![]() Episode 3: Chapter 2: RetreatA Chapter by Miles W.![]() Chapter 2 of Episode 3 of Order of Seasons![]() Blake sliced through a small pack of Ursas on her way across
one of the few cliffs that connected to Beacon. All the airships were down, and
there was no way she was going to find a boat to get her close enough to the
school. As she got closer, she was able to recognize her friends fighting in
the courtyard. Yang and Nathan were teaming up to take down a Griffon, while
Pyrrha was running a Creep through with her spear. She couldn’t see many of the
others yet, but that didn’t stop her from leaping towards the courtyard and
slicing an incoming Nevermore in half. As soon as she landed, she saw Weiss
rushing towards her with an ice glyph at the ready. Leaping over Blake, she
stabbed a King Taijitu right in the head, causing it to dissipate in a split
second. “Are you
all right Blake?” Weiss asked offering her a hand up. “What happened back there?! How did you get
out of the coliseum?” “Ruby
pulled me and Miles out before it collapsed.” Blake said as she got up. “She’s taking him out of the city now while we
try and finish the fight. Where are the others?” “Ren and
Nora are over near the amphitheater fighting off several other hordes of Grimm
with Coco and the others. Natalie and Evan ran off with Sun and Neptune to try
and secure the dorms and get people out. Yang, Nathan and myself have been busy
trying to make sure no more Grimm get into the school. With all these monsters,
the White Fang, and whoever these new soldiers are fighting alongside them,
we’re vastly outnumbered.” “That’s
never stopped us before.” “Hopefully
it won’t stop us now. You ready to keep going?” “Honestly,
I’m amazed we managed to talk for this long.” They both then rushed towards
Nathan and Yang to begin fighting off even more monsters. As Ozpin looked out over the chaos, Goodwitch and Beanie
rushed in. “Professor
Ozpin! What should we do?” Beanie yelled. “Protect
the citizens. They are the one that are in harms way right now.” “But what
about you?” Before Ozpin could answer Goodwitch, the other elevator doors
exploded open, and in walked Mortem, with his sword at the ready, and dark
energy steaming off his hands. “Imagine;
merely a fraction of your sister’s power is enough to get me all the way here
Ozpin. I look forward to claiming the rest.” “Fool. You
would risk an apocalypse out of a lust for power? I will never allow it. Not
while I live!” “Frankly
Ozpin, you were never going to survive this.” Before Ozpin could react, both
Beanie and Goodwitch had rushed forward to begin fighting Mortem. Ozpin raised
his hand in warning, but before any words could leave his mouth, Mortem created
a giant dark energy shockwave that knocked them on their backs and caused all
the windows in the room to shatter. Beanie was the first one to get back up,
and he quickly rushed towards Mortem, pulling out some water he was keeping in
a bottle in his backpack. Forming it around his arms creating swords of water,
he rushed forward and began clashing with his opponent. Mortem simply laughed
as he parried the attacks from his opponent. “I hate it
when people I completely outclass try to fight me. So how about you just leave
us be?” With one quick motion, Mortem knocked Beanie back and sent him flying
out the window. Goodwitch tried to catch him with her telekinesis, but Mortem
forced her to defend herself from a few dark projectiles, leaving Beanie to
fall to the ground below. “You
monster!” Goodwitch yelled as she picked up a bunch of debris and threw it at
Mortem, which he deflected away with his sword. “All you
are doing is helping me get closer to what I want.” Lord Mortem said with a
smirk. “So I don’t mind this slight
distraction.” Ozpin, finally regaining his footing, rushed forward as well and
helped Goodwitch try and take down Mortem. Realizing that he was outnumbered,
Mortem quickly summoned an Ursa into the room to try and split the attack.
Ozpin backed off from fighting Mortem to quickly impale the Ursa right through
the chest. But as he turned around to try and fight Mortem again, three more
Ursas were standing in his way. Meanwhile, Goodwitch was clearly starting to
lose her ground against Mortem. She would try throwing several pieces of debris
at him, but he just simply sliced through everything she threw at him. Finally,
when she tried to throw the remains of Ozpin’s desk at him, he simply grabbed a
large chunk of it with one hand, and threw it right back at Goodwitch. Reacting
quickly, she stopped the piece of rubble in mid-air, but in that split second,
Mortem rushed forward slicing through the debris, and landed a blow that
knocked Glynda to her knees. She got right back up, but then was met with
Mortem crushing her throat and raising her into the air. “You fought
well Glynda Goodwitch. Unfortunately, that isn’t enough in the long run.” As he
said this, he completely drained her aura. As soon as he finished the deed and
dropped her withered body to the floor, Ozpin let loose a scream that caused
the roof of the tower to fly off into the night sky, sending large pieces of debris
to many corners of Remnant. Some
launched skyward, never to be seen again. Mortem turned to observe his new foe, and he
saw that Ozpin was now covered in a green flame. Not truly an aura burn, as it
seemed the flames seemed to be physically empowering him instead of just being a
visual representation of power increase like a traditional aura burn. “I will
kill you for this.” As Ozpin said, the
floor cracked due to the sheer power he commanded. Mortem simply smiled and slowly walked
towards his opponent. “A pity
that your vengeance will never come to fruition.” Natalie did a spin attack to take out a horde of Boarbatusks
that had started to surround her. After she finished that attack, she ran over
to Evan, Sun and Neptune who were staring down an incoming wave of Grimm. “So what do
you think?” Evan asked. “Well, it
might be a bit problematic if one more shows up.” Sun said flipping his hair
back.” “Well then
that’ll be the one I have to take care of.” Neptune said morphing his weapon to
blaster form.” “What?
You’re fighting too?” The two of them laughed at Sun’s remark and got ready to
advance as soon as Natalie arrived. “What did I
miss?” She asked as she set her weapon down in a sniper position. “We were
just discussing how to take down all these stupid enemies and look cool while
we do it!” As Neptune said this, he
pulled out his Scroll and snapped a picture of himself with the Grimm behind
him. “Neptune, I
don’t think now is the best time for trying to create the perfect scenario for
your next profile picture….” Sun said pinching his forehead. “But It’s
been almost three hours since my last profile picture update! My fans probably
think I’m dead unless I let them know otherwise!” “I think
the rest of the world has more to worry about than your profile pic dude.” Evan
said. “And so do we unless we actually start moving towards taking these
creatures out!” But before they could advance, all of a sudden a bunch of
debris and the top of Beacon Tower came crashing down, crushing the horde of
Grimm in front of them. Leaping out of the way of the falling debris, they
surveyed what had just happened. Then Neptune pulled out his Scroll and took a
quick picture. “Really
dude?” “C’mon Sun.
It’s not very often that you’re going to see something like this every day!” “Enough
gawking!” Natalie said turning towards the courtyard. “We still have work to
get done!” Nathan grabbed one of his clubs out of the air after hitting
a Nevermore right into a giant ice spike that Weiss had created, forcing it to
dissipate as soon as it collided with the ground. Meanwhile, Yang and Blake
used the bumblebee technique to knock over a bunch of Beowlves like bowling
pins. Suddenly, a giant Beringel leapt from the cliffside and created a
shockwave from its landing, knocking everybody back a few paces. The creature
beat its chest and let out a giant roar, but then was cut short by Nora bashing
it in the head from above and Ren slicing its knees. It wasn’t enough to
destroy the monster, but it bought everybody enough time to form up as a group
and for Natalie and her group to join them as well. “They just
keep coming!” Nathan said in frustration as his aura burn started glowing a
reddish-orange. “Stay
alert. This could get tricky.” Natalie said reloading her weapon. As they
rushed forward to begin fighting the creature again, the ground started to
shake. Dark clouds began swirling above Beacon tower, and all the Grimm stopped
what they were doing and roared towards the darkness. Not sure how to react,
everybody started cutting down the Grimm one by one, but not even that fazed
them. They continued to cry out to whatever was going on atop the tower. “What’s
happening?” Nora yelled. “I don’t
know, but I’m not letting this opportunity slip away!” Yang yelled punching a
hole in one of the Nevermores. “We can
take down the more powerful Grimm before they stop gawking at whatever’s going
on up there!” “I’m not
sure that’s the best course of action right now!” Pyrrha yelled. “Yes, all the
Grimm are distracted, but we still have the human soldiers to deal with, and I
don’t think that they’re going to run away when some big powerful darkness
appears like last time.” “I’m with
Pyrrha.” Weiss said as she sent a fire attack towards a small pack of Grimm.
“This is radically different from when Cinder attacked us a year ago. She was
very cinematic about her attack and what she was trying to do. This is more like a declaration of war, and we
aren’t ready for what we’re facing now or what we might end up facing if we
stick around to see what is causing all the Grimm to ignore their basic
instincts.” “What do
the leaders think?” Blake yelled as she sent out an energy blade to knock down
an incoming troop of White Fang soldiers. “They’re the ones who should be
making the decisions.” “I agree
with Pyrrha.” Jaune said. “I vote
skedaddle.” Sun chimed in. “As much as
I hate to run, we should get out of here.” Natalie said as she fired a few
rounds towards some faraway Grimm. “But where to we run to?” “Ruby said
she was taking Miles back to Patch.” Blake said as she put her weapon away and
started heading for the airship docks. “She
told me to let Yang know in case we needed to head that direction.” “Yeah, I
know where we need to go.” Yang said as she started running ahead of Blake to
try and find an airship. “I can fly one
of these things. I’ll get us to Patch no problem.” “Wait!”
Evan yelled. “We should try to get as many allies as we can out of here as we
can!” “He’s
right!” Weiss said as she started chasing after Yang. “ If we can get a small
band of friends together, we can figure out what is really going on and come
back stronger than ever! Besides, with an airship, we could find other fighters
in other kingdoms and come back to take down this army!” “Enough
talking! We’re wasting enough time as it is!” Natalie yelled as she launched
herself towards the rest of her friends as they began running. All the while,
the dark clouds above Beacon tower continued to churn. Mortem stabbed his sword into the ground as he continued to
skid towards the edge of the tower. Before he could collect himself, Ozpin was
already pressing forward, landing several blows that almost sent Mortem over
the edge. However, with a controlled step back, he leapt over Ozpin and landed
on the opposite side of the room across from the summoning circles. “Give up
Mortem. I have defeated my sister at full power eons before you even got a
taste of the strength your mistress possesses. I don’t know how she managed to
create a communication portal between this world and hers, but I will never let
her servants bring her back so that she can eradicate the human race!” As soon
as Ozpin finished saying this, Mortem broke out laughing. “Fool. Who
said anything about joining her?” “What?” But
before Mortem could respond, a giant pillar of darkness shot up from the center
of the room. Lightning shot out high in the sky, and all the Grimm
simultaneously roared, and the entire sky turned black. When the pillar faded,
in the center of the circle was Salem, kneeling on the floor with the power of
darkness practically oozing from her body. As she got up, she waved her hand in
the sky, causing energy balls fell from the sky and landed on all the different
Grimm down below. Encasing them in darkness, it seemed like they had become
more of a liquid, without any physical form whatsoever. Then, with a snap of
her fingers, from the pools of darkness rose ten more Grimm in the place of the
one that had been enveloped. On top of that, these Grimm clearly were much more
powerful than any other recorded Grimm in history. And as soon as they emerged,
they immediately began to attack any nearby humans, be they White Fang or
otherwise. “I would
suggest madam Salem,” Lord Mortem said falling to one knee, “to keep your
mindless creatures from attacking those who made it possible for your return.”
Salem turned around and looked straight at Mortem. “And you
are?” “Zenoma
Mortem, master of the Order of the Four Seasons. I am the one who instigated
this worldwide revolution to create enough negative emotion to blur the lines
between our realm and yours.” “And here I
thought Cinder had finally gotten all the other pieces in place. Tell me human,
what did you hope to gain out of bringing me back to the realm of light?” “To be
honest my lady, perhaps a chance to rule beside you.” Salem laughed as Mortem
said this. “Foolish
human. Do you really think that just because you have a piece of my soul
dwelling within your being, you are my equal?” “Far from
it my lady. Like I said, I wish for a place to rule by your side. The humans
will answer to me, and I in turn will answer to you. As a token of my good
will, I will give back to you the piece of your soul that you left in this
world.” As he said this, Mortem extended his arm and let the dark power of the
dragon flow from his body back to Salem. Salem embraced the gift with a smile,
and continued to laugh while Ozpin looked on in horror. “You have
done well human. However, I don’t plan to rule this world, but destroy it.” “What?” “I don’t
need to explain my reasoning to somebody who is about to die.” With a simple
flick of her wrist, Salem sent Mortem flying out over the edge of the tower and
plummeting down to the ground below. As she began walking over to where he fell
to confirm his death, Ozpin jumped right in front of her and released an energy
burst, knocking Salem back a few feet. “Don’t
forget about me sister.” “Ha! Your
failure is complete brother! The humans have risen up to claim our power all
for themselves! My point has been proven and all I had to do was sit in the
dark realm for these past few eons!” “Salem, you
are only seeing a small piece. You didn’t see when the children I have trained
stood against one of your emissaries to protect the world you say they wish to
destroy. You haven’t seen how they responded to certain situations regarding
racism and fear. You haven’t…” “All I see
right now Ozpin is humanity tearing itself asunder trying to claim the power of
our father. Even before I embraced the dark realm, there were warriors who
could stand tall in your ideals. But they all faded away. They all became just
scattered petals lost in the flames of war.” “Never. Not
while I’m still here.” “Well you
won’t be here for much longer.” With that said, the two of them clashed, Ozpin
using his cane and Salem having summoned a blade made of pure darkness. The two
of them traded blows, each strike created a huge burst of energy that shook the
sky. And it was never one sided. One minute Ozpin would be laying down several
strikes on Salem, causing a bunch of dark energy to be expelled from her body,
then the next minute Salem would be landing blows on Ozpin, causing light
energy to be expelled form his body. However, when Ozpin attempted to lean in
for a strike, Salem grabbed his arms, and ran him through with her blade,
causing Ozpin to collapse in a heap on the floor. As he lay there, his body
gave off a bright light and the wound was instantly healed. But before he could
get up, Salem started crushing him with her heel, laughing manically while she
did so. “You know,
I’ve always pictured what it would be like once I finally got out of the dark
realm and returned here to kill you. So many different scenarios and fantasies
played in my head, but I never guessed that this would be the end result. That
foolish human really did me a favor. Cinder would have only toppled Vale if she
managed to bring me back, but the scheme of that mortal means that your world
is already falling apart and will make it that much easier for me to destroy
it!” “Please
Salem. There’s more to this than you think. Mortem was planning on world
domination. I don’t think he’ll stop here.” “He’s dead
Ozpin. Stop trying to prolong your death with petty fears of a mere mortal.”
Suddenly, in a single instant, a sword impaled Salem, causing her to cough up
blood. “What do
you know, you do bleed.” Salem turned her head to see Mortem standing right
behind her, holding his buster sword in place right in her back. “But…how…I
killed you!” “Unlike
your followers, I always know where mine are and what they are capable of.” As
soon as he said this, Lord Aeris floated up on an air current and was carrying
with her two aura containment modules. “That
technology….” Ozpin sated as he backed away slowly and in shock. “Yes.
Courtesy of the highest technicians of Atlas. You know their capabilities
Ozpin, and your sister here is about to die, so I won’t bore you with the
details.” “It will
take…more than a simple weapon to end me human.” Lord Mortem chortled at this
as he removed the sword and put Salem in a chokehold. “You have
no idea what I am truly capable of. And that was what lead you to your demise.” As the airship took off, everybody on board started
strapping themselves in except Nathan. As he looked out the side door, he noticed
a giant flash of light coming from Beacon tower. Then seconds later, a burst of
energy rocked the airship almost causing Nathan to lose his balance. “What’s
happening back there?” Yang yelled from the cockpit.
“I’m not
sure, but I think it was a good idea for us to regroup. I don’t think we’re out
of the woods just yet.” Nathan said as he sat down. © 2018 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on August 29, 2016 Last Updated on April 5, 2018 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing