![]() Episode 1: Chapter 6: HordeA Chapter by Miles W.![]() Chapter 6 of Episode 1 of Order of Seasons![]() “Are you
sure this is all we can do for the time being?” “For now
Miles. I definitely think that we need to investigate Aequo a bit more
thoroughly in time, but we won’t gain anything by just rushing in blindly.” “Blake’s
right. Also, if my brother finds out about you and who you are to him, it will
be bad. He might even go beyond what happened with Blake today, and not even
have any reason to hold himself back. Look, so long as we keep this quiet,
Nathan might not go completely crazy, but he probably would be willing to
destroy you given what happened.” “And my
actions regarding you and everybody else wouldn’t help that situation either.”
Miles said folding his arms. “Right."
Blake then turned to leave. "For now, we just stick to our normal
lives. You two will keep this quiet, I’ll poke around some of my old
connections, and we’ll solve this conspiracy before it gets too big.” “All right
then. I’ll head back to the dorms and check up on my brother.” Natalie said
putting her hood up. “Blake, we
should rejoin our teams just so they don’t assume we’ve abandoned them or
something.” “Suits me
fine.” It was a bit of a rainy day, but that didn’t stop Christy
from trying to defeat the obstacle course that Beanie had set up for the
students. The challenge was to try and get from one end of the room to the
other, while utilizing both long ranged and close ranged combat skills in order
to hold off opponents. Christy was able to hit targets at a distance just fine,
but when the had to deal with close quarters, she knew that if she slowed down
too much, then it not only affected her score, but also gave her enemies more
time to close in. She tried to fight off the oncoming holograms, but time ran
out, and a horn sounded. Beanie walked up with a Scroll with her score in his
hand. He pushed a button and transferred the information to her own Scroll,
showing she had gotten a B. “About what
I expected for your first time attempting this course. You were phenomenal when
it came to ranged attacks, but your close quarters leaves a lot to be desired.
I would recommend a training session with Professor Port as he does have a
similar style to your own. He is someone who prefers long ranged to close
quarters, but knows enough about both sides that it could benefit you greatly.”
Christy didn’t say anything as she headed back up to the stands and sat down
next to Evan. She was continually looking over her score, and was frustrated. “What’s
wrong?” He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Seriously,
some kids barely make it through the course and get a C on the task. I don’t
complete it at all and I get a B because I simply exceeded expectations. This
is ridiculous!” “No, they
are just taking into consideration your performance in the Emerald Forest and
are creating boundaries for you to surpass.” “But I’ve
always been held back by these “assumptions”. I’ve worked my way up to this
point, and still they think I’m too weak to be taken seriously! Why can’t they
treat me like everybody else?!” Evan was tempted to try and say something, but
he knew that nothing he could say or do would change her mind while she was
like this. He just simply turned his attention back to the next person to run
through the maze. Ty was just tearing through the course. Literally and
metaphorically. Every single hologram that came at him, he either sliced into a
million pieces, or lodged on his sword to throw at other enemies. “See,
that’s what I need. A strong presence in close quarters combat. That’s what I
need in order to get stronger.” “I understand
you want to get stronger Christy, but you have to think about the fact that we
aren’t at Signal anymore. We aren’t just randomly going out on missions at the
random whims of Professor Xiao Long and Professor Branwen. We have our own
teams now, and I think we should look to what everybody needs rather than our
own personal goals.” “Oh please.
You’re starting to sound like Ren.” “I’m just
saying, he might have a few points.” “Now listen
well children, I know most of you here have very little experience with
fighting Grimm, and you have extreme doubts of my ability as a Huntsman.” “Understatement
of the century.” Miles whispered to Ty. Professor Oobleck was prepping a bunch
of first year teams for their first field mission of exterminating Grimm in the
wide plains several miles from Vale. There had been reports of a small pack of
Grimm that had been seen marching towards the kingdom, and it was determined
that it was a safe enough size that students could take them on together. “Now then,
each of us will be taking our own airship to deal with and destroy the Grimm
that are at this very moment, marching towards us! But fear not, that is why we
are taking multiple airships! Each team will take an airship to place them at
strategic locations depending on predetermined schematics. Each team is tasked
with destroying as many Grimm as they can. It shouldn’t be too difficult, with
everybody surrounding the Grimm, this shouldn’t be an issue at all. I assume
that we should be done with all of this in about one hour’s time. Now then,
make your preparations, go over your assignments, and be ready at all times!”
As soon as he finished, each team received their instructions on their
individual Scrolls. “All right
then Team NEMN! We are going to be striking from the right flank once we
arrive!” Natalie said with excitement “She seems
chipper today” Miles said leaning towards Nathan. “It makes
sense. This is her first real chance to try being the team leader, and she
wants to make a good impression on the faculty.” “We shall
see. There’s a big difference between a small herd of Grimm and a true swarm.” “I looked
at some schematics.” Evan pulled out his Scroll as he said this. “Given the
size of the swarm, it’s only about as big as the one we encountered in the
Emerald Forest, only a lot more powerful and variant Grimm rather than just
simply one type.” “Any
Nevermores in the sky?” Natalie asked. “Not in any
of the initial reports. Looks like this should be pretty easy given our
numbers.” “All right
then. Let’s get going.” As they headed for their airship, Evan swung by Christy
super quickly. “You got
your assignment?” “Yeah. Me,
Ty and Brooklyn are to take some early shots at them from the air, and then
Jacob jumps smack dab in the center and we go with Team AQWA to take out the
Grimm that get into the crater that will be caused by the impact.” “All right
then. Just be safe out there all right?” “I don’t
need you constantly worrying about me Evan.” “I know. I
just do. You do the same with me.” “Fair enough.”
The two of them hugged, and the joined their teams on their respective
airships. As the airships got closer to the horde, the teams all got
in their ready positions. “All right
students, remember the plan. We begin attacking the flanks, then Teams JCTB and
AQWA will take out the center and begin weakening them from the inside. Be
ready students! Our first approach begins now!” With that said, the first
several airships started to form a circle around the advancing horde. The teams
tasked with the front of the pack jumped first, then the side and rear teams
jumped down and began their attacks. As Team NEMN made their landing, Natalie
instantly rushed right into the thick of things, hacking monsters left and
right. “I love
senseless violence missions.” Miles said with a smirk as he made his way into
the fray. “Keeps me from getting bored.” Close behind him, Nathan leapt over
the initial wall of creatures, throwing his clubs into a few of them nearest
some other students. He then landed and continued to pummel his enemies. It
seemed that he was noticing the motions and actions of the Grimm a lot better
than usual. Evan was still descending a bit, as he was the last one out of the
airship. He fired a few rounds from his rifle to slow his descent and damage
the Grimm. He then landed, morphed his weapon into the spear, then threw it
right into a line of Grimm, impaling and dissipating them all at once. He then
activated his illusion space so he could move unnoticed by the Grimm and
reclaim his spear. While doing so, he used his gauntlet to knock more Grimm out
of his way and into the blades of his comrades. As soon as he got his spear
back, he noticed a Goliath lumbering towards the front line, and the students
up there still had their hands full with the Beowolves. He then jumped onto the
creatures back, and sent his spear flying right through the creature’s head,
causing it to tumble and crush several more Grimm before dissipating
completely. Up in the airship, Brooklyn, Ty, and Christy were unloading
on the Grimm down below. They had just heard from Oobleck that before they
could dive down, they needed to help the students advance at least two lines
before they could eject. Brooklyn was sniping Grimm left and right, Christy was
hitting every enemy right where she needed to, and Ty was just blowing the life
out of the Grimm like no tomorrow. As they did this, Jacob continued to observe
the situation and gave out commands depending on what he saw. He didn’t use his
semblance as the Grimm were not moving fast or dangerously enough to warrant
him doing so. The students had almost reached the second line, but then
something happened. The entire ship started veering out of control. Nobody on
the ship knew what happened, but then Jacob looked out the other window and saw
an airship that was not one of the ships sent out for the attack. The door on
the other airship opened, and revealed members of the White Fang. Everybody
quickly tried to turn and fire upon their ship, but they were too slow. A White
Fang member with a lion’s tail took a rocket launcher from another member and
fired it straight at the ship. It directly hit one of the engines, and it
started veering towards a nearby grove of trees. The team attempted to jump out
of the airship, but then a second rocket knocked them all back into the wall
and forced the doors shut. As the ship continued to spiral downward, Ty started
bashing the door with his sword trying to get them out of there. “Stand
back!” Jacob jumped up and stabbed one of his knives into the door, then jumped
back. “Blast it Brooklyn! Blank cartridge!” Brooklyn nodded in understanding of
this, and fired, causing the knife to explode and opening up the door. Most of
the debris hit Ty, but it didn’t faze him. They all jumped out of the airship
and into the trees, letting themselves down as best they can. When they landed,
they were all a bit rattled, and had to move quickly to avoid falling debris
from the airship. They all gathered around and got themselves situated. “The White
Fang is here. They must have been the ones who guided the horde this close to
Vale.” Jacob said. “Uh, no duh
genius.” Ty said with an annoyed tone. “This is not good. We were one of the
last airships in the sky with students in them, but all the others could still
be destroyed and used against us. I say our play is get back to the battlefield
as quickly as possible.” “No.” Jacob
started drawing some sketches in the dirt. “The White Fang may have some
airships, but they know that unless they take out the students, then it doesn’t
matter how many airships they blow up, we can still take them and the Grimm out no problem. They must have a base of operations around here somewhere. I say we
try to find them and take them down to force them to retreat.” “I’m down
with that” Brooklyn said with determination. “Let’s do
it.” Ty said in agreement. “Fine. I’ll
heal everybody up so that we’re ready to go if we do find them.” Christy then
took her hands and started going around healing everybody up to full, then they
all drew their weapons and began making their way through the forest. The battle continued to rage on bellow, and Leo Odi was
sensing the tide was flowing towards the humans. “Has there
been any word from anybody actually leading this mission?” “Not
recently sir. Our scout ships are still scanning the area for the information
that he wants.” “Again with
his personal vendetta! He’s going to destroy the White Fang from the inside
before the Kingdoms even get close to finding us! Patch me through to him!” The
Lieutenant nodded, and handed him the radio. “What news
do you bring me Leo? Are THEY here?” “No Adam.
Team RWBY is not here. According to our scouts, all the students out here on
this battlefield are first years at Beacon with a few Huntsmen helping out to
make sure they don’t die easily.” “Fine then.
Start taking down their airships; I’ll start sending our ground forces against
their strongest to start breaking them apart.” “About
time” Leo said under his breath. “We’ve got eyes on an airship with students
blasting Grimm from the sky. We’ll take them down first. Leo out.” He hung up
and relayed information to the pilot, who deactivated the cloaking mechanism,
and started heading towards the airship, getting a few bazookas ready to take
them down after initial contact. As the White Fang started moving out in transportation
vehicles, Adam walked over to his tent and placed his hand on the giant map.
The map lit up, and then from the wall, a little slot appeared with a tiny
indent in the middle. Adam then pulled a ring off his finger and inserted it
into the slot, revealing a video panel. “This is
the direct encrypted line. Make this fast Taurus.” “My
assumption was wrong. It turns out that there were more students than
previously anticipated. This puts the side objective at risk. I request some
backup in order to accomplish this.” “That will
not be necessary Adam. This was foreseen so we have someone coming in to help
you with the plan.” “With all
due respect,” Adam said raising his fist in protest, “I can take care of the
mission on my own. I don’t need some random member of the Order coming in to…” “You
misunderstand Adam. A member of the High Council is coming to assist you.” Adam
immediately lowered his fist and took a step back. “Which one
is it?” “The
situation caught the attention of Lord Memoriare. Given his abilities, he can
find what we are looking for, and do so much quicker than if you just search
for it by yourself. Also, given your profile with the Four Kingdoms, you could
draw much more attention to you rather than our real target. Prepare
everything. He will be arriving soon.” “Of
course.” It was clear that the Grimm were starting to become fewer,
but the fact that a random airship was flying around attempting to take down
other airships started concerning Miles. He rushed over to Natalie who was just
finishing off a Griffon type. “Hey, you
seeing what’s been happening in the skies lately?” “I did, but
I’ve been a bit too busy to do something about it.” “We need to
take action. I’m thinking maybe I fly up there and slice it right in half.” “That could
work. Get it done, we need to make sure we have a way of getting home once we
finish these things off.” “On it.
Give me a speed boost?” “Right.”
Natalie then jumped into a squatted position, and Miles landed on her back,
then Natalie fired a round from her weapon propelling Miles to terminal
velocity towards the enemy ship. He made contact easy, slicing the airship in
two pieces, and quickly adjusting their trajectory to crash into the Grimm
still unaffected in the middle. But it was only a brief victory, as Miles
started descending, he noticed that there was a large group of people starting
to pour out of the forest where the airship crashed. He immediately recognized
the White Fang masks, and noticed that the commander he had knocked out of the
airship was not only White Fang, but also the lion tailed soldier that he
fought against the night he met Blake. Miles adjusted his fall towards his
teammates and landed right on top of a Beowolf and killed it quickly. “The White
Fang is moving in!” “What?”
yelled Nathan. “What could they possibly gain from doing something like that?” “Beats me,
but we need to start cutting through these creatures a lot faster. The White
Fang is going to hit our own flank rather quickly, and I don’t think they plan
on fighting the Grimm as well as us.” “All right
then.” Natalie twirled her weapon around and faced the direction the White Fang
was advancing from on the other side of the Grimm, and blasted herself forward
while twirling like a propeller, destroying the Grimm and creating a path for
her teammates to follow. As they started making their way through, Adam emerged
from the forest. “Bringing
them to their knees is not enough with these fools. Eradicate them without
mercy!” He then drew his sword and got ready to start engaging some of the
students of Beacon, with a sick smile on his face.
“Time to
take the first step.” © 2020 Miles W.Author's Note
1 Review Added on February 29, 2016 Last Updated on January 11, 2020 Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY Author![]() Miles W.Columbus, OHAboutI am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..Writing