![]() Episode 1: Chapter 12: ReconcileA Chapter by Miles W.![]() The Season Finale of RWBY Order of Seasons![]() The airship began its final descent in between the
mountains, and then all of a sudden the ship started rocking back and forth as
it was bombarded by wind. “What’s
happening?” Weiss yelled. “Dang
it!" Miles yelled as he steadied himself. "I forgot about the
morning winds in this old place! We’re going to have to jump for it!” “Miles are
you sure that’s such a good idea?” “We have no
choice Natalie, look!” Natalie looked out the door and down to the surface and
saw her brother fighting off a huge horde of Grimm and was clearly fighting a
losing battle. “We have to
get down there now!” With no hesitation, Natalie leapt out the door, pulled out
her weapon, split it in two, and fired rounds from the now divided weapon
trying to not only create a landing space for herself, but also get some of the
creatures off her brother. As soon as she landed, she combined her weapon back
into one whole piece and rushed over to her brother’s side. “Ugh…Natalie?” “No time
for sentiment Nathan. We saw a small horde of Griffons and a few Nevermores
heading straight for this location. We have numbers on our side, but it’ll
still be a pretty big challenge.” “Numbers?” “You didn’t
think I was going to let you run off that easily, did you Nathan?” Yang yelled
as she landed on top of a Griffon and punched it to oblivion. “Even
though we’ve only known your first years for a few months, we have gotten to
know all of you well enough to call each one of you friends.” Weiss said as she
landed and launched a barrage of ice glyphs. “This is my
home too Nathan. I’m not going to see it destroyed so easily.” Evan yelled as
he emerged from an illusion space to take down another Griffon with his spear. “We’ve all
made mistakes we aren’t proud of in the past. What’s important is how we move
forward now.” Jacob said as he entered his time dilation state to quickly slice
up a small pack of Griffons that were off to the side. “Nobody’s perfect.
That’s why I’ve always been happy for the friends I have now. They helped guide
me to the best path in my life.” Pyrrha said as she also landed and began
establishing a perimeter around Nathan. “Yeah yeah
we get it. Everybody cares about Nathan and friendship is magic and all that.
Does everybody really need to say a piece? We’re trying to fight for our lives
here!” Miles yelled as he fell through the sky slicing through both Griffons
and a Nevermore. He landed almost right next to Nathan, and looked straight at
him, not sure what to expect. But looking into Nathan’s eyes, and he into his,
there was no hatred in either of their eyes. “I’m
sorry.” “Don’t be.
I’ll face your judgment as you see fit once this is all over. But for now, we
have some monsters to destroy. I am not about to let my hometown be destroyed
any more than it already has.” As he said this, everybody else landed and began
engaging the multiple Grimm in the area. Nathan looked around, and then stood
upright. “It’s my
home too. I won’t let anything else bad happen to it.” “Um, it’s
also Jacob’s, Evan’s, and my home as well guys. It’s not solely your thing.”
Natalie said in an annoyed sarcastic tone. “We’re
having an epic moment here Natls. Don’t ruin it.” Natalie rolled her eyes at
her brother’s remark. “I swear,
you and Yang were made for each other.” “Enough
talk. You got a plan fearless leader?” Miles asked ready to launch into battle. “Yeah. All
the heavy hitters take out the Nevermores, the ranged people take down any more
incoming, and you, me and the agile fighters take out every Grimm we can find.” “Huh.
That’s actually a good idea.” “I can have
sensible plans from time to time.” “All right
then. Let’s have at it.” Leo was just sitting in the corner of his cell looking out
his tiny window as the first rays of sunlight began to peek in. He kept picking
loose hairs off his tail trying to kill his boredom as he couldn’t sleep and
breakfast wasn’t for another few hours. He looked out at the guard that was
keeping an eye on the cellblock, and noticed that he was just simply sitting
there reading the paper. But he also noticed that this guard was a Faunus. He
started chuckling, which quickly caught the attention of the guard. “Something
funny kid?” “Why yes
officer, I do find something funny. I find it funny that despite you being
apart of such a proud and superior race, the humans have given you the worst
treatment. I’ve seen all the other guards around here. During the day, all the
guards are human. While during the night watch, all the guards are Faunus. They
don’t trust you with when the prisoners are awake, so they wait until we are
all asleep and vulnerable and let you handle it from there.” The guard stood up
and walked over to the cell door. Leo also got up and walked over to the cell
door as well. “You are a
proud Faunus. Help me get out of this cell and I can take you to the White
Fang. I can….” Leo never got to finish as the guard punched him in the face
through the cell door. “You stupid
racist. You think that your group is actually fighting for Faunus rights don’t
you? Well here’s a wake up call. First, ever since your little stunt with
Cinder Fall last year, humans and faunus have realized how desperate you crazy
people are for power. During the invasion, humans and faunus worked together
against you and created a large step forward to equal rights. And second, I
happen to be happily married to a human and we don’t let something as stupid as
our body parts get in the way! So you can take your backwards way of thinking
and rot in this cell for all I care!” “Fool.” Leo
said as he slowly got up. “You’ve been blinded by your own ignorance. You have
believed in a system that prefers their own kind to ours. You….” “I have
every right to open this door and taser you until you stop moving right now. So
shut up and get back in your corner.” Leo backed away from the officer and back
into his corner. All of a sudden, the door to the cellblock opened and a new
guard walked in. “You’re
done for the night Equeus.” “Really? I
still have an hour left on my shift.” “I got here
early, and the boss is letting you go home early without docking any pay. Get
out of here. Weatherman says it’s going to be a nice one today.” “Well all
right then. Be careful around the new White Fake though. He’s as dumb and
racist as they come.” “I had a
shift yesterday with this kid; I think I can handle him. Get some sleep man,
you look like you need it.” “Yeah,
having a six-month old isn’t the best on a night off, but by gosh do I love the
little guy.” “Good for
you man. Now get out of here, I’d hate to keep you.” With that said, Equeus
left the cellblock leaving the new guard to just sit there, not saying a word.
Leo just sat back in the corner of his cell, deciding to wait some more until
it was time for breakfast. But then, the guard pulled out his walkie talkie,
and activated it simply saying, “He’s here,
and his cell is on the way to the primary target.” “Fine. Stay
there until I arrive. Is our man in the security room in place?” a new voice
squawked over the radio. “Yes sir.” “Perfect. I
will be at your location in about a minute. Stand by the door for when I
arrive.” As soon as the order was finished, the guard stood up, and walked over
to the cellblock door. Leo didn’t really care, as he just stood up and stared
out the window. Even when the cellblock door opened, he didn’t avert his gaze
from the rising sun. “Are you
going to just stare out the window until something happens or are you actually
the strong soldier I trained?” Leo quickly turned around as he recognized the
voice that suddenly appeared outside his cell. “Master
Adam?” “Get this
door open Judict. We don’t have a lot of time.” “Of course
Lord Taurus.” “Adam, why
are you working with this human? This betrays everything the White Fang stands
for!” “Leo, there
are more powerful forces than the White Fang at work here.” “What other
forces? The White Fang is the most powerful Faunus rights activists in the
world!” “And they
answer to another, more influential source. One that even some of the most
powerful people in the world bow to.” “What? Who
could have that much power?” “In time,
you will learn. But for now, I still have my primary mission to complete.” “Primary
mission?” “You didn’t
think I risked these moles in the prison for you, did you?” “What’s
that supposed to mean?” “Forget it.
I don’t have a lot of time. Come with me. We are heading to the basement.” “What’s in
the basement?” “Save your
questions for later. All will be revealed in time.” Ren and Christy were moving extremely well. Through Ren’s
weaponry and agility, he was able to lead several different Griffons to where
Christy was hiding so she could get on the back of each individual Griffon
starting from the back and worked her way to the front, slowly but efficiently
picking off each and every one of them. Meanwhile, Nora and Ty were tearing up
a Nevermore that was foolish enough to fly close to the two of them. Nora
launched herself onto the head of the creature, and smashed it right in the head
sending it spiraling to the ground towards Ty, who prepared his sword and drove
it right through the forehead of the creature. Ruby, Natalie, Pyrrha and
Brooklyn were running a super crazy tag team combo. Ruby and Natalie rushed
right through a pair of Griffon’s and started tearing them to pieces. Whatever
creatures didn’t get caught up and sliced to ribbons by their blades were
tossed out to the blades of Brooklyn and Pyrrha, easily destroying the
unfocused creatures. Meanwhile, Evan easily tricked several Griffon’s and a
Nevermore into flying into an illusion space that was filled with ice spikes
that had been created by Weiss. Jacob and Jaune were busy slicing through
another group of Griffons with their swords. Jacob didn’t even need to be in
his time dilation state while Jaune was actually holding his own for a change.
Blake and Yang quickly teamed up to use the Bumblebee move to swing Yang around
and smash another Nevermore into the side of the mountain, crushing several
more Griffons in the process. Meanwhile, Nathan and Miles faced off against
another Nevermore that had landed right in front of them. “Think you
can handle this after such an emotional night?” “Go jump in
a lake Watson.” “I’ll take
that as a yes. Formation X-Blade?” “Let’s do
it.” With that said, the two of them leapt to each side of the Nevermore, Miles
tossing his white sword to Nathan, and Nathan in turn tossed Miles one of his
clubs. The two of them threw their own clubs at the Nevermore’s head, smashing
it into the ground. Then, with Miles pulling them both each in a specific
direction, they went hurtling down towards the creature, beheading it in one
swift motion. The two of them got up and returned the weapons to their proper
owners. “All right,
anything else?” Miles then looked around and saw that every single Grimm had
been dealt with and completely destroyed. “That was
easier than expected.” Natalie said with a sigh. “Yeah, once
you fight pretty much every single Grimm in the Kingdom, everything else seems
kind of small.” Ruby said holstering her weapon. Miles sheathed his white sword
and walked over to Nathan. He then stuck his black sword into the ground, sat
on his knees, and placed his hands on the pommel of the sword. “I know I
can’t undo what I did, and you have every right to hate me. I leave my fate in
your hands.” Nathan looked over at him, then dropped his clubs to the ground,
pulled out Miles’ black sword and threw it to the side, then embraced him. “Killing
you isn’t what she would want. I know we haven’t really gotten along since the
day we met, but you are my teammate, my friend, and I think in time, we can
become brothers. We both acted irrationally all those years ago, and I acted
irrationally yesterday. But I’m not going to become the bad guy here.” “Nathan,
that’s great and all, but people are looking right at us, and I don’t think you
hugging me was what they thought was going to happen.” Nathan let Miles go and
sat next to him. “Sorry
about that.” “Eh, no
harm no foul, just don’t do anything like that again unless I expect it.” “Fair
enough.” Tired of waiting, Natalie dropped her weapon and ran over to Nathan,
tackling him and hugging the life out of him. “I’m okay
sis. I’m okay.” “Don’t do
anything this stupid ever again.” “How can I?
I’m me.” The two of them laughed at this, continuing to hug it out. Yang was
about to walk over to the two of them, but Blake held her back. “Give them
some time. I think we have some things to discuss while they figure things
out.” The elevator began to descend as Adam, Leo and the guard
stood in silence. As the numbers flashed for each floor they passed, Leo began
growing impatient. “What are
we here for Adam? I’m sick of this nonsense! Were you just planning on leaving
me to rot in prison?! And what is this primary objective you are so fixated
on?! You’ve been leaving me in the dark ever since that stupid Vinculum
Memoriare guy showed up! For one thing, he’s a human! Why would you do
something like this? I thought you learned your lesson from the last time we
tried following the orders of a human! And another thing….” “Silence
yourself Leo. We have arrived.” As soon as he said this, the elevator doors
opened and the three of them walked out. The room was poorly lit, and in front
of them was a giant vault. “What is
this place Adam?” “Guard,
where is the storage unit?” “They
placed it right next to her Lord Taurus.” “Very well.
Do I take it immediately or do I have to take care of her first?” “I would
recommend taking the storage container first because she is hooked up to a
system that sets off an alarm that not even we can shut down without arousing
suspicion.” “Very well.
I will distract her while you take the containment unit. Open the door.” The
guard nodded and opened up the vault door, and revealed who was inside. “It’s a bit
early for my morning food paste, isn’t it Mr. Praes? Or did you come down here
just to visit me?” Adam walked in and straight towards the voice. As Leo’s eyes
adjusted, he instantly recognized the person in restraints. “Cinder Fall.”
He said under his breath. “Oho, Adam.”
Cinder said with a sick smirk. “Loyal to
the end. Glad to see that somebody still believes in my vision. Now then, cut
me down from here and release the Fall Maiden’s aura. With it, I will regain
what I have lost!” Adam then motioned over to the guard, and he unhooked the
containment unit that had the Fall Maiden’s power within it. “Give it to
Leo.” The guard nodded and handed it to Leo. Adam then drew his sword and
pointed it at Leo. “Let me make this clear to you. If you drop that containment
unit and release what is inside, whether it was on purpose or on accident, I
will kill you without hesitation or remorse.” Leo nodded more in confusion than
fear, thinking to himself that Adam would never to such a thing to him. Adam
then turned to Cinder who was growing more and more impatient. “Adam, what
are you waiting for? Release me!” “Did you
not find it strange Cinder, that despite having run off, you weren’t hunted nor
were you punished?” “What are
you talking about?” “HE knew
that you would try to awaken the dragon and create the rift of darkness to
summon you mistress. So he let you wander freely, and tasked me with making
sure you made no move that would completely thwart his plans, and believe me,
it took a lot of convincing to make you attack Vale and not wait for the next
tournament in Atlas in four years.” “No…it
can’t be…” “I only
followed your orders so that his mission would be completed. And despite that
stupid child with the silver eyes getting in the way, he now has the dragon’s
power and now, he will have his second maiden.” “You…. all
this time he kept you a secret from even me.” “Yes. I am
the liaison between the Fang and the Order.” As soon as Adam said this, he
raised his sword and plunged it right through Cinder’s chest. Cinder gasped for
breath as she felt her life slipping away. But then she gathered enough breath
for one last chuckle and said, “Do you
really think…he can stop her? Nothing…. can defeat her power!” “Nothing?
Then what about the power of her creator?” Cinder’s eyes widened, and then went
dead as the last of her life faded away. An alarm started going off throughout
the prison, and the three of them started heading for the exit. “Why did
you kill her Adam? Now the whole base knows we’re here!” “Because
those were my orders. And I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of
that. Now then Judict, I suggest you get going. Leo and I will take the
emergency escape rails out of here. Let us know if anything happens and the Order
will clean up any mess you might be stuck with.” “Thank you
Lord Taurus” the guard said falling to one knee. Adam then took Leo and the
containment unit over to a wall. Then, Adam placed his ring onto the wall and a
panel slid up revealing a train car with tracks that lead deep underground. He
and Leo got in quickly, and the train was off, closing the wall behind them and
barreling ahead at breakneck speeds. “Where are
we going Adam?” “To the
sanctuary of the Order.” “The what?” Miles and Nathan were sitting out on the cliff face, while
everybody else sat back. “Are you
sure we shouldn’t bother them Natalie?” “Yes. I’ve
already told you Yang. They want to settle things a bit more before heading
back to Beacon.” “Well I
guess now is as good a time as any to let everybody know why this was such a
big deal.” Blake said. “Yeah, I
would like to know why Nathan did try to beat Miles to a pulp.” Christy said as
she sat down. Everybody else sat down in a circle, while Blake and Natalie sat
in the center. “It all
started back in the tragedy that took place here” Natalie started. “Miles had
attacked the invaders because he thought he could defeat them all and save his
family. He did not succeed, and because of that, Nathan tried to attack them as
well and ended up getting captured. I learned about this, and at the time,
neither Miles nor Nathan knew that they were both captured that day. When Miles
realized this he at first wanted to apologize to Nathan, but I said he
shouldn’t not just because I assumed that Nathan would react out of anger to
the news, but also because we discovered something.” “Yeah.” Blake said scratching her head. “Both Miles and Nathan told me their side of
the story, and Natalie knew this as well. We met up and discussed this and
noticed something was off. According to both of them, the White Fang attacked
them. The only problem is, the attack took place almost a year before the White
Fang turned from protestors to a small army. Me, Natalie, and Miles agreed to
keep this between the three of us until we could figure out more to this
situation. But then that guy in red caused them to remember something
yesterday. You all know the rest after
that.” “Well
that’s great and all, but have you three figured out anything else since then?
Like, who Adam was working for at the time?” Jacob asked leaning forward. “I think
the two of them know Jacob, but we aren’t going to figure anything out for a
while.” Natalie said looking out at where Nathan and Miles were sitting. “For now though, I think we can be content
with the fact that they aren’t trying to kill each other anymore.” “So she was
your teacher?” “She was
more than that. She was like a second mother to me and Natls.” “I’m sorry
you lost her.” “We lost
everything seven years ago. I’m just glad I didn’t add to the death toll of
this place.” “Yeah me
too.” The two of them laughed at this. “What do
you remember about your family Miles?” “Only that
every single one of them was more honorable than I ever was. They worked hard,
and did well in life. I was too lazy to decide what to do with my own life when
I turned ten. I can’t even remember what our final argument was about.
Something stupid probably.” “At least
you got to see them one last time. I was gone for half a year and when I got
back, they were gone.” “You got to
say goodbye on a positive note. I’m not even sure what my parents or my brother
thought of me before that night.” The two of them fell silent, and then looked
over at each other again. “So, what
do we tell the others about him?” Nathan asked. “The silver
haired guy with the buster sword? I
don’t think they need to know that. We
should wait until we know more about him.” “I still
can’t get him out of my head.” “It’s hard
not to. Since we got those memories back, they’ve been as fresh in my mind as
if it just happened. And even though Adam was leading the operation, HE
commanded such a presence that not just Adam, but even the guy in the red coat
got down on one knee.” “Who do you
think he is?” “Whoever he
is, I think his endgame is ready to start.” “How do you
figure?” “When we
fought that Memoriare guy yesterday, there were three memories that escaped him
during the fight. He only stopped the one that was heading straight for
Brooklyn.” “Why would
he do that?” “Either
that memory is something that reveals some big secret, or it is something that
she’s not allowed to know about herself. Maybe even both.” “I don’t
know. But the thing is, we need to be careful. For the sake of our friends, and
for the sake of the world.” “Yeah. How
about we agree not to try and kill each other anymore?” “That’s a
promise for me to make. I don’t think you stand a chance against me one-on-one
Watson.” “Ooh,
that’s a challenge Mr. Grover.” The two of them stood up and started walking back. “Actually
Miles, go ahead. There’s something I need to do first.” “Okay. Take
your time.” Nathan then turned and walked over to the edge of the cliff. “The last time I said this, I said it filled with hate and anger in my heart. Let me do this properly this time.” Nathan then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Goodbye Ember. I’m heading off with my friends to save the world now.” Nathan then turned, and ran back to join his friends, with the sun rising behind him. ROLL CREDITS Adam and Leo walked into a giant meeting room that was dimly
lit. “It would
seem the rest of the council has already arrived.” “This was
to be expected Adam.” “Lord
Memoriare.” “HE
finished up early and decided to call the members in so that business could begin
by the time you arrived.” “So where
is he?” “Adam.” “Lord
Mortem.” Adam fell to one knee, as did all those who were standing in the room.
“I am please to see you have returned at last.” “Indeed.
And who is this behind you?” “This is
Leo Odi, the one I spoke of to you back when we discovered the dragon.” “Ah yes,
the young idealist who has yet to fully understand power.” “I have no
idea who you are old man, but I am not working for some stupid human’s….” Adam
immediately got up and placed his sword on Leo’s neck. “Utter one
more syllable and I will end you where you stand.” “It’s all
right Adam. Stand down. In time, this child will learn to obey. But first, did
you bring what I desire?” “Yes Lord
Mortem. Here is the Fall Maiden.” Adam took the containment unit from Leo and
placed it on a table that was emblazoned with a circle with four separate
slices each containing a symbol of a season. “Excellent
work Adam. This brings our total to two of the four we need.” A panel rose up
from the table with another containment unit that unlike the one that contained
the Fall Maiden, which glowed orange, this one glowed a pinkish red. “Who are
you, and what is this place?” Leo asked walking towards Lord Mortem.
“Young man,
Adam told me you needed more time before being invited here. But I guess it
can’t be helped. My name is Zenoma Mortem, the supreme ruler of The Order of
the Four Seasons, and soon, the master of Remnant.” © 2018 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on April 18, 2016 Last Updated on April 4, 2018 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing