Her fantasy

Her fantasy

A Story by Maddy Raye

There once was a girl and there once was a boy. The girl's name was Amber and the boy's name was edan. They met by a blazing fire. The sparks were instant at least on her end. She fell in love with everything about him. But little did she know he was just inside her mind. She went everywhere he went. And soon he felt the same. They did about everything together until that one night where everything changed. She woke up thinking everything was okay. She went on about life like nothing was wrong. But then she went looking for him. And soon she found him. Laying on the ground with a knife in his heart, she fell and cried until the only sound she heard was the screams inside her mind. She sat there looking at his beautiful pale face and thought. What did I do? Someone heard her screams and asked her what was wrong. She looked at the man and then at her lifeless love. She pointed at him. But the man couldn't see. The death was in her mind. She cried and cried until she felt her heart break. She looked at the man and asked if he was in love. The man said "yea, I have a wife." She looked at her love one more time. She stood up and said "I don't know who he is but I know he was real. He died inside my mind like the part me of inside. I knew he was just a dream but why did this happen to me?"

© 2017 Maddy Raye

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Sounds like maybe the boy represents something in her mind that could have died? Maybe that thing is worth keeping alive, in some way. Very short and compact, but I liked it and the possible deeper meanings my mind conjured up.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you! Yes I made it to where thee boy only existed in her mind.
Brandon Wernke

7 Years Ago

I was attributing some quality to the boy, like he is some kind of form of an idealized love. Like o.. read more
her fantasy, this is a great write,or dream i should say
sounds like a new spin on adam and eve

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

well you did a great job !
Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you :)

7 Years Ago

my pleasure
A nice little story. You intrigue, and I want to know how it ends. What more can any writer want?

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

I never thought about another ending....... Until now..... I will finish it....thank you...

7 Years Ago

Sorry I misled you. I meant you kept me interested and I wanted to find out how the story resolved. .. read more
Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thanks and its okay
Fantasy. It all happens due to fantasy and illusion. Love is not something that happens overnight or even love may happen at one sight. It's easy to fall in love but hard to continue the life with your love unless committed.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

I agree...I wrote this as a fantasy

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4 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2016
Last Updated on October 26, 2017


Maddy Raye
Maddy Raye


I'm a 14 year old girl who loves to sing and write. My favorite thing in the entire world is love. My poems and stories are mostly about love. I turned to poetry because I never fit in with anyone. Al.. more..

My love My love

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