time ticked by. I knew, even at that age, that I should not have been able to experience that much pain, so I used all my will to hold back the screams bubbling in my throat. That next morning, I woke with terrible bruises. Then, I watched as my Stream started to awaken, glow, and throb under my skin as it worked to erase all that had been there.
My excitement for all the abilities drained out by that nights searing pain. I was too afraid to even scream into my pillow, I had not known whether the Streams abilities included enhanced hearing. I did now.
I wore a scarf that eighty-two degree day even though the bruises were all gone by the afternoon. That was the day I finally understood word 'paranoid'.
The memory faded as we approached room thirty one. I took a glance at Dr. Leaven, the women who had called me, and realized that she was still watching me. I mimicked a smile. She ushered me in before leading me to the metal table in the middle of the room. Another lady, the Operator, stood there with the tray that held the tools that would be used on me.
“Lay down face down with your eyes closed.” Dr. Leaven commanded as she helped the Operator prepare the supplies. With my eyes closed and stomach down, I heard them rummaging through the metal tray. The scrape of metal echoed briefly as they picked up the first instrument. 
“The first injection will numb the area. Relax your neck muscles, it’ll be faster if the area is soft.”
Dr. Leaven left shortly after I felt a sharp prick under my hairline. The Operator got ready and I opened my eyes quickly to watch. A name embroidered to her black coat in white letters said Op. Tass. She pulled on long white gloves that were sterile like the coat, the black and white contrasting.
I glanced once more at Operator Tass as she chose an empty needle before opening a compartment. Inside I saw dozens of liquid containers holding a light blue substance, neatly arranged into rows. Many were empty. She picked the next filled container and applied the mixture into the needle. I turned my head back down, the skin along my Stream prickling at the movement.
“This will temporarily deactivate the Stream so that we can get to work,” she informed me before she stuck the needle into the core of the Stream, the abnormal rectangle of a thin sheet of flexible metal known as the port.
I felt another stab on my neck before she started to massage in the liquid to my neck. My brain felt light and clouded by the time she finished. I knew that it was only a matter of minutes before my conscience blinked out.
She seemed to notice my hazy state and pressed on my neck. “Rest now, you will wake in a couple hours.”
My body caved in right as she plunged the thick needle infused with anesthesia into the middle of my Stream.

The night was full of agony that was almost as worse as my very first Upgrade, which had me wonder what exactly had been implemented. The Stream rested for twenty-four hours, slowly coming awake, but limiting us for a safe recovery.
My feet were hesitant on leaving the bed, not wanting to bring back any dormant aches. When they touched the floor, I gradually began to walk toward my bathroom, shakily wiping away the crusted tears. I held in a low moan as everything in me cried out, begging me to stop.
I leaned against the counter of the bathroom that flickered with deep greens and empty grays. My vibrant blue eyes stuck out at I looked into the revolving mirror. I glared at it with the dark bags that lined my eyes, wishing for it to stop-- to stand still for one second. They had infused everything with as much technology as they could. All I had wanted was a day free from it, but I knew that would be impossible. I was technology.
I stripped off my loose night warmer which was just a shade darker than the gray towels in the room, and turned my shoulders in order to get a good look at the damage from last night. Memories of the bone-crushing living nightmare rampaged through me and I knew that I had to make sure nothing showed.
My neck sported blotches of black rimmed with purple, the darkest around the Stream. I lifted the bottom of my shirt and saw the bruises follow down my spinal cord in patches of revolting blues and purples that continued farther on either leg.
Raising my arm, I saw the same pattern run down to the tips of my fingers. I briefly wondered if the pain I felt resembled fingers getting shattered under my flesh. The tops of my feet throbbed from the bruises, but I stilled pulled on my issued boots before I stretched my sleeves over my darkened fingertips.
The sclera of both eyes were bloodshot, a dark red veined out from the bags under my eyes. My cheeks held an unnatural pink. The bruises framing my face dissipated as my neck warmed. The Stream began to come alive to take what power it had to erase the flaws that shone on my face. Soon, my profile looked as it had before. I grabbed the ribbon that tied my hair into a half fallen bun, letting the soft brown hide what might still be there.
I knew what the bruises showed and what they resembled. At eight, the Stream would be completely alive, glowing slightly under my skin, already having covered the rest of the tracks. Because of the Stream, our bodies had given up their immune systems and nervous systems. The Stream had provided more safety and productivity within the bodies. With my bodies reaction to the Stream, I didn’t believed mine were both completely gone.
“Come eat, Lorelai!” My mother called from the doorway of my room. “Breakfast is ready.” I came out from the bathroom to see her huge smile that graced her face. Her love of cooking continued to surprise me, even if she had chosen to be a TECH Teacher instead.
“I’m here,” I kissed her cheek in form of a good morning.
“How are you feeling?” She chirped as we left for the living room. “You have been sleeping all morning. It’s already ten.”
“Everything is fine, I’m just getting used to the new asset.” I answered. It was true, just not in the way she thought.
“Great. Well, I have to head over to Ravea’s house to discuss what we’ll be doing for the next unit. Would you like to come after breakfast?” She asked as we sat at the table.
“Of course.” I replied and scooped up some eggs. 

The ride there consisted of short conversations and sightseeing as we went to the Oakland’s Complex. Mom pulled up and turned the car off with a wave of her hand. I took in the familiar sight of the homes stacked on each other with the same parallelism all the way up to the top floor. We went around to the side of the building where the elevators to the third floor sat ready to take us up.  
“It is relief that you get along with Ashyn. You could use the company,” She told me as we navigated to the eighty sixth room. The building from the second floor had an outer panel of glass. But because the stainless glass seemed to be nonexistent, I moved along the inner wall. 
“Yeah,” I said automatically. After she rang the bell, we waited a few seconds until a tall lady answered, her mouth turned up enough that the sides of her nose crinkled. Her daughter, only eight, was hugging her loose dress from behind with widened curious brown eyes. I smiled at Ravea and Iva.
“Welcome!” Ravea gushed as she opened her arms to give both of us a hug. “Say ‘hi’ to them, Iva.” She smiled down at her daughter who was the carbon copy of her with midnight black hair and pale skin.
Iva Squeaked out the greeting before hiding behind her mom again. Mom swooped down to Iva’s eye level, her voice high pitched as she looked at eye level. “Hi, sweet pea, how are you?”
Ravea led me in as my mother worked at getting Iva out of her shell. Her house had all the same furniture and space as my own, but everything was flipped backwards. The rooms were connected to the hall at the right and the wall separating the kitchen stood opposite, the couches and coffee table placed accordingly.
“My two are in here somewhere.” She drew out with a sly smile. “They couldn’t possibly be eating all the goodies I made, could they?” The familiar teens popped out from around the corner the sight making me laugh. Chocolate faced Zander and innocent, gaping Ashyn stood before their horror struck mom. They both carried the hair and eye color like their sibling and Ravea.
“Zander!” Ravea gasped, appalled “Go wash your face! The other guests will be arriving soon.”
He turned with heavy steps and slumped back into the kitchen. I heard the faucet turn on soon after.
Ashyn made her way over to me before she faced her mom. “I’m going to take Lorel to my room, ‘kay?” Ravea smiled and patted my shoulder before she focused her attention to where my mom was making her way to us. 
“Be ready by dinnertime.” She finished with a wave to us. Ashyn nodded her head and took hold of my elbow, pulling me towards the hall of the bedrooms. She continued until we stopped at the third door, her name illustrated on the Screen in glittering pink and black letters.
Ashyn threw herself down onto her bed and stretched her left arm to her nightstand to grab the awaiting Screen. I groaned in dismay as she opened up TabNews. Ashyn was always  in tune with the articles. They went up every Saturday on TabNews, and every time one was issued, she would have already evaluated it and then try to force me to do that, too. 
“Come! Sit!
She patted the spot on the comforter in front of her. She rearranged herself to lean against the pillows. I moseyed my way over to her, not being able to scrape up any interest in what she was going to say. 
“Have you read it yet?” She asked as she kicked her boots off. I shook my head in response and watched as her eyes widen, even though it was my recurring response. “Wait, you mean that you are the daughter of Mr. Ruse, but you haven’t read it?” I repeated the movement and rolled my eyes at her. 
“Goodness!” Ashyn shook away her bewilderment before she resumed opening up the article.
She leaned over, her shoulder brushing my arm as her fingers expanded to bring out the projection from the Screen. I watched, interested, though I knew what the Upgrade entailed. Ashyn hummed under her breath before speaking.
“From the beginning, then.” She moved her fingers feverishly until the date above the article appeared. I paused as the words within the passage caught my eye. “This first section starts with what the Gene is. It tells us that the Gene is a mixture of DNA that counters against the technology of TECH. Here,” She pointed near the middle of the passage that had bold letters, “it states that an infant was given to a family about fourteen to eighteen years ago. Because of untold threats, the High Official has been looking for the child but has failed so far.” She took a deep breath. I felt my breath release after she said that. I wasn’t adopted. But that only meant that something else-- something that could still be dangerous-- was going on. Something that could be fixed. But, I kept listening, a part of me still worried. Wondering, what if?“It says here that there was a rebellion which destroyed the adoption files that had the vital information in order to protect the child. Well, that’s just a theory. It also put that the High Official is looking for any signs of that teen now.”
“Wait, what do you mean that he’s looking for signs?” I asked , breaking of her speech. I felt an underlying suspicion that there was something that I still didn’t know, something that I still tried to grasp and figure out.
“It says that TECH Workers are watching the school and educational patterns to see if anything can give him or her away. If they find anything suspicious, they will notify the High Official who will send a personal message to the accused.” She motioned at a large section next to what my eyes were scanning. I wasn’t adopted, I had no parents who defied the breeding process that ensured safety. We’re bred with another that’s compatible so the Stream doesn’t malfunction, so it’s a rare instance to have been adopted. Something like that would be kept a secret. There was another person out there, sitting afraid. Probably reading this, just like me.
But we held a difference.
I didn’t have the Gene. I wasn’t adopted.
“What are the side effects of having the Gene?” I asked, needing to know. Why? I wasn’t sure. Maybe to relate? For further proof that there was no way it was in me? I wouldn’t find out then.
“It doesn’t say.” She flipped through multiple pages to see if there was anything. I discreetly wiped my palms on my pants to get rid of the sweat.
“Hey, you two. Everyone is here.” Ravea’s head showed through the door’s crack. Ashyn fell back on her pillows with a moan. “Don’t groan at me.” She chided her with a playful glare before leaving.
“Come on, Ash.” I chuckled at her behavior, the Gene resting snug in the back of my mind. I got of the bed, glancing behind to see see Ashyn sulking her way over.
“I hate her meetings.” She grumbled.

We bade our byes as we left two and a half hours later. As I was getting into the car, Ashyn had demanded that I read the article by Monday so that we could discuss it. Soon mom and I were on our way back home.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Mom asked as the building became smaller in the reflection. “I’m glad that you and Ashyn are already good friends.”
“She is nice,” I told her. And gossipy, I thought to myself. She frightened me, telling me things I most likely needed to hear, even if I did not want to.
“That’s great, Lorel. I have the units plans for the next couple weeks, so we don’t have to go again for a while, unless something comes up.” She took hold of my hand. “I am glad you are making friends. You have never really hung out with others your age.”
I thought about that. I never did, I had always been in my own world, worried about the next day" the next Upgrade. Worried that what I had could have been lethal.
And it was. Maybe it could kill me, but I was positive that it would get me killed if the High Official found out. I needed to make sure he didn’t. I knew that I had to blend in; it might had been my only chance if I were to stay here in the Society.
I had no choice but to pretend.

© 2015 Annabelle Dreams

Author's Note

Annabelle Dreams
I'm trying to get my manuscript ready for publication, so anything will help, but please leave nice comments for me!! NOTE: Lorelai finds out (Spoiler, but I think you probably already know) that she actually was adopted. Should I just have her know that now or does it add more to the story? Thanks!

My Review

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Featured Review

I profoundly enjoyed the change in point of view for chapter one. It seems that first person works for your piece and I only ask that I be able to see the character in my mind. Unless of course I totally read over it. What color are the main characters eyes? Do the girls have long, short, wavy or straight hair?

But again, your work is really intriguing and good.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Annabelle Dreams

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much!!! The sentence, "My vibrant blue eyes stuck out..." shows her eye color, but.. read more
Jonny B. Mitchell

9 Years Ago

I knew I read over it! My apologies!!
Annabelle Dreams

9 Years Ago

Haha, it's all right! Always a good thing to double check :)


It is really good as expected. It has the beginning with a twist just making it more interesting, the middle part showing all emotions as well as grabbing onto the concept and the last part leaving a suspense forcing the reader to read next chapter. excellent work.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You're a very good writer. The story flowed well and you did a great job at adding detail. I was able to picture everything. It's very rare that I can find writing that's so polished and it was a fun read. Eager to see what happens next :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love this world you created! 1st person isn't really my thing because I feel that 3rd person gives a stronger description for the reader and the character's POV. But you're writing is wonderful! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Annabelle Dreams

9 Years Ago

Aw thank you so very much!!!
I profoundly enjoyed the change in point of view for chapter one. It seems that first person works for your piece and I only ask that I be able to see the character in my mind. Unless of course I totally read over it. What color are the main characters eyes? Do the girls have long, short, wavy or straight hair?

But again, your work is really intriguing and good.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Annabelle Dreams

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much!!! The sentence, "My vibrant blue eyes stuck out..." shows her eye color, but.. read more
Jonny B. Mitchell

9 Years Ago

I knew I read over it! My apologies!!
Annabelle Dreams

9 Years Ago

Haha, it's all right! Always a good thing to double check :)

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5 Reviews
Added on July 8, 2015
Last Updated on July 8, 2015
Tags: Chapter one, Refusions, science fiction, cyberpunk, lorelai, upgrade, Gene, Stream, projection screens


Annabelle Dreams
Annabelle Dreams


I'm a young "author-in-training" whose big aspiration in life is to be a successful author. I'm 16, a junior in high school, and I write different genres. My focus is Science Fiction (Cyberpunk, n.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Annabelle Dreams