Chapter 12: Howl Hill

Chapter 12: Howl Hill

A Chapter by lydie

Sia stepped quietly through the grass to the fast and clear stream. She sat down hard and sighed. Sia looked at the reflection of the full moon twinkling in the glittering rushing water. The rapid creek made the reflection wave and bow and shake. "Like my life." Sia yawned. "My life is unstable." Sia explained to no one in particular. Then the tall and tan alpha wolf from the Moon Howl Pack from before loped towards her. The wolf instantly tensed when he saw her, and bared his teeth viciously. For a split second, Sia felt a small flash of fear. But Sia calmed down and forced herself to speak calmly and confidently.
"Relax, it's me, the girl you saw before. My dog-" Sia cleared her throat. "My pet-" Sia hesitated. "companion! Izzie joined your pack. You said it yourself. I won't hurt you. What's the problem?"
The strong wolf sat, but he didn't stop growling. Instead, he barked and bared his teeth. Sia didn't know if that was good or bad.
"You're on my stream! This is my territory!" The wolf barked.
Sia looked around the clearing. There was the tan territory marking of his pack all around.
"I'm sorry. But can we please share..."
"Ajax. My name is Ajax." The wolf stopped growling.
"Please, can we share Ajax!" When Ajax refused to stop snarling, Sia told him her story, right from when she escaped from her house with Izzie. While Sia explained, Ajax visibly relaxed. He lied down on his stomach and rested his head on his front paws. While Ajax patiently listened, he watched the stream rapidly go by.
"Okay. We can share the territory of Viridi Forest, Sia." Ajax yapped. Suddenly, the 7 other wolves in Ajax's pack appeared in the clearing. Ajax said with his yellow eyes, Turn into a wolf so they get used to you. So Sia morphed into her wolf form and sat up. Ajax sat too. He cleared his throat and started the introductions. There were 3 females. 1 pure white wolf with silver eyes called Twinkle. 1 caramel colored with deep brown eyes who's name was Buds. And the last female was a pure black wolf with green eyes called Jet.
 The 5 male wolves were, of course, Ajax and 4 others. Shiver was Ajax's Beta wolf, and Shiver was gray with orange eyes. Rocky was a tawny brown wolf with light brown eyes, who Sia could already see was very playful and funny. The golden yellow wolf with amber eyes was Rust. The last pack wolf was called Dawn. Dawn was a male wolf who was white, light gray, and gray with blue eyes.
Once everyone was settled, Ajax announced the monthly howling. They would go up to Howl Hill. Before they left, Sia quickly barked her brief leaving, and raced upstairs. Sia jumped against the door and it slid open 
 "Iz! Faber!" Sia barked. Izzie shot to her feet, and Faber's eyes snapped shut and whipped around like a stretched rubber band who was let go. "You guys are going to miss the monthly howling with the Howl Moon Pack on Howl Hill." Sia frowned at how many times she had said howl.
"Coming!" Izzie slipped through the still open door.
"Eh, I'd rather stay here and sleep." Faber chirped. He fluffed up his feathers and buried his head in his soft back, one of his feet disappeared in his feathers. Sia rolled her eyes and pattered through the door. Sia jumped up, grabbed the handle with her sharp teeth, and pulled. The door swung closed. Sia hurried down the winding stairs and met up to meet Izzie playing with Rocky, Jet, and Twinkle. "I bet those are his closest friends in the pack." Sia murmured. The other pack members were talking or drinking water.
"It's about time!" Ajax grinned. Sia lapped up some freezing cold water. Ajax tossed his head to the right of the stream. Shiver followed Ajax first, then the other pack members. They all ran, following Shiver and Ajax, who were following the stream. Sia ran alongside Twinkle and Jet. They had a quick conversation, and Sia discovered that they both were really kind as well. Twinkle was really curious about everything, but always polite and apologized for blurting out a personal or offensive question. Twinkle was just really caring, and never got mad. She could get annoying, but you instantly forgave Twinkle as soon as she said sorry.
Jet was more of a loving, older-sister type wolf. Jet was cooler, but got angry a bit more often then Twinkle. Jet was an awesome wolf to hang out with. Jet was cool, funny, and easy to talk to. Where as Twinkle was more excitable and not calm. Twinkle was always bouncing up and down with playful energy. Twinkle and Jet were the best of friends, and for good reason. They needed each other. Without Jet, Twinkle would not have anyone to calm her down, and Twinkle would become super hyperactive. And without Twinkle, Jet would not have anyone to excite her, and Jet would have way too much of the I-don't-care attitude. 
They were also very important wolves in the pack. Twinkle was the fastest runner and had the most stamina. Jet was the best stalker during nighttime, with her black fur and all. Jet had the most patience. Even though all that, they weren't the strongest. Ajax could easily bring down a deer, but Jet and Twinkle couldn't do that. 
Soon, they reached Howl Hill. Sia ran all the way up to the top and sat down on the summit. Howl Hill had the highest vantage point in all of Viridi Forest. The trees stopped just before the ground was starting to elevate. Howl Hill and Sia's tree were the 2 highest. Sia sucked in a breath. The view was beautiful! Howl Hill was near a corner of the forest's metal gate fence. The humans were very careful about this forest. They had guards, gates, and fences. It is the only forest left in the world untouched by man! 
Anyway, all you could see was the green leafy tops and branches of the forest trees. In the middle, where Sia's tree was, you could see the lush green grass, with her keen wolf sight. Sia's tree rose tall above the rest. The source of the stream stopped somewhere below the highest point. But as the stream ran all the way back to Sia's tree, before the running water disappeared back into the foliage, another branch of the water wrapped itself around the base of the hill, like a moat. The night sky was zaffre blue. 
Ajax cleared his throat and gave a low, quiet growl, so only Sia could hear. Sia tilted her head to the side, puzzled. "That's where I sit." Ajax growled. Sia sighed and rolled her green-gold eyes. She moved farther down the hill, but not before spraying Ajax with grass and dirt by kicking with her hind legs. Sia went to sit next to Twinkle, Jet, Izzie, and Rocky. Jet leaned over and whispered in Sia's ear.
"Nice touch, showering him in dirt."
"No problem. He is so uptight." Sia barked softly.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Twinkle stuck her snout in between the 2 wolves's necks. 
"Guys, shush. Its about to start." Rocky shook his common colored fur while saying.
"Shush, Rocky. Its about to start." Izzie mocked while smiling playfully.
"Howl Moon Pack! It is time for the monthly howling ceremony to begin! You all know how to howl, except for Izzie, a new addition to our pack. She will make our pack of 8, to 9." Ajax bayed. Every wolf turned to look at Izzie. Izzie's tail wagged, and she barked a thanks for being able to join the pack. "We also have a special guest, Sia! Sia is a... a part-time wolf in our pack." Everyone now turned to stare at Sia. Sia smiled shyly. "Now, let the howling begin!"
"Izzie, Sia. Just follow my lead!" Twinkle told us both. Then the howling began.
Ajax started, a strong, clear deep howl. Then Shiver added his voice to Ajax. Dawn went next. Then Rocky, and finally Rust. Jet then added her voice to all the males, second Buds, finally Twinkle. Izzie howled after Twinkle. Izzie's howl was unsure at first, and super high pitched. Then she learned her comfortable pitch. After, and only after Izzie found her pitch, Sia howled. Sia surprised even herself. Her voice was clear, and strong, and rang out like a bell. Jet, Twinkle, Rocky, and Izzie's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Even Shiver's howl wavered for a moment. 
The whole Howl Moon pack threw back their heads and stared up at the moon. They all carried on howling, and imagined that every one and thing that heard them that night would tremble in fear. When they were done, the Howl Moon pack followed the snaking stream back to Sia's tree. There, Izzie and Sia stopped, and the pack said their goodbyes. 
Before the pack left, Ajax told Sia, "You have a strong heart. Only a person with a good nature can howl that strongly on their first howl."
Izzie and Sia walked up the stairs, pushed open the door, and Sia polymorphed back to human. Sia closed the door and went back to her room. Izzie followed her and they both collapsed on the bed.

© 2015 lydie

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Added on November 27, 2015
Last Updated on November 29, 2015




Hello, I am 11 years old and I absolutely love animals! I love ice-cream, Nicktoons TV shows, Animal Planet, I love cooking too. I also love writing (of course)! I mainly write fiction. I also love p.. more..

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