Episode 3: Chapter 6: Impact

Episode 3: Chapter 6: Impact

A Chapter by Miles W.

Chapter 6 of Episode 3 of Order of Seasons


Evan jumped back and quickly morphed his weapon to rifle form and fired a few shots at Lord Fulgur, trying to keep him from summoning lighting bolts. As soon as he landed, he rushed forward and pinned the bow down with his gauntlet and landed a crushing blow to Lord Fulgur’s chest with his spear. As he went flying back, Lord Fulgur had to stab his bow in the ground to keep himself from flying any further towards the mountains.

            “You got spirit kid. I’ll give you that.”

            “Talk when you’re actually winning.” Evan said as he threw his spear at Lord Fulgur pinning him to a nearby pillar. As he tried to free himself, Evan rushed forward and punched him right in the face.





Jacob leapt up and threw three knives to the ground creating a ring of explosions where his father was supposed to be standing. But he had already dodged the attack and was heading towards a nearby building to run up the side and start engaging Jacob in close quarters combat.

            “Smart father. You knew you couldn’t beat me in ranged combat so you slunk back to what you are familiar with like the coward you are. But I don’t care where you run; I won’t stop until I have completely destroyed you.” Peter just simply continued to parry Jacob’s attacks, not saying a word, his eyes completely blank. “At least say something you son of a….”





Christy tried to block Lord Hibernis’ whip, but the attack simply hit the axe she was using for defense and sent her flying towards a nearby wall, knocking her aura levels down extremely.

            “All the bravado in the world is not enough to defeat me child.” Lord Hibernis said as he started walking towards the almost limp body of Christy. “No matter how much you care about something, unless you have to power to back it up, you will never attain true victory.”

            “And I thought…. I was the one who talked too much…” Christy said as she started firing shots at her opponent, which he easily dodged.

            “Unlike you, I have the power to back up my words child. Allow me to demonstrate.”





Natalie and her squad continued to slice through hordes of Grimm on their way to Beacon tower. There wasn’t a ton of resistance as they got closer, which made their job pretty easy as they started getting close to the base of the tower. As Ruby sliced another Beowolf in half, the team gathered up at the entrance to the tower, and they tried to knock the doors down.

            “We really needed Yang or Grover for this one.” Miles said as he watched Natalie and Ruby try to slice the door open but fail.

            “What do you suggest then?” Blake asked as she fired a few rounds at a nearby pack of Grimm.

            “Natalie’s in charge here. What’s the plan fearless leader?” Natalie looked around the base of the tower, and then looked up towards the very top.

            “Is it just me or does it look like something is glowing up there?” Everybody then looked up and realized that there was indeed a silver glow emanating from the top of the tower.

            “What IS that?” Ruby asked as the glow seemed to get a little bit fainter.

            “I’m not sure, but I’m going to check it out.” Natalie said.

            “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Blake asked. “Anything could be up there.”

            “Well, if it’s the Maidens Aura, then by freeing them we put a huge monkey wrench in their plans, right? Besides, we can get up there super quickly. Miles, you can send me up using Flight Protocol, then Ruby, then Blake and then yourself.”

            “Are you up for that much stress Miles?” Blake asked.

            “This is nothing compared to a few days ago. I trust Natalie’s judgment here. Let’s roll.” Suddenly, a large horde of Grimm started pouring in from the sides towards where they were standing.

            “Hurry!” Ruby said as she started blasting the enemies. “Get Natls up there and then send me up!”

            “On it!” As he said this, Miles sent Natalie flying up the side of Beacon tower towards the top.





Lord Mortem looked over the edge and saw a small group of students standing around the base of the tower. He angrily turned around and walked over to the computer.

            “Computer, somehow we are running out of time. How much longer do we have?”

            “TWO MINUTES MY LORD.”

            “I haven’t fought with my own Aura in years. This could be tricky.”





As Jacob and Peter continued to clash, it seemed clear that Peter wasn’t trying to attack Jacob, but simply parry his attacks.

            “Why won’t you attack father?! You had no problems with it before!” Still saying nothing, Peter spun around, hit Jacob on the back of his head with the hilt of his sword. As Jacob fell to the ground, he realized that his father had hit a specific nerve to keep him from moving for a solid minute. He attempted to fight the effects of the attack, but to no avail. He watched as Peter picked up his sword, and examined it carefully.

            “This sword… I remember it. I gave it to you for your birthday.”

            “Yeah. You gave me this whole spiel about how its been passed down through our family for generations! And that only a true Strohl can wield it. You don’t even have any honor left to lift that or any sword!” Peter looked at his son, and then looked out to the battlefield.

            “People fight for what they believe is right no matter the consequences. I truly believed that the ideals of the Order were best for this world and that I was the one most suited to lead it. I was prepared to give up my own life, but I didn’t realize what else it would cost me. I don’t have any honor left, you are right. But maybe with this final act, I can at least be with your mother in whatever afterlife awaits me.” As he said this, Peter got down on his knees, took Jacob’s sword, placed it on his abdomen, and performed Seppuku.

            “FATHER!” Jacob yelled as he watched his father fall to the ground after performing the action. Feeling finally returned to Jacob’s body, and he jumped up and ran over to the body of his father. As he held him in his arms, he suddenly felt a wash of emotions flowing over him. He didn’t know what to think, or how to act. He just simply sat there with his fathers body getting colder and colder.





Ty beheaded another Nevermore as he realized that Junior and his forces were getting pushed back. As he tried to launch a few projectiles to thin out the enemy, he realized that Team CFVY and their squad was getting pushed back as well. Weiss ran up past Ty and stabbed a Boarbatusk in the head before it could attack Ty.

            “This isn’t going well.” Weiss said as she launched a barrage of ice attacks towards another group of enemies.

            “We aren’t dead yet.” Ty said as he impaled three different small Grimm.

            “Maybe not yet, but the thing is our team pockets are starting to fall apart! We won’t last if we keep fighting like this!”

            “What do you suggest then?”

            “Go get your teammates and whoever else you can find! I’ll do the same. Meet back at the main airship once we’ve collected everybody.”

            “All right then.” Ty slashed another Grimm and started heading in one direction.  “Good luck.”

            “I don’t think we’re the ones who need it.”





Lord Hibernis picked up Christy by the neck. She was completely drained of Aura, her right arm was broken, and she was coughing up blood. He turned her around so that she could see the battlefield.

            “You see? This is what happens when fools like you try to get in the way of change. You fear what you don’t understand, and try to destroy it.”

            “Destroying…. the coliseum…didn’t help your case…” This clearly angered Lord Hibernis, as he immediately unleashed a punch that almost instantaneously shattered her spine. The sound was so loud that one could have sworn that the battlefield itself fell silent for a second. The pain was so much that Christy didn’t even get a chance to scream. She just instantaneously blacked out and fell to the ground like a broken doll.

            “Pathetic. Those who don’t understand how the world works should just fade.” As he raised his foot up to crush her head, he was suddenly knocked off his feet by a powerful and critical strike from Evan’s spear. Before Lord Hibernis even got a chance to recover from the attack, Evan was already on top of him, pummeling away with his gauntlet.

            “I WON’T LET YOU HURT HER!” As he said this, Lord Hibernis was starting to lose consciousness. Acting purely on instinct, he used some of the nearby debris as rock projectiles to distract Evan, while he summoned a larger slab of rock in order to float himself away. Evan was about to pursue Lord Hibernis but decided to turn and try and help Christy any way he could. As he looked over her body, he viciously tried to figure out what he could fix to keep her alive, but he was completely lost. He didn’t even notice Weiss run up right next to the two of them. She was about to say something else until she noticed Christy and her condition.

            “What happened to her?!” Weiss asked as she almost dropped her sword.

            “There’s no time!” Evan yelled as he picked up Christy. “We need to go! Now!”





Lord Mortem paced back and forth as the computer finished mixing the different Aura’s together into a single canister. He checked the time on the computer console and it said there was only twenty seconds left. He started making sure all the wires and pipes were in alignment, when he heard a thud right behind him. He turned around and saw Natalie standing right before him, about to launch herself towards the equipment. As she pulled the trigger to launch herself forward, Lord Mortem leapt in front of her path and blocked the attack with his buster sword. Without saying a word, Lord Mortem swiftly started going on the offensive, catching Natalie off guard for a second. But as she gained her footing, it seemed like that the two of them were on an even playing field. They both traded blows, neither one truly gaining the upper hand. But all of a sudden, Natalie managed to slip past Lord Mortem and started making a beeline for the equipment set up in the center of the tower. Before Lord Mortem could catch her, she had sliced two of the containment pods in half and managed to take a few wires with her as well. As soon as she finished her attack, she planted her feet and got ready for another pass. But in a split second, Lord Mortem was right in front of Natalie, and had her in a chokehold she couldn’t escape form.

            “Why is it always children who try to get in my way? I've had it with children just waltzing in and trying to destroy everything I've built!” As he said this, he began draining Natalie’s Aura. Natalie tried to fight back, but she felt not just her strength, but also her entire being fading away with each passing second. After only half a minute, her Aura was completely gone, her body was completely shriveled up like a mummy, and whatever life she had now existed as a single flame in the left hand of Lord Mortem, which he released and let fly away into the sky. As for the body, he simply just walked over to the edge of the tower, and let it fall to the ground.





As Miles sliced up one last Ursa, he turned back to Ruby and Blake.

            “All right Ruby. You ready to go?”

            “NATALIE!!!!!” Miles looked up and realized what Ruby was screaming at. Natalie, falling down at an alarming rate, not moving at all. Before Miles or Blake could react, Ruby had jumped up and caught the limp body of her best friend in mid air and then landed awkwardly, cushioning the fall herself. As they all gathered around her body, they realized what had happened, and what was painfully staring them in the face. Ruby was holding onto Natalie’s body, trying to convince herself that this wasn’t happening. Blake started crying uncontrollably, her hands clasped over her mouth. Miles simply fell to his knees, not sure how to respond, his body having completely shut down, save for the few tears that rolled down his face.





Lord Mortem surveyed the damage and re-wired what he could to one of the few remaining working pods.

            “Computer, you had better give me something useful or I swear I’m going to blow you into a million pieces.”


            “Good. Start it up.” As he said this, Lord Mortem took the single container of Aura that glowed a deep silver and hooked it up to the machine. He then proceeded to seal himself in one of the pods and pushed a button that caused all of the Aura to begin flowing into his pod, which he then began to absorb. As the last of Aura was absorbed into his being, he then almost seemed to explode into a giant flash of silver, sending a shockwave bright enough to light the night sky across a large distance. When the dust settled, Lord Mortem punched the door to his pod right off the hinges, and stepped out. His eyes glowed the same bright yellow they always had. Then, he slowly closed his eyes, and opened them again, revealing his eyes now glowed the same deep silver that the Aura container glowed a few minutes ago.

© 2018 Miles W.

Author's Note

Miles W.
Please read/review/enjoy!

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Oh crap that's not good please tell me it doesn't end like this. I could use some good news regards to the kids getting the upper hand. AWESOME.' chapter I will finish tomorrow. Please be kind and return the love.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 26, 2016
Last Updated on April 5, 2018
Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY

RWBY: Order of Seasons


Miles W.
Miles W.

Columbus, OH

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..

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A Chapter by Miles W.