

A Story by Lyna_lane

Can Jayce and Kylin overcome the drama this past year to become the dynamic singing duo they once were?


It’s just high school. One more year and you’re free. I have about 30 minutes before school lets in. Just relax. Hi. I’m Kylin Faye and this is my first day of my senior year. I’m starting at a brand new school and I’m not so certain how it is going to go. I guess I should get out of my car now though.

I gather up my book bag and climb out of my car, head held high. I’m going to create an atmosphere around myself that projects ‘leave me alone.’ I don’t need friends or anything. I just need to finish this year. I’ll test it on this girl walking straight toward me.

“Hey I’m Nova! You must be new here!” This kind of-tall-skinny-emo girl runs up to me. Come on. I don’t want to talk to anyone, especially not someone like her.

“Hi. I’m Faye. And yeah.” I continue to walk, but Nova keeps pace with me and continues asking questions. “Where’d you move from?”

“A couple towns over from here.”

“Which one? I have family all around.” Hm. Very perky. For someone in all black.

“It’s not important. You a senior?” Might as well ask some questions myself.

“Yup. So ready to be done with this year. Oh and nice car. How’d you score that?” I have a 1975 Dodge Challenger. It is so awesome. Though I guess it is odd for a high school senior to own. Oh well.

“It was my dad’s. He died in car wreck a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry. That must have been hard.” I shrug. We’re standing by the front doors now. We should be able to go in at any minute. “What homeroom do you have?”

“Um. I think the name is Smith.”

“OMG. Me too.” I give her a weird look. “Oh yeah I look all gloomy, but it’s really for show. I used to get teased a lot. Now they leave me alone.” The bell rings and we walk into the building. “I’ll show you to the room, if you want?”

“Sure.” We walk in silence and I think. I wonder if one friend would be okay. I like the chance to talk. I haven’t had that in a while since everything happened. “Nova!” I jump as a screaming girl runs up between us.

“Ace!” They hug and Nova steps back. “Ace this is Faye. Faye this is Accalia or Ace.” I smile and say hi. I can’t believe Accalia is here. I don’t like the girl. Never have and for good reason. I can’t even be mean because I have no reason to be. Hopefully she doesn’t recognize me. That would be horrible.

Ace quickly says, “Hey.” And turns to Nova. “So I’m sure that Jayce is starting to like like me. He’s totally been giving me the ‘I want you look.’”

“That’s cool. I’m pretty sure he’s still dating Michigan and cheating on her with Kylin. That’s my opinion.” We’re stopped outside of a classroom that says Smith. “Ace we’ll see you at lunch?”

“Yup. Totes. And expect a lengthy in detail note about mine and Jayce’s summer.” She bounds off.

“Nova, is she talking about like Jayce Layne?”

We walk into the classroom. She turns and rolls her eyes at me as we sit. “Yeah. She’s had this huge crush on him since he appeared. I mean, he’s a decent enough singer, but I don’t understand the obsession. She swears Michigan’s not good enough for him. She hates Kylin. She swears Kylin is the spawn of Satan.  I have a different point of view and she refuses to hear it.”

I look at the clock, ten minutes til class starts. “And what’s that?”

“Well. I met Kylin. I went with Ace to some preview that Jayce invited her to. She was staring at him and Michigan, telling me how it should be her. Jayce showed up like a pimp that night. Kylin on one arm and Michigan on the other. I could tell Kylin wasn’t happy behind that smile.” I never met her. I would remember. “Halfway through the show I got bored, so I walked out to the hallway. Kylin was there, pacing and upset. I tried to stay out of her sight, but she saw me. I was scared, because of all the crap being said about her. She looked at me and told me to go ahead, take pictures, start rumors. I told her I’m not like that and asked if she was okay. She told me, no, but it doesn’t matter, she’ll be gone soon. She quickly went back inside.”

Oh, I remember that. I didn’t even recognize her. At the time she was wearing a dark purple dress with her hair pulled back. I had walked out because Jayce was ignoring me, like always. I only went because I promised Jayce I would when he first signed up for the stupid thing. I wasn’t going to turn into a horrible, promise-breaker because of Michigan. Oh, I’m the “Kylin” everyone hates. Jayce’s ex-best friend. “That sounds bad. I hope she didn’t do anything dramatic.”

Nova shrugs, “Me too. She vanished right after that. I know the girl has feelings, unlike how Ace makes her to be. Oh there’s Mr. Smith.” She puts a finger to her lips, so I guess this teacher is completely against talking.

“Hello, class. I am Mr. Smith. You’re homeroom teacher. First order of business, I would like to welcome Miss Faye to our class.”

I smile. I hate introductions.

Mr. Smith smiles back, “Faye. I hope you have a wonderful senior year here.” You and me both. For the next hour we listen to Mr. Smith discuss the importance of time management and keeping up with assignments. Finally we are released for 2nd hour.

“What’s your second class, Faye?” I pull my schedule from my bag. Ugh Math.

“I have math with a Ms. Glanson.”

“Oh. Good luck. She’s a difficult teacher. I have creative writing with Mrs. Jones. I gotta go this way. See ya later.” She bounds off the other way. Thankfully I had a school tour the other day so I can find my way around fairly well.

Someone taps my shoulder. I think it’s an accident until they speak. “Hi, I’m Levi.” Why is everyone at this school so talkative. “Nova asked me to help you to math. I have Ms Glanson too.” That makes sense.

“I’m Faye, and okay. I can find my way to math though.” I’m not stupid and I’m starting to get mad at the over helpfulness.

“It’s a compliment that Nova is attaching herself to you. She’s not an easy truster.”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m not either and this is a huge adjustment for me.” We walk into the classroom and take seats in the middle. I push my newly shoulder length, dark brown and curly hair out of my face. Curse all the drama.

“I bet. New school on your senior year. Why?”

“Long story Levi. I don’t wanna get into it. To keep it simple I was being bullied.” Explaining that I was actually Kylin, as in Jayce’s Kylin would get me in major trouble. I just want normal.

“Okay. Hey you up for a party tonight? It’s at Jayce’s crib here. It’s been a ritual for the past few years. Since our own Ace knows Jayce.” She looks excited and proud.

“Did you say Jayce’s crib, here? As in on Maple Street?” If so, what the hell?

“Yeah. Where else?”

“Anywhere else would be nice.”

She looks confused. “Why. It’s Jayce Layne. Since it’s his house, he may be there. Duh.”

“Yeah that would be cool.” Except that it is my house right now.

“Alright, everyone settle down.” So not cool

I swear today could not have been any slower. I’m walking to my car with Nova right beside me. “You wanna go grab something to eat or hang out?”

“I really need to get home to take care of something. Maybe tomorrow?”

I slide into my car and quickly type out a text.

Take care of the ritual party. ASAP. "F

I use the number blocker app that my mom got me. I just hope it worked. I race home and start cleaning up and putting my stuff away. Jayce’s house here in Payson, Arizona, is actually ours. We bought it as a get-away house.  I made it clear to him that I would be living here for at least the next year and he agreed. It was almost like he was anticipating my text because there is a knock on my door. Then it clicks open and someone comes in.  I quickly hide in the closet because Jayce wouldn’t knock and then walk in.

I hear some guy talking, “Ace, you sure this is okay?”

“Yeah. John, I’ve done this the past 3 years. No one is ever here.”

“Ace. This is breaking and entering.” I hear something fall. “I don’t think I’m okay with this. If something happens it’ll get us in trouble.” Then there is another knock at the door. “Ace. Now what?!”

“Be quiet dumby.” I hear the door open again. Seriously? No respect.

“Hello!?” Nice Jayce. I guess their car is outside because Jayce doesn’t call out for me.

I hear a quick shh. From Ace I’m assuming. That was a bad idea on her part.

I hear steps coming closer. “Accalia! What the hell are you doing here?! You have no right being in here.”

“I was just setting up for the annual party. You know?” She has the nerve to sound innocent. I can almost see her trying to snuggle up to him. Gross.

“No. Accalia. I suggest you and you friend leave now. There will be no party here tonight.”

“Why not? It’s basically a tradition. Jaycee, Please?” Jaycee? What on earth?

“No. Get out now Ace.” I hear more slamming. I guess Accalia stomped her foot.

“Fine. Jayce. You’re a jerk. It’s my senior year though, please? I mean, why are you even here?” Don’t antagonize him please.

“This is my house Ace. And I’m sick of having to clean it up from your stupid parties. I’m meeting family here tonight, so no. Now skat. Also, if either of you decide the paparazzi needs to know, I will personally destroy you.”

I hear the door slam and peak out the closet. “Kylin?” I walk toward the sound of his voice. He’s sitting on the couch. He really knows me to well. He stands the second I come in the room. “Damn. You look different.”

“That’s kinda the point Jay.”

He smiles a little. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to turn into someone else cuz of me. I’m sorry. I forgot about Accalia making this party central.”

“Right. I didn’t know Accalia went to school here. She’s gonna find out.” I’m rambling so he puts his hand over my mouth.

“Kylin. Calm down alright?” He has his hand on the side of my face. “If I didn’t know what all you changed I wouldn’t have recognized you. One year. Then we can figure stuff out.”

I take a couple breaths and say, “Okay. I’ll be alright. You can go now. And I hope you’re not counting on that.” He walks out the front door as quickly as he came. Two seconds later my phone rings. I answer it almost expecting Jayce. A game we used to play. The second you walk out of the others door you call and say ‘I miss you.’ Jayce doesn’t even have my number, though. “Hey?”

“Hey, Faye? It’s Nova.”

“Oh, hey. What’s up?” I forgot I gave her my number. It seems like a million years ago.

“Wanted to see if you wanted hang tonight? Maybe check out the hotspots in town?  I hear there’s a surprise singer downtown.” It’d be a good distraction.

“I guess. Let me change though.” My black halter top with the teal sequins matched with my washed out jeans and black heels sounds good.

“You want me to pick you up or vice versa?”

“I’ll pick you up. Text me your address. I’ll be there in 20.”

We hang up and I go to get dressed. It takes me forever because I’m not used to my closet yet. I don’t care what I gotta do, but I will not completely change. It’s weird to have my middle showings. My hair is still curled from earlier. A little eye liner and I’m ready to go.

Right at the 20 minute mark I’m in Nova’s driveway. Her yellow Jeep is in the driveway and there’s a young guy outside playing basketball.  I get out of the car, leaving my sunglasses on, and walk toward him. I’m still paranoid someone will recognize me. The guy jumps about 10 feet when I say hey. He does a double take and stutters, “Hi. Can I help you?” He looks about my age and is kind of built. Has to be a jock with the way he’s checking me out so openly. I guess Nova has a brother.

“Hello, I’m Faye. I’m looking for Nova.”

He has this look like, are you an idiot. “Okay. Fine. Sorry. I figured I’d be nice and say hi to her brother, but whatever.” I walk toward the door past him and he grabs my a*s. I spin around so fast and land a punch right on his jaw. “You ever do that again and you’ll have a bloody nose. Comprende?”

He nods. I’m 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. “Bravo! Thank you, Faye. He totally deserved that. Jarrod. You are a jerk. Ready to go?”

“Yup.” Maybe I can make senior year fun after all. Nova and I climb into my car and head out. “Where to first?”

“Hmmm. Head to the downtown square. You know where that is?” I nod and basically floor it to show off for Jarrod. “I really hope you don’t like him. He’s a total prude and I’m not just saying that.”

“Oh I bet. I was just messing with him. Now do you have any idea who the surprise singer is?”

She sighs, “Ace said its Jayce’s friend Jonah.” Wow. Jonah can’t sing at all. So it’s probably Jayce. Lovely. “You see I have a theory.”

This should be good. “What’s that?” I brake for the stop sign and this jacked up, black F150 pulls up beside me. I see Jarrod in the driver’s seat staring at me.

“Well, you see, Faye. I bet he’s hanging around so much because Kylin is hiding out somewhere in town. And I bet she’s staying in his house. Which is why we couldn’t have the annual party.”

I love this girl’s imagination. Well reality. “I doubt it. As far as I can tell they hate each other.”

“Nope. I say it’s just a ploy. Oh turn at that next right.” I take the turn and pull into a parking spot. “That’s just my point of view. Ace hates it.” As we walk toward the door I have to pause and stop at the end of the line. I’m used to walking straight in. This sucks. Jarrod and some dude saunter up behind us. Jarrod puts his arm around me, “Hey, baby.”

I shove him away, “Ew, who do you think you are?”

“The dude trying to ask you out?” He has got to be joking.

“Look, Jarrod, I’m flattered---ha. No I’m not. I’d never go out with you.” Nova has to hide her smile.

“You are going to regret that. Now your life is gonna be hell here, b***h.” He and his friend walk off without a second glance.

“Don’t worry, he is just mad. He’s used to getting who and what he wants.” She shakes her head, but I am worried. I kinda have a huge secret. We’re finally getting to the beginning of the line. I hate the idea I have, but it’s the only thing I can think of. “Nova, you know he is kind of cute.”

“No. Oh my God, gross!” She’s laughing. “Look, I kinda have something that’s gotta stay hidden. I don’t want him digging around or getting his friends to.”

“Whatcha gotta hide?” She looks so interested. I kind of wish I could tell her. I just can’t right now. “No offense Nova, but I just met you today….” Ace runs up to us, “Hey! What’s up guys? Come on in.” I can’t believe I’m relying on Accalia to get into a club quick. Ugh.

Nova quickly whispers, “No worries, I understand. So you really want him?”

I shake my head and she smirks. “That’s what I thought.” We walk in and I am amazed at the club. Ace grabs our arms, “Guys it is your lucky night. Yall are gonna meet Jayce.” Wow the girl changes plans quick.

“I’ve already met him Ace.” Ace is showing off for me. Great. She pulls us to the back. She knocks on a door and I here Jayce yell, “come in.”

Ace strolls in like she owns the place and Jayce barely glances up. “Hey babe, you probably remember Nova, but this is Faye. She was just dying to meet you.”

Jayce glances again at us and looks at Ace. “Look I can’t keep meeting your ‘friends.’  Accalia, we are partners that’s it.” Ace rolls her eyes and looks at me with a look of hatred. “He’s so funny.” Jayce actually looks at Nova. He gets up and walks to us. “Hi I am Jayce Layne. Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand and moved to me. I saw him stumble a second when he realized who I am, “Hi I’m Jayce Layne. Nice to meet you.” I say, “You too,” back. My insides are jelly as Accalia, Nova and I walk out.

I stop and look at Ace, “We just met, why do you not like me? You gave me a look of pure hate.”

She looks stunned.  “I like you. It’s just you look a lot like Kylin. I mean you could almost be her twin. It’s an old habit.” She smiles. “Now I gotta get back to Jayce. Yall have fun.”

Nova and I are almost in the clear and I walk right into Jonah. He says “Hey.”

I quickly run out of there with Nova. “You really do look like Kylin. Hey there’s Jarrod.” He walks over when Nova waves. He looks at me, “So change your mind already?”

I turn up the flirt, “You could be an alright guy, but no.” We all start dancing and too quickly Ace walks on stage. “I would like to announce Jayce Layne, everyone!” Everyone screams, but my tummy turns. I lean against Nova. “You okay?” I nod.

“So, how is everyone tonight?” Everyone screams some form of ‘awesome’ or ‘great.’

“That’s awesome guys. So first song up is Just You and I.” Everyone screams, but I just think no. I walk toward the side door. I’m leaning against the wall when Nova comes out.

“What’s wrong girl?” I swipe the one tear in my eye. “Nothing. I must have ate something.” I stand up. “I’m good now.”

“You sure?” I nod as I think no, I’ll never be okay. We walk in as Jayce sings the last line, “Because in the end it was just you and I.” Everyone screams more. Don’t get me wrong, Jayce and I are still friends, but I wrote that song when everything was really rocky and every time I hear it the feelings come back. The hurt and confusion.

2 hours later Nova and I are sitting in my car, waiting to be able to leave. “Awesome, concert.”

“Yeah he’s alright. Faye, I’m going to warn you, since you said no to Jarrod he won’t stop. I think before I answer. “Oh well. My answer won’t change.”

We get to Nova’s house and Jarrod is sitting in his truck. I walk with her toward the door as Jarrod calls out, “You change your mind, baby?”

“Nope.” Nova and I walk inside. We’re going to hang out for a bit before I head home. We walk into what I assume is her room. “Wow. This is cool.” She has posters of different books and her walls are a green-blue color.

“Thanks. So whatcha want to do?”  I shrug. “We don’t know much about each other. Maybe twenty questions?” Nova is right, we don’t know much about each other, what can it hurt? “Sure.”

She sits on her bed and I sit in the computer chair, “You go first Nova.”

My phone buzzes and I glance at the text; Fay, I saw you there tonight. <3 It meant a lot to me. "Jay

I should have known he’d get my number. I’m kind of glad. I look back at Nova, “Sorry. Old friend. I’m good now.”

“Good. I got a question now. I couldn’t think of one, but where did you live before?”

“It’s a small town called Gypsy. Like there was no red lights and everybody knew everybody.”

“There’s no town around here called Gypsy. You said you were from a couple towns over.”

Uh oh, “Look, Nova, I have a huge secret that cannot get out. I’m not a killer or nothing, but I am from Gypsy, North Carolina.”

“Okay. Your turn.”

“Um, are you from here? In Payson?”

She nods, “Yup, born and raised. Um. Who was your childhood best friend?”

I fidget with my phone before I answer, “His name is Jay.” It’s not a lie, I call him Jay most of the time.” I see Nova narrow her eyes. “What?” I feel like I can trust her, so if she figures it out, I won’t be really worried. I have an awesome sense of people. Michigan is the only one who ever slipped through, but I swear the thought of fame just changed her.

“Nothing, your turn.”

“Okay. Who is your favorite singer?”

“Kelly Clarkson, hands down. Do you have any siblings?”

“Yup, one. He’s actually not a bad brother. Do you have any siblings other than Jarrod?” I’m running out of questions.

“Nope, just us. What’s your full name?” D****t. I don’t respond and she has to see that I’m scrambling. “Would that give you up? Are you on the run or something?”

“Yes it would and not in the sense you’re think. It’s more of hiding out.” Nova nods. “Okay. Your turn. I’m out of questions.”

“Me too. I’m sorry. If I dub you trustworthy I will tell you.” I glance at the clock that says 11. “I am going to head home though. We have school tomorrow.”

“Okay, I’ll walk you out.” We get to the door before she speaks again. “I hope you do end up trusting me. I like you. You’re not like these stuck ups from here.”

“Thanks. I hope so to, but I’ve learned to never give away trust.” I wave bye and walk out to my car.  I sit for a minute before I head home. This year is going to be harder than I expected. I really want to trust Nova. In all actuality if she wasn’t friends with Accalia, then I probably would have told her.

The next day I get to school before Nova and I’m sitting on the hood of my car when she walks up. “You sleep well?”

“I guess. A lot on my mind.” She smiles, glad for the honesty.

“That’s good. You up to hang out this afternoon?” I shrug. It could be fun. “Ace wants us to help with ideas for Jayce’s Just You and I video.” Oh no. That will suck, but I didn’t have a way to get out of it. I don’t even have any video ideas and I wrote the song. “Please? I hate sitting through these.”

“Yeah. I guess. It’s worth a try.” She smiles again. “Ready for class?”

“Nope, but let’s go.”

The end of the day came all too quick. Why is it I move away from Jayce and have to see him even more? There is another girl and guy that I don’t recognize when I walk in. Nova waves and turns to me, “That is Lyall and Levi, the last 2 of our group. Guys, this is Faye.”  We all wave and then I sit in one of the chairs.

I listen to the chatter between the others, but I am lost in my own world. I hear sharp clapping and whistling, “Alright guys, lets get started. Jayce is headed up. Now this is the second time we are getting together to help make the music video. Well the ideas. Since Kylin up and left Jayce hanging. I mean he wrote the songs, he deserves help.” Jayce and Jonah are standing right behind Ace.

“Accalia, I told you. Kylin wrote that song, not me. Stop trying to write her off.”

“She deserves it. She was totally cruel and started all those rumors.” I hear the whine in her voice and see the anger in Jayce’s eyes.

“Alright. Sorrys guys,” Jayce looks at the four of us. “Ace, stop. Kylin was and is my best friend. She means a lot to me. She started no rumors. What she said was true. We were together and honestly I cheated on her with Michigan. We just didn’t make our relationship public. I was selfish which is why I never admitted it.” 

“Whatever. Let’s get started.” Ace didn’t like being put down. Every sits down and Jayce conveniently takes the chair next to mine. “Ideas? Anyone?”

No one immediately answered so Ace goes first. “I say that he is in a snow storm trying to make it home for Christmas.”

Jayce speaks first, “That makes no sense. I was thinking of making it me singing on stage with pictures of Kylin, Jonah, and I. Mainly Kylin and I though.”

“Now that makes no sense. They don’t deserve fame. No offense Jone.” I roll my eyes and glance at my phone. I see a text from Jayce.

Didn’t expect you here. "Jay

I signed up before I knew. :/ -Faye

“How about a concert with pictures of you and Michigan. I mean I know you miss her.”

I start to say something, but quickly shut up. Jonah catches it though. “What Faye? Got an idea?”

I shrug, “I kind of like Jayce’s. He said that Kylin wrote the song, maybe he should use her input. She obviously had some strong feelings going on.”

Ace scoffs. “I sent the b***h a text to come today, but she’s not here. So hell no.”

Jayce glares at Accalia. “Ace, she’s in Europe okay? Her aunt passed away, so she’s over there with her mom. She can’t get texts. If I had known before yesterday I would have invited her.”

“So you’d have paid for her one day over here?”

“Yes, now Ace, back off.”




© 2015 Lyna_lane

Author's Note

Still a work in progress. I write when I have time, but I'm a full time college student and I have another story I am currently working on.

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Added on January 18, 2015
Last Updated on January 18, 2015




Change Happens Change Happens

A Chapter by Lyna_lane