![]() Episode 2: Chapter 12: RushA Chapter by Miles W.![]() The season finale of Episode 2![]() Jacob knocked on the door to his father’s chambers, and he
answered a few seconds later letting him in. “Something
wrong Jacob?” “No,
nothing is wrong father. I was just wondering, is there anybody else who is
apart of the plan you spoke to me of yesterday?” Jacob’s father fell silent,
walked over to the door and locked it, quickly changing the password. He walked
over to him and sat down on a nearby chair. “There are
a good number of people who rank lower than I do in the Order who wish to
overthrow Mortem. I would daresay on this base alone, we have about two
thousand members of our revolution. And that doesn’t even include some of our
many other operations around the world.” “So
compared to the size of the Order who is loyal to Mortem, what would you say
the number difference is between us and them?” “I would
say for every soldier loyal to the revolution, there are another twenty
soldiers loyal to Mortem.” “I’m not a
big fan of those odds to be perfectly honest.” “That’s why
you are such an important piece. As a member of Mortem’s high council, you are
now the highest-ranking member of the revolution. And when you receive the
power that Mortem has promised you, we can rally behind you as our strongest
member, and take the world as our own.” “I see. I
would like to meet some of these members. Today if possible.” “I don’t
see why not. You did just become a lord, and you should know who you should
save and who you should let die in a battle situation. I’ll start spreading the
word around. We shall meet in the western wing in about three hours.” “That works
perfectly for me. See you in a few hours then?” “Of course.
Aurora! Start sending out messages! There are a few members I need to tell
personally.” As he said this, Jacob’s father left the room leaving Jacob and
his mother there all alone. “Tell me
mother, are you loyal to him, to Mortem, or to another?” Aurora looked up at
Jacob slightly confused. “Where is
this coming from?” “Just
answer the question.” “Well, I’m
loyal to both Mortem and your father, but honestly I would like to be free from
both of them.” “That’s all
I needed to hear.” Jacob said as he handed her a piece of paper. “Hangar bay,
three hours and thirty minutes from now. Be there or we leave without you.”
With that said, Jacob left the room leaving Aurora confused. Looking down at
the paper, she saw that Jacob had written, “We leave tonight during the chaos.
Either choose father’s revolution, Mortem’s Order, of freedom.” Aurora looked
over to her desk, and then pulled out a small picture of them all as a family
together from a long time ago. She smiled, put it away and grabbed two shields
from her closet and started preparing them for battle. Miles was a bit slow to get up since he was awake until late
last night playing video games with Blake. As he rolled out of bed, he saw that
Natalie was already awake and playing a few games on her Scroll. “Morning
fearless leader.” Miles said as he threw on an old t-shirt. “He lives!
It’s a miracle!” Natalie yelled as she paused her game and got up. “Where’s
everybody else at?” “They all
went to grab a late lunch.” “Lunch? Was
I out for that long?” “Yep. The
final between you and Yang is going to be in about four hours from now.
Everybody else is just trying to relax in the cafeteria before everything goes
completely haywire.” “And you
didn’t join them?” “I decided
to be the one person that was around when you woke up. That way when you did wake
up, you wouldn’t think we had abandoned you and you would go eat on your own
again like last month.” “Hey, like
I said back then, I was going to miss all the good stuff in the cafeteria so I
took it into my own hands. But also, why you? Why not your brother or Blake for
that matter?” “Well for
starters, my brother is busy giving Yang one of I’m sure many pep talks before
her fight with you tonight, and secondly, Blake decided that it would be best
to not be here to avoid another “sleeping incident” like the one that happened
last night.” Miles pinched his forehead at that remark, remembering how his
friends walked in on Blake and him both asleep having played video games late
into the night, and Blake had fallen asleep on Miles’ knee with him having his
hand on her head smiling. “Yeah, we
aren’t living that one down anytime soon.” “You’ll
live it down sooner than you two totally admit you’re dating.” “You know
what Natls…” Miles said with an annoyed smirk. Natalie simply laughed and
headed towards the cafeteria, with Miles following close behind. As Lord Mortem went over some of the files on his computer,
there was a knock at his door. “Who is it
computer?” “JACOB
project windows until I give the password. Understand?” “YES LORD
MORTEM.” With that said, all the files that Lord Mortem was looking at vanished
into his desk and faded from existence. “Enter.” As
he said this, the door opened and Jacob walked in, bending one knee to Lord
Mortem. “Rise child.” Lord Mortem said offering Jacob a hand up. “What is it you wish to speak to me about?” “I have
some information that may be interesting for you to hear my lord.” “What kind
of information could you possibly possess having hardly been a part of my Order
for a day?” “Information
regarding some traitors my lord.” “Traitors?
Of whom do you speak?” “In about
three hours my lord, you shall know all those who stand against you on this
base alone.” “Why tell
me this? And who told you about these traitors?” “To answer
both your questions my lord, I hold no love for my father. He has always
manipulated me to do his bidding. And without any form of power to back up what
he plans to do. But with you, I can sense not just great ambition, but also
great power. I choose to stand at your side and be your loyal servant. Not a
slave to my father.” Lord Mortem pondered this for a few minutes. “Very
interesting. I will see that your choice was not in vain Lord Strohl.” As Miles sat down in the locker rooms, he looked up to see
Sun and Pyrrha greeting the crowd for the third place match. He decided it
wasn’t really worth watching since the outcome was most likely obvious. He got
out one of his coats and put it on while making sure that his swords were
placed properly in their sheaths. As he sat back down, he noticed Blake once
again standing by the door. “So is this
the only way we’ll ever get privacy around these chuckleheads?” Miles said with
a laugh. “I guess
so. And after falling asleep last night, I don’t think they trust me to be
anywhere near you.” “In a good
way or bad way?” “In a way
that Nathan and Yang will never let us hear the end of it.” “Well, they
aren’t here now, are they?” “Pretty
sure.” “Want to
just chill until I have to leave?” “That’s why
I’m here.” They both smiled, and gave each other a hug, then ended up kissing
each other. As they were in the middle of doing so, one of the trash cans fell
over, causing them both to jump. Then, out of thin air right by the trashcan
appeared Natalie, having recorded their entire conversation on her Scroll. “Give me
the Scroll Natls.” Miles said with clear anger in his voice. “Are you
kidding me? And pass up on the opportunity to get my brother and Yang in my
debt? Not a chance!” “At least
delete the video. That much I can live with.” “And if I
refuse?” “Then you
don’t leave this room alive.” Miles said drawing both his swords. “Super-girlfriend to the rescue!” Everybody looked on in surprise as Ruby rushed in, grabbing
Natalie and disappearing down the corridor back towards the seats. “Get back here you crazy kids!” Miles yelled as he tried to
chase after them, but was stopped
by Blake. “It was
going to get out eventually. Better we get all the teasing out of the way now
rather than later and just having it last longer. Besides, you’ve got a fight
to win. You don’t have time for dumb romance related stuff.” “Yeah, I
guess not.” As Dr. Strohl made his way down the corridor, he saw one of
his associates enter the room for the meeting just ahead of him. As he entered
the room, he noticed that a large number of those apart of the revolution were
already there. As he sat himself down, he looked around the room, trying to
find Jacob. “Has
anybody seen my son?” Nobody responded to the question, as everybody looked
around confused, not sure where he was. “Well, it doesn’t matter for right now.
Let’s get roll call in and then once he shows up, we can begin.” With that
said, everybody placed their Scroll on the desk, letting it register their
presence and log everybody in. “I guess
that’s everybody. Once my son arrives we can get down to beginning to finalize
the steps to our revolution. After many long years, things have finally begun
to bloom into fruition.” “Such false
hope will soon lead to your extinction.” Everybody turned and were suddenly
knocked back as the entire wall exploded, revealing Lord Mortem, his entire
High Council, and several soldiers right behind him. Walking through the
rubble, Lord Mortem found the shaken body of Dr. Strohl, and hoisted him up
into the air. “Foolish doctor. You underestimated the cunning of your son. You
held the leash too tightly as he grew up, giving him the desire to escape.
Through that desire, he has recognized his new master. And now, you will die.”
As he said this, he began draining Dr. Strohl’s aura, which prompted one of the
members of the revolution to fire a few rounds at Lord Mortem, causing him to
drop Dr. Strohl. Collecting himself, Lord Mortem laughed, and took a few steps
outside the room. “Kill them
all.” He said without giving a second thought, leading everybody to rush
towards each other and clash, creating huge shockwaves throughout the entire
building. Christy was busy punching in the final few codes into the
weapons system as she felt the first few shockwaves roll through the base. She
waited a few more seconds, another shockwave passed through the base, then the
alarms started to go off, which meant she was clear to smash the console to pieces
to make sure the weapons would remain offline. She quickly left the room,
headed down towards the stairs and met up with Jacob. “Weapons
are down. You got the keys Jacob?” “Yep. I
grabbed a universal key, so just in case the airships don’t work out, we at
least can get a car or something that can get us out of harms way. You got the
cell door keys?” “Haven’t
left my person since I got my hands on them. Let’s get downstairs.” With that
said, they ran down to the prison level, and were instantly greeted by guards. “Lord
Strohl, we heard you were helping lead the attack on the revolution. What are
you doing here?” Jacob quickly punched one of them while Christy slashed
another one down to the ground. “Starting a
revolution of my own.” Jacob said as he ran over to knock out the guard he
punched. Christy then ran to each of the cell doors keeping her friends locked
up and let them out, also getting Vergil’s cuffs removed. “Any luck
with finding our weapons?” Vergil asked. “Armory. We
pass it on our way to the hangar bay.” “All right
then, let’s get moving!” Suddenly a shot rang out, and they all turned to see
the other guard having revived and trying to reach for his radio to call for
help. But before anything else happened, a white blur appeared out of nowhere
and completely removed the head of the guard. Standing up and dropping all
their weapons on the ground was Angela, not wearing her mask. Jacob and Christy
took up attack positions but Angela made no motion towards them. “This is
the second time that I have helped you survive Brooklyn.” Angela said. “Lord
Mortem won’t tolerate a third.” “Seriously,
what is your fascination with me? It’s kind of creeping me out.” “Just know
this. The next time we meet, one of us will die.” “What’s
stopping me from killing you right now?” “The fact
that Dr. Strohl’s revolution isn’t as powerful as he had hoped. You are running
out of time. Get going.” Everybody stood around for a second, not sure what to
do, but then Vergil took the initiative, grabbed his sword, and headed for the
stairs. Everybody followed in suit, even Brooklyn who didn’t even look back
once. Angela lowered her head, and shed a single tear. “One of us
has to die. I pray to the sky that it will be me.” As they made their way to the hangar, Jacob saw his mother
standing by one of the few remaining airships. Apparently, Lord Mortem wanted a
huge overhaul of supplies off base so that the revolution wouldn’t have any
tricks up their sleeves. “Glad you
decided to join us mother.” “Well, I
had to start standing up for myself sometime.” They gave each other a hug, and
stared making their way towards the airship. Suddenly, a throwing knife hit the
airship directly in the fuel tank, and then a Dust spark caused the entire
thing to explode, knocking everybody off their feet. As the smoke started to
clear out, Jacob recognized his father standing over all of them, missing his
right eye and clasping his chest in pain. “You….ungrateful
little….brat…” As he said this, he raised his katanna up to stab Jacob through
the head. But before he could do so, Vergil blocked the strike and pinned Dr.
Strohl’s sword into the ground. “Get
everybody else out of here!” Vergil yelled to Jacob. “I’ll hold this guy off!” “Dad! Don’t
be crazy!” Ty yelled. “If that guy is here, then there’s probably an army not
too far behind!” “It’s more
important that you all get out of here than me! Now shut up and find a car or
something!” With that said, Vergil started fighting off Dr. Strohl, forcing him
away from the others. As they all helped each other up, they started making
their way towards a nearby service slide to what was labeled as an “emergency
getaway car”. Brooklyn, Christy, and Ty all jumped down the slide. Jacob was
about to follow in suit, but then stopped when he realized that his mother had
stopped and was starting to head right to where Dr. Strohl and Vergil were
fighting. “Mom! What
are you doing?!” “Something
I should have done a long time ago.” With that said, Aurora pulled out her twin
shields and rushed towards her husband, knocking him back and causing him to
bleed out even more. Jacob was about to chase after her, but she looked back,
threw one of her shields at him, and knocked him down the slide, and then with
the other shield, destroyed the emergency sealing hatch switch to make sure he
wouldn’t climb back out nor would anybody follow him. As she got her weapons
back, she looked up now to see almost all the remaining members of the Order
that was pursing Dr. Strohl standing before them. “Well, this
might actually be a fun challenge for me for a change.” Vergil said as he got
into a more professional battle stance. “Most that
I’ll have ever done with my life.” Aurora said, as she also got ready for what
was about to happen. They both then rushed forward, weapons at the ready as
Vergil swung down for the first strike. “We have to
go back!” Jacob yelled as the car started pulling out of the base and into the
forest. “We don’t
have a choice Jacob!” Ty yelled as he manned the controls. “If we go back now,
we’re dead for sure!” “But we can
take them! The Atlas military is almost here anyways! I’m not going to let
anybody die on my watch!” “Jacob, if
we stayed there, it doesn’t matter when Atlas shows up, we would have been dead
before the first shots were fired.” “My mother
is back there! She’s finally standing up for herself! I’m not going to let her
die because I didn’t act quickly enough!” “My dad’s
back there also Jacob. How do you think this makes me feel?” The entire car
fell silent for a moment as Ty stopped the car. “I’m sorry
Ty. I didn’t think about that.” “My father
always told me to live each and every day like it was your last. He said it was
essential in this line of work since you didn’t know if the next battle would
be the one that did you in. The problem is, I don’t want him to leave just yet.
But he had it hardwired into my brain since I was a kid: if I ever have to lay
my life down for you, don’t look back.” Christy walked over to him and gave him
a hug; a few tears were running down her face. “Maybe it
isn’t too late.” Brooklyn said. “Maybe Atlas will get there in time to help get
them out of there.” “I hope
you’re right.” Jacob said as he got out of the car. “I don’t want anybody else
to die.” Lord Mortem walked into the hangar and saw that his soldiers
had completely subdued Dr. Strohl, his wife, and Vergil. He walked over to
them, and punched Dr. Strohl in the mouth. “Traitorous
trash.” “The
Strohl’s…were destined to…rule this world….” “The belief
in anything other than the power I possess is exactly what lead Cinder Fall to
her demise. You would have done well to remember that.” “It was
never my destiny to kill you anyways.” Dr. Strohl said with a laugh. “My son
will destroy you.” Lord Mortem looked at Dr. Strohl, and then walked over to
his wife. “Leave her out of this Mortem. She was never loyal to me. If you want
to kill me, then do it.” Lord Mortem looked back at Dr. Strohl, then down at
Aurora again. “She will
never be loyal to me now that your son is in play. And you are a traitor who
needs to learn his place.” As he said this, he walked back over to Dr. Strohl,
drew his buster sword, and grabbed him by the throat. “Tell me, do you love
her?” “Yes….” “Would you
give everything up for her, even your own life?” “If…there
is one thing I am loyal to other than my family name…. it is her…” Lord Mortem
smiled at this, and dropped Dr. Strohl to the ground. “Then you
will remember this moment every time you think of betraying me again for the
rest of your life.” As soon as he said this, he raised his sword up and sent it
clean through the body of Aurora. Dr. Strohl wanted to scream, but before he
could, Lord Mortem punched him in the gut, knocking all the potential wind out
of him. “You……monster…..I’m
the one…..wanted……” “Your son
taught me a very important lesson. That dead, you would be of no further use to
me. But with you alive, and filled with fear and hatred, you shall be a weapon
fit for my arsenal. I hereby strip you of your title of Doctor. Peter Strohl,
soldier of the Order of the Four Seasons, rise.” For a split second, he didn’t
get up, but then he finally did so. “Very good. Gentlemen, take him to the
dungeons. That shall forever be his home until I have use for him. Now then, on
to the final loose end in the immediate vicinity.” Lord Mortem started walking
towards Vergil, but then a large explosion shook the entire complex and blew a
hole in the roof of the hangar. Lord Mortem gathered himself and looked out the
now gaping hole to see two Atlas airships beginning an attack on the compound. “We’re
under attack!” Lord Hibernis yelled. He rushed forward to the rubble with his
whip, and started using it to try and knock out the airships. “Don’t
waste your time Lord Hibernis.” Lord Mortem said placing a hand on his
shoulder. “I will deal with this. But first, some final preperations. Master
Allen! Master Odi!” As soon as he yelled this, Leo and another White Fang
member fell to one knee right behind him. “Master Allen, it is clear that no
longer can the Order hide in the shadows. You are to go to the executive
computer room and launch Alpha Theta protocol.” “My lord,
are you certain?” “If Atlas
knows about this location, then if this fleet falls, it will be their grand
army we see next on our doorstep. Also, the child of Peter Strohl knows too
much. And he is more than likely too far away to try and kill him to keep him
from talking. Too much has gone wrong. We must act now. Send word out to all
the other stations and get communications to begin jamming frequencies on the
CCTS. Nobody can know we are coming.” “At once my
lord.” As he ran off, Lord Mortem handed his buster sword to Leo. “What is
the meaning of this my lord?” “Master
Odi, I do not need this weapon at this time in order to deal with these Atlas
fools. But prove yourself loyal to me and bring me the head of Demon Slayer
Vergil, LORD Odi.” As he said this, he walked outside, leaving Leo to hold the
great sword within his hands, walk over to Vergil, and without hesitation,
bring the weapon down on his head. As they all looked on from where they were parked, it looked
like the Atlas military had everything completely under control. “Maybe they
can do this.” Jacob said as he clutched the hilt of his sword. “Maybe they can
save them.” All of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, down in the compound, four
gigantic Nevermores flew up into the sky and started attacking the airships. At
first, it looked like the guns on the airships were enough to handle the
creatures, but then, several explosions went off inside the airships, causing
both of them to crash into the ground. For several minutes, not a single word
was uttered. Not even a cry was let out. And before any other reactions could
be made, the ground started to shake, and a fleet of giant airships rose out of
the ground. And these weren’t weak little airships stolen from other nations;
these were state of the art military grade airships. Everybody’s collective
jaws hit the ground as soon as they saw them take off into the air. “What do we
do now?” Brooklyn asked. “We need to
get out of here.” Jacob said getting back in the car. “If they find us, then
the world loses valuable information about these guys.” “So where
do you suggest we go?” Christy asked. “I suggest
Patch.” Ty said as he started up the car. “It’s close enough to Vale, but far
enough away to not draw attention. If we want to help our friends, I’m afraid
it’s going to have to be after whatever the Order has planned at first is
finished.” “He’s
right.” Jacob said. “Let’s get moving.” As soon as everybody was in the car,
they drove off into the night as the giant airships flew right overhead. Yang had to use both her gauntlets in order to block an
attack from Miles. Realizing he now had an opening, he swung his other sword
around and knocked her back a few feet towards the edge. Regaining her balance,
Yang launched herself towards Miles, who tried to dodge, but got clipped in the
shoulder anyway by her punch. He went flying across the stage, and ended up
right back in the middle of the ring. As he got up, he realized that Yang was
laughing at him. “Yeesh, are
you so distracted by wanting to kiss Blake that you can’t even fight right?”
Miles winced at her comment, and got back up, closing his eyes and getting on
one knee. “Let go
your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind.” As he finished
saying this, he reopened his eyes, and leapt straight towards Yang. “Did you
just quote Legend of Kor-ah!” Yang had to move out of the way and quickly bring
her guard up, as Miles was suddenly moving a lot faster, landing weaker strikes
compared to what he normally was capable of, but landing a larger number of
them. Trying to slow him down, Yang grabbed his right arm, and punched him
right in the gut, sending his aura levels down to about 24%. As she pulled back
for what was sure to be the finishing blow, Miles blocked the punch with his
free sword, and head-butted Yang. The crowd was shocked by this, and wasn’t
sure how to react. Yang was clearly caught off guard by this and had almost
completely lost her balance. Realizing this chance, Miles unleashed a flurry of
strikes to completely deplete Yang’s aura. The buzzer sounded signifying the
match was over. “Miles
Watson of Beacon wins the match!” Professor Ozpin exclaimed excitedly. “And
with that victory, he is also the champion of the Restoration Tournament!” The
crowd roared, and Miles pumped his fist in the air in victory. He then walked
over and offered a hand up for Yang, which she reluctantly accepted. “Lucky
shot.” She said as she got back up. “I probably
would have said the same thing to be fair.” “Yeah,
well, congrats on the win man.” “Thanks. It’s nice when things go right for a change.” “Come on, I
think they’re bringing up the podium for the awards ceremony.” “Congratulations
to Team RIFL for fan favorite team in the tournament.” Everybody applauded as
Professor Ozpin handed the award to the team, which they gladly accepted. “And
now on to the presentation of awards to those who stand head and shoulders
among the rest, as champions.” The crowd cheered as they brought up the
trophies for first through third place. The respective fighters took their
place on the podium as Ozpin said a few words. “This may
not be a Vytal festival, nor a tournament that will ever occur again, but this
was important. The world came under attack from a villain who wanted control,
and the world stood up to that villain and said no. We will remain diverse, and
we will remain unique. This tournament was a celebration of those who put
everything on the line for the sake of the world. And we can’t thank them
enough for that.” The audience applauded and gave a standing ovation as a
slideshow of all the fighters who fought played on the monitors. “Such a
beautiful sentiment.” A loud voice boomed through the speakers. Everybody
started looking around confused. Professor Ozpin tried to speak into the
microphone once again, but couldn’t get any sound through. Suddenly, the video
monitors switched to a man with silver hair, much different from Ozpin’s. “I am sure
you are all aware of the terrors that Cinder Fall exacted on Vale one year ago
today. Well let me tell you, she was a fool. She only attempted to take down
one kingdom and one academy. She also did so against my wishes. I was her
master and she my pupil. Betrayed, because she believed in the idea of destiny.
Well, now I stand before you with a society that has laid dormant for years,
and is now finally ready to take what is rightfully ours. My name is Lord
Zenoma Mortem. Master of the Order of the Four Seasons. And now, the master of
all of the kingdoms of Remnant. And to show that I am not bluffing, you shall
all be destroyed as an example of the power I possess.” As he finished saying
his piece, he snapped his fingers and all of a sudden, explosions went off
across the entire stadium. Everybody began to panic and run for the exits. For
a split second, it seemed like nothing was happening. But then, all of a
sudden, the entire stadium began falling to the ground. As it began to fall
faster and faster, the screams of terror grew louder and louder until the
stadium seemed to stop in midair. Yang and Pyrrha collected themselves and
looked around for an answer, and realized that Miles was keeping the stadium
floating, but it was clearly straining his body. “Get
everybody out of here!” He yelled. “I can help
Miles!” Pyrrha said trying to get a fix with her polarity. “There’s no
time! This entire stadium isn’t made of metal and I doubt the parts that are
metal are big enough for you make a significant enough impact on! Just get
everybody out!” “Can you
even take that much pressure?” Yang asked as she noticed that Miles was already
starting to get a bit of a nosebleed. “I’ll be
fine! Stop dawdling and get moving!” They finally accepted his demands, and ran
out to the airship docks. There they found the rest of their friends getting on
board one of the airships. “Where’s
Miles?” Blake asked. “He’s the
reason we haven’t fallen back to earth yet.” Yang said as she jumped on board
the airship. “What? But
how is he supposed to get out?” “I don’t
think he thought that far ahead.” “I’m going
back for him.” “Don’t be
stupid!” Pyrrha yelled. “If you pull him out now, everybody else still stuck up
here will die!” Blake didn’t even stop running back into the stadium. “Somebody
has got to stop her before she does something stupid!” Weiss yelled. “I’ll get
them both out of here.” Ruby said as she jumped off the airship. “Are you
crazy?” Natalie said grabbing her arm. “You’ll die in there!” “Don’t
worry." Ruby said breaking away from Natalie's grasp. "I can get them out safely.” “All right
then. Where should we meet up?” Evan asked. “You all
head to the school. Try and fight off anything that might be attacking it. If
it looks like this isn’t a battle we can win, find a way to get back to Patch.
Miles might need some medical attention, and if Vale falls, that might be the
safest place for him.” With that said, Ruby ran off back into the arena and the
airship took off and headed for Beacon. Nathan looked outside and saw several
airships starting to launch rockets at downtown Vale. “This isn’t
going to be easy.” “Battles
like this never are.” Ren said as he loaded his weapons. Lord Mortem walked away from the camera and over to the
bridge, where his fleet of airships was beginning their attack on downtown Vale. “My lord,”
one of the soldiers spoke up towards the front of the bridge. “Amity coliseum
hasn’t fallen yet.” “What kind
of prank is this? I will not be undermined. If it remains flying, then there
may not be enough negative emotion generated to summon the dark sister.
Speaking of which, prepare the away team for the assault on Beacon.” “Who do you
wish to lead the assault my lord?” “I will
lead it myself. I will be down in the hangar with the strike team. In the
meantime, all available airships are to target Amity coliseum and send it to
the ground in flames.” “Yes my
lord.” Miles was starting to feel the full weight of the stadium
now as he continued to cough up blood. But still he stood tall, refusing to
give an inch. “Well, at
least everybody is safe. I can die an honorable death and the like I guess.” “Miles!”
Blake yelled as she jumped down into the stadium. “I had to
jinx it. Blake! What are you doing here?” As he yelled this, he coughed up a
ton more blood. “I’m not
leaving you. Come on, we have to get out of here.” “Not until
everybody is safe.” “But
everybody is safe. It’s just you and me left.” “I consider
you a part of everybody.” Blake took another step towards Miles. “Were you
planning on dying here just to get everybody a chance to get out?” “Well, even
if you did pull me out right now, I’m not sure what the internal damage to my
body is. I might die of internal bleeding anyways.” Blake started crying a few
tears. “Please.
I’ve lost so much. I don’t want to lose you too.” “I don’t
want to lose you either Blake. Or Natalie, or Nathan, or Evan or Ruby, or any
of those guys. So please, just get out of here. I might be able to set this
thing down softly so it doesn’t create as much of an….” Before he could finish,
several explosions hit the side of the stadium, causing it to shake, and
sending debris into the middle of the arena. Blake almost got hit by one of the
pieces of rubble, but managed to dodge it with an after-image. However, another
piece struck Miles right in the head, knocking him out and causing the stadium
to begin to plummet to the earth. Blake ran over to the now limp body of Miles
and grabbed him, trying to figure out how to get out. But with the stadium
falling, nothing seemed to be a good option, as she just looked up into the sky
with fear in her eyes. Roll Credits Professor Ozpin rushed into his office and dropped his cane
at what he saw. The dark summoning circles. Something that he hoped to never
see again in his lifetime. As he looked closer, he realized that it was about
three-quarters away from being complete.
Salem. For the greater good, you mustn’t return.” © 2022 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on August 1, 2016 Last Updated on May 31, 2022 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing