Manufactured Division

Manufactured Division

A Story by concerned citizen

A look into what divides us.

Many philosophers have philosophized quite philosophically throughout our history about the role of government in a free society. They have pontifically pontificated amongst themselves, pondering and pandering. A common theme is society receives the governance it requires. How can this be? Why would it need any? Does it need so much? Is there really that much difference between all of us that two different opinions cannot exist, without causing disruption to our day-to-day lives? Also, can't these differences be worked out or even ignored without a supervisor? Is it really even valid to regulate someone's freedoms? Whose are excluded? All the more reason to create more controversy. Stir up another group to demand their freedom. Well now we need more protection to keep all these freedoms free. Could all of this be manufactured division?
I am not saying we all need to sit by the bonfire singing Kumbaya. We don't all need to like each other. It does not mean we cannot function together in a society. Yet somehow, it seems more and more our thought differences are separating our physical beings. Religion is a great example. What a beautiful, enlightening, personal relationship to have with the divine. All religions have a wonderful message of faith, peace and unity. Within each other.... Why would we doubt or hold someone else's experience with such negligence? Are we all not experiencing faith? It is the concept that is the unifying power of faith. It should not divide us, rather unite us in it's true message of love.
Another newer division is the issue of Love, specifically whom one can and cannot love. Well how can this even be an issue? Why do people need to persecute the minority? Why does the minority's rights need legislation? What does that do to the rights of the majority? Why so many itys? People going to love. Could this be a way to divide or divert? It's feels like it. Love is a spiritual oneness with another being. We are all beings of energy and if we are lucky enough, we find someone whose energy aligns with ours to make that music. (Sadly I do have to make a disclaimer here. I am talking about age-appropriate love. That's all I have to say about that. I don't enjoy bringing this kind of reality to what I am trying to say here but unfortunately our reality is one that is very scrutinous.)
Ethnicity or race is probably the biggest division between our species. Where we call home or where our ancestors derive from has become quite the topic. An interesting theory to consider is maybe each race is from a different warring planet. Our Earth could be an Intergalactic Space Zoo, where all of these species which have been warring for millennia are now on display, living amongst each other. The large Intergalactic Space Union thought that the best way to halt the endless fighting is to put all of them on the same planet and make it a microcosm of the universe. Here they will all exist and try to make a new civilization where all differences must be resolved because they are all stuck on the same planet. That would explain a lot about why we cannot just get along. However the reality we are told is that we are all from planet Earth. Some lines on a piece of paper drawing of this planet tend to alter that fact. We are all Earthlings, bound to the same needs of love, food, shelter and water. Why would we let anything get in the way of that? How could we let anything get in the way of that? Why is there such contempt for another experiencing the same experience of life? Within this division comes in a multitude of smaller ones such as culinary, entertainment, even religion.
Nowadays, even government itself has become rather divisive. Regardless of side, we all could use a deep breath. The more chaos there appears to be, the more government we are going to get. Remember in two sided games, one side is always on the "wrong" side. Shouldn't we appreciate and respect an opposing point of view in political discussion? Isn't that the basis of a democracy? People debating, criticizing, reluctantly compromising for the good of society. If we let go of these personal differences between each other we will realize that compromise of legislative matters will not be so reluctant. Debates would not be so loud. There wouldn't be such anger at a different point of view. For it's not an opposing view, it's a different view. Both cheering for the oppression of someone else's sovereign rights as a human and demanding legislation for a small groups sovereign rights as a human is just laying the framework for oppression.
It is only in the last few decades that the world has experienced this rush of available products from far-off lands, be it commodities or intellectual properties. It has opened up a whole new world of judgement. Now we can really see our way is the best.... Look at their eyes! What are they eating? How many gods do they have? Why is their skin that color? I'm glad I was created here where the best is... Doesn't it stand to reason we all have that thought? Can't we have enough respect for our own existence to appreciate the fact that people far away are also having theirs?
Could all of this really be how we feel about each other, about our planet? Could we really be this divided? Could this situation contain many outside influences working together as a tightly-knit organization using the age-old strategy of divide and conquer? It is not hard to see a concerted effort of this vision of the people which has stood for millennia, further ingraining these traits into our DNA memory. I'm not a scientist so those are just some words. They've been called Chiefs, Kings, Pharaoh's, Czars, Dictators and Presidents. They've held the power of written word over the head of the common person throughout history. Legislating freedom. All while serving a master of their own. Oh yes! You don't think the leaders lead? No..... I beg somebody to show me a course of human history not marred by strife, chaos, leaders. They are aided by the written words I speak of. You see the distribution network available to these leaders throughout time has been proportionately vast. It is now multinational, fast, and still from very few sources. You can imagine the king's and Pharaoh's letter network being similar to our internet driven by horses. This media network, while disguised as fair and balanced (those words again), more often than not promotes the message of our leaders. Promoting someone's cause if you will. Today looking at the world as one planet, it is not hard to see this global information network abound with very few sources. Seems like someone is getting their message out very diligently

© 2020 concerned citizen

Author's Note

concerned citizen
Typed from my secret off-grid location on my cell phone. Please don't harp on grammar and punctuation.
I love everyone!

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A lot of interesting and valid points here. I will try to answer your questions; not with gospel truth, mind you, but with my own opinions of why.
Let's look at your writing. You ask a lot of questions and these questions are either something people haven't had the chance to ask or are afraid to ask. Why the rules? Why the legislation? If we have freedom and rights, why must there be so much documentation about them. My thought is this: It is written down to remind those who made and execute the laws that these laws cannot be taken away. If someone were to consider repealing or amending a freedom or right, someone can say, "Wait a minute. You can't do that." The codes are there to remind the brokers of the limits to their own power and latitude.
Furthermore, these laws are also the result of debate and questioning. "Okay. We can do this but what about that? What about these circumstances and instances?" It is written to show people the guidelines and framework of their actions. What can be done. What can't be done. Those laws are put there to remind people of the limits of their actions, just as you put out the reminder that you were speaking about "age-appropriate love". In that case, you answered your own question. There are people who would say, "Wait a minute. I want to love him or her. Love has no age." Laws are put into place to protect the vulnerable and those who wouldn't otherwise have a voice.
Laws are written by those who have the power to do so. Which is why not everyone could vote, own property, or even marry. People worked to get the people in power to change those laws. As a result, we now have laws that say you can go here, eat there, and marry who you love. The people who worked to give those people a voice are the reason one group can do what the other had taken for granted. You now have people in places of power who originally worked to right those wrongs. Now you have people in power who are fearmongers. "If you don't vote for me, they will work to oppress you. They don't want to see you free. They hate to see you free." As a result, you now have the "Us vs Them" mentality that seems so rampant and evident. Fear can be a powerful thing and in this case, it can be used by the people who want to keep their titles and benefits that they voted to award themselves and collect.
We're all human. Some don't want all humans to mingle so they write rules into religion. They write the bylaws to make sure the people looking up to them maintain their distance and separation. It's too bad. We all miss out as a result of that. The world could certainly be a better place. I think things here are so messed up, alien species are deliberately making sure they can't be traced or found. There are a lot of crazy people and rules here that make sure everyone doesn't get along.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A lot of interesting and valid points here. I will try to answer your questions; not with gospel truth, mind you, but with my own opinions of why.
Let's look at your writing. You ask a lot of questions and these questions are either something people haven't had the chance to ask or are afraid to ask. Why the rules? Why the legislation? If we have freedom and rights, why must there be so much documentation about them. My thought is this: It is written down to remind those who made and execute the laws that these laws cannot be taken away. If someone were to consider repealing or amending a freedom or right, someone can say, "Wait a minute. You can't do that." The codes are there to remind the brokers of the limits to their own power and latitude.
Furthermore, these laws are also the result of debate and questioning. "Okay. We can do this but what about that? What about these circumstances and instances?" It is written to show people the guidelines and framework of their actions. What can be done. What can't be done. Those laws are put there to remind people of the limits of their actions, just as you put out the reminder that you were speaking about "age-appropriate love". In that case, you answered your own question. There are people who would say, "Wait a minute. I want to love him or her. Love has no age." Laws are put into place to protect the vulnerable and those who wouldn't otherwise have a voice.
Laws are written by those who have the power to do so. Which is why not everyone could vote, own property, or even marry. People worked to get the people in power to change those laws. As a result, we now have laws that say you can go here, eat there, and marry who you love. The people who worked to give those people a voice are the reason one group can do what the other had taken for granted. You now have people in places of power who originally worked to right those wrongs. Now you have people in power who are fearmongers. "If you don't vote for me, they will work to oppress you. They don't want to see you free. They hate to see you free." As a result, you now have the "Us vs Them" mentality that seems so rampant and evident. Fear can be a powerful thing and in this case, it can be used by the people who want to keep their titles and benefits that they voted to award themselves and collect.
We're all human. Some don't want all humans to mingle so they write rules into religion. They write the bylaws to make sure the people looking up to them maintain their distance and separation. It's too bad. We all miss out as a result of that. The world could certainly be a better place. I think things here are so messed up, alien species are deliberately making sure they can't be traced or found. There are a lot of crazy people and rules here that make sure everyone doesn't get along.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on August 8, 2020
Last Updated on August 8, 2020
Tags: freethinker, unity, cometogether


concerned citizen
concerned citizen


Hi. My name is Tom. In this age of technology, we often hear how easy it is to be "connected". What exactly are we connecting to? It surely is not the planet which gives us life, or nature, which pr.. more..
