![]() Episode 3: Chapter 9: CavalryA Chapter by Miles W.![]() Chapter 9 of Episode 3 of Order of Seasons![]() Everybody just simply stood there agape at what they were
seeing. Natalie Grover, left for dead at the base of Beacon tower, now standing
alive and well, looking at them like they were all crazy. “Guys, I
said I’m back. You gonna pick your jaws up off the ground anytime soon?” Before
anybody else had a chance to react, Nathan had run up and had started poking
Natalie. “Um….bro? What are you doing?” After a few seconds of this, Nathan then
looked Natalie straight in the face with tears in his eyes. “I’m so
glad I’m not dreaming,” he said as he gave Natalie a huge bear hug. Natalie
returned the hug but then was knocked flat on her back by everybody else rushing
forward to give her a hug as well. It took a minute for everybody to get off
her and help her back to her feet. After which, Nathan ran up and gave her a
huge hug as well. She returned the hug and noticed Miles standing off to the
side with clear signs of the fact that he was crying. She walked over to him
and punched him the shoulder jokingly. “Can’t get
rid of me that easy I guess.” She said with a grin on her face. Miles didn’t
say anything but threw his arms around her and cried uncontrollably. “Don’t
scare us like that again.” Natalie was about to make another joke, but then
decided against it and simply returned the hug. After the quick little reunion,
a small number of medics and soldiers from Atlas rushed out and dispersed into
the camp, helping whomever they could. “Natalie,
what’s going on?” Miles asked as he watched several medics beginning to bring
Christy aboard the airship. “Well, I
kind of woke up from being dead, then I was walking around and found Beanie
pretty darn close to being dead, then all of a sudden, we were picked up and
saved…” “By me.”
Everybody turned to see that walking down the ramp now was General Ironwood,
the supreme commander of the Atlas military. “Well, to be more precise, our
scouts who were on the lookout for any signs of life in the remains of your
battle at Beacon a few days ago. To be perfectly honest, we weren’t sure if we
would find anybody ever since the Order’s supreme leader went out and
completely dismantled any remaining public resistance on the face of Remnant.
But that doesn’t matter. What does matter is the fact that we have managed to
find people who can still fight. Or at least can fight once they are given
proper treatment.” “Wait,
you’re planning on still fighting the Order?” Miles asked. “What’s the
point? I could tell from the few seconds
when we ran away from that one guy that he has a power that we can’t even begin
to compete with! It’s uncanny! Not even the Maidens were this powerful!” “I won’t
deny that the supreme commander of the Order has gained some impressive powers,
but the fact remains that we still have to try. Plus, your sister brought us
some intel from the afterlife that may prove useful to us.” “You
brought back information from the afterlife?” Nathan asked completely confused.
“How’d you pull that off?” “Oh yeah! I
almost forgot!” Natalie said with a big smile. “Ember says hi!” Nathan’s
expression changed from confusion, to surprise, to happiness, and back to
surprise again. “Huh.” Lord Mortem lowered himself onto the island of Vytal right
next to the large old capitol building. He walked inside the building and made
his way to the central chamber. As he opened the doors, he saw that Lord Aeris
was already inside. As soon as he entered the room, Aeris fell to one knee. “Welcome
Lord Mortem. I’ve been waiting patiently.” “Rise Lord
Aeris. What is the status of the world leaders?” “All of
them will be brought here as per your request in a few days. The current ruler
of Mistral was not willing to comply at first, but I persuaded him.” “Very good.
What of the remaining pieces of resistance?” “We have
yet to locate General Ironwood and his small batch of Atlas soldiers, but Lord
Hibernis assures me that the assets we will not have here on Vytal are using
every resource necessary to find them.” Lord Mortem smiled, and walked to the
center of the room. “Did you
know Lord Aeris, this is where the leaders of the world came together to try
and ignite change? They decided that they had enough of the senseless violence
and decided that they would create a system that existed in limbo. A limbo that
ignored the fact that entire nations and ideals had been crushed during their
mindless conflict. The creation of the Huntsman Academies was nothing more than
a shining monument to that limbo. Buried beneath the grand bravado of the
students and teachers of the academies were the skeletons of all those who
sacrificed everything only to be forgotten to time. The leaders of the world
had the power to make real change, but refused to take the initiative. I will
not tolerate any form of weakness in this new world. I will erase the limbo
that the leaders created and replace it with reality. The reality that this
world cannot function by ignoring what is. You can only move forward and
embrace the pain of reality.” “So…did you
like have a rough childhood or did your family have an ancestor who was lost in
the war or….” “My life
has always been about order. I will instill order upon the world. I will bring
the four kingdoms as different as the seasons and make them one single entity.” “It’s
control you desire then?” “Do you
have an issue with my reasoning to bring about the greatest revolution this
world has ever seen?” “I follow
your commands until the day one of us dies, and at this rate, I think I’ll be
dead long before you even get close to looking middle-aged. I was just curious
since you randomly started to monologue in the middle of this giant government
building.” “I guess
that could come off as a bit strange. My apologies.” “No
worries.” The airship began taking off from the forest and heading
towards the mountain ranges to avoid any form of detection. “If all the
team leaders could come with me and anybody else they feel that can help follow
me to the command deck.” As soon as General Ironwood asked this, Natalie,
Miles, Jacob, Ty, Ruby, Blake, and Nora followed General Ironwood to the top
deck. Evan stayed behind to stay with Christy while the doctors helped get her
what she needed to recover faster, Nathan stayed behind while the few Atlas
technicians worked on a new cyborg arm for Yang, and everybody else either got some
much needed food in the cafeteria or decided to take a nap. As the airship got
closer to the mountains, Nora started shivering a little bit. “Couldn’t
we hide somewhere a bit warmer please General?” “We don’t
have time for niceties. The Order has conquered the entire world overnight and
their supreme leader, Zenoma Mortem, has ordered that the current world leaders
meet at the government building where the World Hunters Accords were signed to
end the Great War. If we didn’t have the cover of the mountains, we would be
detectable by radar and noticeable even with our cloaking device working.” “Ok, so
what are we up against?” Miles asked as he walked over to a nearby holo-table.
“When we fought against them a few days ago, they had White Fang soldiers as
well as some of their own soldiers. Can we expect perhaps a more powerful fleet
of soldiers guarding this event?” “Yes,
alongside that the Order has managed to take control of all our Atlesian
Knights and Paladins once again.” “You have
got to be kidding me!” Blake said as she took a seat in the captains chair. “I
remember fighting those things a year ago, and they were tough back then! What
chance do we have now that they have been upgraded?” “Well, that
is actually the first part of the plan we have been preparing.” General
Ironwood then pulled up a holographic image of the government building on Vytal
and zoomed in on the airships. “This event that Mortem is planning is supposed
to scare the world leaders into submission, so he has brought some of his
finest ships in to intimidate them. But that may be the first piece to his
downfall. After the attack on Beacon a year ago, Ozpin and I along with several
programmers in Atlas developed a code installed in the very core of every
combat android under Atlas control. The Prime Directive. A basic code that if
activated, the androids are to fight and protect the interests of the four
kingdoms. If it seems that different kingdoms are at war with each other, then
a kill code is initiated so that nobody can use them for the wrong reasons
ever.” “So how do
we activate this program?” Ruby asked. “According
to our intel, when Roman Torchwick captured one of my ships last year, he
installed a program that gave him and Cinder control of the entire Atlesian
force stationed in Vale. That should hold true for the airships of the Order.
If we can get a small strike team into one of the airships, we can activate the
directive as well as install a set of instructions for the knights to fight
only when we give the command.” “Why
wouldn’t we have them wreck havoc the instant we get them back on our side?” Ty
asked. “Wouldn’t it make sense to just let them run lose and we can clean up
whatever mess they made?” “Not if we
want to win the battle at the end of the day. What we need is a tactical
attack. If we let the knights run wild, they will be wiped out in an instant.
But if we upload a command to wait for our signal, the enemy will rush forward
with the knights on their side and then in a split second will be surrounded on
and completely stuck.” “What about
the remaining troops?” Jacob asked. “Just because we take the androids back to
our side won’t guarantee an easy cakewalk. The instant they realize that they
are under attack, they’ll send down all their available troops on the other
airships to take us down.” “You have a
suggestion?” General Ironwood asked. “I say we
have the stealth strike team also be an attack team. They install the directive
into the system, then they take over the airship, and once they are given the
signal, they can open fire on the other airships, and maybe even use the
airship as a kamikaze missile on the other Order members.” “Not a bad
strategy. It could work.” “One
problem though” Blake said as she stood up and walked over to the table. “If we
rush in while all the world leaders are still inside, then Mortem could just
hold them hostage and this will all be for nothing.” “She’s
right. Any ideas?” “This fight
isn’t just to defeat the Order.” Natalie said walking forward. “It’s about
saving the world. I’ll spare you all the over the top details about why we need
to defeat Mortem other than the fact that he’s evil and needs to be defeated.
But the main thing is that the only way to defeat his requires help from the
afterlife. All we have to do is beat the tar out of him and weaken him to the
point where we can destroy him. What we need is to get him isolated from his
subordinates and fight him head on. The nice thing is, with the main attack,
they should be too busy to do anything else. I suggest we have a team of six
people dive into the main government building.
Two to fight Mortem, the rest to check the building and make sure there
isn’t anybody else. Perhaps to even
evacuate the world leaders if we get lucky.” “Did you
somehow become a better strategist when you died?” Miles asked in a mocking
tone. “I had my
moments before then!” They both laughed, and then everybody joined in. A moment
of levity in light of what they all knew was about to happen. Evan sat there as the doctor walked up to him removing his
mask. “Her aura
should be kicking in right about now. It was already doing the job, but by
manually healing and mending some of her injuries, she should be able to
recover a lot faster now. You can go see her if you’d like.” Evan didn’t say
anything in response. He simply got up, walked into the room and saw Christy
sitting there hooked up to several different machines. “You doing
okay there cutie?” Christy blushed and laughed at Evan’s comment. “A bit
cornier than usual, but yes. My back hurts a little, but other then that, I’m
feeling a lot better than I was earlier.” Evan smiled, and sat down next to her.
They both just sat there in silence, letting things move forward without
fighting it. Nathan was looking out the window, lost in his thoughts. He
then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Yang holding a robot
arm. “Can I give
you a hand Nathan?” Yang started cracking up as she waved the new arm around
like it was a toy. “Yang, the
doctor said you shouldn’t take that thing off and use it so carelessly!” “Oh come
on. You’d do the exact same thing if you were in my shoes!” Yang then put her
new arm back on and sat down next to him. “I was trying to lighten the mood
Nathan. No need to be so sullen about it,” “You’ve
been taking this way too well. You get
your arm cut off, and you can still make jokes like this?” “I keep
telling you, I’ve got you here with me to help me through it. I’d do the same
thing for you.” “Thanks
Yang.” They gave each other a quick kiss before looking out the window into the
sky. Brooklyn walked into the cafeteria and saw Weiss eating at a
table by herself. She grabbed a drink and sat down next to her. “Hey
Weiss?” “Yeah?” “What does
family mean to you?” Weiss was a bit thrown off by the question. “How do you
mean?” “Like, you
are somebody who has had your family with you your entire life. What was that
like?” “Well, I
don’t think I’m the person to ask about that. Everybody has different
experiences with their families. I lived with my father, but he always was just
pushing me to take over the family company. But I wanted to become a Huntress
and help the world. We still have our differences, but I think that even after
everything that has happened, he still loves me no matter what.” “No matter
what, huh?” “Something
significant about that?” “Not
really. Just gives me something to work with I guess. Thanks Weiss.” “Hey, I’m
not doing that much right now. Anytime.” As the sun began to rise, Lord Mortem stood atop the
government building and watched as the small transport ship lowered itself to
the ground. Lord Mortem smiled and began floating towards the world leaders.
“It is time
for the final great change in this world.” © 2018 Miles W.Author's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on October 24, 2016 Last Updated on April 5, 2018 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing