Yeah, there is something different about it. I wouldn't say it doesn't make sense to me, maybe I just don't see where you are coming from with this idea. If there is something personal that made you write that, then that's awesome. I would love to know your inspiration for this though. There are some misspellings and I would want to point them out to you if you don't know which ones I am addressing.
"Claws riping at my flesh"--did you mean **ripping**
"Its so cold"-----that should be used as a contraction. **It's so cold** see how it changes the meaning.
"Snow makeing me a blanket"---**Snow making me a blanket**
"Layed upon me"---**Laid upon me.**
"Slowly dieing inside and out."---**Slowly dying inside and out.**
Ok, so there are some misspellings but you can fix them, just read again your poem :), the poem itself is amazing a great collection of vivid images, i found curious the idea of a "cold (freezing, actually) part" of the hell, it is actually the same idea Dante had hundreds years ago :) He thought of a hell where some parts were very hot (smoking hot) others were very cold (freezing).
Strong emotion gave life to the poem. I like the description. Create vision of heat then coldness. No weakness in the poem. Good use of thoughts and emotion to make the poem a very good read. Thank you for the excellent poetry.
It makes sense. It's got a melancholy rhythm to it, but it's not pitiful. The words are simple, straightforward, and very clear in what you mean. The confused emotions are evident, and the ending is strong. Well penned. Thank you.