Episode 1: Chapter 3: Pairs

Episode 1: Chapter 3: Pairs

A Chapter by Miles W.

Chapter 3 of Episode 1 of Order of Seasons


Pyrrha was running as fast as she could. She was kicking herself for throwing out rock instead of scissors against Ruby to see who was going to get the drinks for the group. It had come down to Ruby’s speed to get all the drinks quickly and Pyrrha’s ability to basically carry all the drinks at once with her Semblance. As she made it back to Team RWBY’s room, she saw them all laughing.

            “OH MY GOSH THAT’S SO PERFECT!” Yang laughed at the top of her lungs.

            “This is indeed an interesting development.” Ren contemplated.

            “I warned him it was going to be crazy.” Blake remarked.

            “Ugh…Natls, why couldn’t you have stayed invisible or something?” Ruby said annoyed as she handed Jaune a plate of cookies, which he happily accepted.

            “All right, I’ll bet you two of my plates that the next pairing is Brooklyn McPhearson with Vespere Rubrum.” Jaune said as he slid two plates of cookies into the middle of the group.

            “You’re on!” Ruby said excitedly. “I’m going to say Brooklyn with that Dante guy!”

            “You’re both wrong.” Weiss chimed in with a sense of sarcasm in her voice as she added her own plate to the mix. “I say it will be Jacob Strohl and Brooklyn McPhearson.”

            “OOH! That’s a challenge ice queen!” Yang said excitedly. “I say Christy and Brooklyn!”

            “I thought I had finally gotten past that nickname!”

            “Maybe with most everybody else, but not me!” Yang said with a giant smile. Pyrrha smiled, and floated the drinks to everybody around the room. She then opened her drink, and sat down next to Jaune.

            “So what did I miss? Clearly something good.”

            “Yeah. You sure did.” Jaune said with a smile. “You remember that crazy guy who attacked Ruby’s friend Natalie on the airship to Beacon yesterday?”

            “How could I forget? Ruby wouldn’t stop talking about it.” Ruby chuckled a little bit at this.

            “Well, get this. The two of them are going to be teammates once they finish initiation!” Pyrrha started laughing out loud at this, greatly amused.

            “Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?”

            “Uh, no?” Yang said annoyed. “Why do you think we were laughing so hard Pyrrha?”

            “Eh. It’s okay Pyrrha.” Jaune said. “We still have several more people to be paired up before they even get to the forest temple.”

            “Hey, did you ever catch what Professor Ozpin was using as relics this year?” Pyrrha asked.

            “I thought you got that information?” Jaune said looking up at Pyrrha.

            “Nope. Ruby? Ren? Yang? Weiss?”

            “Nope. Sorry Pyrrha.”

            “Completely slipped my mind.”

            “I was busy getting the screen ready for the show.”

            “And I was busy making sure that the ballroom wasn’t a complete pigsty after those first years were done with it!”

            “It doesn’t really matter.” Blake said. “Isn’t a bit more exciting to wonder how it’s going to turn out rather than already knowing all the answers?”


            “Uh, have you even talked to Blake before?” Weiss questioned.

            “Well DUH! But whenever I try to she just starts reading one of her books or something!”

            “Will you quiet down please Nora?” Ren piped up. “We have this rare break in our busy schedules and rather than spend all of it arguing, I’d rather spend it actually enjoying this entertainment we have before us. It’s not common for the drones that fly throughout the forest during initiation would be available for our viewership.”

            “Ren’s right.” Ruby spoke up. “Besides, there are still several pairs to be made, and I want to see if they run into that pack of Boarbatusks that had started roaming around the ruins a few days ago! So everybody shut up and lets watch!” They all silently nodded and returned to watching the initiation. 





            “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” Miles yelled in frustration.

            “THAT’S MY LINE!” Natalie yelled back.

            “I mean seriously, what were you thinking? Rushing in to attack an Ursa that had clearly locked eyes with another opponent? Were you even paying attention?”

            “Says you! You had to charge forward instead of letting it come to you!”

            “Well excuse me for trying to gain first move advantage! Besides, you were no better! You had to charge out in front of me like a maniac, and doing so while invisible I might add didn’t help the situation!”

            “UGH! Just forget it! We need to start heading towards the forest temple before we argue the whole day away!”

            “Fine. Whatever. Just don’t slow me down kid.”

            “I don’t slow you down and you don’t try to blow me up again!”

            “Fair enough.” Suddenly, there was some rustling in the trees behind them, and they quickly pulled their weapons out. But then out of the foliage stepped Nathan, brushing off his clothes of loose leaves and sticks turned and saw his sister.

            “Hey! Natls! That was lucky! You don’t have a teammate yet I’m assuming? Me neither! What say we start heading to that temple right now?”

            “Um…I’m standing right here?” Miles said kind of annoyed. Nathan looked over at Miles, then back at Natalie. Then back at Miles then Natalie again. He then proceeded to facepalm.

            “Yeah. We had the same reaction.” Natalie groaned.





As Ty was walking through the forest, he continued to hum himself a little tune. He didn’t feel the need to rush, as Miles was most likely to find him before vice versa. As he was walking along however, he heard sounds of a struggle. He at first decided to ignore it, but then it came to him, with Christy having been knocked out of the foliage and about ten yards in front of Ty. She got back up, her eyesight not wavering from her opponents. Then out of the foliage came a horde of Creeps that were barreling right towards her. She had one of her weapons in shotgun form and kept firing at the horde, while preparing to return to close quarters combat. But as the Creeps grew nearer, Ty intervened. He made a running motion straight ahead, and started slashing the Creeps closest to the front. As he finished his run, he quickly turned back around and morphed his weapon into bazooka form. He then aimed at the rest of the Creeps and blasted them into oblivion, but a few still got past, still charging straight towards Christy. She then morphed her shotgun into her second axe and did a few maneuvers that sliced the rest of them into pieces, which began to dissipate rather quickly.

            “Thanks for the assist…” she quickly cut herself off as she realized that she was almost looking him right in the eye. She diverted her gaze away as did Ty.

            “Did you just make eye contact?” He asked.

            “I might have? I mean, I don’t know.” Then one of the drones hovered down to them and a hologram of Professor Ozpin showed up.

            “According to our scanners, the two of you met eyes for all of 0.01 seconds. That qualifies as eye contact. I suggest you two get used to the idea of being teammates.” With that said, the hologram vanished and the drone returned to its higher position in the sky.

            “Well then. I guess we’ll be working together with Miles and whoever he’s paired up with.” Ty said as he sheathed his sword.

            “I’m not sure how I feel about that…”

            “Oh come on. Who knows? He could have run into Evan.”

            “Wait a minute, how do you know all our names again?”

            “Um…I played in that Soaring Ninja 2 tournament last night, remember?”

            “I didn’t play.”

            “No but Evan did.”

            “What? I could have sworn he was sleeping right next to me right on the borderline of the guys/girls setup last night…. unless he used…”





Evan continued to do battle with the Griffon. He quickly dodged out of the way, and started making preparations. He created an illusion space around himself, and started moving to the left of the beast. As far as the Griffon was concerned, Evan was standing right in front of it just waiting for the beast to attack. It charged forward, and when it hit his doppelganger, the illusion fell away like wet paint off a wall, and it continued down in a line towards Evan’s current location. Once it caught up to him, it revealed Evan, but just as he was leaping up towards the Griffon. He punched the creature to the ground with his gauntlet, and then quickly finished the job with his spear going right through the creature’s head.

            “As always Evan, beautifully orchestrated.” Evan turned around to see Jacob congratulating him with Brooklyn standing right next to him.

            “I assume the two of you are already paired up?” Evan asked.

            “No, we’re just hanging out looking for wild berries OF COURSE WE’RE PAIRED UP!” said Brooklyn with conviction. Evan took a step back, holding his hands up in defense. Jacob chuckled a bit at this and started walking past the dissipating Grimm.

            “I take it that you haven’t found Christy yet?”

            “Nope. I literally landed then started fighting this Griffon. I’m not even sure where she landed anyways.”

            “Well we best start walking unless we want to run into somebody we don’t even know.” As he said this, a few trees fell over, and revealed a slightly annoyed Miles having sliced them right in half. “Case in point.” Jacob said as he motioned to Miles. As Miles made his way to the three, Natalie and Nathan were right behind him. Then Nathan looked right at Evan, and he at him.

            “You got a partner yet Evan?”

            “Nope. You?”

            “No. But being partnered with you is a better scenario right now than my sister’s.”

            “Don’t tell me….”

            “Yep.” Evan looked at the two rivals, and then started raising his hand up.


            “You have to admit though,” Jacob interjected, “It is an appropriate response to the scenario at hand.”

            “Fine. I’ll give you that. But since this is such an awkward situation, what say we just put our heads together and get on with this endeavor?” They all agreed and started heading northwards towards the temple.




Ty and Christy finally emerged into another clearing and were standing right by the edge of a cliff that lead down to what looked like the ruins of a large city within a valley.

            “You think this is the right path?” Christy asked.

            “I think this is it. Look." Ty pointed down to the giant collection of bridges in a giant gorge leading to another opening.  "The connecting bridges lead right to that other cliff on the other side of this valley, and it looks like there’s some kind of shrine off in the distance. I daresay that is where our objective lies.”

            “Great. So how are we getting past this valley?”

            “I was planning on just jumping down.”

            “Onto the crumbling old building structures? You sure it can take that much power?”

            “Meh. Live and let die. Here hop on my back.” Christy gave Ty a weird look and took a few steps back as he said this. “I know it’s weird, but this is super fast compared to just both of us jumping.”

            “We were launched sky high and forced to land by our own abilities. I think I’ll be all right.”

            “Fine. I’ll see you down there.” Ty said as he literally walked off the side of the cliff. Christy followed behind by sliding down the cliff face using her axes as picks. As they reached the bottom, Ty created a bit of a crater in the ruins, but managed to make sure they didn’t collapse completely. As he dusted himself off, Christy landed right behind him, and then fired a shot over to their left. There was a random Boarbatusk running towards the center of the ruins, and her shot managed to hit it right square in the creatures face, causing it to tumble off the edge and into the valley below.

            “Pretty good aim.”

            “Well when you’re typecast as a ranged type, it tends to happen pretty quickly.”

            “Why ranged type? I mean you wield two freaking axes for crying out loud.”

            “I guess it’s because everybody saw the fact that I’m not that good physically or technically at fighting anything, so they just gave me some weapons to defend myself with in close quarters just in case the need arose. And I’m glad they did because I would have been mince meat several times over without these things.”

            “Well that’s great and all, but I daresay we should start moving towards the forest temple now as it seems that our old friend you blasted over the side seemed to have been a part of a pack.” Christy turned her attention to where Ty was looking, and there was a large pack of Boarbatusks running right towards them, the few in front had already began charging their spin attacks. Ty drew his sword and morphed it into a bazooka while Christy started blasting them several times over. Then Ty launched his first rocket sending those in front flying, but there were still several more Boarbatusks behind them, and he could see off in the distance was a King Taijitu. He morphed his bazooka back into a sword and slashed at the first arrivals of the pack, while slowly backing away.

            “I would say a strategic retreat is in order at this time.” He said as he turned to run. Christy switched one of her weapons to axe mode as to knock back an oncoming Boarbatusk, and fire at the oncoming horde. As they made their way past the valley, they managed to lay their eyes on the forest temple, but didn’t stop to rest as the Grimm pack wasn’t that far behind.

            “Any suggestions Ty?”

            “Our only option at this point is to stand and fight.” He said as he pulled out his sword once again and prepared for a showdown. Then, suddenly, out of the trees came flying Evan, spear in hand, and to his right was Natalie. She used Blue Wavecrest to propel herself forward into the middle of the pack and started using her weapon like a quarterstaff and started slicing the enemies into pieces. Evan in the meantime, attacked the flank, causing several enemies to turn their attention away from the others and towards him. Then, continuing to pour out of the foliage was Nathan and Brooklyn. Nathan started charging right into the middle of the horde, bashing creatures in the face until they dissipated. Then he noticed one was right on the tail of Natalie and was about to impale her, but he then quickly took one of his clubs, and threw it at the creature, causing it to go flying into the path of Natalie’s spinning weapon, and then the club bounced around hitting opponents some more before returning to Nathan’s hand. Suddenly, a Death Stalker appeared as if out of nowhere, right behind the entire group that had made it this far. Ty turned around and prepared to face off against it, but then Brooklyn rushed towards the creature herself. She used her rifle form to take a few shots at the giant stinger on its tail, and then used her scimitar form to slice it off, causing the creature to start reeling. Ty saw his chance, and rushed towards the creature, jumping up off the left claw, then landing right on top of it, spiking his sword right through the creature’s head. As he turned back to the rest of the group, he noticed that the King Taijitu was almost right on top of them. Then finally, Miles and Jacob emerged from the forest, weapons to the ready. Miles made the first move, slicing at the Taijitu’s head jewel, forcing it to split into its white and black counterparts. Jacob followed in suit, gracefully and easily dodging the two giant snake creatures. As the two creatures made their way towards him, he pulled out two of his knives, and as they got closer, he managed to stab the knives in their eyes. He jumped away because a few seconds later, the two knives exploded and caused the heads of the twin snakes to be completely obliterated, leaving the bodies to fade from existence. As they all put their weapons away, they gathered together by the forest temple.

            “So Ty, I guess you paired up with the healer then?” Miles asked.

            “Yep. We made our way down here and then you guys showed up. And who’s your new teammate.”

            “Our good friend that I dueled yesterday.”

            “You sure you’re all right with this pairing?”

            “Eh. I’ll live. We’ll see what happens. After all, we still could be on the same team together depending on the relics we obtain.”

            “Speaking of which,” Evan interjected, “shall we collect them now?” They all agreed and made their way to the crumbling temple and the circle of pedestals. In the stands were multi colored hilts, with blades going into the stone. Miles grabbed one, as did Nathan, Jacob and Ty. Each blade seemed to be of little importance, but there was no two of any color. There were several variations such as dark blue, turquoise, and sky blue, but never two of the same. Miles’ hilt was black; Ty grabbed the white hilt, while Nathan grabbed one with a green hilt, leaving Jacob with an indigo hilt.

            “Any idea on how these go together?” Christy asked.

            “Maybe it’s opposites?” Evan put out. “I mean, it does seem to be the idea that we are going for some kind of artistic expression.”

            “Look, we’ll find out once we report back to Ozpin.” Nathan quickly said.         “Does anybody else feel that in the ground?” Everybody stopped and listened closely. He was right. It was as if something truly gigantic was marching towards them. As they left the temple area, they looked over to the forest, and emerging was a Goliath, charging forward at full tilt.

            “Ugh.” Miles groaned as he drew his swords. “I’ll be right back.”

            “Wait! I can help….” Natalie tried to say before Miles rushed off to face the beast. He started preparing his attack, and leapt into the air with the intention of stabbing the beast right in the face, but out of nowhere, giant feathers started pelting him from above. He fell to the ground, as a Nevermore swooped in for attack. Natalie didn’t waste any time as she started running to where Miles was lying, as he was pinned down by one of the feathers, as it had impaled his leg.

            “Natls!” Nathan screamed in fear, and started running after her. Suddenly, his speed increased and was already running side by side with her, making their way towards Miles. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

            “Helping my teammate. I don’t care if he tried to kill me, that doesn’t matter right now! He needs my help! So go distract that Goliath while I help get that feather out of his leg!” Nathan nodded and rushed towards the Goliath again. As he got closer, the Goliath attempted to smash him with its trunk, but Nathan took his clubs and formed an X shape with them, and blocked the attack. Natalie made it to Miles’ side and used her weapon to slice off the majority of the feather, then pulled the barb out of his leg. But as she did so, the Nevermore swooped back in for another pass, and Miles was in no condition to run. But then Evan swooped in and created an illusion space in the form of a bubble around the three of them. The nevermore couldn’t see them, so focused its attack towards Nathan. But Nathan noticed this in time and let the feathers pierce the Goliath instead, weakening it.

            “We can’t just stand here doing nothing! Brooklyn yelled.

            “How’s your throwing arm?” Jacob asked Ty.

            “A lot better than yours. What do you have in mind?”

            “Toss Christy up there so she can decapitate that bird.”

            “You okay with that Christy?”

            “Let’s get going.” She replied.

            “Fine. Grab the hilt.” Christy then grabbed the hilt of Ty’s sword, and he prepared to sling her up towards the bird like a slingshot.

            “Do the same with me once you toss her up.” Brooklyn added. Ty nodded and performed a might throw towards the Nevermore, and Christy landed perfectly on the creatures back. Then Brooklyn grabbed the hilt and Ty did the exact same thing.           “I don’t think I’m going to make it!” She yelled, as she got closer. Jacob then pulled out one of his knives with a longer hilt and started running pace for pace with Brooklyn. What took the span of a few seconds, to Jacob, felt like half a minute. He observed the pattern of the Nevermore, then threw his knife up and placed it perfectly in the creature’s neck.

            “Brooklyn! Handle in the neck!” She recognized this, and grabbed the hilt then spun around it to springboard up onto the back alongside Christy. They started slashing away at the neck, causing the bird to being to fall to its death. Meanwhile, Natalie was helping Miles with his wounds, when she noticed the Goliath was starting to gain some ground on Nathan. She realized that his fear was starting to get the best of him, so she grabbed her weapon and prepared to launch herself towards the creature.

            “Evan, take care of him. I’m going for my brother.” Evan nodded, and dropped the illusion. Natalie then started firing her weapon to propel herself forward, and sliced at one of the Goliath’s legs. It began to wobble, and started to topple over. But Nathan happened to be right in the creatures fall point. He didn’t see it until it looked like it was going to crush him. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped falling down, and started falling up. It then rose as if it was floating on air itself.

            “Ladies!” Miles yelled towards Christy and Brooklyn. “Finish that thing off please? I can’t hold this for much longer.” The two nodded, jumped off the doomed Nevermore, and sliced the Goliath right in half as they fell to the ground. As they landed, Christy made her way over to Miles and started treating his leg. The puncture wasn’t extremely severe, so they stopped when it could be walked on rather than the full recovery for the time being. Miles then walked over to Natalie, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

            “The Goliath was right there, and you had a clear opportunity to take it down. Why didn’t you?”

            “I beg your pardon?” she replied. “Would you rather have had the Nevermore continue to cut you to shreds?”

            “That would have been inconsequential because I could get away from the creatures attacks. By ignoring the Goliath however, you could have jeopardized everybody as it takes an extreme amount of power to take down such a creature…” Natalie whacked Miles in the head with her fist to get him to stop talking.

            “My teammate was injured, and I made the call that every Huntsman or Huntress makes in the field. The people before the monsters. Now come on. The mission’s done. Let’s head back home.” She said this with a smile, and walked back southwards to the starting point, Nathan right beside her with his arm over his shoulder.

            “I’m proud of you sis!”

            “Thanks bro.” Natalie said gathering herself.  Meanwhile, Miles slowly got up, and then Ty placed his hand on his shoulder.

            “You okay man?” he asked.

            “I have this sinking feeling that once we finish our four years here,” Miles said looking ahead, “it’s going to turn out that Blake was right about me.”

            “What, the fact that you still have honor left in you?”

            “I guess so. Something about her just makes me think there can be good in this world, you know?” 

            “Wait, Blake or Natalie?”

            “I was mainly going for Natalie in this scenario, but Blake’s not a bad contender either.”

            “Blake seems like a good judge of character. I think that’s why she wanted to prove you wrong so much with this. I’ve even seen it in you since day one when you were struggling to get by in Vacuo.”


            “Yeah. Right before our team-up, you had this look of determination that you were going to get the job done no matter what it took. And today, I saw that same fire from Natalie. I think you two will get along fine.” Ty then started walking towards the rest of the group and started chatting up other topics. Miles just kind of stood there before he had to catch up with the rest of the group so he wouldn’t be left behind.





Everybody applauded as Team WATR was given their leader and teammates at the ceremony. As they left the stage, Professor Ozpin started speaking again.

            “Please report to the stage: Brooklyn McPhearson, Ty Boyer, Jacob Strohl, and Christy Curtiss.” As he said this, the four of them took the stage. “The four of you retrieved the knives with the hidden characters for ‘hope and cleanse’ on the blade. From this day forward you will be known as, Team JCTB (Jetboil). Led by…. Jacob Strohl.” The crowd applauded, and Jacob took a bow before they exited the stage.

            “Well, there goes my teammate.” Miles moped.

            “Relax. It’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re never going to see him again.” Natalie told him.

            “Yeah, being stuck with you is ten times worse than being stuck with him.”

            “You know, I could have let the Nevermore slice you up into tiny pieces.”

            “As if that could stop me.” Miles joked as he elbowed Natalie in the shoulder.

            “Next onto the stage please,” Ozpin continued, “Evan Hahn, Miles Watson, Nathan Grover, and Natalie Grover. The four of you retrieved the knives with the hidden characters for ‘light and shadow’. The four of you will be known as Team NEMN (Ni-mon). Led by…. Natalie Grover.” Miles tried his hardest to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. Meanwhile, Nathan was giving Natalie a huge bear hug and Evan was applauding her. They exited the stage as the rest of the teams were formed for that day. Then everybody made their way to their dorm rooms and started unpacking. As soon as everything was done, Team NEMN sat down on the floor and realized there wasn’t that much room for the beds.

            “Well now what do we do?” Nathan moped.

            “We could ditch my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor or something.” Miles piped up.

            “Or, you could do what we did last year and make BUNK BEDS!” The four of them turned to see Ruby and Yang standing in the doorway. As the sisters made their way inside, the others stood up.

            “Is that even possible?” Natalie asked.

            “Hey, it’s just like Ruby said. We did it last year, and we still have it like that to this day!” Yang said excitedly. Everybody then started helping with the setup of the new bunk beds, and the end result looked a lot nicer that what Team RWBY had in their room. The group then turned their attention to Team JCTB’s room and did the exact same thing when it was apparent that there was not much room there either. After that was done, they all congregated back in NEMN’s room, and started chatting it up, and while doing so, Weiss and Blake entered the room.

            “You guys showed some amazing potential out there today!” Weiss said.

            “You definitely have what it takes to be here at Beacon! That’s for sure!” Yang said with a confident voice.

            “OH YEAH! There’s somebody else I want you guys to meet!” Ruby then quickly ran out of the room.

            “I swear, if she’s brining IT in here…” Blake said in a kind of growling voice.

            “Wait, what’s it?” Miles asked. Then, Ruby returned, with Zwei in her arms, leading to several reactions. According to Blake, everybody had rushed over to gawk over the dog that everybody seemed to adore, and she had jumped up to the top bunk of the nearest bed as per the norm. But then she felt like she landed on something once she got up there.

            “Um…Blake?” She turned to see Miles with a look of pain on his face. “Your heel is kind of digging into my knee.” She then quickly pulled her leg back in surprise and confusion.

            “I’m so sorry Miles! I didn’t expect you up here at all! I mean, I thought pretty much everybody just wanted to flaunt all over that dog!”

            “Are you kidding me? I can’t stand dogs.” As soon as he said that, everybody started looking at him like he was crazy except Ty.

            “It’s true.” Ty spoke up. “Back when we first started fighting Grimm as a team, he asked me if there was a type that looked like dogs, and when I said no, he looked like somebody had taken away his target practice or something.” Everybody started laughing at this, leaving Miles embarrassed once again.

            “Well, at least I’m not the only one.” Blake said with a smile as she looked at Miles.

            “Should I just bring a deck of cards or something next time Ruby decides to bring that dog in here?” Miles asked.

            “Sure. Why not. Better than just hoping that dog goes away sooner rather than later for like 30 minutes.” The two of them started laughing together, then noticed Yang was standing right next to the bed looking at them with a kind of evil smile, as was Natalie.

            “NOW KISS!” Yang said as she tried to bring their heads together, much to the protest of the two victims of Yang’s antics. Everybody started laughing all over the place. Jacob was about to join them when Team JNPR walked in and Pyrrha caught sight of Jacob.

            “It’s been a while, hasn’t it Jacob? How have you been?” She asked him. But then Jacob’s mood quickly plummeted, and he started to walk out.

            “Hey, where are you going?” Brooklyn asked, and everybody’s attention turned to Jacob.

            “I’m going to be in my room for a while.” Jacob said as he slammed the door behind him.

            “What was that about?” Ruby said confused. Pyrrha sighed and Jaune put his hand on her shoulder.

            “You can’t expect him to be all smiles and rainbows given what happened a few months ago.”

            “I know Jaune. It’s just sad to see that despite what he’s accomplished on his own, he still hates me.”

            “I wouldn’t say he hates you so much as uses you as a scapegoat for his recent struggles.” Everybody was suddenly surrounding the couple with confused looks on their faces. Pyrrha then held Jaune’s hand, and smiled. She turned towards the group and said,

            “I’m sorry for not telling you all this sooner. I felt it would be best to tell you once we found out what team Jacob was going to be on. You see, he’s actually my cousin.” Everybody was shocked by this, not sure what to say.

            “The conveniences continue to show their face around here, don’t they?” Blake said.

            “Great.” Miles said annoyed. “This is just getting better by the second.”

© 2017 Miles W.

Author's Note

Miles W.
Please review/enjoy!

My Review

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This is just getting better by the second your words are exactly what I was thinkings. Now that teams have all been decided and partners have ben picked i can't wait to see where it goes on from here, ANother excitement-filled chapter. Moving on to the next one. Please be kind and return the love.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 8, 2016
Last Updated on April 12, 2017
Tags: Action, Anime, Fan fiction, Adventure, RWBY

RWBY: Order of Seasons


Miles W.
Miles W.

Columbus, OH

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..

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A Chapter by Miles W.