![]() They lay SlainA Chapter by maddye`You are lost today mistress` Gabriel commented, pouring more syrup than was normal on to his large stack of waffles `He got to you didn’t he` He paused `It is because he reminds you of HIM, isn’t it ?` `You cross the line Gabriel ` I angered. `When I want your comments and observations I will ask for them, this morning I want to eat my breakfast in peace, do you hear what I am saying` they stung, his words, they stung to my centre as though I were in the very clutches of death itself, I was falling in to darkness and in to brightness at the same time, it consumed me. `I have heard tales, tales of the `First Life`. All the tales of your lives are passed down through the ages, I carry them with me as Jeremiah did before me and Carsella before him. To protect you, we must know you mistress. Please forgive my intrusion but you never talk of your first life, no Arcana has ever heard you speak of your first life, your love for him` `And they are not going to today` I shot a warning glance in his direction. `I very well know the tales of my lives, I was there in the front row, there are a lot of things that are far better forgotten, when you have an eternity of memories there is no room for sentimentality for your own immortal soul but since you asked. Yes. He does remind me of Solomon and that is why he must be spared at all costs, do you understand me`. He nodded but could not contain the smile in his own pride, no other Arcana had heard me utter his name before, thinking back I had not said his name even to myself since the day he had died in my arms. Brighid stole behind rocks as she crept towards the village, dusk was setting in the distance, the smell of burning flesh had passed and only smoke and ashes gave away any trace that life had once possessed this land. The black riders were long gone she had heard their cries carve the very blackness of the night upon her but it was not the black riders she feared the most it was the fate of those she loved. The air was thick with the dead, the hot earth, bathed in blood, rose a wretched stench that burnt the nostrils and caught Brighid in its claustrophobic grip. Wandering through the dead she was lost, her pain so great it was as if sorrow itself clung to her trembling limbs weighing her down in to the soil beneath her. Coming to her dwelling she stood before the opening, shaking uncontrollably now she fell to the ground sobbing with all her being. `Brighid` it was but a mutter in the stillness, she was not sure she had really heard the sound at all, the ghosts of the dead play tricks with the mind. `Brighid` she heard again. Looking to the direction of the sound she noticed a shape slumped against the feeding trays at the side of the dwelling, it was a shape she knew well, it was her father. `Father` she gasped dragging her body through the stench and the mud towards him `Father hold on` reaching his side she took his head and lay it in her lap for comfort. His clothes streaked crimson told stories of great courage and bravery but of a war that was inevitably lost despite a battle which had been won. `Brighid my love` he held her hand as tight as strength would allow it `Brighid I am so glad that you are safe, nothing could make me happier` `Save your strength father, save your strength so that I can treat your wounds, it is not your time yet, you can not leave me alone in this place, I will not make it, father please` her father slipped in and out of consciousness, she slapped his face to revive him `Brighid my love, I live this long only to carry you a message the one you love Solomon has been captured by black riders, they take him on to the next village as their messenger` Brigids heart shattered as glass a scream rose in her throat so powerful it carried on the wind to the ends of the earth, the world shook in its wake. `Brighid do not loose hope he is alive still, you have a chance, you must go to him, only can save him.` Brighid shook uncontrollably, muttering incomprehensible nonsense, rocking back and forth, the shock was too much for her. Her father in the throws of death found strength within him to sit up, slapping his daughter in the face, he rose her from her sorrow. `Brighid listen to me very carefully, you can save Solomon, I am sure of this because you are very special, you have a special gift` Not sure his daughter was comprehending what he said he slapped her again `Brighid do you hear what I am saying` she nodded gravely `Brighid you are `the traveller` you are the one destined to carry the secrets of man for all eternity, men will come for you Brighid they are the Arcana they are your loyal protectors, they will keep you safe`. He clutched his wounds, his face was pale now, his breathing harder with each breath, he heard the swift wings of death carrying on the air `Brighid I love you with all my heart, I am sorry I kept this from you until now but I wanted you to have a life first before you take charge of this honour, your first life, I am sorry that it has not turned out this way` Brighid clung to her father as though to keep him from deaths clutches. He smiled up at her face, her beauty was legendary in these parts. `I am so lucky to have you as my daughter`. He began to weep, he wept for her mother, he wept for her brother, he wept for the grandchildren he would never see, he wept for the happy times of her life he would never witness, holding him close she whispered `Father I am betrothed to Solomon` he smiled as he drifted into darkness. `Miss can I freshen your coffee` I felt a soft touch on my arm `Miss are you alright, can I get you anything`. Startled I woke from my daze, I had been crying right there at the table, I had no idea how long I had been there like that. The waitress looked concerned as she held my arm, I shook free of her grip. `I am fine` I reassured her `boyfriend trouble` I smiled and she smiled back knowingly `yeah I would love some more coffee` I motioned to my cup and she poured `thanks` I whispered, `Think nothing of it` she glanced back as she moved away. There was a tap at the glass, Gabriel had pulled the car up alongside the diner. I left a fifty to cover breakfast, I had a feeling that waitresses needed the tip. © 2008 maddye |
Added on February 21, 2008 Author![]() maddyeBanbury, United KingdomAboutMaddy Edgington 33 years old Recently lost my job and am occupying my mind writing to keep myself busy. more..Writing