![]() Episode 2: Chapter 3: HesitationA Chapter by Miles W.![]() Chapter 3 of Episode 2 of Order of Seasons![]() The sun was hiding behind several layers of clouds that
morning, but that didn’t stop Miles from practicing in the amphitheater. He was
working with his white sword and was doing some routines that Weiss had
suggested he try out when he was using a single blade. As he continued to
practice, he realized that the clouds were beginning to look much more
menacing. Deciding to not worry about it, Miles continued to practice. But
then, while he was in the middle of one of the routines he was working on, it
started pouring down rain, and he had forgotten to activate the force field to
keep it out. He was getting drenched pretty quickly, but he still continued to
practice. As time went on, it became harder and harder for him to grip the
sword. All of a sudden, he heard the generators turn on and the force field
become active. “You know,
it doesn’t do you any good to practice if you can’t even perfect the routine in
normal conditions.” Miles turned to see where the new voice was coming from and
saw Blake had walked in having turned on the force field herself. “How long
have you been standing there?” “Honestly,
I just got here. You?” “I’ve been
here for about an hour now. I kept practicing in the rain because if I can
master it with an obstacle in my path, then doing it normally would be no
problem for me at all.” As he said this, he started doing another routine with
his sword, but halfway through, the sword slipped out of his hand and clattered
to the ground in embarrassing fashion. Blake started laughing as soon as the
sword hit the floor. “You need a
towel Mr. over-achiever?” “I guess a
towel would be helpful.” Natalie was a bit slow to get up this morning, as she had
been busy finishing a paper for Professor Port the night before. As she got up
she saw her brother staring intently at his Scroll. “What’s so
fascinating big brother?” “My new
outfit just landed in Vale. The delivery company website says that it should be
here this afternoon sometime!” “New
outfit? Why the sudden change?” “I figured
that my outfit now is just me trying to live in the past. Also, it doesn’t look
that great having worn it for almost five years now. It’s high time for a
change.” “Well all
right then. I’m going to get some breakfast, you want to come with me?” “I would
Natls, but Yang and I already had breakfast earlier, and I think the two of us
are going to head over to the amphitheater in a bit to do some training.” “Oh. Okay.” “I’ll go
with you. I’m starving.” Natalie looked down and realized that Evan was still
sitting in his bed. “I thought
you and Christy got breakfast together every morning?” Natalie asked rolling
out of her own bed. “We usually
do, but she texted me and said she was feeling a bit under the weather today
and to get breakfast without her.” “Is she
coming down with a fever or something?” “I wouldn’t
worry about it too much. Since she is a healer, she’s always able to pretty
much force it out of her system in like two hours. But it does hit her pretty
hard however, so I’m not going to risk catching whatever she has.” “A long and
complicated reason, but okay. Let’s go.” Natalie quickly changed into her hood,
Evan into his uniform, and the two of them headed off to the cafeteria. “Professor
Ozpin, the quarterly reports are in.” “Thank you
Beanie. Just place them on my desk.” “Yes sir.”
Beanie placed his Scroll on Professor Ozpin’s desk as instructed, and pushed
the button to transfer the files onto his desk itself. “Professor Ozpin, I had
a question I wanted to ask you.” “Go right
ahead Beanie.” “Why did
you let Nathan and Natalie into this school for free?” “Because I
had a few spare scholarships lying around and it seemed like they could use a
place to stay.” “Forgive me
for saying so sir, but that’s a load of sh….” “Beanie! I
will not tolerate that kind of language in here!” “I’m sorry
sir. It’s just that I saw the quarterly reports. You only had one scholarship
to spare. And you gave it to Nathan. And you didn’t even have the scholarship
last year for Ruby Rose. Nor Natalie Grover. You just simply let them in and
now our school has been in the red ever since the school year started. Now
again I want to know, why did this happen.” “You know,
I expected this confrontation to come from Glynda to be perfectly honest with
you.” “She trusts
you with her life. However, I’m just an intern student and I have only known
you for two years now. Plus, these guys are my friends. I would like to know
why you made this decision.” Professor Ozpin looked at Beanie, looked at the
quarterly reports, then got up and poured himself a cup of coffee. “Would you
like a cup?” Miles finally finished toweling off and sat down next to
Blake. “So what
are you doing here so early in the morning?” Miles asked as he threw the towel
into the hamper. “I was
planning on doing some solo training, but it seems like you beat me to the
punch. Want to work on our tag team skills?” “Why?
There’s a good chance we could be fighting each other in a few weeks. Wouldn’t
it be best to just simply keep strategies between teams?” “Really? I
offer you help with practice and you get all paranoid on me?” “Sorry.
I’ve just got future events on my mind.” “Look
Miles, you have to learn how to just be willing to just take help from your
friends.” “I know,
I’ve gotten better.” “I know
that too. But just so you know, despite Yang and the Grover siblings bugging us
constantly, I want to take whatever we are to a place where we can just trust
each other without you constantly just fixating on the mission instead of us.”
There was a bit of an awkward silence for a few seconds. “I guess
you’ve got me there. I just feel like that after almost everything I’ve been
through, I guess I’ve moved towards the idea of focusing on the task at hand
rather than the people around me. I’ve gotten better, but I still have a way to
go to really understand what truly needs to be done.” “It’s not
that complicated. All you have to do is just learn to put your friends first.” “I do.
Heck, I’ve done so ever since Nathan almost re-configured my face.” “Really? I
thought it was when you got saved by Natls back in the Emerald Forest.” “Maybe.
Actually, I think it really all started back when I first met the kid.” Natalie and Evan finished walking through the buffet line at
the cafeteria and sat down. Nobody else they knew were there that morning, so
they just sat next to the window. Not much was said as they took the first few
bites. “Okay,
clearly something is bugging you today.” “How do you
figure that?” “Because
usually I’m the one that hardly ever says anything.” Evan said with a smile.
“Want to tell me what’s on your mind fearless leader?” “Oh so now
you’re stealing Miles’ jokes?” “Hey, so
long as the shoe fits.” Natalie sighed as she realized that Evan wasn’t going
to let this go anytime soon. “It’s just
that, I think Miles should have been the leader of Team NEMN. Not me.” “What makes
you think that?” “Well
whenever we are in battle or making big decisions, he always has the first and
best solution. He’s the guy who is always making the important decisions. He’s
the guy who always knows what to do. I think Ozpin made a mistake.” There was a
bit of a silence once again as Evan wasn’t entirely sure what to say. “Evan, you
can’t deny that Miles is the more tactical person amongst our number. Wouldn’t
that be a better fit than me just standing around doing nothing?” “Actually,
I don’t think you do nothing. I think you are exactly what this team needs in
order to move forward.” “Beanie, I
don’t expect you to see everything the way I do. We are only human, and we
can’t see the future. However, what matters is that we understand what the
situation is and how we go about making sure that however terrible the
situation is, it is prevented.” “Okay, that
has absolutely nothing to do with why you gave Ruby and Natalie full rides to
this school.” “I can only
reveal so much, but there is a darkness in this world that is sleeping in a
place beyond this reality. And I believe that the way to combat this darkness
is through a simple, pure soul. That is why I chose Ruby initially. And she
performed wonderfully. She saved us all from Cinder’s attack a year ago now,
and she continues to grow as a good team leader.” “Okay,
perhaps Ruby has proven herself, but Natalie is practically doing nothing. Do
you really think that she has a purpose or something?” “Like I
said before, it is the future that lies beyond my sight.” “The thing
is, when I first met Natls, I saw something in her eyes that reminded me of
something.” “Yeah, you
mentioned that to me the night we were out on the balcony.” “I did. But
I never really thought as to why she made me change my way of thinking about
this line of work. Ever since that day, I’ve always had it in my head that the
mission is to come first, and everything else is just background noise. I felt
like I didn’t have any room for friends or a normal life. I believed that I was
just another cog in the big machine that kept the world a safe place.” “That’s
kind of a somber way of thinking.” “Yeah. But
I didn’t use to be like that. I used to be a kid with dreams of honor and
glory. Just dreaming of a better future and working towards it. Things were a
lot simpler back when we were younger. And then, I guess I just grew up.” “But
clearly things have changed for you. What do you think caused it? You haven’t
really gotten to the point you’ve been trying to make.” “I’m
getting to that. Just give me a minute. The thing is, when I first met you, I
thought it would be interesting to try and prove my point: that the mission
matters above all else. And then I met Natalie. I almost blew her to pieces,
and she just gave me this death glare that not only made me intrigued, but also
made me remember who I used to be. Just somebody filled with so much hope and
willing to fight for it despite everything that had happened to this point in
life. And then again, when we were in the Emerald Forest, she saved my life
instead of destroying the Nevermore. I think right then I really began to realize
what it meant to have hope again. I do still have some problems with trying to
be the loner warrior, but I think I’m making some good strides. Plus, given the
fact that I’m not team leader, I think that has helped this team function a lot
better. She helps get the team to focus on what’s truly important on the
battlefield.” “Not a bad
way of looking at it I guess.” “Well, it’s
the truth.” “Think
about it Natls. Jaune is the leader of Team JNPR, but who’s the person who is
constantly calling the shots for the team in battle?” “Pyrrha I
guess?” “Exactly.
But do you think that Pyrrha is the best choice to lead their team?” “Well, I
would think so. I mean she completely owns the battlefield. Heck, they sent her
to the to the singles round of the Vytal Festival last year.” “But she
isn’t the leader. And haven’t you noticed that she and the other members of
Team JNPR respect Jaune as their leader?” “I guess
that’s true, but that doesn’t mean it translates to me and our team.” “Maybe not,
but while Miles does provide our team with fighting skills, you provide the
team with something much more important.” “What’s
that?” “The desire
to protect the ones you care about. Christy and I have been dating off and on
again from time to time before this year. Sometimes it would be my fault, and
there might have been an instance or two where it was her fault, I’m not sure.
We both like to take most of the blame whenever we go through that phase. But
the biggest thing is that no matter what stage our relationship was in, we
always pushed to make sure that we took care of each other. Even when I was
just a complete jerk and totally deserved what was coming to me, she still
saved me from certain death. I guess the fact of the matter is, you are the
best to lead this team. You care about those around you despite whatever
history you might have had with them. I mean heck, Miles tried to kill you when
you first met each other, and then the very next day you saved his life from
the Nevermore. And again a few months later, when your own brother was
attacking him and Miles was ready to die, you stood up against your own brother
to protect him. You have such a strong desire to protect, I think that will
serve you very well in life.” “But that
won’t help us win a battle!” “No, but it
will keep people alive when fighting monsters.” “Not every
question can be answered in an instant.” Ozpin said taking a sip of his coffee.
“Not every problem can be solved in a
day. And not every person has the chance to be a hero in their lifetime. They
all have the potential, but I believe that there are those out there who can
truly rise above and accept the weight of the world on their shoulders and help
make the world a better place. Natalie is no different. A simple soul who has the
desire to protect the world because she knows the pain of being alone and not
having anybody to help you.” “Didn’t she
have her brother while growing up?” “Yes, but
that can only carry somebody so far. And despite her positive attitude, she is
still fearful of the world outside her comfort zone. She may not look like she
desires connections, but deep down, she wants to feel love back, and not just a
constant pouring out of love. Perhaps that is why she is always with Ruby. The
two of them are both very similar, but so very different at the same time. Ruby
lost her mother, but found ways to connect with others and find love in return
because she had friends to guide her. Natalie didn’t have anybody like that,
nor did she have the social interactions to create such bonds. But she still
wishes to reach out to others because she knows the pain of not having anybody
and wishes to heal that pain no matter how much or how little she gets in
return.” “That’s
great and all Professor Ozpin, but that doesn’t solve the fact that we still
are in debt to the other kingdoms.” “Money is
something that makes the world move, but doesn’t make the world live. Be
patient. In time, we will make that money back, and the world will move on. Now
then, if there is nothing else Mr. Hallfrisch, that will be all.” “Yes
Professor.” Beanie said as he got on the elevator to leave. “Well
thanks for breakfast Evan. And for the talk.” “Of course.
I mean, its’ not like I do all that much around here.” “Actually,
I was wondering, could you offer me some other advice?” “About what
exactly?” “Well…..dating?” “Depends.
Who are we talking about here.” “Well….you already know her. And I'm pretty sure she likes me.”
“Well if
that’s the case then just trust your heart and it will find the answer.” “All right
then. Thanks for listening to me ramble for last few minutes Blake.” “No
problem. Just return the favor whenever I feel all moody and down?” “Anytime.
Hey, just so you know, I wouldn’t mind working out whatever we are supposed to
be alongside you.” “Isn’t that
how things like this usually work? Two people working together to make
themselves work as a couple or something?” “I wouldn’t
know. I’ve never really been in anything like that before.” “Yeah, the
last guy I kind of liked turned into a psychotic killer who has tried to kill
me many times over.” “Yeah, not
exactly a good track record there.” The two of them laughed, then looked at
each other. Not exactly sure what they were doing, they began leaning towards
each other, lips beginning to extend. “What’s up
you two!” Miles and Blake jumped back into upright sitting positions as Yang’s
voice cut in. “Not much.
Just wrapping up training.” Miles said clearly flustered. “Really?
You sure you two weren’t about to make out or something?” “Oh real
mature Yang!” Blake yelled as she got up.” “Hey, just
because you two aren’t open about your relationship doesn’t mean we can’t make
fun of you for it.” Nathan said with a smile as he put his arm on Yang’s
shoulder. “Yeah, you
two are lovey dovey. We get it. Can you please keep us out of it?” “Touchy
touchy Mr. Watson. We’re just trying to have a little fun.” Yang said giving
him a punch in the shoulder. “Yeah, well
keep me out of it. Hey Blake, you interested in a game of Magic?” “Better
than hanging out here. Mind if I tweak my deck before we play?” “Only if I
can use my power deck.” “Ugh, that
deck is so broken!” “Not as bad
as the mill deck that guy at the CCTS has.” “Fair
point.” As the two of them left, Yang and Nathan continued to get ready for
their sparring session. “So…anything
you need to talk about Nathan?” “Nope.
You?” “Nope.
Let’s fight!”
“Please!” © 2022 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on May 23, 2016 Last Updated on May 31, 2022 Tags: Action, Anime, Fan fiction, Adventure, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing