Episode 3: Chapter 1: Chaos

Episode 3: Chapter 1: Chaos

A Chapter by Miles W.

Chapter 1 of Episode 3 of Order of Seasons


            “It’s your move Ozpin.”

            “I’m sorry?”

            “I said it’s your move.”

            “Oh. Thank you Salem.” Ozpin picked up his bishop and moved it over to take Salem’s rook.

            “Normally, you don’t make such simple mistakes sister. Something is clearly on your mind.” Salem sighed, and moved her knight to begin defending her king.

            “I’m concerned about what father did with those four mortal women.”

            “The women he gave the last of his magical powers to? I think it’s a good step. The fact that after so many eons, he has become willing to trust humanity with such a gift truly speaks to his faith in mankind.”

            “Honestly, I’m glad that father has become more willing to trust mortals, but they have a tendency to desire more power than they have already been given.”

            “Well, immortality is something that appeals to many people. We are the only few that can watch the world grow and change and say we were there every step of the way. Many scholars have told me they are envious of the fact that we will live to see their children’s children create an even better world than the one we have now.”

            “But it won’t last Ozpin. Just as mankind can create, it can also destroy. Don’t you remember when father was attacked by those villagers from the last age? He gave them everything, and they still turned on him. Their lust for power is something that can’t be tempered.”

            “That’s why we are here Salem. To teach them to truly better understand how to build a better world. We have seen them come close many times before, and with each new era, they get even closer to perfection.”

            “I’m not sure Ozpin. I feel like we’re stuck in a perpetual loop that is forever destined to have humans destroyed by those above them.”

            “Then what if we break that cycle?”


            “What if we stayed away from human civilization for a few decades, let them build something on their own, then enter their society and stand among them as their equals.”

            “But we aren’t their equals Ozpin. If anything, we’re their creators.”

            “Father doesn’t have the magical powers necessary to create life anymore. This most recent batch of humans is going to have to last the rest of eternity.”

            “I can’t guarantee that it will remain that way. Humans are fickle creatures, and even if they tried to stand together against us, there would be no victory in strength.”

            “Salem, if you continue to treat them like less than dirt, then you will never truly make a connection with them.”

            “Only because they don’t make a connection with me.”

            “And whose fault is that?” They both fell silent for a few minutes before they recognized four figures coming over the hillside outside the house.

            “Goodness, is it that time of year already?” Ozpin said as he got up.

            “The four are here early this year.” Salem said. “Must have had some easy travels.”

            “I’ll let father know and start making dinner for all of us. Salem, why don’t you go and greet our guests?”

            “Are you sure brother? I would be more than happy to cook.”

            “Trust me on this one. You’ve hardly gotten to know these ladies during the last ten years they’ve come to visit father. Try connecting with them this time.”

            “Fine. I’ll do what I despise most and socialize with the mortals.” Salem levitated the chessboard off to the side and walked outside to greet the young ladies.





5 Years Later





As they were making their way through the center of town, several children started running up next to them jumping around, excited to see those who had given them so much.  Ozpin smiled, and handed them some food from their garden.   Summer lifted up a few kids and flew them around the tops of the houses.  Winter created small patches of snow for the children to play in, Fall wowed the children by creating a small thunderstorm in the palm of her hand, while Spring helped a family grow enough vegetables to get them through the coming cold months.  Salem was clearly not enjoying herself being surrounded by all these humans.  She just kept walking forward, but then a child leapt in front of her path.
            “Excuse me, lady Salem?” the child then held up a small wounded puppy.  “He won’t wake up.  Can you help him?  Please?”  Salem said nothing and continued on her way.  The child didn’t walk away, continuing to plead with her to help the small creature.  Salem, almost losing her patience, was about to yell at the child, when all of a sudden, Spring walked up next to the child, placed her hand on the wounded dog, and let a small piece of her own energy flow into the animal.  A second later, the dog regained life and started running around.  The child, now beaming with happiness, gave Spring a huge hug and ran off with the dog.  Salem placed her hand on Spring’s shoulder.
            “Why would you do that child?”
            “Why wouldn’t I lady Salem?” Spring said as she removed Salem’s hand and started walking back to the rest of their friends.  “A child and his pet is a very special bond.  I felt it would be cruel to deny that child that bond.”
            “That’s not the point!  His kind tried to kill you and your sisters not three weeks ago!”
            “Yes, a group of bandits did attack us, but what does that have to do with the child?”  Salem seemed rather surprised at Spring’s statement.  “You judge to quickly lady Salem.  Everyone and everything deserves love.  And if I can help people with that love, then that to me is the most important thing in this world.”  Having finished her piece, Spring continued down the road, leaving Salem completely speechless.  Ozpin walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.
            “She’s so naïve.”  Salem said.  “How can she live life with such a carefree attitude?”
            “You could learn a lot from her Salem.”  Ozpin said with a smile.  “Perhaps this is another reason why father gave up the last of his power all those years ago.”
            “Are you saying that father gave up his divinity just so some random child could teach me a school lesson?”
            “That’s the short version of it, yes.”  Ozpin said with a chuckle.
            “You’re such a dork.”  Salem said with a smile.





200 Years Later





Ozpin checked for vital signs, but it was clear that she had passed on and the power of Fall had moved on to another. As he got up, Salem didn’t even need to hear him say it to know what had happened. She clenched her fists and dark shadows started to swirl around her.

            “Salem! Calm yourself. Violence will only beget more violence.”

            “How much longer are you going to play the pacifist Ozpin? This is the third time in the last 75 years. Mankind doesn’t care about the gifts that father’s magic can give them. They are envious of it, and want it for themselves. Who’s to say an army won’t attack us and try to take this power for their own gain? Or what if somebody actually understands the powers we posses and knows how to use it?”

            “We’ve been making strides Salem. We mustn’t let rage get the better of us. Father believed in mankind so in turn I think we should….”

            “Ugh, father this and father that. Did you ever stop and think that you don’t have to follow his path exactly Ozpin? Why can’t you just accept that maybe father was wrong? That maybe we should try to take matters into our own hands?”

            “Because it isn’t out place Salem. We promised him we would no longer use our powers to be gods over humans.”

            “Well maybe we should!  How do we know that somebody else won’t try to do that before we do?”

            “Impossible. Father’s magic is fractured. Divided amongst the world.”

            “Yes, but only among six vessels. Four of which change every time the host dies. Who’s to say that somebody won’t try to put the pieces back together and take that complete and absolute power for their very own and judge over mankind in our stead?”

            “You’re being paranoid Salem. Just calm down. We’ll find out who did this and they will receive justice.”

            “Justice by whose standards?” Ours? Or the corrupt leaders of the humans?”

            “Salem, you know as well as I do, that vengeance is the path to darkness. Try to keep a level head.”

            “Well maybe it’s time for darkness to rule over this world again! It’s been blinded by the light for too long!”

            “Are you threatening the lives of the human race?”

            “I’m not threatening. I’m proclaiming the death of everything that lives on this planet.”

            “You know I won’t allow that to happen.”

            “Then you will die.” Salem then raised her arms into the sky, and summoned giant creatures of pure darkness.

            “How far into your mind has the poison of the dark realm run my sister?”

            “Enough to grant me the power to destroy you brother.”



As Ozpin stood over the now broken body of his sister, he dropped his cane to the ground and walked over to her.

            “What are you waiting for Ozpin? Kill me already!”

            “No. If I kill you, then I would be no better than you. And if I let you live, the only way I could keep you here would be in spirit form. I think instead, I’ll banish you to the place filled with the power you have bathed yourself in.”

            “Locking me away in the Dark Realm won’t solve any problems Ozpin. The humans will still strive for more power, and won’t rest until they get it.”

            “Then I will find people who are willing to stand and fight for those who cannot. Those who have power and those who don’t will suffice. Guardians of this world to counteract the creatures of darkness you have unleashed upon this world.”

            “You can prepare your guardians. You can build your monuments to our father and his ideas of a free world. But take heed, there will be no victory in strength.”

            “Or perhaps victory is in the simpler things you have long forgotten. Things that require a smaller, more honest soul.”

            “When the day comes when humanity rallies against you to claim the power that once was our father, you will beg for my help. You will beg for the death I will give to them on their last day.”

            “No. Never.” With that said, Ozpin started drawing symbols in the dirt, and sending magic through his cane to begin an enchantment. As he progressed, chains rose up from the ground, binding Salem and dragging her through the portal that was now being created.

            “So long Ozpin. I can’t wait to watch you burn.” Salem then disappeared, and the summoning circles along with her. Ozpin sighed and fell to his knees.

            “I’m so sorry Salem. I failed you. I failed our father. All I can do now is watch over this world and hope for the best.”

Present Day





As Ozpin looked out the window and saw the city he swore to protect begin crumbling, he grabbed his cane and smashed his desk with one angering blow. Somehow, a random person managed to figure out how to summon one of the most powerful beings in the universe back into the realm of light. And it didn’t help that it was becoming clear what they were after. Looking out the window again, he saw Amity coliseum begin to fall to the ground, crashing into one of the commercial districts in downtown Vale. And then as if on cue, several airships began to descend towards Beacon, with hordes of Grimm not far behind them. Cleaning his hands off from the damage he did to them from smashing his desk, Ozpin sat down in his chair and decided to wait.

            “I hate to admit it my sister, but you were right when you said that there would be humans who wanted the power all for themselves. Their greed has opened the floodgates, and the walls between our realm and yours is now so blurred you’re going to come back no matter how proficient in magic I am. I fully expect you to burst out at any moment and mock me to my face and laugh at how you were right. But I’m not done yet. They may come for the power you and I possess, but I stand with humanity. And they have chosen to fight. And so long as they fight, I shall as well.”





            “Miles, you can’t fight if you can barely stand up!” Ruby said trying to get Miles to stop struggling.  Miles coughed up some more blood as he lay on the ground.

            “Ruby…. I’m fine. I can….” But before he could finish, he passed out yet again.

            “What do we do?” Blake yelled starting to panic. “It’s not like we can just leave him like this. I mean, who knows what kind of injuries he has! First trying to hold up the entire stadium and then you grabbing us and pulling us around with your speed force probably didn’t help much either!”

            “Hey, it’s better than being dead! There wasn’t anything else we could do, you know that Blake!”

            “I’m sorry. It’s just; why do bad things always happen to people I care about? First my friends in the White Fang, then you guys, and now him. I don’t….”

            “Blake. This is the job we all signed up for. Just buckle up and help me get him up.” Blake wiped her face off and helped Ruby get Miles to a more upright position.

            “Now what?”

            “Now, I’m going to take him back to my home on Patch.”

            “How do you plan on getting him there? Do you have a boat?”

            “No, but I’m sure somebody at the docks could give us a lift. It is an emergency after all.”

            “Okay then. I’ll help you carry him.”

            “No. You’re going to go back, find as many of our friends as you can, and tell them to fall back to my house.”

            “But I don’t even know where that is!”

            “Yang does. Find her, find our friends, and get out of here. We weren’t ready for this fight today. And this attack is much more coordinated. Not like last year.”

            “But Ruby…”

            “That’s an order Blake.” Blake took a step back as her leader took a more serious tone, then nodded her head and ran off to find the others. As soon as she was gone, Ruby picked up Miles and started walking towards the docks.





Adam swung his sword down on a nearby civilian that was trying to escape the carnage. As he continued on his way, Lord Hibernis walked up next to him.

            “Enjoying yourself Lord Taurus?”

            “Honestly, this is a lot more enjoyable than the stunt I helped Cinder pull off last year.”

            “She was indeed foolish. Attempting to take down the establishment in the one place where everything that could destroy her had congregated for a brief time. Such a foolish action.” Suddenly, Lord Hibernis’ Scroll went off. “Well, we now control Mistral. Another step towards the overall rule of the Order over Remnant.”

            “And at the heart of all of it, precious Vale and its immortal guardian.” Both of them looked up at Beacon tower and watched the command ship land right on the front courtyard.

            “It won’t be long now.” Adam said with a laugh.





As the car started to run out of gas, Ty decided to turn it off and get out. As they walked to the edge of the tree line, they noticed all the chaos going on in Vale.

            “By the stars….” Brooklyn said taking a step back. Christy just held her hands to her mouth in disbelief, Jacob fell to one knee, and Ty just clenched his fist.

            “We need to keep moving.” Ty said as he moved forward.

            “Do you even know how we are going to get to Patch without a transport?” Jacob asked.

            “You’re the team leader. You tell me how we’re getting to Patch.”

            “I have absolutely no idea.” Jacob said, clearly distraught. Ty sighed, and walked over to Jacob.

            “Listen, just pull out a knife with ice dust in it, and use it on the water to make a raft. Then we can just paddle over to the other shore.” Jacob nodded his head, walked over to the edge of the water, and created the raft. As they all got on board and pushed off, they noticed several more explosions coming from Vale, and noticing even more airships were coming in.

            “What are they so interested in Vale for?” Christy said as she watched on in horror.

            “If I remember right, they’re trying to gather some kind of ultimate power, and I think Ozpin has a piece of it.” Jacob said. “Their idea was that each person in Mortem’s high council would be granted ultimate power to help rule over Remnant. Sort of like an all powerful world council.”

            “So what’s the point of attacking everybody if they already had the Maidens under their thumb?”

            “Mortem told me this during a short period of time after I had “sworn” my loyalty to him. Basically, Ozpin is one of their targets, but there’s also something else. The source of all the Grimm.”

            “What?” Ty asked confused. “I thought the Grimm were just pure darkness. I didn’t think they were actually created by somebody.”

            “I don’t know the whole story. Mortem only told me a small piece and promised more overtime. Honestly, what he has planned scares me to no end.”

            “World domination in and of itself is terrifying.” Brooklyn said trailing her hand in the water. “So many people want control, and nobody is certain if they want control to help the world or help themselves.”

            “I think a global attack is a clear warning sign for helping themselves.” Christy said with a sigh.

            “There’s not much we can do now.” Jacob said. “We won’t reach Patch anytime soon, and by the time we do, I’m sure Vale will have fallen. Hopefully, we can find allies and begin to plan for a counter attack.”





As Lord Mortem got off the airship, he held his hands up and released a large number of Grimm onto the school grounds, spreading chaos all around him and his comrades. Students and Huntsmen were spread thin, and it didn’t help that the soldiers of the Order were also there to try and lower their numbers. Walking forward, Mortem pulled out his buster sword and looked up at Beacon tower.

            “What’s your plan of attack my lord?” Lord Aeris asked peeking out from behind him. Mortem simply smiled and walked forward with confidence.

            “I’m going to kill the last two living gods in this world.”

© 2018 Miles W.

Author's Note

Miles W.
Please read/review/enjoy!

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He can try. A great beginning to another episodes as we prepare to fight the Order and the Grim. Oh I am so looking forward to reading this so moving on to the next chapter. Please be kind and return the love.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 22, 2016
Last Updated on April 5, 2018
Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY

RWBY: Order of Seasons


Miles W.
Miles W.

Columbus, OH

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..

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A Chapter by Miles W.