![]() Episode 3: Chapter 7: FalloutA Chapter by Miles W.![]() Chapter 7 of Episode 3 of Order of Seasons![]() Brooklyn could hardly comprehend what was happening. Her
entire body was limp as Ty carried her towards the airship docks. She noticed
that Jacob was in his other arm, Evan was carrying Christy, Nora was carrying
Nathan, Yatsuhashi was carrying Yang, and Blake was pulling Ruby away from the
battle. “We can’t
just leave her there!” Ruby yelled with tears in her eyes. “We don’t
have a choice Ruby!” Blake yelled as she
tossed Ruby on the airship. “We’ll mourn
her later!” Brooklyn tried to look back and see if she could find Natalie, but
she didn’t see her anywhere. She did however notice a single man floating above
the ground, summoning lightning and fire at a mere snap of his fingers. He
captured the remaining members of Team JNPR in an ice prison, sent the entirety
of Junior’s army flying with just a flick of his wrist, and with a simple punch
at thin air, he launched boulders towards several airships, including the
warship that belonged to the Schnee company. Everything was falling apart.
Everybody who wasn’t captured or killed ran for the remaining airships. As they
took off, Brooklyn and Jacob were strapped into seats by Ty, while others with
more severe injuries were placed on emergency medical tables in the back of the
airship. While flying away from Beacon, Brooklyn could see off in the distance
another airship starting to take off, but being struck down by a bolt of
lightning. Unable to comprehend much more, she passed out yet again. Lord Mortem watched the airship crash to the ground in
flames then looked on as the other airship flew off into the distance. He
raised his arm up to launch another attack, this time with the intent to
destroy completely and totally. “You lied
to us Mortem.” Lord Mortem powered down and turned to see Lord Fulgur standing
right behind him with the rest of the High Council. “You stole all the power
for yourself. You betrayed us!” “You should
be thankful to those kids for interrupting Lord Fulgur.” Mortem said with a
smirk. “You all would be dead
otherwise!” “What?”
Lord Mortem held up his hand, and then one of the remaining containment pods
came flying towards him from the top of the tower. He then grabbed a canister
that was on the back of the pod and crushed it, releasing a poisonous gas.
Everybody took a step back in fear when they saw this, and Lord Mortem
dispersed the gas with a flick of his finger. “I never
intended to give you fools any of this power. You would have just been more
vessels to the heritage of the complete whole entity. Besides, vessels can die.
Not even Ozpin and Salem, the last immortals in this world, were immune to this.
But their creator, now he was truly powerful.” “Creator?”
Adam asked. “What creator? How did you learn about all of this?” “There is
always truth in legends Lord Taurus. Remember that. The Order of the Four
Seasons was founded on the ideology of harnessing the power of the Maidens to
control the world. But in the deepest archives of the Order, there exists a log
of Maidens who have lived and died. There, I discovered that there was always a
single person keeping a log of who lived for how long as a certain Maiden. That
person was Ozpin, and even centuries before the middle entries of the books,
his sister Salem. However, I only learned of their creator by accident, and the
foolish lack of foresight by Ozpin. He left in this book a journal, in which he
mentioned his father. I put the pieces together and realized what I could
become if I brought all this power back together as a single vessel.” “And what
power is that my lord?” Lord Hibernis asked. “You
haven’t realized it yet? I am the new wizard of this world!” “And that
means?” Lord Aeris said with a confused look. “I am now
the most powerful being in existence! I can feel the power surging! I can
create or destroy life in an instant, I can control all the elements, I control
light and shadow, I am truly a god!” “So what
does that mean for us then?” Lord Fulgur said, clearly starting to get
agitated. “You will
continue to serve me by making this world run smoothly. Four of you will rule
over one of the four kingdoms, and then the other two will serve as the grand
generals of my armies, and all of you will report back to me, the true absolute
superior.” “After you
lied to all of us?” Lord Fulgur yelled at Mortem, grabbing his bow. “Why should we trust you?! And if Ozpin and
Salem were vulnerable despite being immortal, I bet you are able to be defeated
just like them!” With that said, Lord Fulgur launched a barrage of lighting
bolts at Lord Mortem, and then rushed forward looking to attack Lord Mortem
head on. But as he swung down his bow, he noticed that all the lightning bolts
he had fired were suddenly now in the form of a blade. Lord Mortem had
literally taken lightning and made it a weapon of nature. “It’s a
shame Lord Fulgur. I had hoped you would have been the master of my new
armada.” Lord Mortem then pulled back the lightning blade, and as he swung it
down, he morphed it into pure darkness, and sliced Lord Fulgur right in half.
As the body fell to the ground, Lord Mortem let the blade dissipate into thin
air. “Anybody else find themselves invincible?” Not even a tenth of a second
passed after he said this before the remaining members of the High Council fell
to one knee. “My
loyalties have always lied with you Lord mortem. That has not wavered for an
instant.” Lord Hibernis said. “I have to
admit, being second to a god sound pretty fun.” Lord Aeris said. “My loyalties
lie with you.” “I will
never fall away my lord.” Lord Memoriare said. “I stand with you.” “The White
Fang owes its growth to the goodwill of the Order. I stand with you Lord
Mortem.” Adam said. “You
granted me the title of lord at the drop of a hat.” Leo said. “You trusted me
with so many things despite me being the newest among our number. I stand with
you.” “Good.”
Lord Mortem said as he drew his buster sword. “First business, I will go and
conquer the remaining pieces of Atlas myself. In the meantime, all but Lord
Hibernis are to gather the world leaders and bring them to Vytal. You have four
days. Meanwhile, Lord Hibernis, I hereby dub thee Lord Grand Admiral of the entire
army of the Order of the Four Seasons. Your task is to first take all these
prisoners and place them in the hold of the command ship. Then, you will gather
our best and most powerful ships. We won’t truly need them, for this will be
nothing more than a show of power. My new powers alone may not be enough to
sway the world leaders. That is why we need this show of force. Understood?”
Everybody stood up and nodded their heads. “Good. Now if you will excuse me, I
have a kingdom to topple.” With that said, Lord Mortem lifted up into the sky
and flew off in the direction of Atlas. As the airship continued to fly, it was clear nobody knew
what they should do. “Where can
we go?” Nora yelled from the cockpit. “It looks like some enemy airships have
landed in Patch! We can’t go back there!” “What about
Atlas?” Evan asked. “Their medical equipment is what we need most right now!” “Actually,
I’m not sure there is any safe heaven for us anywhere in Remnant right now.”
Weiss said with tears in her eyes. “My father just texted me, he’s breaking
contact so that we don’t get caught after Atlas falls.” “Atlas has
been defeated?” Blake said completely shocked. Nobody else knew what to say as
silence filled the airship. Then Miles walked over to Nora in the cockpit. “Take us to
the Forest of Forever Fall. It’s close enough to civilization, but far enough
away that the enemy won’t look for us there.” Not even objecting, Nora took the
airship and started flying for the forest. As they started to fly over the
treeline, Nora put the airship in landing protocol in the middle of the forest. “Is right
here okay Miles?” “Don’t set
the airship down. Engage the autopilot to crash into the mountains once we jump
out.” “Jump out?”
Blake asked. “Miles, do you really think you can get everybody down safely?” “Everybody
is capable of jumping down from this height and surviving. I’ll just help lower
the injured. Now let’s move people!” With that said, everybody who could jumped
down to the forest below, then Miles followed in suit helping lower the
injured. As he continued to descend, everybody already on the ground started
grabbing and helping the injured in any way they could. Evan and Weiss helped
get Christy to a comfortable position, Yatsuhashi and Nora helped get Nathan
and Yang set in a safe location, and Ty set Brooklyn and Jacob down before
helping to attend to the rest of the injured. As soon as everybody was attended
to, Miles landed as well and watched as the airship flew off towards the
mountain range and crashed. Nathan woke up with a throbbing pain in his chest. As he
slowly sat up, he noticed his friends all moving about and helping everybody.
He took a quick look around to figure out his surroundings, and then noticed
that Yang was lying there next to him. As he started to remember what happened,
he quickly crawled over and started inspecting her injury. He started to cry a
little bit. “Hey big
guy.” Nathan looked down and realized that Yang was awake. As soon as he saw
her smile however, he turned his face away. “What’s wrong? Is my makeup
smeared?” Yang smirked, but still Nathan said nothing and didn’t look at her.
“Nathan, what’s wrong?” “How can
you be so calm?!” Nathan yelled. “Adam attacked and hurt you! That crazy woman cut off your arm! You’re lucky they didn’t kill you!” “Their mistake.
Now we can bounce back and take them down together!” “STOP IT!”
Nathan yelled, which startled Yang. She was about to try and tell him to perk
up, but stopped short when she noticed that he was crying uncontrollably. “Nathan….” “This is
the second time this has happened! First I lost my family to Adam all those
years ago, and I almost lost you today! I don’t want to lose anybody else!” They both fell silent for a moment, then Yang slowly sat up
and hugged Nathan, a few tears were rolling down her face. “This is
what I signed up for. And yeah, this stinks, but at least I’ve got you here
with me.” Nathan didn’t how to respond at first, but then returned her hug. “Thanks
Yang.” “We’ll get
through this together Nathan.” Evan continued to sit next to Christy as Weiss tried to
figure out what exactly she needed to do in order to help keep her alive. “I don’t
know what to do! She isn’t healing herself like she normally should!” Evan
yelled. “She
doesn’t have any aura!” Weiss responded. “And without any tech, I have no idea
how to help her!” “Wait, I
think I remember Pyrrha teaching me something that could help!” Evan then
quickly ran over and placed his hand on Christy’s forehead. “For it is in
passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of
virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death.
I release your soul. And by my shoulder, protect thee.” As he said this, his
own Aura flowed down like a river into Christy’s body, and she began to glow a
little bit. Evan started to become short of breath since he had to sacrifice a
lot of Aura. “So what
happens now?” Weiss asked. Evan simply looked over at Christy and noticed that
the healing field had begun to envelop her body. “Now I
wait. You go help the others.” “Okay. Let
me know when she wakes up.” As Weiss made her way to the rest of the injured,
Evan just continued to sit there, waiting for her to wake up. As Brooklyn slowly regained consciousness, she noticed that
Jacob was lying nearby completely zoned out. He was curled up in a fetal
position. Brooklyn was about to ask what was wrong until she remembered what
had happened to her as well. She stood up and walked over to where everybody
else was and saw Ty helping collect firewood for the group. “Brooklyn!
You’re awake! How do you feel?” Brooklyn didn’t respond. Ty handed his firewood
off to Yatsuhashi, grabbed a few large wood stumps and placed them on the
ground as stools. “What happened back there?” Brooklyn hesitated for a moment,
then sat down on the other stool. “I was
fighting the assassin. You know, the one that attacked us back at the gorge a
few days ago? Well, she kept giving me all these cryptic messages when we were
imprisoned, and I didn’t think anything of them. But then, when we were
fighting back in Beacon, I had just ran her through with my blade, some random
blue orb came out of the sky and flew into me, and then I suddenly remembered
everything.” “Everything
about what?” “About who
she was. I remembered her face, I remembered all we did together, I remembered
who she was.” “Who was
she?” “Her name
was Angela McPhearson, and she was my mother.” The two of them sat in silence.
Ty finally spoke up. “So why did
she leave you in the first place?” “Well,
according to this memory that I got back, it’s because she was so neck deep in
the Order that she had no choice if she wanted to protect me and the rest of my
family. To make sure that we would never try and rescue her from that
organization, they had one of their high ranking officials come in and wipe out
our memories of her and substitute them with alternate memories.” “So, now
that you remember everything, what do you feel like doing?” “I’m not
sure. I mean, I’ll still fight the Order if it means saving the world, but with
this new bit of knowledge, I guess now I have a personal vendetta.” “True
enough.” Ty got up and picked up his stool and headed back towards the main
camp. “Do you not
have anything else to say?” “Nah. I
think you have a clear grasp on what you need to accomplish. You had a rough
experience, but you know how to handle it. If anybody needs help it’s Jacob. I
can’t get a word in with that guy. Maybe you could help him?” As Ty walked off,
Brooklyn looked back over at where Jacob was sitting, he still hadn’t moved an
inch. The first thing that Christy felt when she woke up was a
sharp pain in her back. Then all the other pains in her body were dialed up to
eleven. She slowly got up, and noticed Evan sitting off to the side, having
fallen asleep. She tried to stand up straight, but the pain was too much, she
couldn’t help but make a small cry in pain. Despite it not being that loud, it
was apparently loud enough to wake Evan up. The instant he saw Christy awake,
he smiled with relief, but that turned to worry the instant he realized she was
trying to walk. “Christy,
what are you doing? You still need to rest!” “I’m fine!”
Christy said clearly trying to fight back against the pain. “The others need my
help! I can heal them!” “You can
hardly move!” Evan said jumping up and blocking her path. “How do you think you
can help them?!” “Look, I’ll
heal in time! But you guys need more help than I do!” Christy tried to take
another step but was stopped when Evan wrapped her in a bear hug. “You help
so many people Christy. And you don’t hesitate for a second to try and help
others who rely on you. That’s one of the many things I love about you. But
think about yourself for a second please? People may rely on your abilities,
but I don’t rely on your abilities. I rely on you. I need you.” As he said
this, he hugged her even tighter. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Christy smiled and started crying as soon as Evan finished. “Hon,
that’s great, but the thing is, I kind of hurt all over and you hugging me
isn’t helping.” Evan quickly jumped back, afraid he had done something wrong. “I’m so
sorry!” “It’s
fine.” Christy said wiping away a tear. “You’re right. We can all heal in time.
I’ll just focus on getting better so I can be at my best when we rally together
for another round!” “Always
ready to go aren’t you?” “Eh, part
of my charm.” They both giggled, and smiled looking up at the sky. Brooklyn sat down next to Jacob, and patted him on the
shoulder. He didn’t respond. He just continued to sit there. “And here I
thought I was the shallow one.” Brooklyn said tilting her head up to the sky.
“Seriously, what’s wrong? You aren’t usually like this.” Jacob looked over at
Brooklyn, then up to the sky. “I hated
him. I hated my father. He always criticized me, he never cared about my hopes
and dreams, he never cared about my goals, and he never cared about my
feelings. The only thing I ever learned from him was how to fight. And when I
had enough, I rebelled. I wanted to stay at a single school instead of going to
all four like he wanted me to. I wanted
to do what I wanted to do. And as a result, he dragged me into his secret life,
forced me to join his revolution, lied to me about the death of my friends, and
when I tried to run off again, it got my mother killed. I thought I would feel
relieved to see him dead. I thought I would be happy to be rid of him. But I’m
not. I’m sad. I’m torn! I hated him! I don’t get it! Brooklyn, why do I care so
much about him?” Brooklyn sighed, sat down next to Jacob and gave him a hug. “Because
you are a good son.” Jacob thought about this for a second, then let the tears
flow as he returned Brooklyn’s hug. Afterwards, the two of them just sat there,
reflecting on their families. Miles looked down on the camp from a nearby cliff. He had
volunteered to take first watch. “You doing
okay?” Miles turned and saw Blake walking towards him. “Yeah.
About as good as I can be.” “Does
Nathan or anybody else who wasn’t there know about Natalie yet?” “I’ll make
a formal announcement tomorrow once everybody has had a chance to rest. But I
asked Ty to tell Nathan directly for me tonight in my stead.” “Why not
tell him yourself?” Miles fell silent for a few seconds at this question. “I don’t
think I can face him.” Miles said as he sat down. “This is the second time that
someone from his family has been killed because of my actions.” “You
couldn’t have known what was going to happen on that tower.” “Maybe, but
I probably shouldn’t have sent Natls up there alone! I should have gone up! At
least if I died, nobody would miss me!” Blake then slapped him across the face. “THAT’S NOT
TRUE!” Miles was about to retort, but he was silenced by Blake smothering him
in a hug, tears streaming down her face. “I would.” Miles then finally let his
emotions loose, and the two of them sat there for an hour just crying, missing
their friend. As she tried to open her eyes, she had to squint, as there
was a bright beam of light shining directly on her face. Quickly getting up, she
took in her surroundings. It was an empty cathedral; the walls were decorated
with stain glass windows. About fifteen of them had designs on them, but there
were almost a hundred more that were blank. As she looked over the windows, she
recognized them as key moments in her past. While she was surveying the rest of
the room, a door at the far end opened up, a stranger stood there bathed in
light. “You’re
early.” The voice said walking in. “I honestly didn’t expect you here for at
least another 80 years or so Natls.” Natalie took a step back the instant she
recognized the voice.
“Ember?” © 2018 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on October 10, 2016 Last Updated on April 5, 2018 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing